
Pirates of Penzance is a fine example of G. & S. I salute you, sir.

Muscleman. Go here. Then read on.

You merely retype the same arguement, only taking some of my facts and twisting them to suit your own purposes. Putting words in my mouth and making incredible leaps such as...


only proves that you are unable to actually respond to any of my points, instead resorting to desperate attacks that are completely nonsensical to anybody with any kind of education above a grade 2 level.

Never find evidence of chance? Did I say that? Tell me where, oh great spinster of language. I'd just LOVE to know where I became a retard for the time it took to type that sentence. What does creating a living cell in a lab have to do with abiogenesis? Methinks you have a slight misunderstanding regarding what the smallest and simplest unit of life is. Here, I'll quote from a previous post so you can't claim I pulled it out of my ass.

Cellular life is NOT the simplest form of life! The parts of a cell did not just 'magically appear', you stupid sack of rat dung, they came about slowly, over the course of millions of years, in very slow and unremarkable stages! Life cannot exist without RNA or DNA!!!!!

This is only one piece of evidence out of many that proves you completely and willfully ignore any piece of rational evidence in the way of your opnions. Contradicts what you say? It never happened. This, I'm sorry to say, is actually a very common tactic among fundamentalists. When cornered, or confronted with damning evidence that shatters their arguements, they simply ignore what is said to them and scream and shout out the opinions that have been discredited in the hopes that they can make enough noise to drive off the smart man with all the facts God doesn't like.

I open this up to others lurking in this thread. Has muscleman managed to completely shatter my arguements using his amazing mental powers, combined with the might of his Godly righteousness?

Or is it possible that he has somehow managed to avoid addressing a single one of my points, in favour of blustering and shouting, in the hopes that I'll give up and go away? Is he doing nothing more than simply ignoring established fact and using pseudoscience to 'prove' his points? I leave it to you, fair lurkers. I trust you'll be fair.

P.S. I'll bet you $20, muscleman, that you're from the southern US.
Thanks ThatJerk. I know all the words to it, and yes i speak it just as quickly as they do in the song.

Its just something that I thought would be neat to know.
"Cellular life is NOT the simplest form of life! The parts of a cell did not just 'magically appear', you stupid sack of rat dung, they came about slowly, over the course of millions of years, in very slow and unremarkable stages! Life cannot exist without RNA or DNA!!!!!"- By That Jerk.



*muscleman hard at work indoctrinating a new generation of christians*


Oh wait, that's all just atheist evolutionist propaganda designed to sway the righteous off the true path, right? That means you can just ignore it and call me a liar for telling you the facts of the matter.

You know, it takes a whole hell of a lot to piss me off. You've just succeeded admirably, since you have just the right combination of idiocy, ignorance and religious bigotry needed to be a complete fucking retard.
LOL, what kind of a person is that? Well anyways, here it goes again, I am not against evolution ok? I am all for evolution for it doesnt contradict with christianity, even the pope agrees with evolution. Evolution only contradicts with the book of Genesis IF you take the book of Genesis literally, having Adam and Eve as the first literal human species who existed about 6,000 years ago, many other christians fall short in this area, because they always take Genesis literally, they wind up contradicting against science. Adam and Eve are the first human race God revealed Himself to, estimated about 6,000 years ago, there maybe creatures before them and we may descend from apes, and before that a singled cell life form, so what? You are claiming existence of millions upon millions of years ago when Adam and Eve didnt even exist yet.
*stills fist of death*

Why... yes I do 'claim' such things as life millions of years 'before Adam and Eve'. Life that's no more than a complex molecule that reproduces itself.

Evolution only contradicts with the book of Genesis IF you take the book of Genesis literally, having Adam and Eve as the first literal human species who existed about 6,000 years ago, many other christians fall short in this area, because they always take Genesis literally, they wind up contradicting against science. Adam and Eve are the first human race God revealed Himself to, estimated about 6,000 years ago, there maybe creatures before them and we may descend from apes, and before that a singled cell life form, so what?

Fossil records show that modern humans have been around for at least 130000 years, most likely a fair bit longer. That's a little further back then 6000 years, I believe. Then there's your dinosaurs, from 65 million to 300 million years ago, with fossil evidence going back to bacterium appx. 3.5 billion years ago. Anything smaller is simply too small to leave a record we can detect with modern methods, which certainly does NOT preclude the existence of simpler life (pre-cellular life forms going all the way back to simple protein chains). All of this is documented and verified; 3.5 billion years in fossil records seems to pretty conclusive, against a claimed 6000 years in a single book. Go ahead and fit your religion to science if you please, that's your business, just make sure your facts are straight. :)
I know that, homo habilies, homo-erectus our ancestors, and human species may came about over 100,000 years ago, in fact they have findings that cavemans that lived over 25,000 years ago have paintings of bulls and cows they hunt for food, it was even theorized that this is the first known religion.

Again adam and eve are not first literal human species, this has been taught by the church long before you and I are born. In fact as the descendants of Adam and Eve later on came about, they had other enemies to confront, if then they are the first literal human species, where then did those guys come from?

