godless people,


ok the title is not relevent, it is just to get the attention of people,

what is relevent though is this,

people who just curse and shun religious people with rude comments. why even bother posting on religious forums/posts, if it is such utter trash and gibberish, then do not concern yourself witht he company of ignorance, it is a choice you all have, if its such garbage, then surely you dont want to get your hands dirty stooping to the level of those you look down upon,

wouldent you say its logical for religious haters to not post and spend so much time dealing with religious posts?, why would you concern yourself and spend time discussing something that you know is complete BS,




i will tell you why, because

a) you realy want it to be true so it becomes an obbsession to you, you have to lash out in anger at god, because he dosent exist, and you take it out on the people who so believe with spite and rudeness.

b) because your trying to convert people and make them feel like you do, tryig to impose your belief system upon them and wash them anouther way,

c) because your kinda stupid deep down, because while preaching that its all a load of BS and how its a waste of time, you spend amounts of time debating it with people. basically lowering yourself to what you earlyer described as stupid and nonesense,

d) because it fascinates you, and part of you believes in god (or wants to)but your logical brain tells you its BS so you keep searching for loopholes that tell you god exists,

e) because you just have nothing better to do

and for extream cases of godaphobia,

the people who i just described know who they are, but will not admit to it, and you know your one of these people, if you just started reading my post, and it made you kinda angry and made you want to stop reading it when it got past the Why why why part on about a) b) and reply straight away to try and say im wrong and dissrespect me in someway, without even reading what im saying properly,

Because religious fanactics like yourself effect our lives!!!
Think about it now.
Deep thoughts Jack.
Bravooo Chi! Although I give your spelling and sentence structure a C-.
You say what I want to say but my religion tells me it's mean. :p
First off, it's not "godless people", it's "people", period. Religious people can be a bigger pain in the ass.
But specifically why are we godless people sometimes so rude?
Religion is stupid. (most of the time) There's absolutely no reason why to believe ANYTHING about a religion, yet people do. That's stupid. And the reasons why other people DO believe that I wouldn't consider stupid (near death experiences, personal stuff like that) usually have perfectly rational explanations, and if looked at in depth are shown to be irrational too. We "godless people" (at least some) have facts on our side. We have logic, rationality, etc. We don't just talk, talk, talk and talk some more without anything to back it up, we at least base what we think on facts. Religious people don't.
So why?
Because we're sick and tired of stupidity. That pretty much sums it all up. We're sick and tired of stupid creationists/fundies wanting to push religion into everyone else and every aspect of society, etc. We're sick and tired of people who think they know it all but don't know shit, we're sick and tired of people who will believe any stupid crap from people who don't know shit either. We're sick and tired of telling people something and them not listening, them keeping spreading their lies, etc.
And being sick and tired just makes you kind of give up trying to be nice and polite and just express what you really feel for a change.

PS: you asked for it :p
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OliverJ said:
Because religious fanactics like yourself effect our lives!!!
Think about it now.
Deep thoughts Jack.

religious? you have me mistaken friend, i am not religious, i am a daoistic athiest.

i believe in myself and my sword,

im not even sure if i can spell religious right or relligion is it 2 lls or 1 ? im seriously not sure,school wasnt my subject. but learnign about life was.

That's sort of how I feel against people that try to tell me I have no God. Except I have a God which means I am supposed to be held accountable if I went on a rant. I can't just throw rants out to everyone like atheists do.
usp8riot said:
That's sort of how I feel against people that try to tell me I have no God. Except I have a God which means I am supposed to be held accountable if I went on a rant. I can't just throw rants out to everyone like atheists do.

Just think, God put us atheists here just to test the faithful. In other words we're more important than you in His eyes.
usp8riot said:
Bravooo Chi! Although I give your spelling and sentence structure a C-.
You say what I want to say but my religion tells me it's mean. :p

i dont know what faith you are of, but i can tell you this advice, your god isnt whats written in your books, its what written in your hearts. your book is a story, its a philosophy a metaphore, a spark of advice not to be taken so litteral, i have read every holybook that has come my way, like i read science articles and anything else that can guide me. what about reading what a ordanary joe has to say on sciforums like yourself, everywhere you go there are guides and helpers.

dont just look to your holybook for advice, know that it was written by man, god would not use pen and paper, no feather and scroll, he would use energy or force to write his laws,

if your book tells you not to do it dont blindly follow, you can still be polite and nice while stating your point, just be respectfull when you say your opinion.

