Gospel of Barnabas proves modern Christianity Wrong

Marlin said:
Quote all the anti-Mormon websites you want, WBY. They are biased and untruthful for the most part.
oh, so how do you judge what is the true parts as opposed to the biased & untruthful? what are your standards? & how did you choose them??
oh, & what part is true?
I'll take my God-given testimony that Mormonism is true over some self-styled, slick anti-Mormon propaganda any day.
how do you know they are "God-given"? how do you judge truth? "slick"? hey, the BoM can't be true if it claims Native Peoples (Indians to you) as being Jewish, Israelish, Josephite or Sematic, because they are East Asian, (not West Asian/Middle Eastern as claimed by the BoM), I don't say so, the DNA says so, not slick, not me, the blood speaks out from the earth

and no amount of mormon screaming, yelling, wishful thinking, praying or burning bosoms will make it so
Ya freakin' troll.

bad mormon, bad mormon, watch your language,
btw, I just saw you on TV, you had a headfull of tall green grass for hair, troll
Marlin said:
if you really believed that, you'd put me on "ignore", but I got under your skin, you can't stop yourself, troll

weak, you're weak

just like your prophet, the BoM, the LDS leadership

lets face it, you belong to a cult

I'll be just a matter of time, when the LDS leadership, in its face-saving rush for being "mainstream" christian, will embrace true christianity, don't bother apologizing then, just accept the fact that even your false prophets can't defend the BoM, on which claim stands Joe Smith's prophethood or lack thereof
786 said:
The Gospel of Barnabas has proven the modern Christianity wrong. Jesus claims that he is not the Son of God, nor any God. Jesus says he is not the Messiah. Jesus claims that after he depart (die), people will claim him as the Son of God. Can anyone defend the Bible as being the word of God?

I wouldn't waste too much time with this guy. He's a hardcore islamist I debated off FFI among other places. For him, islam's never wrong, everyone else always is.

I ask in turn whether or not Ia786 can defend the Quran as being the word of Allah. I mean, this Allah of his is supposed to be loving and all but demands war, death and the three-fold choice (death, dhimmitude (slavery) or conversion) from all non-muslims. That's a lot of blood to shed for someone who loves humans so much. Didn't Mohammed get poisoned by a woman he'd forcibly made his wife, whose husband and father he'd ordered killed?

Truth51 said:
Now about this "Gospel", there is no evidence whatsoever that it was written by an eyewitness, or based on an eyewitness account, of Jesus and His teachings. These "Gospels" like Barnabas, Peter, Mary, and Thomas are not written by these people themselves; if they were, they would each be just like Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Most likely, they were created as anti-Christian propaganda or written by those who didn't fully understand what Jesus was talking about.

I would defend the Bible with my life. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.


You do realize that the books you mentioned Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were NOT written by these people either? You do know that right? Tell me you know that!?!? You can't claim to defend a book with your life if you don't know who wrote it...

But as with most christians, blind faith will lead to hot fire...
Too All You Christians...

You Speak On Subjects That You Yourself Have No Knowledge. Please, For Your Souls Sake, Speak Only On That Which You Know. Not That Which Some [edited by dkb - no need to insult people here - forgive me if i did] Minister Told You. Or Some [edited] On Tv Spoke Of.

Do Not Be Misled - [edited]...follow That Which Jesus [pbuh] FOLLOWED

And You'll Be Alright...

Jesus Was Not A Christian...
Last edited:
From the [pbuh] I'm guessing you're muslim, DKB.

You do also know that Mohammed didn't write the Quran, since he was illiterate, and that no one knows what the Quran really looked like prior to Umar, and that the evidence from a German archaeology team (not to mention a couple of offside comments in the biographies) indicates that some material was deliberately removed? I mean, you can't defend a book with your life if you don't know who wrote it, right? Tell me you know that!? (LOL)

I assume you also know that Christians don't worship Jesus Christ the man, but the god-component of him?

But do tell how, somehow, in some magical way there's more proof for this "allah" character than there is for the Christian ethos. I'd be amused to see that. :)

Ah, the misconceptions a Friday brings!

