God's Little Green Children.


Registered Senior Member
Do Christians believe in intelligent Life on other planets?

*If not...Why not?

Its a bit arrogant to think out of all the infinite universes in the ever expanding Multiverse that we humans are the only intelligent life form to ever evolve or be created.

*Why make all those infinite planets/ universes and leave them empty?
*Is God wastefull?

*If intelligent life elsewhere does exist... Are these beings Gods children too?
*Would they have a christian bible?
*Was Gods only son Jesus sacrificed for their sins too?
*Why does the bible not recognise their creation too?

I think I have too much time on my hands to think of these obtuse questions.:bugeye:
They are very good questions. I've thought of similar questions in the past, as I am sure many have. I'd like to see how a Xian tries to answer this.

Jesus was an alien :D
big bang=theory

Would a Christian believe that intelligent life exists on other planets?

Why not! It would only add to the mysteries of our existance, no explanation would be available because no one would understand. Christians aren't experts either, they follow their road and have faith in what they believe is true.

You could have said:

"Would Christians/Muslims/Jews/etc... believe in intelligent Life on other planets?"

Why single out Christians?
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Originally posted by stu43t
big bang=theory

Evolution is not a theory but observed... but don't worry, 2 out of 3 isn't bad.

Now life randomly springing up out of the primordial soup is still a theory, although I'd have to guess that it is correct.
Originally posted by Persol
Originally posted by stu43t
big bang=theory

Evolution is not a theory but observed... but don't worry, 2 out of 3 isn't bad.

Now life randomly springing up out of the primordial soup is still a theory, although I'd have to guess that it is correct.

Hi Persol,

You say that evolution is not a theory. Darwins THEORY of evolution is taught in schools as fact. I think this is wrong practise but it goes on. Personally, it is nothing more than a theory, not observed or anything else. This is the THEORY I referred to in my last post.

Darwins Theory
Originally posted by stu43t
You say that evolution is not a theory. Darwins THEORY of evolution is taught in schools as fact. I think this is wrong practise but it goes on.
Darwins theory is just that... a theory... in which the scientific community itself has found problems. Evolution as a whole however is not a theory, but a fact. You can debate the extent to which evolution modifies life, but that doesn't change the fact that it does.
Sorry don't mean to butt in and all.....

You say that evolution is not a theory. Darwins THEORY of evolution is taught in schools as fact.

Theory often means "imperfect fact" I cant say anything regarding the status of evolution being taught in schools, maybe some schools are on the wrong tract, i dont know.

Evolution is a fact, the mechanism behind it is not certain, thus we have the theory of evolution. This should be made clear.

it is nothing more than a theory, not observed or anything else.

Well it has been observed. It has weight behind its scientific legitamacy, its not a wild guess.
evolution is and has been observed. these scientists did an experiment with flies where they exposed them to different environmental factors than normally observed by flies with some kind of slight mutagen that could be observed as occuring in the earths history. the result in the end was an albino fly. it was a freak mutation that helped it conform to its new type of surroundings. it was a long process but this was a real life example of evolution. and as a test, ask yourself how many times you have ever heard of or seen an albino fly yourself? never. it's evolution and proof that evolution exists (if you still care to ignore all of the evidence for evolution already surrounding us).
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Originally posted by stu43t
big bang=theory
Let me fix this up a bit:

Big Bang = theory with supporting evidence
Evolution = theory with even more supporting evidence
God = theory with no evidence

Christians aren't experts either, they follow their road and have faith in what they believe is true.
So, in other words, "no comment". But if Xianity is true and the Bible is the word of God, then any other planet would have to have the Bible to proclaim the message of Jesus X. Man, Jesus must be getting tired of going to all these planets and dying for possibly trillions of people's sins.

"Would Christians/Muslims/Jews/etc... believe in intelligent Life on other planets?"

Why single out Christians?
Because they are the ones who are the most rampant on forums trying to convert others to their religion. ;)
Originally posted by Jade Squirrel
Let me fix this up a bit:

Big Bang = theory with supporting evidence
Evolution = theory with even more supporting evidence
God = theory with no evidence

Let me fix this up even better:

Jade Squirrel = Atheist

So, in other words, "no comment". But if Xianity is true and the Bible is the word of God, then any other planet would have to have the Bible to proclaim the message of Jesus X. Man, Jesus must be getting tired of going to all these planets and dying for possibly trillions of people's sins.

A very immature or should I say atheist view of the possibilities of creation. I said there are many theories, but I did not say they were wrong or false.

There is so much we don't understand it would be foolish to dismiss any possibilities lightly.

Because they are the ones who are the most rampant on forums trying to convert others to their religion. ;)
That is merely a sweeping statement, or are you prejudiced?? Not ALL Christians are bothered if others are converted or not. Basically, if you have heard of Jesus then it's up to you whether you believe it or not. I wouldn't rule it out, nor scoff at the idea.

