Gospel of Barnabas

Enigma'07 said:
Just because the Bible wasn't compleatly written when Jesus was alive doesn't mean that Christ wasn't God. I also believe in the power of God which can cause people to turn around 180 degrees.

Sup enigma :) ,
I too believe that someone can turn 180 if God wants it however one has to think.....did Paul/Saul teach the same message that Jesus(saws) taught? for example how did it become acceptable for Christians to eat pork? did Jesus(saws) say it? nope as a matter of fact Jesus(saws) used to cast demons into "swine" but Paul/saul claimed in a dream Jesus(saws) said it was ok to eat :confused: why would that be? I can tell you it was probably because Paul/Saul brought Christianity to the Romans who were well known for having huge feasts with alotta pork and he knew that they would never change all their ways so why not let the message meet them half-way?(pauls thinking not mine) this also explains where the trinity came from because the Romans also were not monotheistic so it would be easier for them to accept a religion with more than one God........peace
M*W: No, Paul didn't "write" the gospels, but he "commissioned" them to be written. Matthew, Mark and Luke, never knew Jesus at all. John, on the other hand, may have known Jesus, but current scholars today believe that that the gospel of "John" was actually written by MM -- the "Beloved Disciple."

Matthew, Mark, Luke DID know Jesus. they were His disciples and walked with Him. Scholars of what?! Mary of Magdaline was not one of the 12, although she may have been a follower.
Surrender, I suggest you go read some of the Bible over again or at least refer to a more trustworthy source. Paul did not have the vision but Peter.
I too believe that someone can turn 180 if God wants it however one has to think.....did Paul/Saul teach the same message that Jesus(saws) taught? for example how did it become acceptable for Christians to eat pork? did Jesus(saws) say it? nope as a matter of fact Jesus(saws) used to cast demons into "swine" but Paul/saul claimed in a dream Jesus(saws) said it was ok to eat why would that be? I can tell you it was probably because Paul/Saul brought Christianity to the Romans who were well known for having huge feasts with alotta pork and he knew that they would never change all their ways so why not let the message meet them half-way?(pauls thinking not mine) this also explains where the trinity came from because the Romans also were not monotheistic so it would be easier for them to accept a religion with more than one God........peace

Hey Surrenderer,
Paul did teach the same. Jesus and Peter were of seperate eras because after Christ's resserection, the Law of Moses was no longer needed because the sacrafice had been given. Peter did not want to eat pork, that is why the vision reepeated itself 3 times. God wanted to say that you are now free from the Law. I don't see how the trinity is an example of polytheism bacause if it were, they would have to be three seperate gods, not one and the same.

I have a question. I have noticed that Mulims put "Jesus (saws)". Why?
okinrus said:
Surrender, I suggest you go read some of the Bible over again or at least refer to a more trustworthy source. Paul did not have the vision but Peter.

With all do respect i think YOU should read the bible yourself because it was Paul/Saul who had the "vision" on the road to Demascus and he supposedly lost his sight for 3 days after which he became a convert to christianity(Acts chapter 9)
You confused us because you start out talking about Paul, and then start talking about a vision Peter had.
Enigma'07 said:
Matthew, Mark, Luke DID know Jesus. they were His disciples and walked with Him. Scholars of what?! Mary of Magdaline was not one of the 12, although she may have been a follower.
M*W: I beseech you to do some research. Matthew, Mark and Luke, didn't walk with Jesus. They came after Jesus' time. MM, however, did walk with him as she was his wife. She is also the goddess of the temple. In those days, they called her a "temple prostitute." One who heals through sexual intercourse. Jesus loved her more than he loved God.
Enigma'07 said:
You confused us because you start out talking about Paul, and then start talking about a vision Peter had.
M*W: Paul had the vision. Peter didn't have a vision. Paul was epileptic, and that is what caused his "vision." Paul NEVER KNEW JESUS!
Enigma'07 said:
You confused us because you start out talking about Paul, and then start talking about a vision Peter had.

ummmm.....I never mentioned Peter.....but anyway muslims say (saws) after we mention any Prophet of God(I wont bore you with the arabic :) ) we dont just say it with Jesus(saws) but with any of the prophets outta respect.....peace
You, however, are falsely assuming Barnabas knew Jesus during his life on earth when only the gospel of Barnabas says so.

Hehe, anyone find that statement ironic? Some realize that point and use that statement to defend the Bible, but can't realize it when that statement is used against the Bible itself. "When ONLY the gospel of Barnabas says so.." lol.. Let's switch gospel of Barnabas to Bible. :p

- N
You said that Paul was the one who had the dream of the forbidden food, and that is two mistakes. This wasn't a dream but a vision and it was Peter who was given the vision. While it is true that Paul was given a vision at conversion, Paul did not mentioned it having anything to do with food.