TheAlphaWolf said:
First off, it's not "godless people", it's "people", period. Religious people can be a bigger pain in the ass.
But specifically why are we godless people sometimes so rude?
Religion is stupid. (most of the time) There's absolutely no reason why to believe ANYTHING about a religion, yet people do. That's stupid. And the reasons why other people DO believe that I wouldn't consider stupid (near death experiences, personal stuff like that) usually have perfectly rational explanations, and if looked at in depth are shown to be irrational too. We "godless people" (at least some) have facts on our side. We have logic, rationality, etc. We don't just talk, talk, talk and talk some more without anything to back it up, we at least base what we think on facts. Religious people don't.
So why?
Because we're sick and tired of stupidity. That pretty much sums it all up. We're sick and tired of stupid creationists/fundies wanting to push religion into everyone else and every aspect of society, etc. We're sick and tired of people who think they know it all but don't know shit, we're sick and tired of people who will believe any stupid crap from people who don't know shit either. We're sick and tired of telling people something and them not listening, them keeping spreading their lies, etc.
And being sick and tired just makes you kind of give up trying to be nice and polite and just express what you really feel for a change.

PS: you asked for it :p

first of all i stated the title was of no matter in the discussion, it was a mere face.

and not really i asked for nothing, i was just stating my opinion, and expected the feedback as followed,

we arent sick of stupidity, people love stupid shit, thats whyt he movies and entertainment (what we like to view) is all stupid shit ad violent and destructive, if we were sick of stupid shit we would not have bush and blair in power with a currupt democracy running the country, or should i say the world, world domination is what they want global power look they already have taken a good outpost in the middle east, get the oil supply good starting point, and if you cant take over a country by force without huge risk, ie china why not ally with them, i know enough about strategy and warfare to see global domination of resource when i see it, anyways enough about that buisness,

we tolerate all kinds of BS every day thats stupid but we dont verbally atack them for believing something thats personal tot hem,

would you say its wise to insult people like that for there faith?

i dont think its that respectfull, as you dont liek it when others attack your personal beliefs.

if you dont have the same opinion as someone else about faith etc you dont have to be rude to tell them you dont agree witht hem,

whats so hard about this "i dont agree with you but ok fair enough thats your personal belief"

especially when people claim to be smart, thent hey result to childish name calling over personal opinions?, its not that wise from my standpoint, (neutral)

Just think, God put us atheists here just to test the faithful. In other words we're more important than you in His eyes.

Yes, I also see it that way. Everything/everyone serves a purpose. So the test is more important than the one it tests? Is that what you're saying? I think it's reversed.

So Chi, what is your angle? You're like, wtf, what ever happened to just being nice and people not saying rude or offensive stuff, you freakin' a**holes? Isn't that contrary?
my angle is as i stated in my initial post, i have no hidden agenda, i said what i ment to say and imply,

read my initial post again, then respond to it in the terms of a debate, or this thread will become destroyed,

what about my "argument" i would like a religious "basher" to actually debate properly about this with me,

im sure some athiest extreamists would be capable of simple debate with structure and politeness,

i am an athiest myselt, so nobody can say i am putting down athiests, that would be stupid of me wouldent it.

i just have a point and i think its pretty correct to be honest, and i expect others to be defensive about it, but ofcourse "tone it down" because of the fact they know i have stated about it, and dont want to seem touched by it,

Hang in there and and the non-religious will be on you like white on rice. It's been my experience. ;)
i eat rice for breakfast,

(every day actually, sometimes with different side, duck is my fav meat with rice, some char sui buns and dim sum thats breakfast,)



I feel much the same way you do. I am no friend of organized religion. I despise it and it's bloody legacy. I despise fundamentalists of every ilk, as they are responsible for most of the evil in the world today. I have no patience with anyone who thinks their beliefs give them a right to alter my political environment or my children's education. I do not trust religious institutions and wish 99% of them would disappear.

I live in an area where the religious are very moderate-to-liberal, I have many religious friends,I know many that are quite intelligent. To make a knee-jerk assessment of anyone because they have a spiritual belief is as moronic and unjustified as when a fundamentalist declares that "if you are an atheist you must be immoral."

It is awfully easy to rip people on a messageboard - it's anonymous, and sometimes "believers" will make themselves into ridiculously easy targets - it is hard not to take pot-shots at some folks, sometimes.