Nice Use Of Capitals, There.

Peace be unto you.

Oh, and speaking of child molestation...

Well, I imagine you know what I'm referring to. Want to argue about Aisha's age?


GeoffP said:
Peace be unto you.



So then one of the major differences is whether or not you think God was "part of" Jesus or his "Son" if you want to call it that.

The next question would be why you think that Mohammed was a viable prophet, I assume.

Anyway, no need to get angry, or insult for that matter.


GeoffP said:
I wouldn't waste too much time with this guy. He's a hardcore islamist I debated off FFI among other places. For him, islam's never wrong, everyone else always is.

I ask in turn whether or not Ia786 can defend the Quran as being the word of Allah. I mean, this Allah of his is supposed to be loving and all but demands war, death and the three-fold choice (death, dhimmitude (slavery) or conversion) from all non-muslims. That's a lot of blood to shed for someone who loves humans so much. Didn't Mohammed get poisoned by a woman he'd forcibly made his wife, whose husband and father he'd ordered killed?


By the way I'm just curious. When did I debate you before. The only other forum I ever posted anything on was religiontalk.net but that has closed down. Maybe you talked to someone else who had the nick 786. Because 786 is a popular term, but i guess you don't know that do you. ;)

Now as for what you said. I would like to say. How many anti-Islam sites did you visit. Probably Answering-Islam was the first one. LOL. hahahahahahaha

But seriously, stop looking at the peoples doing and read the authentic sources of the religion Islam. You quote them, and I will try answering. Because I don't answer to hater comments.

And you talk about Allah is loving? Dude, the Christians say "God is love". Explain to me why God ordered Moses, that he should order his troops to kill all the "little boys" and kill all the women, but save the virgins. And why did he kill the little babies of the Egyptian at the time of Moses, i'm sure you know the story. ;)

Peace be unto you :)
dkb218 said:


M*W: Why the fucking caps? Get a life!

FYI, absolutely NO words came out of Jesus's mouth. Jesus was fictional. He did not speak the gospels nor quote the gospels. The gospels, by themselves, were probably influenced by the PTB (powers that be) in the HRE.

If you want to know the truth, there is really no such thing as christianity. Sure... there are nearly two billion idiots who believe there is such a thing, but there's not.

Therefore, Jezeus didn't teach anything, because he didn't exist. He only lived in fiction -- the fiction of the gospels. He died for no one, not even one person. He didn't exist.

And, you really don't need to put [PBUH], because he was as fictional as Mickey Mouse.
dkb218 said:
Haaahahahaha :D

The funny thing, that is lost on you, is this Gospel not only works to disprove Christianity ..... but Islam along with it.

Whenever and whomever made-up the Qur’an hitched their wagon to Christianity and incorporated the Jesus Allegory into Islam (they should have stopped with Zoroastrianism but just could help themselves and went for the whole cake) as we now know there was no Jesus.

The Whole Jesus allegory is just a rewrite of Egyptian and Greek mythos by the Jews that lived in Egypt and Greece. Basically they took what was pop culture and made it Jewish. The Arabians took what essentially was pop-culture/Christianity and made it “Islam”.

So I agree Christianity and Islam are both disproven – good work dkb218!!!
786 said:
By the way I'm just curious. When did I debate you before... Maybe you talked to someone else who had the nick 786.

Maybe it was someone else - if so, I apologize. But 786 isn't all that popular a term - I've seen a lot of sites and only one other 786. I'll take your word for the moment, but you get into the same kind of "blame the Jews for 9/11" antisemitism Ia786 did, so I'll have to continue to treat you with scepticism. Unless there are two "786"s who blame the Jews for 9/11? Maybe? Seems a bit of a stretch.

786 said:
Now as for what you said. I would like to say. How many anti-Islam sites did you visit. Probably Answering-Islam was the first one. LOL. hahahahahahaha
But seriously, stop looking at the peoples doing and read the authentic sources of the religion Islam. You quote them, and I will try answering. Because I don't answer to hater comments.

