Group of Women Krazy Glue man's penis

Yes, such a paragon of virtue David Donnissia Sr.

Man who was victim of glue-toting women is arrested
Associated Press — 8/05/2009 10:27 am

FOND DU LAC -- The eastern Wisconsin man who was the victim in a bizarre plot to punish him for disloyalty in a lover's quadrangle is in jail.

Fond du Lac Police Capt. Steven Klein said Wednesday the 36-year-old man was arrested Tuesday on allegations of child abuse, theft, unlawful phone use and harassment with a death threat in a domestic abuse investigation.
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VI, I am a man and that jerk got everything He deserved and in spades.

With the sexual transmitted diseases out there today, He should have been charged with attempted murder.

a) do you have any evidence that he had an STD or knowlingly transmited it?

b) you would be saying the samething if it was a women who had her vagina glued shut?

c) I wasnt awear that adultery was illegal in the US anymore
john so if i glued your wife (partner, GF, daughter, sister ect ect)'s vagina shut you would be saying the same thing right? "that wasnt so bad" he "should get time served and that is it"?
john so if i glued your wife (partner, GF, daughter, sister ect ect)'s vagina shut you would be saying the same thing right? "that wasn't so bad" he "should get time served and that is it"?
They are telling you that women rule...and men just follow and shut up....:D .
a) do you have any evidence that he had an STD or knowlingly transmited it?

Many do, and yes they don't care, all they are interested in is their pwn Ego.

b) you would be saying the samething if it was a women who had her vagina glued shut?

If She was doing 4 men at the same time, what would you say? Next?

c) I wasnt awear that adultery was illegal in the US anymore

Yes, Asguard such high moral standards you forward with that statement, will feel very sorry for your wife.
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john so if i glued your wife (partner, GF, daughter, sister ect ect)'s vagina shut you would be saying the same thing right? "that wasnt so bad" he "should get time served and that is it"?

he paid a penalty for what he did. there are consequences for everything and he should have thought of that before. as to your other question, i would impose a death sentence:p
john so if i glued your wife (partner, GF, daughter, sister ect ect)'s vagina shut you would be saying the same thing right? "that wasnt so bad" he "should get time served and that is it"?

that's what wedding cake is for ;)
If 4 guys grabbed a girl and glued her pussy closed (or wide open?), would the reactions be the same? Would the punishment be the same?

Sewell, Therese Ziemann, 48, of Menasha, Michelle Belliveau, 43, of Neenah, and the man's wife are charged with being party to false imprisonment, a felony. Ziemann also is charged with fourth-degree sexual assault.

Yep, for what happened a guy would probably get the same charges.

actually i think it goes further than that (but i could be wrong), for instance if someone is found to have been innocent of a crime they were convicted of then they sue for compensation under false inprisioment laws even though a court sentanced them to inprisionment
Swam i actually looked up the degrees of sexual assult (not sure if this is the right state but here goes)

sexual assault laws - rape
First-degree sexual assault
Under Wisconsin law, 1st Degree Sexual Assault is a Class B Felony subject to the penalties for a Class B Felony.

First degree sexual assault is defined by Wisconsin law (WI Stat 940.225) as any of the following criminal acts:

Sexual contact or sexual intercourse with another person without consent of that person and causing great bodily harm or impregnation; or

Sexual contact or sexual intercourse with another person without consent by use or threat of use of a dangerous weapon or any article used or fashioned in a manner to lead the victim reasonably to believe it to be a dangerous weapon; or

Aiding or abetting by one or more other persons and having sexual contact or sexual intercourse with another without consent by use or threat of use of force or violence.

Sexual assault of a minor child can also be charged as a 1st degree sexual assault crime.

Second-degree sexual assault
Wisconsin law defines second degree sexual assault as any of the following criminal acts:

Sexual contact or sexual intercourse with another person without consent by use or threat of force or violence; or

Sexual contact or sexual intercourse with another person without consent and causing injury, illness, disease or impairment of a sexual or reproductive organ, or mental anguish requiring psychiatric case for the victim; or

Sexual contact or sexual intercourse with a person known to be intoxicated, known to be unconscious, or known to suffer from diminished capacities of any sort that temporarily or permanently render the victim incapable of understanding the consequences of such conduct; or

Sexual contact or sexual intercourse with another person without consent and with the assistance of one or more other persons; or

Is an employee of a medical facility or program and has sexual contact or sexual intercourse with a resident patient; or

Is an employee of the department of corrections and has sexual contact or sexual intercourse with an inmate, unless the inmate is incarcerated for a sex crime; or

Is an employee who supervises an individual on probation, parole, or extended supervision with whom sexual contact or sexual intercourse occurs, unless the person on probation, parole or extended supervision is subject to conviction for sexual assault.

Under Wisconsin law, 2nd Degree Sexual Assault is a Class C Felony and subject to the penalties of a Class C Felony.

Third Degree Sexual Assault - Rape
Third degree sexual assault is rape. Wisconsin law defines third degree sexual assault as sexual intercourse with a person without consent of that person. Third degree sexual assault also occurs if a person intentionally ejaculates, urinates, or defecates upon any part of the body clothed or unclothed of the victim if such act was intended for purposes of sexual degradation, sexual humiliation, sexual arousal, or sexual gratification.

Under Wisconsin law, 3rd Degree Sexual Assault is a Class G Felony and subject to the penalties of a Class G Felony.

Fourth-degree Sexual Assault
Fourth-degree sexual assault is often called molestation; it is nonconsensual sexual contact with another person.

Under Wisconsin law, 4th Degree Sexual Assault is a Class A Misdemeanor.

look at the bolded part under second degree sexual assult. If this IS the relivent law then it seems these women are getting off WELL below what they should be. Actually taking into acount the fact that there was more that one person that actually apears to make it first degree
john so if i glued your wife (partner, GF, daughter, sister ect ect)'s vagina shut you would be saying the same thing right? "that wasnt so bad" he "should get time served and that is it"?

the thing is Asguard, women would be outraged if this happened to one of them.
But men don't think this way. When the guy got glued men laughed about it. In fact they are still laughing. This scenario has even shown up in Two and a Half Men. (Rose did this to Charlie)