"nope as a matter of fact Jesus(saws) used to cast demons into "swine" but Paul/saul claimed in a dream Jesus(saws) said it was ok to eat "
Your original words. Acts 10:13 "A voice said to him, 'Get up, Peter. Slaughter and eat." But Peter said, 'Certainly not, sir. For never have I eaten anything profane and unclean. 'The voice spoke to him a second time, 'What God has made clean, you are not to call profane.' This happened three times and then the object was taken up to the sky."
Hehe, anyone find that statement ironic? Some realize that point and use that statement to defend the Bible, but can't realize it when that statement is used against the Bible itself. "When ONLY the gospel of Barnabas says so.." lol.. Let's switch gospel of Barnabas to Bible.
Historians often times use credible documents or documents they know were written at such and such a time to disprove forgeries. There does not seem to be any reason to reject the accounts in the Bible concerning Barnabas because there's no pretense for someone lying.
There does not seem to be any reason to reject the accounts in the Bible concerning Barnabas because there's no pretense for someone lying.

No pretense for lying? With a zealous army of 2 billion strong that do as you write? Mm-hmm..

- N
surenderer said:
Hey Guys,
I was wondering how some of the Christians on these forums felt about Barnabas I mean he was a disciple and he knew Jesus(saws) better than any of the other Disciples
same reason musims don't use the ba'hai or sikh writtings as truth

This shows that the Gospel of Barnabas was in circulation in the first and second centuries of Christianity.
if you want to know the answer go to Bible College, you should learn much there
This topic isnt meant to disrespect Christians I'm only (as a muslim) wondering how you guys feel about this....peace to you :)
gee thanks, so kind of you ;) :p
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Paul had the vision. Peter didn't have a vision. Paul was epileptic, and that is what caused his "vision." Paul NEVER KNEW JESUS!
you have the wrong epileptic, it was Mohammad, he of the falling down need a blanket to cover me guy.
Both Paul & Peter had visions, diff times & things, wrong again MW
Medicine Woman said:
MM, however, did walk with him as she was his wife. She is also the goddess of the temple. In those days, they called her a "temple prostitute." One who heals through sexual intercourse. Jesus loved her more than he loved God.
You are talking as if you walked with MM & Jesus.
Randolfo said:
same reason musims don't use the ba'hai or sikh writtings as truth

if you want to know the answer go to Bible College, you should learn much there
gee thanks, so kind of you ;) :p

Well if i wanted to know the bible colleges answer i would have went there but i wanted to know the Christians answers from those on these forums. The reason i said i meant no disrespect for christianity is because it is against my religion to disrespect yours(something obviously you know dont believe :rolleyes: ) this isnt about Islam I havent mentioned it at all(except to say i was a muslim)
okinrus said:
You said that Paul was the one who had the dream of the forbidden food, and that is two mistakes. This wasn't a dream but a vision and it was Peter who was given the vision. While it is true that Paul was given a vision at conversion, Paul did not mentioned it having anything to do with food.

Your original words. Acts 10:13 "A voice said to him, 'Get up, Peter. Slaughter and eat." But Peter said, 'Certainly not, sir. For never have I eaten anything profane and unclean. 'The voice spoke to him a second time, 'What God has made clean, you are not to call profane.' This happened three times and then the object was taken up to the sky."

My apologies i thought we were talking about two different things....as far as Peter's vision of food one must remember Peter's relationship with Paul/Saul. One question i have for you is.....why didnt Jesus(saws) revel any of this why he was "alive"? couldnt me and you say that someone came to us in a vision/dream and told us to do something that for centuries before had been illegal/immoral? who would believe us? especially if the person who came to us told us the exact opposite while they were alive.....i ask these questions only out of curiosity not disrespect for christians.....peace
My apologies i thought we were talking about two different things....as far as Peter's vision of food one must remember Peter's relationship with Paul/Saul. One question i have for you is.....why didnt Jesus(saws) revel any of this why he was "alive"?
Jesus said that what enters our stomach does not defile us but what comes out of our mouth. But Jesus also said that not one iota will be removed from the law until all is fullfilled, and most people see Jesus fullfilling the law by his crucifixion.

couldnt me and you say that someone came to us in a vision/dream and told us to do something that for centuries before had been illegal/immoral?
The problem is not whether eating pork is illegal but what God requires from someone his people. Jews currently do not believe that the Gentiles are obligated to observe their law but the laws given to Noah. Once Jewish people broke the Old Covenant and God bonded his people to the New Covenant, his people do have to follow the old but the new.
M*W: I beseech you to do some research. Matthew, Mark and Luke, didn't walk with Jesus. They came after Jesus' time.

I apologize for giving incorrect information. Mark was not a disciple and Luke was not a disciple, but Matthew was. Although from what I read, Mark was present when Jesus was arrested.
Matthew 10:2-4
Now the names of the twelw apostles are these: The first Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; and James the son of zebedee, and John him brother; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Zelot and and Judas Iscariot, the one who betrayed Him.

MM, however, did walk with him as she was his wife. She is also the goddess of the temple. In those days, they called her a "temple prostitute." One who heals through sexual intercourse. Jesus loved her more than he loved God.

Were is you evidance? DaVinci Code? Jesus loves every one, yet he cannot love them more than God. It is a lie to say such things.

M*W: Paul had the vision. Peter didn't have a vision. Paul was epileptic, and that is what caused his "vision." Paul NEVER KNEW JESUS!

Peter DID have a vision. It was of a sheet coming down from the sky full of unclean animals. Peter was then told to kill and eat, but he refused and it apeared twice more to him. Where is your evidence that Paul was epileptic?