Anti-islamic sites? I don't know any offhand. I know the muslims on the islamic forum at Jamaat really offended me with their anti-semitism and outright religious hatred, besides being thick as a whale omlet and having basically no logical way to argue religion save invective.

So how many anti-Christian or anti-Jewish sites did you visit to come up with the insulting "Gospel of Barnabas" post? Or the "Jews did 9/11" post? Because, you really should stop looking at people and read the authentic sources - right? That sound fair? =) So does your commentary on Barnabas then constitute hate? Or does only islam have the right to question other religions?

As for being a hater – I’ve read the Quran, the hadiths and parts of the biography of Mohammed. My impression of islam is from those books in particular. Sura 9, parts of Sura 4, 5, 2 and others, plus the canonical hadiths of al-Buhkari (“If someone changes his religion [from islam], kill him.” - Mohammed) and various crimes including the massacre of the Quraysh tribe’s men lead me to think that islam is not particularly peaceful. At least one can complain that Christians who commit violence do so <i>against</I> the teachings of their religion. But islam seems not only to permit violence but actually bloody <i>encourage</i> it. Besides restricting personal freedom to a ridiculous degree. I mean, Pakistan just banned <i>kite-flying</i>, for crying out loud. Is this a religious model you really want people to emulate?

I might add that islam offers death, dhimmitude (slavery) or conversion to all non-muslims, to say nothing of the fate of homosexuals or women. Why would I look kindly on a religion whose adherents would kill me if I refused to convert? Which I would. Now if you said you renounced those viewpoints, we might have more common ground to work with.

And you talk about Allah is loving? Dude, the Christians say "God is love". Explain to me why God ordered Moses, that he should order his troops to kill all the "little boys" and kill all the women, but save the virgins. And why did he kill the little babies of the Egyptian at the time of Moses, i'm sure you know the story. ;)

First off, I don’t believe a peaceful, just god would order Moses to do that. That might give you a hint as to the content of any religious feeling I might have, though it might well be too nebulous. As for the Egyptian kids – wasn’t Egypt oppressing the Jews at that point? Eye for an eye is how I might characterise that. But why wouldn’t God be love? Dude, didn’t he send that Jesus guy (his son, as the Christians feel) to die for everyone’s sins?


GeoffP said:
Maybe it was someone else - if so, I apologize. But 786 isn't all that popular a term - I've seen a lot of sites and only one other 786. I'll take your word for the moment, but you get into the same kind of "blame the Jews for 9/11" antisemitism Ia786 did, so I'll have to continue to treat you with scepticism. Unless there are two "786"s who blame the Jews for 9/11? Maybe? Seems a bit of a stretch.

First of all I would like to know are you Christian, Jew, or any religion in particular?

Now. Well I am different person. And I don't blame Jews for 9/11. In that thread I just talked about the number of israelis because it was interesting fact. I am not completely satisfied by the governments explanation thats all.

Anti-islamic sites? I don't know any offhand. I know the muslims on the islamic forum at Jamaat really offended me with their anti-semitism and outright religious hatred, besides being thick as a whale omlet and having basically no logical way to argue religion save invective.

So how many anti-Christian or anti-Jewish sites did you visit to come up with the insulting "Gospel of Barnabas" post? Or the "Jews did 9/11" post? Because, you really should stop looking at people and read the authentic sources - right? That sound fair? =) So does your commentary on Barnabas then constitute hate? Or does only islam have the right to question other religions?

First of all I would like you to quote me where I said "Jews did 9/11". As I said I am just not satisfied by the offical story. Hmm... I recommend you follow up this thread. I haven't made a hate remark yet. And I don't think Gospel of Branabas is totally true either. This was just a thread I created so people would criticize it's credentials. And I haven't said that Christianity preaches something on the basis of Gospel of Branabas.

As for being a hater – I’ve read the Quran, the hadiths and parts of the biography of Mohammed. My impression of islam is from those books in particular. Sura 9, parts of Sura 4, 5, 2 and others, plus the canonical hadiths of al-Buhkari (“If someone changes his religion [from islam], kill him.” - Mohammed) and various crimes including the massacre of the Quraysh tribe’s men lead me to think that islam is not particularly peaceful. At least one can complain that Christians who commit violence do so <i>against</I> the teachings of their religion. But islam seems not only to permit violence but actually bloody <i>encourage</i> it. Besides restricting personal freedom to a ridiculous degree. I mean, Pakistan just banned <i>kite-flying</i>, for crying out loud. Is this a religious model you really want people to emulate?