People always say "Well cavemans are believers of the supernatural". And you know what, that indeed is a good proof of God's existence and His relation to His creature. Scientifically speaking the human brain evolve, in fact I know of 4 yrs old now that talks like 10 yrs old kids. Our brain becomes complex and thats how homo-erectus intelligence developed over the years and here we are today. This is alot like a father son relation. When I was 4 years old, I used to believe my dad can beat everyone up. I still remembered drawing my dad as a really buff guy carrying logs. In short I have thoughts about mydad that are far from real because my brain simply cannot understand His profession and what He does, or what he wants from me. Sometimes I would write marks on the wall, not knowing my dad doesnt approve of it. Sometimes I even think my dad can swim forever since he carries me while swimming. This are all misconceptions I have about my dad, but then my misconception doesnt mean my dad is a myth. As time went by especially now that Im adult, i understand things more and more.

That is the same with the human species and God the creator. Realize that all parts of the world thousands of years ago are believers of the supernatural and we are all born with that instinct (once again is it coincidence? lol). But as time goes by, we mature, we evolve to understanding God the more, as it is written "A mystery hidden for generations now revealed"- Bible, not that God hide himself from us, but our brain simply cant handle Him.
it is people like you who will read the parable of Jesus when he said "It is easier for a rich man to enter the eye of the needle than to enter the kingdom of God", a pathetic guy like you will then "How is that scientifically possible to fit inside an eye needle? men, Jesus is a liar!" if u think this way then your stupid thatjerk.

Genesis stated God formed man out of the earth (but translated as dust or clay) and breathe into his nostrils the breathe of life. Then your gonna say "Ohh so God french kissed him and then he comes to life, how come if I gave cpr to dead corpse it doesnt come to life? then god must be lying huh" again if u think this way then your stupid thatjerk.

Genesis stated that the woman was taken out of the man's rib. This is symbolic for the woman as the church, as Jesus is the bride prepared to meet the groom. But then again a stupid guy like you will say "Ohh, how can you scientifically take a human rib out and give it life? God then is lying", again if u think this way then your stupid thatjerk.

Adam and Eve are the first human race God revealed Himself to, thus relationship of God was born and good and evil was born, sin and good works was born "Where there is no law there is no sin", when they were born, the church of God was born, about 6,000 yrs ago (Zooratism somewhere in Persia was taught to be the first religion, however they maybe older ones, about 6,000 yrs ago).

anyways, just educate yourself more ok?
it is people like you who will read the parable of Jesus when he said "It is easier for a rich man to enter the eye of the needle than to enter the kingdom of God", a pathetic guy like you will then "How is that scientifically possible to fit inside an eye needle? men, Jesus is a liar!" if u think this way then your stupid thatjerk.

Can we all pitch in and get this guy a clue?


Maybe the account of Adam and Eve wasn't a good example to use. If I was arguing with someone who didn't know the Bible well I would have got away with that one.

You're right, they did hide from God, because they knew they had
disobeyed God and they knew shame. At that point they didn't think God was feeble.

I was thinking more of Adam's thoughts when he sees Eve eating the fruit without dying, so thinks that eating the fruit will not bring any consequences. So he thinks God won't keep to his word. Then he finds out that God does.

(There was a true scence in which they did die on the same day - they lost their eternal life, and they lost their spiritual life - their
close untainted relationship with God, so in that sence they died on that day - but lets not argue about that, there's more important things to argue about.)

you're (if he exists) god is an evil, sadistic creature that I want nothing to do with.


If He doesn't exist, then this argument is irrevelent, cos the bible is just written by men. So whether they say God kills people or God loves people or both, that has no consequences at all.
The whole notion of God is an invented one, so lets not waste our time arguing because I've only got 50 or so more years of consciesness left (or maybe less than one), and thats not a very loing time, and then that will be the absolute end of me - so I might as well invent some kind of meaning to my life, whatever anyone else says.

If He does exist,

(and by Him I pressume we're talking about the God of the Bible, because that is who my God is.
And so in my arguing now I will make the pressumption that what the Bible says about God is right)

Well if God is evil, then that's not good news. It means that the one who made you is evil. A really evil person cannot do or make anything morally good, so that means you must be evil aswell.
And every person must be evil and the whole universe must be evil.

Or maybe He's partly evil but He's got some good in Him - not much though.

Well basically what you mean is that you've summed up God from His Bible and made a judgement about Him, and decided that you don't like Him. Right?

Well I'd say that you're not really in a good position to make an accurate judgement about God, outside from what God says about Himself. God says He is good, and you say God is evil.
So what you're doing is using your own reasoning power to make a conclusion that contradicts God. Where did your reasoning power come from? Like every other ability that you have, it comes from God. How can your reasoning power be more right than the God who gives it to you? How can a created person be more right than his creater?

And as for having nothing to do with Him - One day you will meet Him, as your creater, and you will have to give an account of everything you've done in your life. You can't really get out of that one.


Exodus 15:3 "The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name."
2 Thessalonians 3:16 "The Lord of peace himself.."


God is a God of wrath and God is a God of mercy


God is love, and God kills whoever He choses


I admit it - God is a God of war. No one can resist Him or stand against Him,
or give a just reason for why He shouldn't punish those who He choses to punish.
And every single person who has sinned derserves punishment. And God doesnn't see anyone as innocent, but all as guilty.
God sends people to hell.
God is angry with sin.
God does what we might call murder people.
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

But God is a God of peace. Jesus said, Come unto me, all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Thats a promise of God, and He keeps His promises. He has given me rest and peace and joy in my soul, and He does so for everyone who comes to Christ by faith.

He will not give peace to those who reject Him and say they don't want it. Yes it will be more tolerable on that day for Sodom and Gomorah than for those who reject it. They don't have to reject it. They make the choice to do so.

