going into someone elses dream

No. Astral projection is just your imagination. You think it is real because others claim it to be real.

Dreams cannot be "entered" or "visited" by other people. Dreams are firings of neurons in the brain. Even to transmit information from the brain would be damn near impossible with even today's technology, let alone telepathy. Billions of synapses a second... no way, no how can someone view someone else's dream.
consiously i dont know.
but there have been studies on shared dreams and mass dreams.
if it can hapen by accident then there must be a way to reproduce it.
just a thought any way:cool:
The technology for this actually may not be too far off. Just heard about a recent experiment where they rigged up a cats to some kind of display. Researchers were able to see shapes that the cat was seeing. The resolution so far is pretty low, but I'm sure that can be fixed with time.

Seeing things in dreams use the same brain centers that we use when awake, so it seems like a not-to-far-off technological possiblility to me. The ethical possibility is the larger leap.
Xenu RE: Researchers were able to see shapes that the cat was seeing.

This extremely intrigues me. Please set up a link or give source of information. I would like to know how pictures get into the head with eyes closed, as well as how they would be taken out of the head and reviewed...Extraordinary!!!
Originally posted by Ellimist
No. Astral projection is just your imagination. You think it is real because others claim it to be real.

Dreams cannot be "entered" or "visited" by other people. Dreams are firings of neurons in the brain. Even to transmit information from the brain would be damn near impossible with even today's technology, let alone telepathy. Billions of synapses a second... no way, no how can someone view someone else's dream.

I completely agree, and then when you tell someone you saw them enough, If they are dumb enough ,or just gullible they may begin to believe it as well..
Native Americans are said to have dream-walked. I know that I have had very lucid dreams that another person has had also.
Originally posted by Enigma
Native Americans are said to have dream-walked. I know that I have had very lucid dreams that another person has had also.

1. What do Native Americans have to do with anything? The other night, in my dreams, I was walking on the deck of my house, so what?
2. Could you perhaps mean sleep-walking? That is not mystical... it is real.
3. Yes, people often have similar dreams... know why? WE ARE HUMAN. It would be unnatural for us to never have the same made up experiences in our minds, and then relate them to each other later. It happens, it means nothing.
4. many fears/desires are strewn throughout the human race, often repeating, so creating similar nightmares/good dreams.
1. What do Native Americans have to do with anything? The other night, in my dreams, I was walking on the deck of my house, so what?

Dream walking is actually going into other people's dreams. Which happens to be the subject of this thread. Native Americans have been said to do this---that's what they have to do with it.

2. Could you perhaps mean sleep-walking? That is not mystical... it is real.


3. Yes, people often have similar dreams... know why? WE ARE HUMAN. It would be unnatural for us to never have the same made up experiences in our minds, and then relate them to each other later. It happens, it means nothing.

I said 'the same' not similar. That means the EXACT same dream from a different perspective, the same night.

4. many fears/desires are strewn throughout the human race, often repeating, so creating similar nightmares/good dreams.

I have no idea what you are getting at...
Everything you(Enigma) have said is complete speculation/conjecture, which is not based on any evidence at all... completely made up. A story. Fiction, a novel. Anecdotal evidence means nothing unless confirmed by physical evidence and/or experimentation.
explain this

Originally posted by Ellimist
Everything you(Enigma) have said is complete speculation/conjecture, which is not based on any evidence at all... completely made up. A story. Fiction, a novel. Anecdotal evidence means nothing unless confirmed by physical evidence and/or experimentation.

you go to sleep dec 3 1979
you dream
in your dream you meet a lady named rebecca she tells you that she lives in jamestown pa and she is moving to rockhill sc. you wake up in sandiago where you are stationed.
you are discharged in jan of 80 and bum around ca till feb when you go home to york sc for your moms birthday. off and on you contenue to have dreams of this lady you remain home and get a job as a pipe fitter.
in jan of 87 you take computer courses at the local tech collage
you meet this woman for the first time there in the commons. yet you know her name her fathers and mothers names and some interesting birthmarks that arnt visible unless in intamate circumstances.
futher more this person is in possion of same facts about you.
Originally posted by Ellimist
Everything you(Enigma) have said is complete speculation/conjecture, which is not based on any evidence at all... completely made up. A story. Fiction, a novel. Anecdotal evidence means nothing unless confirmed by physical evidence and/or experimentation.

It is obvious you base your life around the experiences you have had in your little box. My experiences have obviously been different. When you decide to open your box, we can talk, until then, you keep believing that your experiences make up the whole of the world and see how far you actually get. Not to mention you assume I am coming up with this stuff simply out of imagination. Well you are wrong...go educate yourself.
This isn't about open-mindedness or anything like that... this is about ignorance and not understanding your experiences.

Reaper: I am hesitant to continue to discuss with you, because you competely ignored what I said.
Your prior post is an anecdote.

Anecdotes do not make a science

Anecdotes-stories recounted in support of a claim- do not make a science.Without corroborative evidence from other sources, or physical proof of some sort, ten anecdotes are no better than one, and a hundred anecdotes are no better than ten.