I would like to know which parts of Sura 9, 4, 5, and 2, since we are discussing so it would be logical for me to have the quotes. Yes apostates are to be killed according to the Hadith. But this concept is also found in OT.

I might add that islam offers death, dhimmitude (slavery) or conversion to all non-muslims, to say nothing of the fate of homosexuals or women. Why would I look kindly on a religion whose adherents would kill me if I refused to convert? Which I would. Now if you said you renounced those viewpoints, we might have more common ground to work with.

"Dhiimitude"? I guess you are refering to the word "dhimmi" which means protected. They are obliged to pay a tax called jizyah. I have to admit that they might have been treated harshly, but not as hard as the Christians had treated the Jews. For someone who claims to have read the Quran, then I wonder why you skipped the verse which says "There is no compulsion in religion" (Quran 2:256). Forcefully converting anybody is condemned by Islam, it is a different topic what so-called "Muslims" do. Yes Homosexuality is forbidden.

First off, I don’t believe a peaceful, just god would order Moses to do that. That might give you a hint as to the content of any religious feeling I might have, though it might well be too nebulous. As for the Egyptian kids – wasn’t Egypt oppressing the Jews at that point? Eye for an eye is how I might characterise that. But why wouldn’t God be love? Dude, didn’t he send that Jesus guy (his son, as the Christians feel) to die for everyone’s sins?

Yes God is love in many senses. But he also has anger. I mean his anger can be seen in Genesis, when God casts out Adam and Eve and gives them punishment. He is love, but he punishes as well if you do something to anger him.

Peace be unto you :)
First off, what does my religion have to do with anything? Islam should be able to stand on its own merits without needing to resort to tu tuoque. Why would my own religion - if any - matter?

Your "number of Israelis" argument, first, is false. 4000 Israelis worked in the Twin Towers? Really. Dubious. Second, I assume you have proof that this veritable horde of Israelis stayed home that day? You may not have made a hate remark "yet", as you say, but the implication is unmistakeable. Bring your proofs if ye are truthful.

By the by, on the actual list of deaths in the Twin Towers, one sees that there were indeed Israeli casualties - one Israeli, and two people with Israeli citizenship. Ah! so low, it must have been a plot, then?

Well, no.

There was also a paltry number of Australians, Chinese, Irish, Hondurans, Swedes, Italians, Germans, Portugese, and Russians killed there. And only 1 Dominican!

So, perhaps everybody was plotting?


"This was just a thread I created so people would criticize it's [the Gospel of Barnabas'] credentials."

This statement appears to be highly misleading. The thread was started as a somewhat indirect attack on Christians and Christianity. You're welcome to do so, of course, as I'm welcome to argue against islam, but I don't think phrasing it as some kind of investigative journalism is terribly honest.

From the Quran:

Q 9:5 So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the
idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and
besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if
they repent and keep up prayer [that is, convert to islam] and pay the poor-rate [the humiliating jizyah tax, levied at roughly 2x that of zakaat, the muslim tax, which is actually voluntary anyway], leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

Q 9:6 follows in the same vein - protection on conversion: And if one of the idolaters seek protection from you, grant
him protection till he hears the word of Allah, then make him
attain his place of safety; this is because they are a people who do
not know.


Q 9:29. Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter
day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have
prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who
have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment
of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.

And so forth. You might claim - and probably will - that this is merely referring to a single incident. Regrettably, the language contains no such perogative.

"Yes apostates are to be killed according to the Hadith. But this concept is also found in OT."

I see. And the Jews of this era - they are doing this? Killing apostates? And Christians?

In fact, is there any religion in the world presently, save islam, that condemns apostates - those who leave that religion - to death? Should I assume you support such action, since you do not decry it?