He will love those who come to Him. He will accept them and be a Father to them and make sure that 'he that believeth
on Him shall not be confounded' 1 Peter 2 v 6. He will not punish them, because their sin has been punished when Christ died.

No condradiction.

Don't yawn, its the best news + the best message in the world.

1 more point

God has killed many many people, I agree. Billians.
Just as God has given life to many many people.
God has inflicted all sorts of pain on people. But this idea of God as a saddist who gets pleasure out of punishing people and likes to see pain is not consistent with the Bible.

Ezekiel 33 v 11

Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked:
but that the wicked turn from his way and live:
turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways;
for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
Thanks for the info smalltime, thats true, I have a nephew, and my brother gave me permission to teach him a lesson when his at fault and punish him in some ways so he will learn, and I do BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN I AM A SADDIST AND I ENJOY HITTING HIM, I love my nephew dearly and i dont want to punish him.

Atheist are just jacked up in the head, either because they see God as a genie in the bottle and should make their wish come true, or just flat out ignorant, stupid, just dont care (this are agnostics actually), or have been lied to all their life. They have deluded definitions of "faith" and views of other things. In summary, if the Guiness book world of record are looking for "the most stupidest guy in the world", they should just post in the internet or somewhere which says "Atheist wanted" and Im so sure they will find the stupidest man who ever lived.
Again I didnt say THEY ARE, i said THEY ARE EITHER ONE of them, either ignorant, stupid, just dont care (this are agnostics actually), or have been lied to all their life, or thinks God is a genie in the bottle who can make their wish come true. Any of these but logical and intelligent, no intelligent guy in this known universe who in their right state of mind are atheist. IF YOUR SMART AND INTELLIGENT, YOU CAN ONLY BE AGNOSTIC, if your an atheist, it seems like u just want attention, I mean u cant be that stupid are you?
I admit it - God is a God of war. No one can resist Him or stand against Him,
or give a just reason for why He shouldn't punish those who He choses to punish.
And every single person who has sinned derserves punishment. And God doesnn't see anyone as innocent, but all as guilty.
God sends people to hell.
God is angry with sin.
God does what we might call murder people.
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

You fail to see the contradiction? Supposedly, God is all-loving, but he experiences anger quite frequently and lashes out quite spectacularly when angered. If this is the case (IE he destroys things that displease him and sends people he doesn't like to Hell), then he's no better than a man with god-like powers. Any real God, supposing one was to exist, would be above any mere human emotion.

But God is a God of peace. Jesus said, Come unto me, all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Thats a promise of God, and He keeps His promises. He has given me rest and peace and joy in my soul, and He does so for everyone who comes to Christ by faith.

He will not give peace to those who reject Him and say they don't want it. Yes it will be more tolerable on that day for Sodom and Gomorah than for those who reject it. They don't have to reject it. They make the choice to do so.

Christians sound like abused children; they say their daddy loves them even though he beats them every day. Oh it must be my fault, they say, even as they cower from the freshly-administered strapping.

How can a God who is all love 'not give peace' to those who reject him? Shouldn't an all-loving being be filled with love for ALL of his children, regardless of their actions? You speak as though I've made a conscious choice to reject God's 'peace'; that's an assumption based on biased pretenses. THERE WAS NO CHOICE TO MAKE. I've never truely believed in a God (or gods) during my entire life, so I never 'accepted' nor 'rejected' him. The closest I can come to 'rejecting' him is rejecting your claim that he exists; this is far different from rejecting his 'peace' (whatever that may be).

Well if God is evil, then that's not good news. It means that the one who made you is evil. A really evil person cannot do or make anything morally good, so that means you must be evil aswell.
And every person must be evil and the whole universe must be evil.

Or maybe He's partly evil but He's got some good in Him - not much though.

Well basically what you mean is that you've summed up God from His Bible and made a judgement about Him, and decided that you don't like Him. Right?

You're making another false assumption here: that your Christian morality is universal rather than programmed. News flash: values are taught, not instinctive. You and I share pretty well the same moral code; you DO think it's wrong to kill people and to steal their stuff, right? But I learned mine through my parents, who taught me to be a decent person, not because God said that he'd kick my ass if I broke those rules.

Now I ask you this hypothetical question: supposing your God exists, and everybody in the world lived by his law. Everybody knows God exists because... well, just because. Suddenly, one day, he disappears. Poof! Suddenly, God won't kick your ass if you cheat on your wife or murder a rival. Does this development mean that good, decent Christians are going to engage in an orgy of looting and murdering? Without Big Brother hanging about, big stick poised against the event that you stray from the path, will you lose all semblence of civility?

Think about it. You claim the path to morality is through God... so if one day the threat of the big stick ceased to exist, would you become like an Israelite in the O.T.? That seems to be what you people are saying.

Well I'd say that you're not really in a good position to make an accurate judgement about God, outside from what God says about Himself. God says He is good, and you say God is evil.
So what you're doing is using your own reasoning power to make a conclusion that contradicts God. Where did your reasoning power come from? Like every other ability that you have, it comes from God. How can your reasoning power be more right than the God who gives it to you? How can a created person be more right than his creater?

My reasoning power is a function of my intellect, which is a function of human evolution combined with my own experiences and training. Like ever other aspect of myself.
But supposing I AM a product of God's will. The very fact that he created me with a will of my own seems to imply that I should exercise it. If he was so eager for humans to be his loyal worshippers than he should have made us docile and spineless; giving us free will then expecting us not to exercise it is sort of like programming a robot with the ability to destroy us all and then expecting it NOT to go crazy and kill us.