There are always a few posters on any board whose posts consist of little other than "you don't think like I do so you are an idiot." Such users are best ignored. They don't really contribute anything, and they are just trying to rile you. In fact, this post of mine will likely elicit just such a response.
wouldent you say its logical for religious haters to not post and spend so much time dealing with religious posts?

Well, not really. We must understand that this is in fact a science forum - full of scientifically minded people. Yes, the owners have decided to make a religious subsection, and upon browsing through it we tend to notice the vast amount of nonsensical, non-scientific, garbage. The complete idiocy often shown on this particular subsection kind of demands response.

a) you realy want it to be true so it becomes an obbsession to you, you have to lash out in anger at god, because he dosent exist, and you take it out on the people who so believe with spite and rudeness.

That's about as far from the truth as it can get. I don't actually know one atheist or non-religious person that would even come close to wanting the jew/christian/muslim god to exist, because that being is, from the text, the universes biggest halfwit.

Having said that, it's quite rare to "lash out" at a non-existant being, and more to "lash out" at the idiots trying to promote worship for that non-existant being.

b) because your trying to convert people and make them feel like you do, tryig to impose your belief system upon them and wash them anouther way

I personally don't. I realise that an idiot rarely becomes a smart man overnight, and thus realise the futility of trying to make a religious man an atheist.

c) because your kinda stupid deep down, because while preaching that its all a load of BS and how its a waste of time, you spend amounts of time debating it with people.

I fail to see your point here. I debate Star Trek all the time, and yet I am aware it is not real. I had a lengthy debate a while ago about Lord of the Rings, and that also was not real. What are you getting at?

d) because it fascinates you, and part of you believes in god (or wants to)but your logical brain tells you its BS so you keep searching for loopholes that tell you god exists

A rather deluded conclusion. It might be worth asking why you, a believer, comes along to a scientific site to preach your shite? Why not pop along to jesuslovesyou.com or something similar where everyone will agree and you'll all have a happy time? Can I use your own statements now in return? That you really don't believe in a god and you're just looking for loopholes in your doctrine to help you become a non-believer?

You're on a science site preaching at people of science. What do you expect, free cinema tickets?
SnakeLord said:
Having said that, it's quite rare to "lash out" at a non-existant being, and more to "lash out" at the idiots trying to promote worship for that non-existantBeing.be

Because that being is, from the text, the universes biggest halfwit.

Sounds like this falls under the category of
"If I hold my breath long enough and say it's not true......it won't be"
Your reasoning is pathetic....
What happened to your almighty science based on man's ever expanding understanding.
Your science "ain't spit" to put it in a term your kind might understand.
Science is just man guessing at what those with faith already know.

"A non-exsistant being".....don't make me squirt coffee out my nose laughing.
Your the non-exsistant being.
Your belief proves that.
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TheVisitor said:
Sounds like this falls under the category of
"If I hold my breath long enough and say it's not true......it won't be"
Hmmm - I think it's more a case of "If I hold my breath long enough and say it's true - it will be - or at least those people who require any evidence will get bored and go away."

TheVisitor said:
Your reasoning is pathetic....
You're having a laugh, right?
Or are you serious? :confused:

TheVisitor said:
What happened to your almighty science based on man's ever expanding understanding.
Your science "ain't spit" to put it in a term your kind might understand.
Science is just man guessing at what those with faith already know.
Gobsmacked, I am!

TheVisitor said:
"A non-exsistant being".....don't make me squirt coffee out my nose laughing.
If you think otherwise, please post the evidence?

TheVisitor said:
Your the non-exsistant being.
Your belief proves that.
Hmmm - I'm fairly sure that SnakeLord DOES exist - and he could probably provide you with all the evidence one needs.

As for how his "belief proves that" - I am not sure I underestand (a) what his "belief" is; (b) whether he does indeed have a belief; and (c) what it is exactly that this belief is meant to be proving?

Please provide some enlightenment to your words. :)
Science is just man guessing at what those with faith already know.

That's funny. Why did the church have to constantly recontruct it's naive views on God's universe based on discoveries made by science?

It's little wonder religious people must be called idiots from time to time...
I totally agree, Empty. Even an atheist can consider the theoretical possibility of God, and all that it implies. It doesn't add to the discussion at all to say "well, God doesn't even exist, so it's stupid to talk about it".