"I have to admit that they might have been treated harshly, but not as hard as the Christians had treated the Jews. "

Harshly enough that there were about a dozen rebellions in islamic-occupied Spain by Christians who could no longer accept their oppression. I imagine that their situtation must have been horrible, almost as bad as non-muslims in present islamic nations. Merely saying that "well, the Jews had it rough too" is, again, tu tuoque and does not excuse the actions of islam during this period. I might add that there were one - or two, can't recall - mass forced expulsions of Jews by muslims, besides other horrors, during the same period in Spain, so Jewish people can hardly have had it easy under sharia either.

"For someone who claims to have read the Quran, then I wonder why you skipped the verse which says "There is no compulsion in religion" (Quran 2:256). Forcefully converting anybody is condemned by Islam, it is a different topic what so-called "Muslims" do."

Regrets, but this is not the full passage. The ayah in its entirely reads:

Q 2 :256 (three translations)
YUSUFALI: Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.
PICKTHAL: There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower.
SHAKIR: There is no compulsion in religion; truly the right way has become clearly distinct from error; therefore, whoever disbelieves in the Shaitan and believes in Allah he indeed has laid hold on the firmest handle, which shall not break off, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing.

The remainder of this ayah is never quoted by anyone trying to make the point you are now trying to make: indeed, it seems to be almost willfully ignored. The sura says that there is no compulsion in religion [islam] because those who have taken the "right direction" [islam] cannot be in error. Thus, religion may indeed be forcible in the material sense - for how can one 'force' someone to take the right direction? Why, surely only an obstinate would refuse the 'right' path? This, in fact, is precisely the way that Wahhabists and some Shi'a interpret it.

So - what, then, for those that refuse the 'right path'? Sura 9, and al-Buhkari.

"Yes Homosexuality is forbidden."

And homosexuals, as apostates, must die, then?


And why would God need to punish anyone anyway? Moreover, why does he need you to do it for him?

GeoffP said:
First off, what does my religion have to do with anything? Islam should be able to stand on its own merits without needing to resort to tu tuoque. Why would my own religion - if any - matter?

Your "number of Israelis" argument, first, is false. 4000 Israelis worked in the Twin Towers? Really. Dubious. Second, I assume you have proof that this veritable horde of Israelis stayed home that day? You may not have made a hate remark "yet", as you say, but the implication is unmistakeable. Bring your proofs if ye are truthful.

By the by, on the actual list of deaths in the Twin Towers, one sees that there were indeed Israeli casualties - one Israeli, and two people with Israeli citizenship. Ah! so low, it must have been a plot, then?

Well, no.

There was also a paltry number of Australians, Chinese, Irish, Hondurans, Swedes, Italians, Germans, Portugese, and Russians killed there. And only 1 Dominican!

So, perhaps everybody was plotting?


"This was just a thread I created so people would criticize it's [the Gospel of Barnabas'] credentials."

This statement appears to be highly misleading. The thread was started as a somewhat indirect attack on Christians and Christianity. You're welcome to do so, of course, as I'm welcome to argue against islam, but I don't think phrasing it as some kind of investigative journalism is terribly honest.

I have already apologized for the title, as it doesn't fit the purpose of the thread. I guess I was wrong. But simply put I don't think the Jews did 9/11.

From the Quran:

Q 9:5 So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the
idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and
besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if
they repent and keep up prayer [that is, convert to islam] and pay the poor-rate [the humiliating jizyah tax, levied at roughly 2x that of zakaat, the muslim tax, which is actually voluntary anyway], leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

Well you must first understand that this is a war, this can be understood if you read verse 12. The breaking of the "oath", "pledge", or "treaty" by the Meccans is talking about the Treaty of Hudaybiyah(spelling? :confused: )

So when looked upon it with that in mind, the next verse is also understood.

YUSUFALI: But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
PICKTHAL: Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
SHAKIR: So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

Yes fight them whereever you find them. But you only fight those who fought you, which can be supported if you read verse 2:190. So when it is refering to Pagan it is talking of the pagans who fought them. Since all who fought them were Pagans, then to use the word "Pagan" is not wrong at all. As for the second part that is "if they repent" then you must know they wouldn't be fight the Muslims, thus you don't fight them. If they convert to Islam meaning become Muslim why would they be fighting the Prophet himself. This is common sense. So yes don't fight those you have converted to Islam, because since they have converted, they would stop fighting you. I think this is common sense.