Smalltime, I can respect you for at least going to the trouble of meeting my arguements head-on; that's more than I can say about certain others. But even while this is true, you still act as though a base set of assumptions are reality, rather than mere assumptions on your part. I suggest removing all assumptions from your reasoning, including the assumption that God exists and that good and evil are absolutes. Then take a good, hard look at the world, without ANY bias or preconception. Then feel free to make judgements.

Xev says:
Can we all pitch in and get this [muscleman] guy a clue?

I say:
His Wall of Ignorance is at full strength; our logic beams are useless against him while he's in this state.

Spock says:
This development is completely without precedent. Fascinating.

Kirk says:
Beam me up, Scotty. Earth girls may be easy, but there's no intelligent life down here.
I too respect you for reading my arguments and tackling them.

That is the 2nd time you’ve misquoted me though. I didn’t say that God was all-loving. I assume by all-loving you mean He would love every person and every thing regardless. I said God is love – He is the source of all love and He loves in a way greater than any human’s love – but He doesn’t love every one and every thing. Now I get what you mean about propaganda for God. You from America? From what I’ve heard there’s a lot of Christians in America who would portray God like that. And a lot of Christians who make hardly any mention of sin. (Might be wrong – that’s what I’ve heard though.)

If we don’t understand what sin is then we can’t understand God. Sin is the one thing that God hates with all His heart. Some people sum up what sin is by saying it is man trying to be superior to God. Some people sum it up by saying it’s anything that contradicts God’s nature. Some people say sin = disobedience to God. All 3 are true.

God can’t even look at sin. And he says it must be punished. If God says He has to punish sin then He has to punish sin. So I do fail to see a contradiction, yeah.

I know – I’m assuming that there is such a thing as sin and that God exists and that the Bible is right about God. You don’t want me to argue like that.

But the things that I am interested in this argument are these claims of yours:

1. Today’s Christians aren’t Christians because they don’t live consistently with the Bible.

2. The Bible portrays a God who is barbaric, evil, offensive, and sadistic.

3. If this God is real, thatjerk doesn’t want to have anything to do with him.

And I’m saying:

1. If the Bible is true, then I am really a Christian, and I know people who are really Christians, and the way I try to live is consistent with the Bible.

2. If the Bible is true, then God is not evil. He is not a soft all-loving God – but He is by nature good. He is not barbaric or sadistic – everything He does is justifiable. He loves some people with a real amazing true everlasting love. He will shed that love on any one who receives Him confessing their sin.

3. If the Bible is true, then it would be the wisest and best and most satisfying thing to do for you to have something to do with God, and it is pointless to set yourself against Him.

Right so I’m trying to make those 3 claims, cos you’ve made 3 claims to the contrary. I’ve got a bit side tracked, but that’s really all I want to say. All of them have the prerequisite that the Bible is true, i.e. it is God’s Word, and they are all about the consequences of the Bible being true. So I’ve argued with the supposition that the Bible is true.

If we were arguing about whether God existed, or whether the Bible was true, then that would be a different matter and I wouldn’t be able to make those assumptions. But I think arguments about the existence of God are almost always fruitless. He can’t be ‘proved’ and He can’t be ‘disproved’. (By proved I mean scientifically or mathematically shown universally beyond all doubt to be fact.) No one seems to get anywhere trying to do either. The evidence for the existence of God isn’t in science. I know God is real because I’ve proved John 14 v 24 and Hebrews 11 v 1. I.e. the proof I have of God is in my heart. You can’t see it, and I can’t put it in your heart. So its not universal proof. But its good enough for me.

P.S. An abused child who is beaten every day is unhappy, is insecure, doesn't know if his father loves him, and suffers every day.

Since becoming a Christian I have been miles happier, I have felt 10 times more secure, I feel sure that God loves me, and it is very rarely that I feel that He is putting me through suffering. ( No assumptions there - I know my own experience )

No comparison.
I too respect you for reading my arguments and tackling them.

That is the 2nd time you’ve misquoted me though. I didn’t say that God was all-loving. I assume by all-loving you mean He would love every person and every thing regardless. I said God is love – He is the source of all love and He loves in a way greater than any human’s love – but He doesn’t love every one and every thing. Now I get what you mean about propaganda for God. You from America? From what I’ve heard there’s a lot of Christians in America who would portray God like that. And a lot of Christians who make hardly any mention of sin. (Might be wrong – that’s what I’ve heard though.)

Ahhh, I see. I would suggest being more clear with your language next time; I trust you can see how I can draw the "God is all-loving" conclusion from "God IS love."

Well at least you don't subscribe to THAT line of thinking. It worries me when Christians can claim that God is all-loving, even with all the evidence to the contrary. I live in Canada, and the Christian fundamentalism I get exposed to here (leaking from the States, mostly) is mostly as you've heard it, IE that God is all-loving. You're wrong about the sin thing, though; they just LOVE to preach about sin and how filthy society is. The fact that they can utter, in the same breath, the idea that "God loves you, no matter what" combined with the promise "but you better stop sinning or else he'll kick your ass!" boggles my mind and perfectly captures the American mentality. Namely, that they are perfect and should be loved and idolised by all the people in the world and become hurt, confused and hostile when they find out just how much everybody hates them.


If we don’t understand what sin is then we can’t understand God. Sin is the one thing that God hates with all His heart. Some people sum up what sin is by saying it is man trying to be superior to God. Some people sum it up by saying it’s anything that contradicts God’s nature. Some people say sin = disobedience to God. All 3 are true.