There are other explanations for things than superstition.

--Anecdote time--
My aunt Karen's cancer was cured because she watched the Marx brothers every day.
--end anecdote time--

Now, the alternate explanations for this could be that either the cancer went into remission, or it was merely misdiagnosed.
This was a very simplistic example.

If people would just examine things before jumping to conclusions of superstition.
segue to... Enigma...
you say I am in a box... really? are you sure? perhaps it is you who is in a box... I would like you to try this: think about one of your beliefs, be it superstition, supernatural, whatever. Think about how you came about believing such a thing. What other explanations could there be for it? Perhaps you perceived it differently than you would have if some condition had been different... Then go about trying to find evidence FOR it and AGAINST it. After you do that, come back to me... or e-mail me... earthdestroyer@hotmail.com

The biggest problem with parapsychology is that people who believe it to be real tend not to THINK about the things they see or search out more... realistic explanations for their observations than just... "a ghost" or "god did it"... things like that.
This has nothing to do with superstition. It is documented and tribal leaders (Native American) actually did this, as well as many other things. It is not made up. I cannot do this by will, but I have had the same exact dream as someone else. I cannot explain it, but it happened. I have no box, no boundaries. I know what I know and am open to what I don't know. It was when I decided to break away from conservative ideas that I was really able to grasp the potential of what we call reality.
As a (sometimes) lucid dreamer I am sure I would be able to enter the dreams of others or to have my dreams entered by others. I am also sure that I could not deliver scientific proof for that phenomenon. So what?
I knew somebody who could wake me up at night, although we were 10,000 km apart and lived with a time difference of 6 hours. Whenever he had tried to wake me, he would send me an email, giving me the exact time. Whenever I woke up in the middle of the night under his presence I jotted down the time (email-check was done in the morning, hours later). They matched. Always.

Something to think about:
You KNOW when you are in a lucid dream and when you are not. That implies that your level of consciousness is different in the two situations. Entering other people’s dreams is an effort of WILL, and can therefore not be achieved in a normal dream situation. Some sort of will-effort is also needed to slip into somebody else and see the world from his perspective.
Since I know that even the researchers’ expectations (as in effort of will) can affect the outcome of an experiment, I think the mind has power that translates into energy. However, not even the scientist are clear WHY their expectations have an influence at certain experiments. Could be the same thing as entering other peoples' dreams. It happens and nobody knows why.
open minded with salt shaker


I did not ignore your statement quite the contrary. I have asked you to explain the phenomena, which I related. I have not called it supernatural and don’t consider it so. If a thing occurs in nature then it is natural this would include GOD and spirits. I have been subject to these kind of events all of my life. I don't control them and have not the slightest clue as how to. It has been my experience that when people don't know the answers they label. The labels used are unnatural, supernatural, paranormal, superstition, occult (which means secret knowledge).
As to evidence I would suggest that you read the reputable scientific investigation reports and look for phrases such as indefinable, unexplained, irrelevant, non-relevant, unsupported, unsubstantiated, aberrant, etcetera . . . I say this because in my life both civilian and military intelligence these are the tools that learned men use to dismiss data that is in opposition to their cause.
I have a friend who is a teacher he has made him self quite wealthy panning gold summers in Alaska when he pans he either works an abandoned mine or virgin territory ;when I asked him why he told me that when he works a camp he digs where they tell him to while if he works the abandoned mine he finds what they missed and the virgin is where they did not go.
If you go panning list the data that doesn't fit then look for patterns you may find gold.
with respect

.:cool: :m:
Yes, people often do dismiss evidence that falsifies their hypothesis. In science, if that happens over and over again... the hypothesis is wrong. If it is wrong and proven wrong, it will not be published, which is why you will never see those words.

"It has been my experience that when people don't know the answers they label. The labels used are unnatural, supernatural, paranormal, superstition, occult (which means secret knowledge)."

Yes, which includes God and spirits, because the very nature of god and spirits are contradictory to the laws of physics, hence, considered supernatural.
Actually metaphysics (supernatural and other termed unexplained happenings) are quite explainable through quantum physics and other theoretical applied sciences. I really don't want to get into it, but it is worth looking into.
I am majoring in theoretical physics... I know what you are getting at... and I used to read books about all that and loved it... But mainstream science does not recognize spirits, ghosts or anything "explainable" through quantum physics as real. Fringe science, which occasionally involves quantum physics, does.

Although, I think, when theoretical physicists use beings affected by quantum effects, they are merely making an analogy, not an actual hypothesis or prediction...

Michio Kaku's Hyperspace... good resource.
Clifford Pickover's Dimension book... I cannot remember... it is upstairs...
Pickover deals a lot with what you are referring to... www.pickover.com Go to his "10,000 links"... there is some crazy stuff there, including metaphysics explaining ghosts and whatnot...

Anyway, it just doesn't seem logical that sentient entities are floating around us at any time and we cannot sense them or they have never been SCIENTIFICALLY documented, but people's fears or desire's continue to perpetuate the stories...
It is just very interesting.