Q 9:6 follows in the same vein - protection on conversion: And if one of the idolaters seek protection from you, grant
him protection till he hears the word of Allah, then make him
attain his place of safety; this is because they are a people who do
not know.

Well you have asserted the beginning. Let us look at the actual quote without your assertion.

YUSUFALI: If one amongst the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah; and then escort him to where he can be secure. That is because they are men without knowledge.
PICKTHAL: And if anyone of the idolaters seeketh thy protection (O Muhammad), then protect him so that he may hear the Word of Allah, and afterward convey him to his place of safety. That is because they are a folk who know not.
SHAKIR: And if one of the idolaters seek protection from you, grant him protection till he hears the word of Allah, then make him attain his place of safety; this is because they are a people who do not know.

You see that it isn't converting them. It is actually common sense what the verse says. If the Pagan asks for asylum (protection) grant it to them or him, "SO" they may hear the world of Allah. It doesn't use the word convert or forceful conversion of anytype. If you had any common sense then you could conclude that once the Pagan was taken in protection he would "NATURALLY" hear the word of Allah, because the society is a Muslim society. The verse goes on by saying that escort them to a safe place, and then says because they don't know. Yes they are Pagans they don't know. Nowhere here does it say convert them forcefully. It simply is talking common sense that when you give them protection, they will hear the word of Allah, then escort them to a safe place because these people don't know. (truth)

Q 9:29. Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter
day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have
prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who
have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment
of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.

This can be understood since they were in a war. Once the Muslim armies win, the conquered must pay the tax. So if you conquer them then you put a tax on them. Taxing the people hardly seems like something inhumane. Maybe you believe that the government has no right to tax it's people (subjects). But I believe that people should pay the government taxes so the government could be stable and the money used for something useful to the country.

And so forth. You might claim - and probably will - that this is merely referring to a single incident. Regrettably, the language contains no such perogative.

No I don't claim that this is time bound, but it is "event" bound. If you are in a War then this applies. This is not for a war that was fought 1400 years ago, but it is for all wars that Muslims fight. So you are right that the language contains no such perogative but it isn't supposed to.

"Yes apostates are to be killed according to the Hadith. But this concept is also found in OT."

I see. And the Jews of this era - they are doing this? Killing apostates? And Christians?

In fact, is there any religion in the world presently, save islam, that condemns apostates - those who leave that religion - to death? Should I assume you support such action, since you do not decry it?

Here is your mistake, you confuse people with religion. You mix the so called "followers" by the religion. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (religions) all allow the killing of the apostates. It is just the matter of fact that Jews and Christians don't follow their religion. If they don't then you can't say only Islam preaches it, but Judaism and Christianity also does. It is just the fact that Muslims follow the religion, and the Jews and Christians don't. This is same like if you condemn Christianity for the doings of Hitler. I don't use this as an argument against Christians. But sadly the Christians are always using the acts of terrorists to defame Islam. My humble request to you is, that forget the people and look at the religion. This arguement of yours is dependant on the so-called followers of the respective religion. NOT the Religion itself. But if that is your arguement, then yes Muslims, are the only people who care about their religion, and follow it by killing the apostates. If the Jews and Christian don't do the same, then it's their problem as to why they don't like to follow their "Word of God". Talking on the point of Apostasy then I would like to make clear that I said "according to the Hadith". One point must be understood that the sayings of the Prophet must be in conciliation with the Quran, if not then either it is a falsely ascribed Hadith, or the interpretation of the Hadith is wrong. And so this matter of punishment of apostasy must be taken as a very sensitive issue. I would like you to read 2 articles refering to this topic.


*Note---- I in no way endorse anything on the site, but I'm just refering to it to let you know other interpretations of the same topic.