God can’t even look at sin. And he says it must be punished. If God says He has to punish sin then He has to punish sin. So I do fail to see a contradiction, yeah.

Ok, let's look at our list of sins.
- Pride
- Envy
- Gluttony
- Lust
- Anger
- Greed
- Sloth

Have you ever asked yourself "Now just why does God actually hate these things?" Especially Lust. What's God's problem with my admiring a girl wearing a short skirt? WHY should he care?

Maybe God is insecure. Consider...
- Pride. Thinking highly of oneself, thereby perhaps causing you to depend less upon God than yourself to feel good. Why would this bother God, unless he had an easily bruised ego?

- Envy. Jealousy, essentially. Perhaps you think God is short-changing you? Maybe God isn't all he's made out to be since he doesn't see fit for ME to drive a Mustang like that rich kid in my class. Again: why would God care about this? Insecurity?

- Gluttony. Consuming far more than you need to stay alive. This is one thing I have issue with, especially considering the fact that Americans make up 4% of the world's population and consume something like 30% of it's resources. But back in the days when ideas about God were being formed, overpopulation wasn't exactly an issue. My theory? If you can have more than you need and start to take your nice life-style for granted, maybe you will be less thankful to God for what you have. Again: insecurity and a need for our adoration?

- Lust. Sexual desire. Why is this bad? Sex is a beautiful thing that healthy individuals partake in as a normal part of life. Now wonton sex with various random partners isn't exactly healthy, but from what I hear responsible, monogomous premarital sex isn't exactly approved of by God either. Perhaps, through bonding with our fellow humans in such an intimate manner, God feels left out of the deal.

- Anger. Self-explanatory. While prolonged or intense fury isn't healthy, anger can also lend strength to individuals when they are being wronged; "Goddammit, I'm NOT taking this anymore!" Maybe, with the extra strength and gumption anger gives us, we aren't relying on god to 'see us through our troubles'.

- Greed. Compulsion to acquire material wealth. Another thing I personally disapprove of, but in God's eyes probably putting material gain ahead of upholding him. Again, insecurity?

- Sloth. Laziness. Probably, God figuring we just can't be bothered to worship him as much as he'd like.

All of these seem to point to one thing: God really can't stand it when we don't adore him enough. Why is this? Why should he get worked up if we have things in our lives ahead of him? The only answer I can think of is that he is monumentally insecure and NEEDS to be worshipped to keep his ego up.

You go on to say that sin MUST be punished, if God decides it must be so. I no longer see contradiction in your arguement (we covered the love thing before), I now see irony in it. God says it MUST BE PUNISHED, because he hates it so. God hates it so much... because it means that he isn't A #1 in our lives. So he's raining fire and brimstone on cities and sending people to his private torture chamber (hell) to sooth his bruised ego. You make this practise sound noble and praise-worthy by exhorting how evil sin is when it is only evil because God arbitrarily said so.

I know – I’m assuming that there is such a thing as sin and that God exists and that the Bible is right about God. You don’t want me to argue like that.

Thanks. I appreciate your ability to use intellect.

1. If the Bible is true, then I am really a Christian, and I know people who are really Christians, and the way I try to live is consistent with the Bible.

You don't address my arguement. The Lord must be missing his 'sweet savours', unless he liked it when Hitler baked a few million Jewish corpses in his name.

I do suppose, though, that it's useless to quibble over whether people are 'true' Christians or not; many Christians out there try to make the same distinction between their own denomination and everybody else.

2. If the Bible is true, then God is not evil. He is not a soft all-loving God – but He is by nature good. He is not barbaric or sadistic – everything He does is justifiable. He loves some people with a real amazing true everlasting love. He will shed that love on any one who receives Him confessing their sin.

Hitler thought he was justified. He loved Aryan people; he loved Germany, for certain. We call him evil and barbaric.

God loved the Israelites. He offed several million (or billion) people for 'justifiable' causes.

See the similarity? How can you argue that the murder of millions, many of them innocent of anything worse than being born in the wrong place in the wrong time, is justified? For most of the tribes exterminated by God and his blood-thirsty desert warriors, the worst crime they had commited was living in the land that God had gifted to his people and not knowing about him and worshipping him. Oops, they don't know about me AND their living where I've decided my favourites should. Go forth, my pretties and be sure that none save the succulent young virigins are left alive.

3. If the Bible is true, then it would be the wisest and best and most satisfying thing to do for you to have something to do with God, and it is pointless to set yourself against Him.

If the bible is nothing but fact and God is real then he can kiss my ass. I detest anybody (or anything) that slaughters millions because they believe in different gods or speak against him. If he decides to fry me for my rejection of him then I'll be a martyr for free thought and intellectual honesty. Better free and dead than alive and in chains, mental or otherwise.

If we were arguing about whether God existed, or whether the Bible was true, then that would be a different matter and I wouldn’t be able to make those assumptions. But I think arguments about the existence of God are almost always fruitless. He can’t be ‘proved’ and He can’t be ‘disproved’. (By proved I mean scientifically or mathematically shown universally beyond all doubt to be fact.) No one seems to get anywhere trying to do either. The evidence for the existence of God isn’t in science. I know God is real because I’ve proved John 14 v 24 and Hebrews 11 v 1. I.e. the proof I have of God is in my heart. You can’t see it, and I can’t put it in your heart. So its not universal proof. But its good enough for me.

