God's Little Green Children.

Originally posted by stu43t
Thats OK I'll ignore it ;)
Just to clarify, the post that I posted in error was the one in which I noted it was posted in error. My post just before that one, which responded to your assertion that I hate Xianity, was not posted in error.
Originally posted by Jade Squirrel
Yes, they are both hypothetical situations. Neither of them, if true, would demonstrate the validity of faith in attaining knowledge. The former (i.e. the original post of this thread) would also make it even more improbable that Xianity, in particular, is true.
I doubt it, the Bible mentions that God created heaven, it talks about heaven and celestial bodies which in todays terminology, means stars, planets, asteroids, moons, etc. It says that their are creatures in the heaven as well as earth.
If life is found on other planets you can bet it is to be found in the Bible. As I am not a Christian and no Bible expert you'll have to take a look at it yourself. Revelations is ideal for this topic, and is a bit of an eye opener. See what you can translate to the world today, I think you will be suprised and maybe shocked.

Peace ;)
Originally posted by Jade Squirrel
Just to clarify, the post that I posted in error was the one in which I noted it was posted in error. My post just before that one, which responded to your assertion that I hate Xianity, was not posted in error.

I know ;)

Peace :m:
Originally posted by stu43t
I doubt it, the Bible mentions that God created heaven, it talks about heaven and celestial bodies which in todays terminology, means stars, planets, asteroids, moons, etc. It says that their are creatures in the heaven as well as earth.
If life is found on other planets you can bet it is to be found in the Bible. As I am not a Christian and no Bible expert you'll have to take a look at it yourself. Revelations is ideal for this topic, and is a bit of an eye opener. See what you can translate to the world today, I think you will be suprised and maybe shocked.
Take a look at the predictions of Nostradamus and see how you can apply them to the world today. Take a look at each of the horoscopes in today's paper and see how you can find parallels in your own life. The Bible is just as obscure.

Besides, the most important message of the Bible, as far as Xians are concerned, is that you must believe that Jesus is the son of God who died for our sins in order to get to heaven. Therefore, if Xianity were true, Jesus would also have had to be born on all the other planets with intelligent life (if there are any) and die for all of their sins. This is the reason that the existence of intelligent life on other planets would create a problem for the "theory" of Xianity.
Hi Jade

Listen, you got me on this one because I don't know much what the Bible says on this score, but I'm sure whatever creeps up on us in the future, I'll bet it's mentioned in the Bible. If it isn't then ah well, I'm wrong. People might say "Maybe Jesus didn't need to go to other planets", or "how do we know he didn't ?- ridiculous questions arising from hypothetical situations which sound insane. We will probably never know the truth, but just in case, there's no harm in keeping an open mind, at least I'll be prepared for the truth if we find it, scientifically or otherwise, and I wont be disappointed eitherway.

Peace :m:
Originally posted by stu43t
...at least I'll be prepared for the truth if we find it, scientifically or otherwise, and I wont be disappointed eitherway.

Peace :m:
Personally, I see things differently, but if you think that's the best outlook for you, then who am I to try to convince you otherwise? :)

Just wanted to update this thread that ...there is a Guy already claiming to be an Alien and Jesus at the same time on some other thread ...so I feel the Question for this thread is Moot...

Aliens are Xians :rolleyes: ( Go figure)

BY the way if you observe other non-abrahmic religions they all talk about multiple Gods living on different Planets ...that is how the Greek Concept of Trinity and HIndu Concept of Tri-Dev is explained.... Hinduism actually talks about different Planets ... rather than Earth is Flat and center of Universe ...after it was discovered :D otherwise...Xians accepted (finally!!)that fact ...So I guess the concept of other Planets are new to Xians so asking them such questions is a infant concept...

What if we met aliens and they had never heard of the concept of god and no such thing was written about in their historical litterature?
Would this shake anyone's faith?
I know you are going to say no but why not? Wouldn't god unveil himself to all his intelligent creations?

Oh I forgot the arrogant nature of religion. of course, only homo-sapiens are gods chosen children in all the universe, how silly of me:rolleyes:
Originally posted by razz
Do Christians believe in intelligent Life on other planets? *If not...Why not?
(Xians have a limited mindframe to understand the true omniscience of God. Their God is limited to the teachings of their faith.)
Its a bit arrogant to think out of all the infinite universes in the ever expanding Multiverse that we humans are the only intelligent life form to ever evolve or be created.
(True, but again, Xian understanding is limited, which is truly unfortunate, since the Bible reeks with flying machines, spaceships, nephilim, "sons of God came down on the daughters of men, etc.")
*Why make all those infinite planets/universes and leave them empty?
(Well, we really don't know if they're empty. Surely, they have form and are not void. We are still in the infancy stage of reaching out to infinity.)
*Is God wastefull?
(No. That would go against the purpose of all creation. WE just haven't discovered the capacity of everything in creation.)
*If intelligent life elsewhere does exist... Are these beings Gods children too?
*Would they have a christian bible?
(Of course not. They would not be limited to the beliefs of a man-made mythological religion.)
*Was Gods only son Jesus sacrificed for their sins too?
(No, because he wasn't sacrificed for our sins, either. This is one of the false teachings of the Xian religion.)
*Why does the bible not recognise their creation too?
(Again, the Bible represents man-made mythological religions that have limited capacity to understand the 'bigger picture.')
I think I have too much time on my hands to think of these obtuse questions.
(Not at all. You have posed some thought-provoking questions that needed to be answered. There are no accidents in the universe (why would God create 'accidents?' Your questions are timely. Thanks for writing.)
Originally posted by stu43t
Hi Persol,

You say that evolution is not a theory. Darwins THEORY of evolution is taught in schools as fact. I think this is wrong practise but it goes on. Personally, it is nothing more than a theory, not observed or anything else. This is the THEORY I referred to in my last post.

