Gospel of Barnabas proves modern Christianity Wrong

nkumar said:
No all the religions are not as fanatic as yours

Hmm...Although I don't agree with your comment but anyways you are entitled to your beliefs. But judgeing from your name it seems that you are a Hindu. If indeed then is true that I would have to tell you that your Vedas has a lot of war in it, and also the Caste system.

Its good seeing a muslim saying this. I thanks to the goodness that some peace loving muslims are there.I appericiate you deeply from my non muslim heart as you says this in the end of every posts(all most).
;) so as you say Peace be unto you

Peace be unto you too :)
786 said:
I have already apologized for the title, as it doesn't fit the purpose of the thread. I guess I was wrong. But simply put I don't think the Jews did 9/11.

Well, that's a start. At least you can accept how people understand that 9/11 was done, indeed, in the name of islam. In fact, when one examines the Quran, it seems quite likely that this position is supported by islamic theology. So we're making progress.

Well you must first understand that this is a war, this can be understood if you read verse 12. The breaking of the "oath", "pledge", or "treaty" by the Meccans is talking about the Treaty of Hudaybiyah(spelling? :confused: )

Yes, but the text says nothing at all about it being specifically related to the Treaty of Hudaybiyah. There is absolutely nothing whatever that specifies a particular treaty in this passage. The Sura then becomes a general commandment upon all muslims to wage war; for, in the eyes of Mohammed, there is no greater deed for Allah than war in his name. I submit that this generalist interpretation is, of course, also the continual interpretation of Wahhabis, and of many muslims in the Middle East.

I might pose the point another way: should all Christians fight muslims, then? Should secularists and athiests also find them "whereever [they] find them"? Would this also be favourable and fair to you? And who is to say who started the war? Is it always the "kufr", then? Muslims are incapable of starting conflicts? This is ludicrous.

If they convert to Islam meaning become Muslim why would they be fighting the Prophet himself. This is common sense. So yes don't fight those you have converted to Islam, because since they have converted, they would stop fighting you. I think this is common sense.

And it also places a religious stop, not a political one, to war. Is it then fair, by islamic reasoning, for Christians to make war on muslim nations until they are converted? Can the Israelis do the same?

YUSUFALI: If one amongst the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah; and then escort him to where he can be secure. That is because they are men without knowledge.
PICKTHAL: And if anyone of the idolaters seeketh thy protection (O Muhammad), then protect him so that he may hear the Word of Allah, and afterward convey him to his place of safety. That is because they are a folk who know not.
SHAKIR: And if one of the idolaters seek protection from you, grant him protection till he hears the word of Allah, then make him attain his place of safety; this is because they are a people who do not know.

You see that it isn't converting them. It is actually common sense what the verse says. If the Pagan asks for asylum (protection) grant it to them or him, "SO" they may hear the world of Allah. It doesn't use the word convert or forceful conversion of anytype.

And what happens if they refuse islam after they've heard this somewhat skewed message? Dhimmitude? It would seem so. But they wouldn't be allowed to practice their religion openly, on pain of death. The same applies to the jizya - would it be fair, then, for Western nations to impose additional taxes on muslims? Why or why not? Of course "Taxing the people hardly seems like something inhumane", but it is monstrously unfair when belonging to a particular religious group effectively doubles your taxes with less legal recourse than any muslim, while muslim taxes are effectively voluntary. This sort of system is known as "economic slavery", where the oppressed finance the oppressors and their military endeavours. Does this seem fair to you? If you had any common sense, you would see that it didn't.

No I don't claim that this is time bound, but it is "event" bound. If you are in a War then this applies. This is not for a war that was fought 1400 years ago, but it is for all wars that Muslims fight. So you are right that the language contains no such perogative but it isn't supposed to.

Ah - at last we are agreed. Sura 9 is to be interpreted now, and for all time in the dealings of muslims with others. Forced conversion or dhimmitude or death is to be the norm in war with islam, whatever that war might be based in. A question: what about those who leave islam? I think you already mentioned it, but you might as well do so again. Also, I know three women who left islam, and helped a couple of them to do it (one went Christian (United, I think), one Jewish and one secular). What, then, is my punishment in islam?

Here is your mistake, you confuse people with religion. You mix the so called "followers" by the religion. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (religions) all allow the killing of the apostates. It is just the matter of fact that Jews and Christians don't follow their religion.