Science is the study of the universe, trying to answer the how and why of pretty well everything through observation and experimentation. If it can't be scientifically verified/explained, or isn't consistently observed by the general population (things like emotions that are there but can't be quantified), then I won't believe it.

You're exactly right, God cannot be scientifically proven and it would be fruitless to try and gather evidence either for OR against him. So your heart tells you he's real; that seems to fulfill some mysterious need for higher authority in you and millions of others. Whatever you feel is hardly proof, but if that's good enough for you then sure, be my guest. Personally I have no need for a security blanket like that; I face the world head-on without the comfort of Big Brother watching over me and I'm a happier person for it.

Even reasonable Christians such as yourself seem to go by the following doctrine:

Slavery = Freedom
War = Peace (true in the US, anyhow)
Ignorance = Knowledge

You willingly put yourselves in thrall to God and claim to be free because of it. The second really doesn't apply anymore to most Christians, except to hardcore hillbillies in the southern US. You willingly believe a tome of allegory and myth to be God's revealed Truth on faith (read: ignorance) alone and call it wisdom.

I have no use for chains.
(Quick reiteration before I start – I’m arguing assuming that the Bible is true because I’m talking about the consequences of it being true)

Ah, the 7 ‘deadly’ sins. I’m sure there are other sins as well, that don’t fall into those categories. That list doesn’t come from straight the Bible – but I accept that all those things are sins and condemned in the Bible.

- Pride
- Envy
- Gluttony
- Lust
- Anger
- Greed
- Sloth

Well – pride is maybe a bit of a hazy one. The word can mean a lot of things, but if a man has such a view of himself that he regards himself as being superior and more important to others, then that’s a sin.

And lust doesn’t mean sexual desire. Try http://www.dictionary.com/search?q=lust. The Bible’s teaching is that a lust becomes a sin when someone craves or desires something which is wrong for him to have, or which rightfully belongs to someone else. (Often it talks about sexual lust. Romans 7 v 7 shows that coveting = lusting.)

And anger isn’t always a sin – but unwarranted anger, or anger which controls a person is sinful.

What d’you think the world would be like if no one experienced any of these 7 things. It would be pretty different. Would it be a better place, or a worse place?

I think that if people didn’t do these 7 things there would be much less problems in the world, much less suffering and much less talk of the world being in such a state. By much I mean much much much. Imagine if no one was greedy or no one envied and went after things they shouldn’t have. Or no one got the idea that he was more important than everyone else. Imagine if everyone could control their desires and their anger. If I think of the problems in my life I wish I hadn’t gone through, or the things on the news which are awful and I wish the world wasn’t like that – well I can put almost every one down to sin in the heart of someone else or in my own heart. Complete accidents, and natural disasters – they are the exceptions I can think of. But if they were the only 2 types of problem left in the world - well, I know I would like it better.

And I can’t think of anything which would be worse, in this place where people didn’t sin. Well, less pleasure maybe? Well, I find this: the kind of pleasure we get from sin ( from lusting, or from feeling that we’re the best person in the world, or from doing something we know people wouldn’t like, etc.) may feel good for a while. But not good enough – unless we sin a bit more. So I lust a bit more extravagantly- and that feels good, but I wish I had a bit more of it, so I lust more. Its an endless loop. So its pleasure, but its not enough. It never is. So the kind of pleasure which still leaves me wanting – I don’t mind sacrificing that kind of pleasure. (I’m not saying people who sin once then continually go on in the same sin and never do anything else – but I’m saying that the more we go after the pleasure sin can give, the more we will need to go after it , and it will never bring contentment.)

So I don’t think I like sin very much. In my view, if only because of its consequences, it is a hateful thing. It brings dissatisfaction, suffering, pain, sadness and all kinds of problems.

In fact, I know that sin is wrong. Is that just because my parents told me being selfish and dishonest isn’t good? Or that killing people is something I shouldn’t do. No, I know that I shouldn’t harm other people. Why shouldn’t I? Well, cos I shouldn’t do bad things. Why? Cos they’re bad. Maybe I don’t have the same morality as you, and I was brought up to think hurting people is good. Well its still bad. Why? Well it just is bad, and we know its bad.

So for me – I don’t really have too much of a problem with God hating sin. If it is by definition and by its nature a bad and wrong thing, with horrible consequences – then I can understand why He does hate it. I hate it as well.

I partly agree with one of your conclusions though – I agree that one side of sin is leaving God out of our lives and not loving him. (The other side being not respecting or loving to our fellow men. Matthew 22 v 37-40) And God sees both these things as sinful.

But I don’t agree with this one – this shows that God is insecure.

You what?

God is something that no humans are – He is self existent. We rely on the breath and the health that God gives us to survive. If God ended my life now then I’d have no choice – I would die. But God is not reliant on anything – He is self existent.

God has all power – He can do whatever He chooses, except deny His nature. God is in a ununderstandable amazing relationship of love – between God the Father and God the Son.

God’s glory is so great that a man can’t see it and live.
God has need of no one. He needs no one to live or to be content or to do anything.

Those who happily go against God and set them selves up against Him, unrepentant all their lives – God will sit in heaven and laugh at them.

These things are what the Bible says.


To me that is one of the most ludicrous things ever.

If we are going to make judgments about what the Bible says God does, then we need to look at what the Bible says about God’s nature. You can’t take one without the other. The Bible says God is infinitely merciful and great and is WORTHY of all the praise and love I could ever give Him. If you are going to make conclusions about what the Bible says God DOES, and use them to disagree with what the Bible says about who God IS – well that is not a valid thing to do. You must have gone wrong somewhere.

