God proved to me that he exists.


For some reason I have been deemed righteous enough for him to physicaly show me he exists.

In the sky he wrote to me everything that i wanted to know deep in my heart, That is not a metaphor either he literaly wrote in the sky using contrails and clouds, i saw verses of the quran written in the sky and I am not fluent in arabic but i do study the quran and i can recognize the symbols/characters quite easily. and no less than 7 times in a row did he write the name allah (most high) above my house :bawl, everytime i doubted its authenticity another would appear.

In my heart he was also writing while I was busy in awe reading his words in the blue sky. I emerged from this experience with confirmed knowledge and he assured me on my instinctive nature and creed. saying i have lived a life as a muslim from birth automaticaly rejecting idol worship and mainstream religions that encourage sin and offence in his eyes. he told me how he was pleased with me in-spite of my numerous mistakes in life.

Obviously i dont expect this story to change any non believers hearts because I cannot teach faith to anyone, nobody can teach faith to another. but i tell you truly this story is not made up it is real.

Still i am a vegetarian and i do not eat even halal or kosher meats and will not eat them even if i know they are pure for most men to consume.

For some reason I have been deemed righteous enough for him to physicaly show me he exists.

In the sky he wrote to me everything that i wanted to know deep in my heart, That is not a metaphor either he literaly wrote in the sky using contrails and clouds, i saw verses of the quran written in the sky and I am not fluent in arabic but i do study the quran and i can recognize the symbols/characters quite easily. and no less than 7 times in a row did he write the name allah (most high) above my house :bawl, everytime i doubted its authenticity another would appear.

In my heart he was also writing while I was busy in awe reading his words in the blue sky. I emerged from this experience with confirmed knowledge and he assured me on my instinctive nature and creed. saying i have lived a life as a muslim from birth automaticaly rejecting idol worship and mainstream religions that encourage sin and offence in his eyes. he told me how he was pleased with me in-spite of my numerous mistakes in life.

Obviously i dont expect this story to change any non believers hearts because I cannot teach faith to anyone, nobody can teach faith to another. but i tell you truly this story is not made up it is real.

Still i am a vegetarian and i do not eat even halal or kosher meats and will not eat them even if i know they are pure for most men to consume.

I believe you for I have had experiences that make it impossible not to believe. Me and my buddies where witnesses to a group encounter that can't be just explained away as nonsense. It was a synchronicity of thought beyond normal comprehension. Not quite telepathy but more like reaching a singularity of conscience thought simultaneously with out knowing in advance what the other people in the group where posting and thinking. Like the thoughts were guided by an outside force to a common conclusion of agreement. It is hard to express it in words , but as I will try , it was like we climbed the same ladder of thought , dipped from the same well of information at the same time, then we could see the ripple effect travel out through the world like some strange event stream or information event blast.
Stryder was talking about determinism and it is my belief the ghost effect is related to this concept. I encourage all people to be diligent at braking open information silo's and then we will be able to crack this nut once and for all.
I have had Simular experiences and I usualy have them with people on a regular basis, not so much in a huge group like you that is unique to mine but it is the same level of communication he was using to unite peoples spirits in unison.

Most people that i have talked to have had these type of so called "telepathic" experiences and have been able sync with other peoples thoughts momentarily and share agreements and thoughts.

The mind communicates with words but the heart and spirit communicate with emotions.

people have a lot of different types of experiences (not even related to religion) but unless they can be shown proof to others, it really just stays personal or to those who have like experiences. that's pretty much it.

even i, and i'm sure others on this board have also experienced things which can't be explained including paranormal but the ones who don't share probably don't because they know either their interpretation may not be correct so leave it at that for now or they know that they have no proof to show others to make it worthwhile beyond some interesting anecdotes.
The other reason I believe you is because I believe the Egyptian people where tipped off to stand by something other than just being sick of there fraudulent government . It is something in the wording they speak at there rallies . Like there was a type of divine intervention that caused them all to stand at the same time. Similar in nature as to the wood stock event in America. I don't know if it was just 7% of separation at play or a bigger awakening of comradeship guided by a force not well understood. There very well could have been signs in the air and you where one of the witnesses that can testify to its validity. After what I have seen . " I believe you"
The other reason I believe you is because I believe the Egyptian people where tipped off to stand by something other than just being sick of there fraudulent government . It is something in the wording they speak at there rallies . Like there was a type of divine intervention that caused them all to stand at the same time. Similar in nature as to the wood stock event in America. I don't know if it was just 7% of separation at play or a bigger awakening of comradeship guided by a force not well understood. There very well could have been signs in the air and you where one of the witnesses that can testify to its validity. After what I have seen . " I believe you"

all very well and good BUT let's be lucid here. you are actually referring to what is positive though but in nature there is also a negative side.

this brings up what the definition of 'god' is or what it is. it's different things to different people and what they pinpoint, feel and cite is god. understand?

for instance, what one finds beneficial, healing and loving some people feel strongly that is what 'god' is or whatever and others depending on their nature may feel the opposite is.

for instance, is racism god or is being against racism god. is healthy cells of god or is cancer of god.

different people are going to fabricate elaborate justifications or rationales to make these fit the way they want. it doesn't mean any of it is true and if there is an interpretation that is true, there is no way to be sure either except what is true to you.
I have had Simular experiences and I usualy have them with people on a regular basis, not so much in a huge group like you that is unique to mine but it is the same level of communication he was using to unite peoples spirits in unison.