As a secularist with friends in both the latter religions, I can say that this is a monstrous lie. First, you'd need to prove to me where Jews indicate that they can kill those who leave Judaism, and then where that writing is known to be 'divine' in origin. For the follow-up insult to the Christians, you'd have to prove to me where Jesus mandated death for those that left Christianity.

It is just the fact that Muslims follow the religion, and the Jews and Christians don't.

This is another monstrous lie, based on your mere interpretation. Frankly, it is clear that islam is a lesser recycling of old Christian and Jewish sects, basing its claim to superiority on the basis of supposed texts that were re-written and then vanished. If you think that murder begets good religion, then frankly you're not one to think too hard about things. You were wise not to endorse the site - I wouldn't have.

"I have to admit that they might have been treated harshly, but not as hard as the Christians had treated the Jews. "

As I said said above, that you cannot ascribe this treatment to the religion. If you don't understand this concept then discussion with me is useless.

My point was that islamic theology permits this action. Christian theology does not, unless "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is somehow unclear to you. I think perhaps you need to do some re-thinking so as to sort out the logical issues before continuing to post on this issue.

So believe if you want to, and refuse if you want to, because "there is no compulsion in religion". This arguement can be further supported if you read chapter 109.

Regrets, but Sura 109 was 'revealed' prior to Sura 2, and therefore can be abrogated by it. As I said, the Wahhabist interpretation specifies that the reverse applies - that no one can refuse truth, since no one could refuse this 'truth'.

The concept of "There is no compulsion in religion" was present in that verse, and so is in this chapter. If you disagree, then "to you be your way, and to me mine"
I would love to; regrettably your "way" requires the death of apostates and homosexuals.

GeoffP said:
Well, that's a start. At least you can accept how people understand that 9/11 was done, indeed, in the name of islam. In fact, when one examines the Quran, it seems quite likely that this position is supported by islamic theology. So we're making progress.

Yes, but the text says nothing at all about it being specifically related to the Treaty of Hudaybiyah. There is absolutely nothing whatever that specifies a particular treaty in this passage. The Sura then becomes a general commandment upon all muslims to wage war; for, in the eyes of Mohammed, there is no greater deed for Allah than war in his name. I submit that this generalist interpretation is, of course, also the continual interpretation of Wahhabis, and of many muslims in the Middle East.

I might pose the point another way: should all Christians fight muslims, then? Should secularists and athiests also find them "whereever [they] find them"? Would this also be favourable and fair to you? And who is to say who started the war? Is it always the "kufr", then? Muslims are incapable of starting conflicts? This is ludicrous.

And it also places a religious stop, not a political one, to war. Is it then fair, by islamic reasoning, for Christians to make war on muslim nations until they are converted? Can the Israelis do the same?

YUSUFALI: If one amongst the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah; and then escort him to where he can be secure. That is because they are men without knowledge.
PICKTHAL: And if anyone of the idolaters seeketh thy protection (O Muhammad), then protect him so that he may hear the Word of Allah, and afterward convey him to his place of safety. That is because they are a folk who know not.
SHAKIR: And if one of the idolaters seek protection from you, grant him protection till he hears the word of Allah, then make him attain his place of safety; this is because they are a people who do not know.

And what happens if they refuse islam after they've heard this somewhat skewed message? Dhimmitude? It would seem so. But they wouldn't be allowed to practice their religion openly, on pain of death. The same applies to the jizya - would it be fair, then, for Western nations to impose additional taxes on muslims? Why or why not? Of course "Taxing the people hardly seems like something inhumane", but it is monstrously unfair when belonging to a particular religious group effectively doubles your taxes with less legal recourse than any muslim, while muslim taxes are effectively voluntary. This sort of system is known as "economic slavery", where the oppressed finance the oppressors and their military endeavours. Does this seem fair to you? If you had any common sense, you would see that it didn't.

Ah - at last we are agreed. Sura 9 is to be interpreted now, and for all time in the dealings of muslims with others. Forced conversion or dhimmitude or death is to be the norm in war with islam, whatever that war might be based in. A question: what about those who leave islam? I think you already mentioned it, but you might as well do so again. Also, I know three women who left islam, and helped a couple of them to do it (one went Christian (United, I think), one Jewish and one secular). What, then, is my punishment in islam?

As a secularist with friends in both the latter religions, I can say that this is a monstrous lie. First, you'd need to prove to me where Jews indicate that they can kill those who leave Judaism, and then where that writing is known to be 'divine' in origin. For the follow-up insult to the Christians, you'd have to prove to me where Jesus mandated death for those that left Christianity.