Answer this question, or at least have a think about it:

How is the information required for DNA ceated?
Originally posted by stu43t
Jade Squirrel = Atheist
You may not have noticed that this had nothing to do with the original list.... and the list was still correct.

A very immature or should I say atheist view of the possibilities of creation. I said there are many theories, but I did not say they were wrong or false.

Ah, resort to calling them immature... how mature:rolleyes:. Extra-solar life raises real issues with relgion, especially in religions based on pre-ordained salvation.

There is so much we don't understand it would be foolish to dismiss any possibilities lightly.

We don't understand unicorns. I won't get upset if you dismiss it lightly. There is just as much reason to believe in unicorns as god.

That is merely a sweeping statement, or are you prejudiced??

To me it sounded like an observaiton. Notice he didn't say all. I could just as easily ask if you are prejudiced against all non-theists.

Not ALL Christians are bothered if others are converted or not.

No, but as a general instruction from the Bible... it's supposed to be your duty as a 'true believer'.:)

Basically, if you have heard of Jesus then it's up to you whether you believe it or not. I wouldn't rule it out, nor scoff at the idea.

I've heard of unicorns. I scoff in their general direction.

How is the information required for DNA ceated?

Wow, how unoriginal. Google is your friend.
Ok Persol your an atheist who scoffs at the idea of unicorns and who can blame you. I am more open-minded than you and I do not scoff at the idea of god, nor do I scoff at the idea of Darwins or the theory of the big bang, they all have posibilities wouldn't you say, rather no you wouldn't.

Anyway try to answer the "unoriginal google is your friend" question will you.
it seems that if we did find life on other planets, and they were "like us", it would be a pretty strong argument that there is a "creator". Now, if we found life on other planets that was entirely different, it would be a different story...

i'm just saying that finding intelligent life on other planets could be an argument for or against christianity depending on what kind of life life we found. Probably not a proof either way, but an argument.
Well.... life was found on mars. Ok, the very basic of life- but life nonetheless. I guess god put them there aswell?
We found a ton of things on Mars. The Cathedral, the Face, the D&M Pyramid, the City. Maybe someday, when we finally get a manned mission there, we will learn that Mars may have been our first home.

But I really can't stand these religious people's argument that hearing of Jesus makes him real. Jesus Tapdancin' Christ, Kyle! I've heard of the Easter Bunny, Santa, your girlfriend's virginity, but that doesn't make them real! And even if Jesus was real, it by no means make him the son of god! Damn, dude, David Koresh said he was Jesus reincarnated, so why don't you believe him?

And the other thing that burns me is that they simply LIE about things known to be fact! "Evolution is a theory, not observed" when it HAS BEEN OBSERVED. Idiots and liars, those damn Christians are. They are the scum of the Earth, plain and simple. Hopefully an alien ship will make a public landing and announce that all Christians are stupid. Though I assume the Christians would simply say that it never happened, or, even better, they'd write about how it was really Jesus telling the Christians that they were right all along! HA!

Originally posted by stu43t
Let me fix this up even better:

Jade Squirrel = Atheist
Well, duh. Now I must congratulate you for successfully rebutting my argument by calling me an atheist. :rolleyes:

A very immature or should I say atheist view of the possibilities of creation.

Once again, well done. Dismiss my arguments by calling atheism immature. :rolleyes:

I think Persol did a nice job of responding to your post for me. Thanks, Persol.
Originally posted by Jade Squirrel
I'd like to see how a Xian tries to answer this.

Originally posted by razz
Do Christians believe in intelligent Life on other planets?

*Would they have a christian bible?
*Was Gods only son Jesus sacrificed for their sins too?
*Why does the bible not recognise their creation too?

Originally posted by SnakeLord
Jesus was an alien :D

Originally posted by Jade Squirrel
But if Xianity is true and the Bible is the word of God, then any other planet would have to have the Bible to proclaim the message of Jesus X. Man, Jesus must be getting tired of going to all these planets and dying for possibly trillions of people's sins.

Originally posted by coolsoldier
i'm just saying that finding intelligent life on other planets could be an argument for or against christianity

What puzzles me is that you are all quoting against Christianity, there are many faiths but you all seem unaware of them. For example here's a few:

Baha'i Faith

Shall I presume that you all think that Christianity is the supreme of all the faiths in the world, or are you all suffering from an acute narrow minds?
Originally posted by stu43t
What puzzles me is that you are all quoting against Christianity, there are many faiths but you all seem unaware of them. For example here's a few:


Shall I presume that you all think that Christianity is the supreme of all the faiths in the world, or are you all suffering from an acute narrow minds?

The thread started out with "Do christians believe in intellegent life on other planets". That's why other religions haven't been mentioned.
Originally posted by stu43t
What puzzles me is that you are all quoting against Christianity, there are many faiths but you all seem unaware of them.

Shall I presume that you all think that Christianity is the supreme of all the faiths in the world, or are you all suffering from an acute narrow minds?
Hello? This topic of this thread is the possibility of life on other planets as an indication that Xianity is false. A discussion of other faiths is irrelevant to this topic.