Most people that i have talked to have had these type of so called "telepathic" experiences and have been able sync with other peoples thoughts momentarily and share agreements and thoughts.

The mind communicates with words but the heart and spirit communicate with emotions.

There was something else as I was trying to follow the rhetoric of the muslin community and there was a ringing of the bell kind of effect going on the echoed the sentiments of the community as a whole. The phrase " We Didn't know WE where afraid" is the commonality before and after the on slot of the event still unfolding before all or very eyes. A synchronicity of thought developing between peoples , perhaps , but I get a strong feeling it was more than that.
all very well and good BUT let's be lucid here. you are actually referring to what is positive though but in nature there is also a negative side.

this brings up what the definition of 'god' is or what it is. it's different things to different people and what they pinpoint, feel and cite is god. understand?

for instance, what one finds beneficial, healing and loving some people feel strongly that is what 'god' is or whatever and others depending on their nature may feel the opposite is.

for instance, is racism god or is being against racism god. is healthy cells of god or is cancer of god.

different people are going to fabricate elaborate justifications or rationales to make these fit the way they want. it doesn't mean any of it is true and if there is an interpretation that is true, there is no way to be sure either except what is true to you.

Have you ever heard of the 2 hands of God? Where as in the phenomena of electricity you have the negative and the positive and you need both to operate the tools, To create the flow of energy. Now like the guy that started this thread I am sure he might understand this for it seems to Me he has gotten control of his own duality and is learning or learned to use the 2 hands in him self for the purpose of progress in moving life into a future more peaceful for humanity it self
people have a lot of different types of experiences (not even related to religion) but unless they can be shown proof to others, it really just stays personal or to those who have like experiences. that's pretty much it.

even i, and i'm sure others on this board have also experienced things which can't be explained including paranormal but the ones who don't share probably don't because they know either their interpretation may not be correct so leave it at that for now or they know that they have no proof to show others to make it worthwhile beyond some interesting anecdotes.

Yeah your Right.

Have you ever heard of the 2 hands of God? Where as in the phenomena of electricity you have the negative and the positive and you need both to operate the tools, To create the flow of energy. Now like the guy that started this thread I am sure he might understand this for it seems to Me he has gotten control of his own duality and is learning or learned to use the 2 hands in him self for the purpose of progress in moving life into a future more peaceful for humanity it self

yes, we all know of the duality in nature but even your statement shows that the desire is for peace and self-preservation. still, the negative exists and acts destructively on something.

all lifeforms want self-preservation but the issue is that nature works in such a way that the opposite is inflicted and there is a cost.

from what i can tell from this thread, the positive goal is what is considered god (love, world peace, yadda yadda) but this isn't the case for everyone.

my interpretation is that 'god' is whatever one's nature is and everyone has their own 'god' so to speak, depending on their values.

but tentatively, one can also witness that all lifeforms have that self-preservation in common though nature pits one against another so it seems the enemy or negative process or side effects and it's cause is conspiratorially invisible or is just an unfortunate consequence (something we have to work with and manage as best as possible more or less because we have no choice) of the structure of the universe where the commonality of the desire for self-preservation is the single shred of ultimate truth or real truth thus the recognition of that (enlightenment) and thus love, compassion, ethics, yadda yadda yadda.
Have you ever heard of the 2 hands of God? Where as in the phenomena of electricity you have the negative and the positive and you need both to operate the tools, To create the flow of energy. Now like the guy that started this thread I am sure he might understand this for it seems to Me he has gotten control of his own duality and is learning or learned to use the 2 hands in him self for the purpose of progress in moving life into a future more peaceful for humanity it self

My duality is synced in perfect harmony, and if it falls out i quickly align myself again. I have made my duality manifest into their own seperate selves within my own mind, (Some may call it going insane) I use them to council my own mind, but in reality all praise and council should be through the most high, and i do not count my duality as any form of god or entity which merits praise or worship. i do not worship i command them they are my servants.

In my mind resides the council of twelve and we hold debates, I talk the matter over with myself and split my emotions intot he forms of seperate entitys. Love, Hate, Anger, Jelousy, Fear, The pacifist, The warrior, etc etc I will introduce you tot he rest another time. I reside over them withthe guidance of the most high and i make the final desicion to deem the act righteous, these court sessions take place within myself in the plane i set aside for debates. the sessions can last from 1 split second to 1-2 days of debate.

The duality is explained everywhere in nature, scripture and everyday life, yin and yang. good and evil, male and female, life and death. the 7 days, the 12 months, the 1 year, the 5 senses the lesser instinct and the higher instinct.