This is another monstrous lie, based on your mere interpretation. Frankly, it is clear that islam is a lesser recycling of old Christian and Jewish sects, basing its claim to superiority on the basis of supposed texts that were re-written and then vanished. If you think that murder begets good religion, then frankly you're not one to think too hard about things. You were wise not to endorse the site - I wouldn't have.

"I have to admit that they might have been treated harshly, but not as hard as the Christians had treated the Jews. "

My point was that islamic theology permits this action. Christian theology does not, unless "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is somehow unclear to you. I think perhaps you need to do some re-thinking so as to sort out the logical issues before continuing to post on this issue.

Regrets, but Sura 109 was 'revealed' prior to Sura 2, and therefore can be abrogated by it. As I said, the Wahhabist interpretation specifies that the reverse applies - that no one can refuse truth, since no one could refuse this 'truth'.

The concept of "There is no compulsion in religion" was present in that verse, and so is in this chapter. If you disagree, then "to you be your way, and to me mine"

I would love to; regrettably your "way" requires the death of apostates and homosexuals.


This to me is just a repitition of your previous allegations, so I will answer them at once. As for the Treaty of Hudaybiah. As I said this is "event" bound not "time" bound. If a situation like that is to occur than these actions are allowed.

This is like the Ten commandments where it says "Thou Shalt not Kill". Even though it says that many killed including David. That is not abrogation. This term "Thou shalt not Kill" is "event" bound. You CAN kill if a situation requires like David killed in a WAR. So your position on the abrogation is falsely taken. You keep on rattling about Wahabis. What are they? Islam or just people? You keep on talking about so-called "Muslims" and not Islam. Taxing the Jews double is also not in the Quran is it? NO!!! And NO my friend Zakat, the muslim tax, is NOT voluntary, although many people take it lightly. Zakat is OBLIGATARY. You are discussing Islam while I guess you forgot the BASICS of Islam, as most people call it the Pillars of Islam: 1. There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad (pbuh) is the messenger of Allah. 2. Prayer 3. Zakat 4. Fast 5. Hajj (the order may be different, this is from my memory)

If you want to stick to this point of view then I am rightly to say that Hitler represents Christianity. As according to Hitler the Jews were cursed and because of them living in their land Germans were way behind the others. And why do you think he killed the Homosexuals, and the Jehovah Witnesses. His actions were also "religion" based. Islamic theology doesn't permit these actions either, just like Christianity. But if you knew the History of the Church and those "God-chosen" Popes you would be amazed how much killling has been done under them.

The religious stop is just common sense. The verses don't say to forcefully convert them. The verse says "if they repent". If they did turn Muslims then obviously they will stop fighting you. And it doesn't mean convert or die. You always have to choose your anti-Islamic options. If you read the history of the wars fought during the time of Muhammad (pbuh), then you would see many were CAPTURED, and treated well. NOT converted. They were freed if they taught 5 people to read (i believe).

You show lack of knowledge of basics and are not willing to understand the history in which these events occurred. You are using an arguement out of context making the arguement one sided. This doesn't mean that I am saying that "this was meant for that time". NO!! I am saying those verses are still applicable today in the situation that were present. Just like "Thou shalt not kill". But then again to you we are always abrogating, but when God in the Bible orders the killing, and David kills, and Solomon, and Moses, and others this is just some excuse that well that was self-defense. The commandments make no distinction between killing for self-defense or not. it simply says "Thou shalt NOT kill". But you would happily try to understand it, but you are not willing to do the same for Islam. I understand the verse because I don't hate the Christian faith, and I am willing to understand. You presented no arguement at all. But anyways forget it, I doubt you will listen to this anyways.

And as for apostasy in the Jude-Christian theology.

Deuteronomy 13:6-9 "If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying: Let us go and worship other gods (gods that neither you nor your fathers have known, gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other, or gods of other religions), do not yield to him or listen to him. Show him no pity. Do not spare him or shield him. You must certainly put him to death. Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people."

This is from the Old Testament which is Holy to both Jews and Christians. But then again some people want it from the NT, well then you must remember that Jesus himself says that he has not come to abolish the law affirming that these laws are still held true to him.

You know forget this, because you just don't want to understand. I think that all this was probably the result of 9/11. Unless you give an actual arguement found in Islam, not Wahabi's or whatever, then I find no reason to repeat myself.

