Gospel of Barnabas proves modern Christianity Wrong


Searching for Truth
Valued Senior Member
The Gospel of Barnabas has proven the modern Christianity wrong. Jesus claims that he is not the Son of God, nor any God. Jesus says he is not the Messiah. Jesus claims that after he depart (die), people will claim him as the Son of God. Can anyone defend the Bible as being the word of God?
Gospel of Barnabas is not 100% truth and that is why it's not part of the Bible.
Haven't we've gone over this enough. The Gospel of Barnabas is a medieval forgery. The epistle of Barnabas is a letter that's orthodox but is a little to harsh towards Jews. Furthermore, in one place it uses a questionable numerological argument. Thus, it's more a apologetic letter than a proclaimation of faith.
There are other gospels that say similar things, like the Gospel of Thomas, and the other recently discovered so called Nag Hamadi texts. The bible is not the word of God, but the words of the early Christian bishops.
Enigma'07 said:
Gospel of Barnabas is not 100% truth and that is why it's not part of the Bible.

How do you know what is the truth? It could be that the most of the bible is wrong and this gospel is correct, or vice versa.
surenderer said:
This was an interesting site. However, being written by someone of a “competing” religion I wonder how biased or slanted towards Islam’s view of Jesus it is?

okinrus said:
Haven't we've gone over this enough. The Gospel of Barnabas is a medieval forgery.
What was it forged from? Is there an "original"? If there is no original then how do you know it is a forgery. I don't think you could and therefor it may just be a "copy".

Is the Gospel of Barnabas one of the texts in the Nag Hamadi find?
The Gnostic gospels were ommitted because they were written by the gnostics in the 3rd centuray AD. Do you know who the Gnostics were? They were a crooked branch of Christianity who believed that the body was evil and therefore the spirit was the only thing good, so they would simply meditate and get themselves into trances which helped them to become less dependent on the body. They also believed that Jesus Christ was a spectre, because anything with a body cannot fight against temptation and sin.

The Nag Hamadi find was Gnostic in origin.

Atheists seem to be really gifted at finding completely trendy and false reasons to bash Christian beliefs.
This was an interesting site. However, being written by someone of a “competing” religion I wonder how biased or slanted towards Islam’s view of Jesus it is?
An indepth analysis of the text will reveal that it contradicts the Qur'an as well.

What was it forged from? Is there an "original"? If there is no original then how do you know it is a forgery. I don't think you could and therefor it may just be a "copy".
There are number of theories including a Italian convert to Islam because the text draws upon Dante's inferno.

Is the Gospel of Barnabas one of the texts in the Nag Hamadi find?
No, any resemblance to past writings are either lies or someone who mistook the epistle of Barnabas with the gospel of Barnabas. The site that surrender posted, in this regard, is sloppy. The gospel of Barnabas did not exist, nor was quoted from, until the middle ages.
The Gnostic gospels were ommitted because they were written by the gnostics in the 3rd centuray AD.

Many, if not all were translations into Coptic from earlier Greek manuscripts

Do you know who the Gnostics were? They were a crooked branch of Christianity who believed that the body was evil and therefore the spirit was the only thing good, so they would simply meditate and get themselves into trances which helped them to become less dependent on the body. They also believed that Jesus Christ was a spectre, because anything with a body cannot fight against temptation and sin.

You have very little understanding of gnosticism

The Nag Hamadi find was Gnostic in origin.

The Nag Hammadi collection includes non-gnostic texts as well
Frisbinator said:
The Gnostic gospels were ommitted because they were written by the gnostics in the 3rd centuray AD. Do you know who the Gnostics were? They were a crooked branch of Christianity who believed that the body was evil and therefore the spirit was the only thing good, so they would simply meditate and get themselves into trances which helped them to become less dependent on the body. They also believed that Jesus Christ was a spectre, because anything with a body cannot fight against temptation and sin.

The Nag Hamadi find was Gnostic in origin.

Atheists seem to be really gifted at finding completely trendy and false reasons to bash Christian beliefs.

