Great Explanation of Global Flood Model

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You are the one who started on about decorations. I was just attracted to the bright baubles. Don't mislead poor Darwinists with your promise of decorations, then renege. It is very cruel.
Saquist - don't you think this could be evidence of the power of the story rather than evidence that it happened. The scientific evidence of a global flood is non-existent! There are also many other problems:

  • Any 'Noah' would have to travel the world for millenia to get samples of every species. We are still finding new species today.
  • Salt water species would also be wiped out - unless it was sea water - in which case, most fresh water creatures would have died.
  • Most plants die after a lengthy flood - there would be an obvious lack of food until seeds could grow again (several weeks after the flood).
  • Carnivores would eat all the herbivores, and then starve without fresh meat.
  • The global distribution of species is not uniform. There are no penguins in the Arctic, or polar bears in the Antarctic, or kangaroos in the northern hemisphere, or red squirrels in the USA. How did all these species land up only in certain places if they all spread from a single Ark? Don't tell me the kangeroos all hopped to Australia before they had offspring.
  • Conversely, how did species that occur everywhere get all round the world (even between continents with no land bridges).

It is an allegory, a myth - and as such a very good one (as shown by the fact that it occurs in so many cultures). Allegorical truth is a form of truth (like the parables or myths - they express human truths without needing to be literally true).

To claim that Genesis is history just bucks the evidence, and all common sense!

Under the parameters you listed yes, you're correct. But I feel obligated to point out that your list is contingent on maintaining the status quo of global events equidistant receeding into the past. The truth is that scientific data is highly limited and far from what can be called conclusive.

But consider that all these people have a similar flood legend. So similar the strength of the story has survived for thousands of years. If we can not trust this...what historical writing can we trust and how much weight shall we place on distant and interpretable scientific facts over eye witness accounts?
But consider that all these people have a similar flood legend. So similar the strength of the story has survived for thousands of years. If we can not trust this...what historical writing can we trust and how much weight shall we place on distant and interpretable scientific facts over eye witness accounts?

A catastrophic local event (like the Black Sea flooding), would cause a large portion of the population that lived in that region to be relocated all over the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. The retelling of the story would grow and every interation would become more fantastic and involve more and more people. Everyone would want to take part in the story, to get pity, free stuff, etc. Eventually, the story becomes legend, and instead of just effecting the local population, it effects the whole world.

The same would happen with the animals. Some farmer saved a cow and a couple of goats on a boat, and it gets turned into the Ark. I'm not saying this is what happened, but it is MORE LIKELY than a single family gathering up 2 of every animal on the planet.
Look up "syngameons" on Google and tell me how many results you get. I'm just curious.
Well, since you stated before that "syngameons" is a widely used term by professional biologists, I'm sure that it would get around 10,000,000,000 results like terms such as "phylum" do.
Yes, IAC, that's the point. LOL!!! :bravo: ("a piece of horse shit" returns thousands of results)
Hey IAC, I'm genuinely interested: Do you really believe that the whole bible is to be taken literally?
Anyway, this thread is about the Global Flood Model geology, so run along.

Correction: This thread is about the Catastrophic Plate Tectonics hypothesis, which is one of many global flood models.

But I can understand why you'd rather not discuss syngameons. ;)
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