Gravity Problem Solved

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That's closer.

Oh,you're something major for sure - a major WOO-WOO!

You haven't one single microscopic shred of evidence to support your wacko idea. And you aren't even bright enough (despite your claimed prowess) to present the math that you claim would be evidence of it.

You do absolutely nothing but talk, talk, talk. But talk is cheap - show some EVIDENCE (if you think you even have any!).
For people with lateral thinking only:

I have recently deduced that dark matter (DM) exists at the center of the Earth, the Moon and the stars. This would mean that previous calculations of their masses would all be underestimates.

Oh dear, you clearly don't understand what dark matter is.

The masses of the bodies you mentioned are all well estimated, and we have used these figures to successfully plan space flights and sling shot manoeuvres, and predict the paths of comets and asteroids.

Dark matter is required to explain large scale gravitational interactions, not local ones in our own Solar System.

Also, you linked to the Wikipedia article on dark matter, and the first line says;

" dark matter is hypothetical matter that does not interact with the electromagnetic force"

So if dark matter is at the centre of the Earth, where does the Earth's magnetic field come from, or do you propose a molten iron core around your proposed core of dark matter, and if so, how would that affect the flux?
So if dark matter is at the centre of the Earth, where does the Earth's magnetic field come from, or do you propose a molten iron core around your proposed core of dark matter..

Well done, you're answering your own questions. I know how good the standard model is. DM at the center of stars would solve the Missing Mass Problem. The reason for the current confusion is that the accepted results for the Cavendish experiment are clearly wrong. On a scaled down version, the Earth would be about the size of your eye and the Moon would be size of a pea held at arms length. Even if they were made of everyday magnets there still wouldn't be enough attractive force between them to sustain an equivalent orbit. The Wikipedia entry alludes to the fact that repeats of the experiment gives highly varying values.

The other important concept to consider is that I propose long-period comets contain DM but short-period ones do not. This means that Halley's return was predicted with accuracy because it is composed solely of baryonic matter.
The other important concept to consider is that I propose long-period comets contain DM but short-period ones do not. This means that Halley's return was predicted with accuracy because it is composed solely of baryonic matter.

How convinient.:rolleyes:
Well done, you're answering your own questions. I know how good the standard model is. DM at the center of stars would solve the Missing Mass Problem. The reason for the current confusion is that the accepted results for the Cavendish experiment are clearly wrong. On a scaled down version, the Earth would be about the size of your eye and the Moon would be size of a pea held at arms length. Even if they were made of everyday magnets there still wouldn't be enough attractive force between them to sustain an equivalent orbit. The Wikipedia entry alludes to the fact that repeats of the experiment gives highly varying values.

The other important concept to consider is that I propose long-period comets contain DM but short-period ones do not. This means that Halley's return was predicted with accuracy because it is composed solely of baryonic matter.

Pure balderdash! Please show PROOF that the Cavendish experirement produced wrong results!!!:bugeye:
Well done, you're answering your own questions.

I asked you what a core of DM inside the Earth's molten iron core would do to the flux, and you haven't answered.

Also, DM is called so, because the distribution of mass we can see, doesn't account for the gravitational effects in large scale.

If DM were inside stars etc, the mass in the observed universe would account for the gravitational effects, and we'd not have a discrepancy to account for, so would not have invented DM to account for it. Get where this is going?
I asked you what a core of DM inside the Earth's molten iron core would do to the flux, and you haven't answered.

Also, DM is called so, because the distribution of mass we can see, doesn't account for the gravitational effects in large scale.

If DM were inside stars etc, the mass in the observed universe would account for the gravitational effects, and we'd not have a discrepancy to account for, so would not have invented DM to account for it. Get where this is going?

Maybe he is right and we have to create a new type of matter to fill in the gap that dark matter does not now fill according to him.
The thought experiment alone should be enough. It does require an imagination though.

Exactly what I expected from you - no answer and nothing but more hot air.

You, sir (and I use that term very loosely), are nothing but a waste of human protoplasm. No brain, no reasoning ability at all.
Maybe he is right and we have to create a new type of matter to fill in the gap that dark matter does not now fill according to him.

Actually, he's as wrong as a fish in a desert. No sense and NO scientific understanding whatsoever.
I'm starting on my maths proof from today. The problem lies with Cavendish's assumption of Newton's law of gravitation when calculating the Earth's density. It won't be long before there is a new alternative idea of gravity. The Dark Matter At The Center Of The Earth Theory.

Watch this space.
I'm starting on my maths proof from today. The problem lies with Cavendish's assumption of Newton's law of gravitation when calculating the Earth's density. It won't be long before there is a new alternative idea of gravity. The Dark Matter At The Center Of The Earth Theory.

Watch this space.

Listen, you clearly don't understand why 'dark matter' is referred to as such, it is because the masses of the OBSERVED bodies, such as the earth, and stars, do not account for large scale gravitational phenomena.

If you put DM into the OBSERVED bodies, you need something else to explain large scale gravitation.

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