Peace be unto you :)
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786 said:
This to me is just a repitition of your previous allegations, so I will answer them at once. As for the Treaty of Hudaybiah. As I said this is "event" bound not "time" bound. If a situation like that is to occur than these actions are allowed.

This is like the Ten commandments where it says "Thou Shalt not Kill". Even though it says that many killed including David. That is not abrogation. This term "Thou shalt not Kill" is "event" bound. You CAN kill if a situation requires like David killed in a WAR.

Then what, pray tell, would be the purpose of such a Commandment? That it be applied where convenient and discarded when not? What good would come of such a practice? Are muslims exhorted to obey the law until it serves them not to? This makes no sense. If there is some loving god wandering about, I doubt he intends us to go around killing each other.

And as for the whole concept of "event bound", then I may say that your objections confirm my initial hypothesis - that islam is hardwired into a medieval mental construct. So, war with any muslim nation, presumably, cannot end with peace but only i) death, ii) subjugation ("dhimmitude") or iii) conversion. If one does not accept dhimmitude, one must convert or die. Does this seem like a fair perspective to you? Should other nations begin enacting it in defeated muslim nations, but from the other perspective? Then, when muslims convert, should they convert to Christianity or Judaism? And how could my position on abrogation possibly be falsely taken? You have confirmed it, just above. The outcome for subjugated peoples in war with an islamic nation (for whatever reason, apparently, political or otherwise) may result in conversion - unless one wishes to die or pay oppressive, humiliating taxes (in the old days they would be collected "by hand", with the payer in a humiliating pose, after which they could be rapped on the head, as I recall). So religion is forcibly imposed - and would be, if one couldn't pay the tax. This is alluded to in several works including "The Sword of the Prophet".

You keep on rattling about Wahabis. What are they? Islam or just people? You keep on talking about so-called "Muslims" and not Islam. Taxing the Jews double is also not in the Quran is it? NO!!! And NO my friend Zakat, the muslim tax, is NOT voluntary, although many people take it lightly.

It is now. It wasn't for a long time, until the non-muslim tax base started to tank for various reasons. As for jizya being higher than zakaat - well, you'd have to complain to those innumerable legions who kept making it higher, not me. I presume the fact that it was higher comes from the dislike cultivated for non-muslims in the Quran and Hadiths, rather than being specifically in them as a fixed level - unlike how women are only entitled to one half the inheritance of men (Q 4:11).

What interest, exactly, have I in the pillars of islam? The first one seems to be the most contentious, I will say, in islam's relations with Christians - this harping on and on about "shirk” has promoted a surprising amount of hate for non-muslims there – witness the shocked comments by a survivor of the attacks in Jordan that “muslims were killing muslims now”. In any event, I am unconcerned with islam save where it promotes itself as some kind of viable alternative to any other worldview, such as secularism. And also where it threatens the lives and livelihoods of those on whom it is imposed (societally or otherwise). Beyond that, if islam wants to claim that little men live in the clouds or that magical prophets have the power to move the moon, I confess that I do not care.

If you want to stick to this point of view then I am rightly to say that Hitler represents Christianity. As according to Hitler the Jews were cursed and because of them living in their land Germans were way behind the others. And why do you think he killed the Homosexuals, and the Jehovah Witnesses. His actions were also "religion" based. Islamic theology doesn't permit these actions either, just like Christianity. But if you knew the History of the Church and those "God-chosen" Popes you would be amazed how much killling has been done under them.

Actually, I do know all about the history of the Church (snap question: which one? LOL) and I can say without the slightest hesitation that the Christian body count is miniscule compared to the toll of human deaths that islam is responsible for. What was it, now: 50 million Hindus during the Sufi (Sufi! Of all Islamic sects) invasion of India? About 2 million Armenians from 1908-1925 or so. God (if he exists) knows how many simple inhabitants of Islamic countries have gone under the knife merely for being different, but the non-islamic population of Istanbul was 50% a century ago, 1% today. If you want to compare figures, that can be done.

But the second point is simply not true: Islamic theology does indeed permit killing in wartime or anytime someone leaves islam. “If anyone leaves his religion [islam], kill him” said Mohammed (cited by al-Buhkari). You yourself have expressed agreement with this sentiment, and with the murder of homosexuals. What, then, should we say of islam – that it does <i>not</i> condone murder? How can this statement possibly jive with the above?

