Grave Injustice, Ten years for consentual sex.

Still think the whole system of justice in most parts of the world is disgraceful and wrong though because it's inconsistent.

The world is made up of many different types of people with many varying beliefs and opinions - mostly completely inconsistent. So why do you think the system of justice should be consistent throughout the world?

I mean, seriously, if the people of Georgia want to enact a law, why should that same law have to hold for all the people/socieities in the world? Or even, for that matter, for all the states in the USA? Shouldn't Georgians have the right to enact their own laws (as long as it's in keeping with federal guidelines, etc)?

But what strikes me as odd, strange, is how, in this thread, there's a distinct group of people who somehow feel that from one age, or even the difference between ages, one group is perfectly innocent, yet ...just a year difference, they're all ready to throw the guy in jail?! I mean and when does it change from innocent sex to peadophilia; from something good to something horrid and appaulling?

Baron Max
The world is made up of many different types of people with many varying beliefs and opinions - mostly completely inconsistent. So why do you think the system of justice should be consistent throughout the world?

That wasn't what I said. I said the systems are inconsistent with themselves, and should be consistent. It's already been mentioned a teacher who had sex with a student only got 90 days. Now who was far more in the wrong(even by law)?
Now that we're on the subject though should peadophilia itself have the same definition worldwide? If having sex with a 17 year old is peadophilia in same places but isn't in others then what someone may or may not be, can depend entirely on where in the world they visit.
this is not right...if anyone wants to have sex...its their decision not governments!

So if an old peadophile can talk a little 8-year old girl into playing a fun little "game" with him, and the little girl happily agrees, and they have sex, then you think it should be okay? ...that the cops/authorities shouldn't have anything to say about it?

Somehow I just doubt that you'd agree with that ....and yet that's essentially what you proposed/suggested.

Baron Max
So if an old peadophile can talk a little 8-year old girl into playing a fun little "game" with him, and the little girl happily agrees, and they have sex, then you think it should be okay? ...that the cops/authorities shouldn't have anything to say about it?

Somehow I just doubt that you'd agree with that ....and yet that's essentially what you proposed/suggested.

Baron Max

obviously that is wrong.
I am just saying that sex between 14 years old and 13 year old is not wrong if they are mature enough to contemplate it.
.... I said the systems are inconsistent with themselves, and should be consistent. It's already been mentioned a teacher who had sex with a student only got 90 days. Now who was far more in the wrong(even by law)?

So are you saying that "extenuating circumstances" shouldn't be permitted in a court of law? That all cases of, say, murder, if convicted, then regardless of the circumstances, they should all serve exactly the same sentence?

I think that could be pretty harsh on some murders, yet unduly lenient on others. I.e., all murders are not the same! Thus all sentences shouldn't be the same.

Baron Max

If you need a highschool teacher how to bed a woman, you are a failure as a man.
So are you saying that "extenuating circumstances" shouldn't be permitted in a court of law? That all cases of, say, murder, if convicted, then regardless of the circumstances, they should all serve exactly the same sentence?

I think that could be pretty harsh on some murders, yet unduly lenient on others. I.e., all murders are not the same! Thus all sentences shouldn't be the same.

Baron Max

Why should a sentence be so grossly different? There a different types of murder as in pre-meditated or spontaneous, but why shouldn't all pre-meditated murder have the same(or at least very similar) sentence? Does it make a difference if they were chopped up into little pieces or just slashed once? How much of a difference? Either way this is off topic.
Extenuating circumstances is entirely different, that doesn't apply in these cases, a teacher having sex with a student alone is taking advantage of their position, presuming the student is also below the age of consent, although the teacher is older than this kid, then it's by far a greater example of peadophilia, yet only 90 days as punishment? Compared to 10 years? Do you seriously believe there are any extenuating circumstances that warrant such a difference? If anything the punishments should be the other way round, and without knowing the full details that's possibly harsh on the teacher but at least more just.