UNLESS the Bible is true about what God does and when it talks about God’s nature it is false. It is propaganda. So God is deceiving me about Himself. (If God is evil and sadistic, as you say, because of what He does, then this is the case – because the Bible says the opposite)

I say –

John 3 16

If God sent His only son, who He loved with an amazing love, to die – and if God the son was willing to endure a horrible death and face the wrath of God for sin – all so that I should not perish but have everlasting life. And all so that everlasting life could be offered to everyone and that whoever believed could be saved. And all out of love….

Then God is not a God who deceives and lies. He’s a God who loves with incomprehendable love and must be true in everything He says. And therefore is infinitely merciful and great and is WORTHY of all the praise and love I could ever give Him.

Not like Hitler.

You don't address my arguement. The Lord must be missing his 'sweet savours'

I havn't made my burnt offering today, or sacrificed any bulls. I don't have to. The law has been fulfilled in Jesus Christ. READ HEBREWS 9. Sacrificres, offerings, tabernacles and priests were all ordinances of God to signify His holiness, man's sinfulness, and the need for a sacrifice. Christ is that great sacrifice. He was ONCE offered to bear the sins of many.
(Quick reiteration before I start – I’m arguing assuming that the Bible is true because I’m talking about the consequences of it being

I'm argueing the point that, true or not (ESPECIALLY if not), the bible is a terrible thing that is responsible for most of the world's troubles.

Well – pride is maybe a bit of a hazy one. The word can mean a lot of things, but if a man has such a view of himself that he regards himself as being superior and more important to others, then that’s a sin.

Yes, but WHY does God say it's a sin? If one has tact and doesn't make an issue of how he feels, who is being hurt? God? I wonder.

And anger isn’t always a sin – but unwarranted anger, or anger which controls a person is sinful.

Controlling anger is bad news no matter how you look at it, but consider...

Jeremiah 21:5 "And I myself will fight against you with an outstretched hand and with a strong arm, even in anger, and in fury, and in great wrath."

Isaiah 34:2 "For the indignation of the Lord is upon all nations, and his fury upon all their armies."

Micah 5:15 "And I will execute vengeance in anger and fury upon the heathen, such as they have not heard."

Sounds like God needs to take an anger-management course. Isn't it somewhat hypocritical that God can experience controlling anger and destroy what he pleases while experiencing that anger (he at least has the decency to feel bad after one particularly nasty act)? God can't very well destroy himself, or send himself to hell. Maybe he's ashamed of his inadequacies and made Creation to kick around when he's feeling down.

What d’you think the world would be like if no one experienced any of these 7 things. It would be pretty different. Would it be a better place, or a worse place?

:eek: The very thought frightens me. Just... ugh. It would be terribly boring, to think of the LEAST awful thing. We would be machines, going through the motions of eating, sleeping, shitting and making babies without enjoying any of it. Don't be so naive as to believe that doing away with all the bad would result in us feeling only good.

Emotion is about duality; there's good and bad to be had. Have you ever loved someone? In loving someone you have the capacity to hate the bitterest hate there is. But without that horrible feeling of hate... love would be impossible.
How could we feel happiness? Without negative emotion, you couldn't very well tell the difference between feeling happy and feeling unhappy... so how could you know you were happy? Humour would be a foreign concept. Have you watched a good comedy recently? Think about just WHAT you laugh at. People being in uncomfortable situations, or being put down or physically injured. Why do you laugh at that? Because deep down, you feel very happy that it isn't YOUR girlfriend that walked in while another girl threw herself at you, or relieved that YOU haven't been hit by a bus recently. Do you see how that works? THERE WOULD BE NO LAUGHTER.
If there was no sloth, we would still be running around chasing herds of game in loinclothes and spears. Why do you think technology came about? Inherent human laziness. When confronted with something that needs doing, even while doing it we'll think "now is there some way to do this while doing less work?" There would have been no agriculture, because we'd have been content running ourselves crazy going after game to feed ourselves; we wouldn't have had the NOTION of doing it more easily, IE growing grain and penning animals for food rather than chasing them down. An awful lot of manual and mental labour is now down by machines, invented so that humans wouldn't have to work so hard. See how that works? The computer you're using to post to this forum wouldn't have been invented, the house you're sitting in wouldn't have been built (a cave would have been good enough to keep you dry when it rains), etc etc ad nauseum all the way back to before the Stone Age. Laziness is the founder of civilisation; better known as 'necessity is the mother of invention.'
In fact, without sin there would be no human race... how would we procreate? Sex is an awful lot of work (if you've had it you'll know what I mean... if not, then take my word for it: it's EXHAUSTING), and if it didn't feel so damned good no one would bother. There'd have been no more people after Adam and Eve died (assuming you are a creationist), or if we were to lose all sense of lust tomorrow we'd die off after the youngest humans today grew old and died, because that'd be the end of sex (and, therefore, procreation).
To sum up...
No Pride? No friendship.
No Envy? No contentedness.
No Guttony? No satisfaction.
No Lust? No procreation OR ambition.
No Anger? No joy.
No Greed? No generosity.
No Sloth? No civilisation.

Let me think... no love, no laughter, no happiness, no computer, and no sex. Basically (save the computer), I'd lose all that made me human, and a UNIQUE human at that. I'd be dead in all ways except the most basic biological functions. I'd rather be dead than live that way.