The religious stop is just common sense. The verses don't say to forcefully convert them. The verse says "if they repent". If they did turn Muslims then obviously they will stop fighting you

Again – this reduces to the three options of i) conversion, ii) economic slavery (“dhimmitude”) or iii) death. If one will not convert, and refuses to behave as an inferior citizen in a muslim-ruled or islamically-conquered nation, what remains? Seriously, you have to think about these issues. You indicate poor logical thought processes besides an utter contempt for the life of fellow humans merely because they abandon islam or happen to be homosexual. That, sir, is repugnant and deviant.

And as for apostasy in the Jude-Christian theology.
Deuteronomy 13:6-9 "If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love...[/B]"
This is from the Old Testament which is Holy to both Jews and Christians. But then again some people want it from the NT, well then you must remember that Jesus himself says that he has not come to abolish the law affirming that these laws are still held true to him.

“The law” being the Ten Commandments. Not the entire OT. I think you fail to understand the key point of the OT and NT – be kind to your neighbour, “all else [being] commentary”. Besides the points about being kind to “strangers in the land, as you were once strangers in Egypt”. I also hardly think Jesus would approve of the murder of apostates – I suppose he was just funny that way. :)

You know forget this, because you just don't want to understand. I think that all this was probably the result of 9/11.

Well, you seem to think you have me pegged. :) I submit that this has rather more with you failing to understand the depth of hypocrisy that islam invokes in its theological and moral denunciations of other religions. I might also add that my scepticism of islam is not the result of 9/11, but that 9/11 was of course indicative of islam itself. But since we're now speculating, I should now speculate that you have rather your own reasons for not listening, and that they are rooted in something a little older than 9/11.

Peace for you when you revoke your opinion on apostates and homosexuals,

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Why the fucking caps? Get a life!

FYI, absolutely NO words came out of Jesus's mouth. Jesus was fictional. He did not speak the gospels nor quote the gospels. The gospels, by themselves, were probably influenced by the PTB (powers that be) in the HRE.

If you want to know the truth, there is really no such thing as christianity. Sure... there are nearly two billion idiots who believe there is such a thing, but there's not.

Therefore, Jezeus didn't teach anything, because he didn't exist. He only lived in fiction -- the fiction of the gospels. He died for no one, not even one person. He didn't exist.

And, you really don't need to put [PBUH], because he was as fictional as Mickey Mouse.

Please, by all means, believe as you wish. That's the beauty of the soul GOD breathed into us. We can believe as we wish. Thank you.
GeoffP said:
Then what, pray tell, would be the purpose of such a Commandment? That it be applied where convenient and discarded when not? What good would come of such a practice? Are muslims exhorted to obey the law until it serves them not to? This makes no sense. If there is some loving god wandering about, I doubt he intends us to go around killing each other.

And as for the whole concept of "event bound", then I may say that your objections confirm my initial hypothesis - that islam is hardwired into a medieval mental construct. So, war with any muslim nation, presumably, cannot end with peace but only i) death, ii) subjugation ("dhimmitude") or iii) conversion. If one does not accept dhimmitude, one must convert or die. Does this seem like a fair perspective to you? Should other nations begin enacting it in defeated muslim nations, but from the other perspective? Then, when muslims convert, should they convert to Christianity or Judaism? And how could my position on abrogation possibly be falsely taken? You have confirmed it, just above. The outcome for subjugated peoples in war with an islamic nation (for whatever reason, apparently, political or otherwise) may result in conversion - unless one wishes to die or pay oppressive, humiliating taxes (in the old days they would be collected "by hand", with the payer in a humiliating pose, after which they could be rapped on the head, as I recall). So religion is forcibly imposed - and would be, if one couldn't pay the tax. This is alluded to in several works including "The Sword of the Prophet".

It is now. It wasn't for a long time, until the non-muslim tax base started to tank for various reasons. As for jizya being higher than zakaat - well, you'd have to complain to those innumerable legions who kept making it higher, not me. I presume the fact that it was higher comes from the dislike cultivated for non-muslims in the Quran and Hadiths, rather than being specifically in them as a fixed level - unlike how women are only entitled to one half the inheritance of men (Q 4:11).

What interest, exactly, have I in the pillars of islam? The first one seems to be the most contentious, I will say, in islam's relations with Christians - this harping on and on about "shirk” has promoted a surprising amount of hate for non-muslims there – witness the shocked comments by a survivor of the attacks in Jordan that “muslims were killing muslims now”. In any event, I am unconcerned with islam save where it promotes itself as some kind of viable alternative to any other worldview, such as secularism. And also where it threatens the lives and livelihoods of those on whom it is imposed (societally or otherwise). Beyond that, if islam wants to claim that little men live in the clouds or that magical prophets have the power to move the moon, I confess that I do not care.