"I have to admit that they might have been treated harshly, but not as hard as the Christians had treated the Jews. "

Harshly enough that there were about a dozen rebellions in islamic-occupied Spain by Christians who could no longer accept their oppression. I imagine that their situtation must have been horrible, almost as bad as non-muslims in present islamic nations. Merely saying that "well, the Jews had it rough too" is, again, tu tuoque and does not excuse the actions of islam during this period. I might add that there were one - or two, can't recall - mass forced expulsions of Jews by muslims, besides other horrors, during the same period in Spain, so Jewish people can hardly have had it easy under sharia either.

As I said said above, that you cannot ascribe this treatment to the religion. If you don't understand this concept then discussion with me is useless.

"For someone who claims to have read the Quran, then I wonder why you skipped the verse which says "There is no compulsion in religion" (Quran 2:256). Forcefully converting anybody is condemned by Islam, it is a different topic what so-called "Muslims" do."

Regrets, but this is not the full passage. The ayah in its entirely reads:

Q 2 :256 (three translations)
YUSUFALI: Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.
PICKTHAL: There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower.
SHAKIR: There is no compulsion in religion; truly the right way has become clearly distinct from error; therefore, whoever disbelieves in the Shaitan and believes in Allah he indeed has laid hold on the firmest handle, which shall not break off, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing.

The remainder of this ayah is never quoted by anyone trying to make the point you are now trying to make: indeed, it seems to be almost willfully ignored. The sura says that there is no compulsion in religion [islam] because those who have taken the "right direction" [islam] cannot be in error. Thus, religion may indeed be forcible in the material sense - for how can one 'force' someone to take the right direction? Why, surely only an obstinate would refuse the 'right' path? This, in fact, is precisely the way that Wahhabists and some Shi'a interpret it.

So - what, then, for those that refuse the 'right path'? Sura 9, and al-Buhkari.

Wow. I don't know how you concluded something without an arguement. The word "Islam" is an assertion. The rest of the passage clearly states that the right path is clear from the wrong. But in no way does it discredit the saying that "There is no compulsion in religion" rather it could be a simple statement of fact that the right is clear from the wrong. So believe if you want to, and refuse if you want to, because "there is no compulsion in religion". This arguement can be further supported if you read chapter 109.

YUSUFALI: Say : O ye that reject Faith!
PICKTHAL: Say: O disbelievers!
SHAKIR: Say: O unbelievers!

YUSUFALI: I worship not that which ye worship,
PICKTHAL: I worship not that which ye worship;
SHAKIR: I do not serve that which you serve,

YUSUFALI: Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
PICKTHAL: Nor worship ye that which I worship.
SHAKIR: Nor do you serve Him Whom I serve:

YUSUFALI: And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship,
PICKTHAL: And I shall not worship that which ye worship.
SHAKIR: Nor am I going to serve that which you serve,

YUSUFALI: Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
PICKTHAL: Nor will ye worship that which I worship.
SHAKIR: Nor are you going to serve Him Whom I serve:

YUSUFALI: To you be your Way, and to me mine.
PICKTHAL: Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion.
SHAKIR: You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion.

The concept of "There is no compulsion in religion" was present in that verse, and so is in this chapter. If you disagree, then "to you be your way, and to me mine".

"Yes Homosexuality is forbidden."

And homosexuals, as apostates, must die, then?

I believe so, as this is breaking the bounds of God. Homosexuality if let alone will screw up the society even more. I believe that the people of Lot were destroyed for the very same reason. Bible believing folk know about the story of Sodom and Gomorah. If you don't like the rules, then don't.



Peace be with you :)
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GeoffP said:
And why would God need to punish anyone anyway? Moreover, why does he need you to do it for him?


That is how he has prescribed it. This question can be posed to all religions as a matter of fact.

Peace be unto you :)
786 said:
That is how he has prescribed it. This question can be posed to all religions as a matter of fact.
No all the religions are not as fanatic as yours
786 said:
Peace be unto you :)
Its good seeing a muslim saying this. I thanks to the goodness that some peace loving muslims are there.I appericiate you deeply from my non muslim heart as you says this in the end of every posts(all most).
;) so as you say Peace be unto you