Grim Reaper

And you do ? What then, you have no ego ? Or everybody that hasnt got the same view as you have is egoistic ? Come on.. :rolleyes:

The ego controls all of us, and if I wouldn´t have an ego, I would probably not be posting of this site; it is the ego that feels the need for answers.

2 persons with no ego, standing next to each other, would probably not say a word, because there is no need for words; words are just an interpretation of our reality, that is nowere near the truth.
Let me rephrase that, because in that context, your ego is also "God". And it is true, because God is everything; BUT the ego is the thing that keeps you from seing this perspective, the ego is that thing that keeps you from really experience God. The ego is part of God, but because of it, you don´t know it yet.

No, you say:

Because of Ego you cant see that God=Everything.
Ego keeps you from experiencing God.
Ego=God, therefore we cannot know that Ego=God

So how are you able to tell us this ? You tell us that Ego=God, therefore we cannot know that Ego=God. How do YOU KNOW !? Do you NOT HAVE an ego ? In this way you might know that Ego=God. If you DO HAVE an ego you cannot know the Ego=God and thus not able to tell us...
You are right Emmos, I do not know God.

But what I do is that I assign things that I do know to the concepts you are talking about. Would you rather call Satan a separate entity that talks to our ears in order to do bad deeds? Or do you thing that Satan is just a metaphor for our egocentric reality that makes us put ourselves before other people, making you think you are somehow more important than everybody else?
You are right Emmos, I do not know God.

But what I do is that I assign things that I do know to the concepts you are talking about. Would you rather call Satan a separate entity that talks to our ears in order to do bad deeds? Or do you thing that Satan is just a metaphor for our egocentric reality that makes us put ourselves before other people, making you think you are somehow more important than everybody else?

I do not believe in God or the Devil, and i dont think im more important than anybody else.

..Orleander, give me that recipe !! ;)
I do not believe in God or the Devil, and i dont think im more important than anybody else.

..Orleander, give me that recipe !! ;)

The fact that you preffer your comfort before the comfort of other does imply that you think you are more important than them. And from your perspective, you are more important than the people you don´t know; do you love everybody as much as you love your own self? The ego is that which makes you the center of your attention, and this is what I call the devil, Satan.
The fact that you preffer your comfort before the comfort of other does imply that you think you are more important than them.
Fact !? Did i say this ? Where ? :confused:

And from your perspective, you are more important than the people you don´t know; do you love everybody as much as you love your own self?
How do you know my perspective.. ? You dont.
Lots of people are more important than me in certain situations or certain contexts.
What has love got to do with it ?

The ego is that which makes you the center of your attention, and this is what I call the devil, Satan.
No ego is the "I" or self of a person. Ego in itself has no positive or negative value.
I think you are confusing ego with egotism.
Fact !? Did i say this ? Where ? :confused:

How do you know my perspective.. ? You dont.
Lots of people are more important than me in certain situations or certain contexts.
What has love got to do with it ?

If you would preffer the comfort of others (people you don´t know) before your own comfort, then you would be all compassionate, you would be a bodhisattva.

Love has everything to do with it, because love is one of the few emotions that doesn´t come from the ego.

No ego is the "I" or self of a person. Ego in itself has no positive or negative value.
I think you are confusing ego with egotism.

Egotism comes from the ego, where else would it come from?

If you were not controlled by your own ego, then egotism is not something that would come out of you.

And yes, ego is the "I maker", the self; but it is also a false self, because otherwise, you would be God-like.
If you would preffer the comfort of others (people you don´t know) before your own comfort, then you would be all compassionate, you would be a bodhisattva.
I value the well-being of other equally relative to my own.

Love has everything to do with it, because love is one of the few emotions that doesn´t come from the ego.
No, no-one can love someone he/she doesnt know. Its nonsense.

Egotism comes from the ego, where else would it come from?
If you were not controlled by your own ego, then egotism is not something that would come out of you.
Egotism comes from ego, correct. However, they are not the same.
The same with for instance drinking alcohol. Drunken behaviour comes from drinking alcohol, but it is not the same thing.

And yes, ego is the "I maker", the self; but it is also a false self, because otherwise, you would be God-like.
Explain, how did you arrive at this conclusion ?
Explain, how did you arrive at this conclusion ?

I just asked myself some questions like:
- Who am I, without everything I have learned from others?
- Would I be the same person if I would have being born without parents in Africa?
- Without the ego, who would I be?
- If a whole Universe is in a single atom, what about the air we breath, what about the emptiness within, the potential of the mind?

You know anger and fear comes from the ego.
I know we are energy, not matter, because matter is only energy in motion. Even emotions are energy, and it is the energy we waste until we die. If energy never dies, it only is transformed; then what happens to an emotion you had at a given time? Lets say anger; anger is energy, and once you experienced anger, that energy will be forever. You created an "anger energy", and it will never die, it will always be anger in that given moment. I just ask myself if that is what I want to contribute to the Universe? Take in consideration that anger will always be a destructive emotion.