Gnosticism IS a Christian belief. Excuse the length of this quote, but I think it's relevent to describe what gnosticism is:

The first essential characteristic of Gnosticism was introduced above: Gnosticism asserts that "direct, personal and absolute knowledge of the authentic truths of existence is accessible to human beings," and that the attainment of such knowledge is the supreme achievement of human life. Gnosis, remember, is not a rational, propositional, logical understanding, but a knowing acquired by experience. The Gnostics were not much interested in dogma or coherent, rational theology--a fact which makes the study of Gnosticism particularly difficult for individuals with "bookkeeper mentalities". (Perhaps for this very same reason, consideration of the Gnostic vision is often a most gratifying undertaking for persons gifted with a poetic ear.) One simply cannot cipher up Gnosticism into syllogistic dogmatic affirmations. The Gnostics cherished the ongoing force of divine revelation--Gnosis was the creative experience of revelation, a rushing progression of understanding, and not a static creed. Carl Gustav Jung, the great Swiss psychologist and a life-long student of Gnosticism in its various historical permutations, affirms,

we find in Gnosticism what was lacking in the centuries that followed: a belief in the efficacy of individual revelation and individual knowledge. This belief was rooted in the proud feeling of man's affinity with the gods....

In his recent popular study, The American Religion, Harold Bloom suggests a second characteristic of Gnosticism that might help us conceptually circumscribe its mysterious heart. Gnosticism, says Bloom, "is a knowing, by and of an uncreated self, or self-within-the self, and [this] knowledge leads to freedom...."9 Primary among all the revelatory perceptions a Gnostic might reach was the profound awakening that came with knowledge that something within him was uncreated. The Gnostics called this "uncreated self" the divine seed, the pearl, the spark of knowing: consciousness, intelligence, light. And this seed of intellect was the self-same substance of God, it was man's authentic reality; it was the glory of humankind and the divine alike. If woman or man truly came to gnosis of this spark, she understood that she was truly free: Not contingent, not a conception of sin, not a flawed crust of flesh, but the stuff of God, and the conduit of God's immanent realization. There was always a paradoxical cognizance of duality in experiencing this "self-within-a-self". How could it not be paradoxical: By all rational perception, man clearly was not God, and yet in essential truth, was Godly. This conundrum was a Gnostic mystery, and its knowing was their greatest treasure.
okinrus said:
An indepth analysis of the text will reveal that it contradicts the Qur'an as well.

no it will come to the conclusion of a few verse that seem like contradictions. the conlcusion would be the same verses that all the missionries use over time and time again. and none of them are actually contradictions they are things misunderstod by people. and they all have the same answer but the missionaries use them again and again.
786 said:
The Gospel of Barnabas has proven the modern Christianity wrong. Jesus claims that he is not the Son of God, nor any God. Jesus says he is not the Messiah. Jesus claims that after he depart (die), people will claim him as the Son of God. Can anyone defend the Bible as being the word of God?

why are you so bent on proving christianity (modern or otherwise) wrong? or anything else for that matter. are you provoking someone? to what benefit?

why christianity? it seems obvious you are a muslim, why not prove bhuddism wrong or shintosim, or judaism? why not prove another sect (one of which you do not belong to) of islam wrong?

in another post, you implied an agreement with someone that they have every right to voice their opinion and have their own belief.

based on that, you must respect anyones belief, explain yours and part on good relations.

you just about accused someone (in another post) else for not being a good christian based on his method of dialogue, i am sorry to say this, but you are doing the same.

Knife said:
why are you so bent on proving christianity (modern or otherwise) wrong? or anything else for that matter. are you provoking someone? to what benefit?

why christianity? it seems obvious you are a muslim, why not prove bhuddism wrong or shintosim, or judaism? why not prove another sect (one of which you do not belong to) of islam wrong?

in another post, you implied an agreement with someone that they have every right to voice their opinion and have their own belief.

based on that, you must respect anyones belief, explain yours and part on good relations.

you just about accused someone (in another post) else for not being a good christian based on his method of dialogue, i am sorry to say this, but you are doing the same.


Its a web forum, any one can write anything they want. You dont like it, DONT read it. Rest of the forum is filled with anti-islam/anti-athiest thread etc etc. I guess that doesn't bother you?

skywalker said:
Its a web forum, any one can write anything they want. You dont like it, DONT read it. Rest of the forum is filled with anti-islam/anti-athiest thread etc etc. I guess that doesn't bother you?


it is....so can i.....wouldnt know until after i .....read it......and yes it does bother me.
Knife said:
it is....so can i.....wouldnt know until after i .....read it......and yes it does bother me.

I am glad that you admit it. Hard to find a fair person these days. Welcome to sciforums. ;)