Actually, I do know all about the history of the Church (snap question: which one? LOL) and I can say without the slightest hesitation that the Christian body count is miniscule compared to the toll of human deaths that islam is responsible for. What was it, now: 50 million Hindus during the Sufi (Sufi! Of all Islamic sects) invasion of India? About 2 million Armenians from 1908-1925 or so. God (if he exists) knows how many simple inhabitants of Islamic countries have gone under the knife merely for being different, but the non-islamic population of Istanbul was 50% a century ago, 1% today. If you want to compare figures, that can be done.

But the second point is simply not true: Islamic theology does indeed permit killing in wartime or anytime someone leaves islam. “If anyone leaves his religion [islam], kill him” said Mohammed (cited by al-Buhkari). You yourself have expressed agreement with this sentiment, and with the murder of homosexuals. What, then, should we say of islam – that it does <i>not</i> condone murder? How can this statement possibly jive with the above?

Again – this reduces to the three options of i) conversion, ii) economic slavery (“dhimmitude”) or iii) death. If one will not convert, and refuses to behave as an inferior citizen in a muslim-ruled or islamically-conquered nation, what remains? Seriously, you have to think about these issues. You indicate poor logical thought processes besides an utter contempt for the life of fellow humans merely because they abandon islam or happen to be homosexual. That, sir, is repugnant and deviant.

“The law” being the Ten Commandments. Not the entire OT. I think you fail to understand the key point of the OT and NT – be kind to your neighbour, “all else [being] commentary”. Besides the points about being kind to “strangers in the land, as you were once strangers in Egypt”. I also hardly think Jesus would approve of the murder of apostates – I suppose he was just funny that way. :)

Well, you seem to think you have me pegged. :) I submit that this has rather more with you failing to understand the depth of hypocrisy that islam invokes in its theological and moral denunciations of other religions. I might also add that my scepticism of islam is not the result of 9/11, but that 9/11 was of course indicative of islam itself. But since we're now speculating, I should now speculate that you have rather your own reasons for not listening, and that they are rooted in something a little older than 9/11.

Peace for you when you revoke your opinion on apostates and homosexuals,


Geoff thank you for repeating yourself. I will let the readers judge your arguement and mine. As for apostatsy. Ok the "Law" is the Ten commandments. But according to the Christians OT is THE WORD OF GOD. Thus including Jesus as that is what they believe. You therefore cannot say that, that verse doesn't apply to Jesus either, unless you believe that it was abrogated. Or the God of the OT is different than that of the NT. And I recommend you pick up some books about the history of the Church. If you don't like reading watch King Arthur (LOL), it has the torturing chambers. Christianity isn't messed up like that, it's just those stupid followers, same is true for Islam, but you wouldn't want to take this for an answer.

But anyways, thanks for the discussion. I will let the readers judge whose arguement seems more supported by their respective religion.

BTW here is another idea of "There is no compulsion in religion"

YUSUFALI: Say, "The truth is from your Lord": Let him who will believe, and let him who will, reject (it): for the wrong-doers We have prepared a Fire whose (smoke and flames), like the walls and roof of a tent, will hem them in: if they implore relief they will be granted water like melted brass, that will scald their faces, how dreadful the drink! How uncomfortable a couch to recline on!
PICKTHAL: Say: (It is) the truth from the Lord of you (all). Then whosoever will, let him believe, and whosoever will, let him disbelieve. Lo! We have prepared for disbelievers Fire. Its tent encloseth them. If they ask for showers, they will be showered with water like to molten lead which burneth the faces. Calamitous the drink and ill the resting-place!
SHAKIR: And say: The truth is from your Lord, so let him who please believe, and let him who please disbelieve; surely We have prepared for the iniquitous a fire, the curtains of which shall encompass them about; and if they cry for water, they shall be given water like molten brass which will scald their faces; evil the drink and ill the resting-place.

Now you can again say this is abrogation, it doesn't matter to me. I will simply let the readers decide whose evidence is more grounded in Islam and not people.

Thank you for your time.

Peace be unto you :)
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I will let them remember that you think good islam means death to apostates and homosexuals.

The evil unto the day, sufficient thereof.
