Gravity Problem Solved

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That's great, but I'd rather see scientific evidence to substantiate your breakthrough. If you have any, please share.

No it is not. The mantle is very hot solid rock. It is able to deform plastically over long periods, but it is not a liquid. Think silly putty- pull it slowly and it stretches and deforms, but pull it quickly and it snaps.[/QUOTE

found my own answer forget it
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Why don't everyday objects attract one another then? Even in a vacuum?.
They do, just not much. The 'G' in $$F = \frac{GMm}{r^{2}}$$ is approximately $$6 \times 10^{-11}$$. That means that the force between two 1kg rocks a metre apart is $$6 \times 10^{-11}$$ Newtons. Not very much. However, the force between an object of mass 1kg and another object of mass $$6 \times 10^{24}$$ kilograms at a distance of about 6,400,000 metres is about 9.8Newtons. How do I know? Because gravitational acceleration due to the Earth's gravity is 9.8m/s^2, I just gave you the mass and radius of the Earth and I know about Newton's shell theorem.

And if you want a different source from Wikipedia, try opening the high school physics textbook you so obviously ignored when you were in school.
I assume you all saw Prof Brain Cox on BBC4 last night, talking about the start-up of the LHC on the 10th September. The Higgs Boson has a ZERO% chance of being found. I bet you're all into a Higgs Field scenario, aren't you? Just wait and see o' yee of little faith.

BTW, the rise of the seawater is around 1 meter, the rise of the Earth Tide wouldn't need to be so great. Atmospheric Tides are also predicted to be produced from my simple theory. Solar radiation also plays a major role in these though, since it is responsible for the evaporation of the seawater, giving us thermals and wind which would interact with the Atmospheric Tidal effect.
One of the most obvious reasons of why Newton's universal law of gravitation must be wrong is the simple fact that everyday objects simply don't stick to one another in a gravitational manner, even in a vacuum. I've seen televised zero-gravity experiments aboard the shuttle, where rocks were fired at one another to see whether they would coalesce, simulating the accretion of micro-asteroids to form larger ones. ABSOLUTELY ZERO SUCCESS. Surprise, surprise. Still the penny doesn't drop.

You seem to be conflating some things here. Coalescing is a test of the physical properties of the material, not a test of gravitational attraction.

Also, as Newton's law makes accurate enough predictions, clearly it is correct.
Also, as Newton's law makes accurate enough predictions, clearly it is correct.

You are way off. Try reading up on the NASA search for the Pioneer 10 & 11 probe gravity anomalies.

Also the Moon moving away is NOT due to the imparting of angular momentum. If it was, then the MOON WOULD BE SPINNING AS WELL!! :rolleyes:

It Is TRUE that the highest tides are on the west coast of a continent when just considering the Earth-Moon system where ocean currents due to temperature variation are ignored. I predict that the Hudson Bay gravity anomaly is also influential, and will be found by the GOCE satellite to be due to core material embedded in the crust from an ancient meteor impact event.


AL :)
I assume you all saw Prof Brain Cox on BBC4 last night, talking about the start-up of the LHC on the 10th September. The Higgs Boson has a ZERO% chance of being found. I bet you're all into a Higgs Field scenario, aren't you? Just wait and see o' yee of little faith.
No, I didn't see it. Though I know plenty of people who work or have worked at CERN. My PhD supervisor and her husband met there, they are both theoretical physicists. A guy I share an office with spent 6 weeks there this summer. I was trying to get a place there for 3 months from this October, as part of my PhD, but it didn't pan out.

I bet you don't even know how the Higgs mechanism works. Would you care to walk us through how to use spontaneous symmetry breaking of a scalar field to induce masses via Yukawa couplings within a massless QFT Lagrangian?

I bet you can't.
And what of the mechanism which transfers your angular momentum? If it is a particle, it would need to have a high mass, would it not?

Does a graviton have mass?

