God's authorship self evident???

Is God's authorship self evident???

  • Hell Yes, we're talking GOD! He da man!

    Votes: 5 22.7%
  • Frack no, humans are idiots!

    Votes: 10 45.5%
  • what's the pretty Chinese mean?

    Votes: 7 31.8%

  • Total voters


Valued Senior Member
Wouldn't you think that IF God wrote a book. Say the most important book on planet Earth, that EVEN if God did so as a ghostwriter, people of ALL cultures, ALL times, ALL walks of life, would recognize it's brilliance?

You know, kind of like 孫子 孫子兵法 and that's just a mortal author and his ideas a couple thousand years ago. SURELY GOD, could do as good?

Anyway, do you think that if God wrote a book, his authorship would be self-evident to at least 80% or more of humanity?
Wouldn't you think that IF God wrote a book. Say the most important book on planet Earth, that EVEN if God did so as a ghostwriter, people of ALL cultures, ALL times, ALL walks of life, would recognize it's brilliance?

You know, kind of like 孫子 孫子兵法 and that's just a mortal author and his ideas a couple thousand years ago. SURELY GOD, could do as good?

Anyway, do you think that if God wrote a book, his authorship would be self-evident to at least 80% or more of humanity?
Given that most of what god has to say is about leaving the world of temporary affairs, and that well over 80% of the world's population is (literally) dead opposed to it, I don't think there is a requirement for a consensus in the literary awards.
Given that most of what god has to say is about leaving the world of temporary affairs, and that well over 80% of the world's population is (literally) dead opposed to it, I don't think there is a requirement for a consensus in the literary awards.
So you are of the opinion that if God did write something, it'd likely be no better than a human author, say, pretending to be God? Maybe no better then a high school student's essay? Whatever the case, it'd certainly not offer such outstandingly prolific novel and enlightening ideas as to be self-evidently authored by God.

Do you even think it's possible for God to write such a peace of literature? CAN God do it?
I suppose so. God is commonly described as being omnipotent, capable of doing literally anything he/she/it pleases. So presumably, if God was so inclined, he/she/it could write such a book -- or any other type of book. How exactly this would work is a moot point -- God can do it because he/she/it is God, period.

Not satisfied? Me either.

Note that this is exactly why appeals to supernatural explanations (and an omnipotent creator in particular) are necessarily outside of the realm of science. For when something can explain literally any possible outcome, it paradoxically can explain nothing at all.

So... what does the pretty Chinese mean?
Wouldn't you think that IF God wrote a book. Say the most important book on planet Earth, that EVEN if God did so as a ghostwriter, people of ALL cultures, ALL times, ALL walks of life, would recognize it's brilliance?

You know, kind of like 孫子 孫子兵法 and that's just a mortal author and his ideas a couple thousand years ago. SURELY GOD, could do as good?

Anyway, do you think that if God wrote a book, his authorship would be self-evident to at least 80% or more of humanity?

God has already give us the book, such as Bible (Christian) and Al-Qur'an (Moslem). Bible describe that God creates angel and demon before he create universe. Al-Qur'an that came after the Bible confirms it and also add the detail that angels was made from light and demon from fire.

You may watch the video about this at you tube video. Just try to search with keyword "eonfluxs7 scientifically god is exist"

And we may conclude that Christian and Moslem should exist as evidence of the God Existence.
The pretty Chinese = Sun Tsu's Art of War

Well, as there are no self evident God-Books, I suppose either there is no God or She didn't bother to write a book? Well, one anyone read....
Wouldn't you think that IF God wrote a book. Say the most important book on planet Earth, that EVEN if God did so as a ghostwriter, people of ALL cultures, ALL times, ALL walks of life, would recognize it's brilliance?

Yes, and this is why it is clear that they are not the word(s) of god(s).
I agree! It seems that IF theists were being logical they'd see it too? Or am I missing something. Granted, that is big assumption, but is it unrealistic? I mean, wouldn't God write one hell of an obviously-written-by-God book?

I remember a couple of theists that were worrying over my soul, as they thought I was a nice enough person and they didn't want to see me burn in hell fire for eternity, and they showed me their religious book, read a couple lines and said: Can't you SEE these are the words of God?! What more do you NEED? (they were sure the book was Perfection in all ways). I said, I want it to float and talk to me once in awhile like they do in Disney cartoons :)
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So you are of the opinion that if God did write something, it'd likely be no better than a human author, say, pretending to be God?
Not really since your average (or even above average) human doesn't have a clue how to deal with the problem of ascribing eternal values to temporary objects.
Maybe no better then a high school student's essay? Whatever the case, it'd certainly not offer such outstandingly prolific novel and enlightening ideas as to be self-evidently authored by God.
Once again, if your heart is set on sucking the juice from a piece of sugar cane that has already gone through the grinder 12 times, you will probably be looking elsewhere for enlightenment ....

Do you even think it's possible for God to write such a peace of literature? CAN God do it?

as if you can
God has already give us the book, such as Bible (Christian) and Al-Qur'an (Moslem). Bible describe that God creates angel and demon before he create universe. Al-Qur'an that came after the Bible confirms it and also add the detail that angels was made from light and demon from fire.
how do you know it was God and not just some power hungry people trying to scare others into obedience...
this sure doesnt sound like a Loving god to me:
Given that most of what god has to say is about leaving the world of temporary affairs, and that well over 80% of the world's population is (literally) dead opposed to it,

Are you lying, pulling our legs or truly that deluded???

I don't think there is a requirement for a consensus in the literary awards.

There is a requirement for clarity, consistency, compassion, logic, noncontradiction of irrefutable facts & availability to everyone concerned.

“ Do you even think it's possible for God to write such a peace of literature? CAN God do it? ”

as if you can

I can. You don't know whether he can. Judging from your posts, you cannot. Judging from all the scripture I've read, God cannot.
Well, as there are no self evident God-Books,

No self evident god.

Seems if there is a god it is going to a hell of an effort to remain unobtrusive.

You'ld think the theists would take the hint. God wants you to fuck off.
I think you miss the point. The point is not that God CAN'T change people's minds. It's that he WON'T.

Free will, it seems, matter more to him even than followers who have been compelled.
I think you miss the point. The point is not that God CAN'T change people's minds. It's that he WON'T.

Free will, it seems, matter more to him even than followers who have been compelled.

And where have you acquired this knowledge ?
And where have you acquired this knowledge ?

It makes logical sense.

Taking the bible without accounting Free Will is clearly absurd. Heck, the whole bible is talking about people CHOOSING what they will believe. IF God were to compel everyone to believe one thing, what kind of "choice" is that? Namely, rewarding OR punishing people for a choice they never made is absurd in the extreme.

IF the bible was to serve any purpose at all, it must still allow people to make their own choice about what to believe or not.

Personally, I'm not sure if we can be said to exist without free will. I'm not sure if compelling everyone to believe wouldn't kill us all. I mean, not biologically, of course, but wouldn't that reduce us to automatons. Automatons aren't really alive, no matter the biological definition.

Consider the following analogy:

We're in a courtroom. A man is being charged with murder. But it is proven that I hold a remote control which controls everything the man does. Can he be any more guilty of murder than a gun can? Obviously not. If I told him to kill someone, I'D be the guilty one.

Same thing here. Saving people by force makes no more sense than condemning them by force.