So I don’t think I like sin very much. In my view, if only because of its consequences, it is a hateful thing. It brings dissatisfaction, suffering, pain, sadness and all kinds of problems.

The consequences are far outweighed by the benefits. Imagine being unconscious, with your senses and motor functions on. That's your dream world. Allow me to draw an analogy.

If your government decided to stop dicking around and make your country a brutal dictatorship, imposing martial law and the like, would you approve? There'd be no more crime (criminals summarily executed), no more unemployment (the poor sent to labour camps) and there'd spiffy star-and-stripe armbands for everybody. In short, no 'decent', law-abiding folk would be hurt, only criminals and rebel traitors. Would this be a good thing? Sure you wouldn't be able to go out after 9 PM, but you wouldn't have to worry about being mugged. Is the loss of all freedom of speech, movement and expression worth a little more safety?

In fact, I know that sin is wrong. Is that just because my parents told me being selfish and dishonest isn’t good? Or that killing people is something I shouldn’t do. No, I know that I shouldn’t harm other people. Why shouldn’t I? Well, cos I shouldn’t do bad things. Why? Cos they’re bad. Maybe I don’t have the same morality as you, and I was brought up to think hurting people is good. Well its still bad. Why? Well it just is bad, and we know its bad.

So for me – I don’t really have too much of a problem with God hating sin. If it is by definition and by its nature a bad and wrong thing, with horrible consequences – then I can understand why He does hate it. I hate it as well.

You believe 'sin' is wrong because your parents and the bible told you so. Morals aren't universal. The ancient Greeks and Romans thought slavery was perfectly normal, the Aztecs thought it was perfectly normal to tear someone's beating heart out of their chest, and Christians thought nothing of burning red-haired women alive because the bible told them to kill witches. If a child were raised to be a cold-hearted murderer, then no amount of therapy would help that person realise murder is wrong because to them it'd be no more spectacular than taking a dump. If a child in the ghetto has to steal to survive, that child soon learns that stealing is a necessary part of survival and will live that kind of life.

Some of your 'sins' are in fact bad, like killing and stealing, but the rest are simply absurd and purely arbitrary. Naturally, too much of anything, even something good, is bad but people should be taught to draw the line at a reasonable point rather than simply "No, you can't do that 'cause God says so." Anything else is repressive and unecessary.

God is something that no humans are – He is self existent. We rely on the breath and the health that God gives us to survive. If God ended my life now then I’d have no choice – I would die. But God is not reliant on anything – He is self existent.

God has all power – He can do whatever He chooses, except deny His nature. God is in a ununderstandable amazing relationship of love – between God the Father and God the Son.

Allow me to simplify what you said: Might makes Right. God is all-powerful, so he can do what he bloody well pleases, no matter how evil it is. I'm surprised, bandit. You never struck me as the Machiavellian type.

Those who happily go against God and set them selves up against Him, unrepentant all their lives – God will sit in heaven and laugh at them.

Why does God laugh at them? Because they're fucked when they die? He sounds like an arrogant asshole who gets off on being all-powerful.

So the time comes for my judgement before God. I imagine it going something like this...

"Hey man, long time no see.
"Hey God. Guess you do exist. Asshole."
"Whoa, easy on the 'tude there little buddy."
"*chuckles* Let's see... well, you're guilty of everything that I say is wrong."
"Blow me."
"Temper temper... see, here's the deal. I'm all-powerful. You're not, so that means you're MY bitch. If I say you were wrong to have sex with all those girls, then you were WRONG, man. Hell, if I say it's wrong to like Doritos then you better not like Doritos. Damn it's good to be me."
"Go murder some helpless babies; don't you have some brimstone to rain?"
"*shakes head* You just don't get it, do you? I'm the one with the supreme power here, so if you don't like it that's just too bad. Off to hell with you."

To me that is one of the most ludicrous things ever.

The fact that you can believe in such an evil, arrogant and depraved entity as your God and then try to justify what he does with a straight face is ludicrous to me.

If we are going to make judgments about what the Bible says God does, then we need to look at what the Bible says about God’s nature. You can’t take one without the other. The Bible says God is infinitely merciful and great and is WORTHY of all the praise and love I could ever give Him. If you are going to make conclusions about what the Bible says God DOES, and use them to disagree with what the Bible says about who God IS – well that is not a valid thing to do. You must have gone wrong somewhere.

How is that not a valid thing? Because it challenges your nicely-ordered world-view? Don't try to monkey-wrench my arguement with false logic. The bible is our only source of information about God and what he's been up to. It says he is great and wonderful and loving, and yet describes (almost gleefully) how many people he and his followers have killed. I dare you to deny it.

John 3 16

If God sent His only son, who He loved with an amazing love, to die – and if God the son was willing to endure a horrible death and face the wrath of God for sin – all so that I should not perish but have everlasting life. And all so that everlasting life could be offered to everyone and that whoever believed could be saved. And all out of love….

Then God is not a God who deceives and lies. He’s a God who loves with incomprehendable love and must be true in everything He says. And therefore is infinitely merciful and great and is WORTHY of all the praise and love I could ever give Him.

Not like Hitler.

That doesn't change a single thing. One act of great love and sacrifice does not undo or make right a hundred evil and arbitrary acts. The fact that you can acknowledge all the evil God has done and STILL argue that he's filled with love for us boggles my mind. A drunken abusive father who buys his kid a sled for Christmas isn't a good father because of that one act; he's beat the kid countless times before and will beat him again.