AL ;)
AlphaNumeric, you say that science has shown that everyday particles attract each other, but not by very much. Doesn't it concern you that it is clearly not enough to join two colliding asteroids together, which is routinely portrayed on TV, such as in 'The Power Of The Planet'. :)
No I can't. But I bet that doesn't mean that my theory has no merit.
So you criticise a theory you know nothing about?
And what of the mechanism which transfers your angular momentum? If it is a particle, it would need to have a high mass, would it not?

Does a graviton have mass?
Angular momentum can be transfered by any force, but in the case of gravitational interactions, yes it would be the graviton. The graviton has no rest mass but it still carries momentum. Just as the photon and gluons do. They too have no rest mass but have momentum.

Learn some relativity.
Doesn't it concern you that it is clearly not enough to join two colliding asteroids together, which is routinely portrayed on TV, such as in 'The Power Of The Planet'.
Why should that concern me? I learn science from books, papers and lectures, not TV shows. I'm intelligent enough to understand the actual science, not have to be wowed by fancy graphics. :rolleyes:
Why should that concern me? I learn science from books, papers and lectures, not TV shows. I'm intelligent enough to understand the actual science, not have to be wowed by fancy graphics. :rolleyes:

AlphaNumeric, are you saying that the graphical representation of two asteroids colliding which then join together as a single whole is scientifically incorrect?
You are way off. Try reading up on the NASA search for the Pioneer 10 & 11 probe gravity anomalies.

Er, just try dropping an object, and see if it accelerates as Newton's laws predict. Use those laws to predict the orbits of planets. It works. It is correct. A few anomalies don't invalidate the theories, it just means some other factor is in play.

btw, don't use old credentials to try and prove your point;

BSc Astronomy with Computing, former computer modeller for the MoD, Defence Research Agency, Farnborough, UK

The DRA were rebadged DERA 'Defense Evaluation Research Agency', and then rebranded as 'Qinetiq' in 2001. I think the transition from DRA to DERA was in the mid nineties, meaning you are harping back over 13 years to get your ex MoD credentials established. That is rather pathetic.

Shame you are a former employee, as I know people still in the game. I could ask if they knew any nutters.
Er, just try dropping an object, and see if it accelerates as Newton's laws predict. Use those laws to predict the orbits of planets. It works. It is correct. A few anomalies don't invalidate the theories, it just means some other factor is in play.

btw, don't use old credentials to try and prove your point;

Just because it seems to work very well doesn't necessarily mean it is correct. My alternative theory also works very well. The super-dense core of a planetismal is proportional to it's total size. All the maths is then pretty much the same.

It's the common sense aspect of simply seeing that the Sun's gravity is seen to affect the tides, but nothing else. Why can't you sense the Sun's gravity as it rises in the morning?

The rest was just being honest.
If you have a BSc in astronomy, you'd know your 'explaination' is completely crap, because it's not able to predict anything quantitative. Go on, post the scientific background. And being a computer modeller doesn't make you right. My father is a professor in computational fluid dynamics and have done contract work with Lockheed, Boeing, Airbus, the eurofighter and the supersonic car and he doesn't know the first thing about this kind of physics.

Is daddy your role model?
It's the common sense aspect of simply seeing that the Sun's gravity is seen to affect the tides, but nothing else.
Whatever makes you think that? The Sun's gravity affects the Earth itself (google "Earth tides") and you, for example.
Why can't you sense the Sun's gravity as it rises in the morning?
Snide answer: For the same reason that you can't sense the Earth's gravity. Think of it this way: Astronauts onboard the space station experience about 90% of the gravitational force they experience while on the surface of the Earth, yet they feel weightless while onboard the station. Nothing, including you, can directly sense gravitational force.

The answer you don't want: Your apparent weight, the weight measured by a spring scale, is affected by the Sun. For example, the apparent weight of a 150 lb person is about 0.1 grains (force) greater at noon than at midnight -- which is such a tiny amount that you cannot feel it.

The rest was just being honest.
Riiight, like you were being truthful about having a BSc in Astronomy and don't even know the basics of orbital mechanics.
150 lb person is about 0.1 grains (force) greater at noon than at midnight -- which is such a tiny amount that you cannot feel it.

You're missing the common sense part. Why is the Sun's gravitational influence on the oceans so many orders of magnitude greater than this?
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