We know that there are multiple dimensions; we live in 3 dimensions we are aware of. The fourth dimension is time, the fifth dimension is eternity, and the sixth dimension is "that which is beyond eternity".

We could not possibly be here if we were only in 3 dimensions, it is like saying something could be stuck in 2 dimensions, it will always have a third dimension, and that is how we perceive it. But if a part of ourselves is in the fourth, fifth, sixth and beyond? But we cannot perceive that.

Consider that, a part of yourself lives in the realm of eternity right now. That means you could never die, but in the third dimension, time is a constraint, that means things need to born and die in order to exist. But in the fourth dimension, time is no longer a constraint, therefore you only exist. The part of you that lives in eternity is not affected by the part of you that lives in the third dimension, but the part of you that lives in the third dimension is not aware of the part of you that lives in eternity, because of your ego. Your ego is that which is stuck in the third dimension, it needs time to exist, it needs to be born and die because of time. To say that we only live in 3 dimensions, it is like saying something has just 2 dimensions, that is not possible, it will always have a third dimension, and we know because we can perceive that.

Same happens with other dimensions, but we cannot perceive that because our ego is constrained to time, if the fourth dimension is time, how can your ego begin to grasp that? Your ego is stuck in time.

I say that if you drop the ego, you would be God-like, partly because we call God that which we don´t understand. You would be beyond time, beyond language, you would be in contact with the part of you that is beyond this third dimension; it is a part of you, you can experience it, it is our nature. In that state of Samadhi, you could only express your experience through poetry; and that is what all enlightened people have done in the past, to be God-like.
I just asked myself some questions like:
- Who am I, without everything I have learned from others?
- Would I be the same person if I would have being born without parents in Africa?
- Without the ego, who would I be?
- If a whole Universe is in a single atom, what about the air we breath, what about the emptiness within, the potential of the mind?
- Someone with little knowledge.
- No
- Unknowable.
- ? Too weird, im sorry.

You know anger and fear comes from the ego.
I know we are energy, not matter, because matter is only energy in motion. Even emotions are energy, and it is the energy we waste until we die. If energy never dies, it only is transformed; then what happens to an emotion you had at a given time? Lets say anger; anger is energy, and once you experienced anger, that energy will be forever. You created an "anger energy", and it will never die, it will always be anger in that given moment. I just ask myself if that is what I want to contribute to the Universe? Take in consideration that anger will always be a destructive emotion.
If you say matter is energy in motion, keep to it.
We are then energy in motion, not energy.
Emotion is not energy, emotion is a complex interaction between the environment, body and brain through electrical and chemical processes.
Also, all emotion has had at least in the past some evolutionary purpose.
Anger is often a response to the perception of threat due to a physical conflict, injustice, negligence, humiliation, or betrayal.
Fear is a distressing emotion caused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc, especially dread to meet or experience the danger. Fear is a defensive, survival advantage.

We know that there are multiple dimensions; we live in 3 dimensions we are aware of. The fourth dimension is time, the fifth dimension is eternity, and the sixth dimension is "that which is beyond eternity".
You made the 5th and 6th dimension up yourself, please provide proof of them.

We could not possibly be here if we were only in 3 dimensions, it is like saying something could be stuck in 2 dimensions, it will always have a third dimension, and that is how we perceive it. But if a part of ourselves is in the fourth, fifth, sixth and beyond? But we cannot perceive that.
Why cant we be in only 3 dimensions ? Provide proof of that.

Consider that, a part of yourself lives in the realm of eternity right now. That means you could never die, but in the third dimension, time is a constraint, that means things need to born and die in order to exist. But in the fourth dimension, time is no longer a constraint, therefore you only exist. The part of you that lives in eternity is not affected by the part of you that lives in the third dimension, but the part of you that lives in the third dimension is not aware of the part of you that lives in eternity, because of your ego. Your ego is that which is stuck in the third dimension, it needs time to exist, it needs to be born and die because of time. To say that we only live in 3 dimensions, it is like saying something has just 2 dimensions, that is not possible, it will always have a third dimension, and we know because we can perceive that.
See answers to 3 and 4.

Same happens with other dimensions, but we cannot perceive that because our ego is constrained to time, if the fourth dimension is time, how can your ego begin to grasp that? Your ego is stuck in time.
Says who ? Again, provide proof.

I say that if you drop the ego, you would be God-like, partly because we call God that which we don´t understand. You would be beyond time, beyond language, you would be in contact with the part of you that is beyond this third dimension; it is a part of you, you can experience it, it is our nature. In that state of Samadhi, you could only express your experience through poetry; and that is what all enlightened people have done in the past, to be God-like.
Proof needed. Its all too outlandish to even respond to.
Sooooooo, how bout that Grim Reaper?
Do people supposedly see him before they die or when they die and he takes them where ever?
Sooooooo, how bout that Grim Reaper?
Do people supposedly see him before they die or when they die and he takes them where ever?

he already have us in his hands...