Darwins Theory

What a disgustingly insipid site. *hurls*

"click here for alternate theories"

jeez it's weird cuz for every "theory" it can't really refute but offers convoluted bullshit to confuse simple people, there is the same alternative: Theism.

that's some sick shit.
What if aliens had no concept of God?

Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
What if we met aliens and they had never heard of the concept of god and no such thing was written about in their historical litterature?
Would this shake anyone's faith? I know you are going to say no but why not? Wouldn't god unveil himself to all his intelligent creations?
(Dear Dr. Lou: The human race is actually in the process of unveiling enigmas like this. That is not to say that WE are the most intelligent beings that have ever been created. Since I believe that we (human beings) were created to carry the Spirit of God on the face of the Earth, then I would say that aliens manifest from the same spirit of God. They may or may not know it either, just like some people on sciforums.)
Oh I forgot the arrogant nature of religion. of course, only homo-sapiens are gods chosen children in all the universe, how silly of me:rolleyes:
(I think that even aliens would have some knowledge of the One Creator. I just believe there is only One Spirit of God that encompasses all creation, aliens included. However, I don't believe aliens take part in any man-made religion, but they probably do understand the travesty that only the most mentally fragile human beings believe in such false mythology. Perhaps we can learn from them when we see them.)
Life on other planets/solar systems?

As a Christian, I once pondered the point of making a universe that is
expanding and probably we will never see the end to it or of it. I often
wonder why God would create something nobody would ever see and only wonder
about and I think that there is a reason for the rest of the universe, but I
am not sure what. I don't know why it would be a big deal, but it would be
kind of disappointing if the vast universe was created with no other purpose
but to house one race of people, that is humans. Not to say that an alien
would be green, who knows what color it would be or whatever, but I often
wonder if Heaven or afterlife has to do with life in a different dimension
of this universe or in the same universe, just a different part.

Then again, Christianity teaches that God is infinite in wisdom, power, and
is everywhere. What if Humans were created to know God as the savior through
his Son Jesus Christ and another race on a different part of the universe
was created to know a different aspect of God that we will never know. Then
we will all meet up in the afterlife and reflect on how great God is through
the different aspects shown to us. This might sound nuts, but who knows
really, you know.
Originally posted by Quigly
Life on other planets/solar systems?

What if Humans were created to know God as the savior through
his Son Jesus Christ and another race on a different part of the universe
was created to know a different aspect of God that we will never know. Then
we will all meet up in the afterlife and reflect on how great God is through
the different aspects shown to us. This might sound nuts, but who knows
really, you know.

Well you are right Quigly this sounds like nuts and crackers....

Why the fuck would you think God would create us to teach us his different aspect ... why do you give God a humanly trait of goading over his own creation. And why do you think he created us to keep on praising us during our life and after life... why so much grovelling and begging for forgiveness when we have not done any wrong or any sin..

I think the whole bible teaching stinks if it makes you cry because a fucking stone was removed from a state judicial building and on other hand makes you a patriot to praise your soldiers in Bombing poor Iraqis to kingdom come...I think there has to be a stop to this nonsense of "relecting on God's different aspect in after life and praising the lord in this life while on the other hand killing someone who does not believe in your invisible friend.

I am sorry if I sounded a bit harsh ...but it is plain BS when people smile and say you need to be saved ...and praise the lord...I mean clean up your act that is being close to God and not chanting and praising some sorry ass middle eastern man who was killed couple of thousand years back.
Well, I do agree with you Guru and I told you, it was a crazy thought. I guess I just have an over active imagination. Come one though, I am a normal person that does not go around preaching that God will light people up like a cigarette and smoke em if they do not get saved, nevertheless, I do believe that there is a pattern for Salvation. I believe Coke is better then pepsi, but I do not go around telling people the pepsi is a poison that will kill you(even though soda is pretty bad for your body) and coke will make you live longer. I think a lot of people do go too far with there preaching, but this post was about if christians believe in aliens and I simply blurted a possibility. Don't hold it against me, it could be right, could be wrong and most probably it will be wrong, but it was a fun thought when I had it.

Now that you have said that ..it makes you sound intelligent ...Sorry I must have sounded pissed off in the previous post..

Anyways what I feel is that if we all believe in Soul ...at least most of us do ...then the soul can reside in any type of material and does not have to be carbon based with Bones, water or skin...

I mean there could be alien living in loosely held atoms ...or solid rocks ...on other planets ....who might be thinking that GOD made them in their own image...there can be many possiblities if there is life...also there can be a race which has figured out everything about life...may be few tens of Billions year old civilization... who can come here and see that we all are playing in our sand box called earth and have created our own sand castles called religion and hiding behind it to appease some invisible being ...
which on some other planet could be a normal person (aka loosely held atoms)...:D

It will be very difficult for people of any faith to come out and accept these aliens with open arms, as they will have to step on their sand castle to make way for these aliens to land on our sand box....

I think people of faith would try to justify it by saying this is work of Satan or they are anti-christ ...and after few hunderd year they might accept the fact by finding some verse in their holy books and twisting it to mean what they want to...