Duality is a law that none except god must adhere to. (even though even he likes to call himself "we" as a state of royal kingship no less but still)

I see it more as a -1 and +1 of 0 and that in it self is what creates change. For it is the rebellious act that makes change happen. Consider the act of Abraham and how he didn't kill his son . Well I am pretty sure it was common back in the day to sacrifice people to insure a good harvest. It appears to be a common theme recorded in history everywhere . Yet Abraham when it came time was directed by something not to do the deed. It could be said it was by God , or a force perceived as God , A higher truth that replaced the thought of the times. So now a days we don't for the most part kill a person when things don't go like we think they should. You could even conjecture that Abraham went against the wishes of his home land of Ur. The same could be said of Jesus and the acts he committed. Where he did what he did out of rebellion of the customs of the day. Yet it followed a type of logical pattern to put humanity in the soul of what we would consider barbaric thought in the modern world we live in today
yes, we all know of the duality in nature but even your statement shows that the desire is for peace and self-preservation. still, the negative exists and acts destructively on something.

all lifeforms want self-preservation but the issue is that nature works in such a way that the opposite is inflicted and there is a cost.

from what i can tell from this thread, the positive goal is what is considered god (love, world peace, yadda yadda) but this isn't the case for everyone.

my interpretation is that 'god' is whatever one's nature is and everyone has their own 'god' so to speak, depending on their values.

but tentatively, one can also witness that all lifeforms have that self-preservation in common though nature pits one against another so it seems the enemy or negative process or side effects and it's cause is conspiratorially invisible or is just an unfortunate consequence (something we have to work with and manage as best as possible more or less because we have no choice) of the structure of the universe where the commonality of the desire for self-preservation is the single shred of ultimate truth or real truth thus the recognition of that (enlightenment) and thus love, compassion, ethics, yadda yadda yadda.

How bout a new though. Preservation of the species as a whole instead of preservation of a single entity in the species. Like the social behavior of herd animals like antelope. Humanity has proven over and over again to have behavior patterns of herd animals so in this it is my belief that the closer we come to controlling our killer instincts the closer we will come to realizing the true value of community and in this realization come together as a species so as to insure the future existence of our species. Are you in or are you out. There is always a cost for freedom
My duality is synced in perfect harmony, and if it falls out i quickly align myself again. I have made my duality manifest into their own seperate selves within my own mind, (Some may call it going insane) I use them to council my own mind, but in reality all praise and council should be through the most high, and i do not count my duality as any form of god or entity which merits praise or worship. i do not worship i command them they are my servants.

In my mind resides the council of twelve and we hold debates, I talk the matter over with myself and split my emotions intot he forms of seperate entitys. Love, Hate, Anger, Jelousy, Fear, The pacifist, The warrior, etc etc I will introduce you tot he rest another time. I reside over them withthe guidance of the most high and i make the final desicion to deem the act righteous, these court sessions take place within myself in the plane i set aside for debates. the sessions can last from 1 split second to 1-2 days of debate.

The duality is explained everywhere in nature, scripture and everyday life, yin and yang. good and evil, male and female, life and death. the 7 days, the 12 months, the 1 year, the 5 senses the lesser instinct and the higher instinct.

Duality is a law that none except god must adhere to. (even though even he likes to call himself "we" as a state of royal kingship no less but still)

Right on with the right on brother. The Holy Me's of Heaven. The Attributes handed down by ancestry from the beginning. Embedded in the human soul upon gaining awareness. Yeah Man all with you on that . Feel the Chi coming to a neighborhood near you. Hwa Rang Do
I see it more as a -1 and +1 of 0 and that in it self is what creates change. For it is the rebellious act that makes change happen. Consider the act of Abraham and how he didn't kill his son . Well I am pretty sure it was common back in the day to sacrifice people to insure a good harvest. It appears to be a common theme recorded in history everywhere . Yet Abraham when it came time was directed by something not to do the deed. It could be said it was by God , or a force perceived as God , A higher truth that replaced the thought of the times. So now a days we don't for the most part kill a person when things don't go like we think they should. You could even conjecture that Abraham went against the wishes of his home land of Ur. The same could be said of Jesus and the acts he committed. Where he did what he did out of rebellion of the customs of the day. Yet it followed a type of logical pattern to put humanity in the soul of what we would consider barbaric thought in the modern world we live in today

I was going to say you should write that down, but you just did ^_^

Thats a very nice way of explaining it, you study and try to understand the mathematics of the most high. See i am not naturaly talented with math it is my weakest knowledge due to it being un poetic and boring to my creative side. (right and left brain duality i guess) Even though tests show i use both sides of my brain equaly i still seem to find math boring so i study and perfect it the least out of all the things i study.

Have you ever wrote a Life book? it is a book that all muslims usualy have and they write their own wisdom and understandings and struggles and revelations in it. something that is personal and a part of you forever. I think your life book will be nice to read lol.

Im debating with myself and have been for the last few months still with no conclusion weather or not it is sinful to write my own book of proverbs. I am already in the process of writing 3 books for publishing purposes not personal use. and I abandoned one of them due to it being fantasy and i thought it was offensive. I wanted to merge my philosophy work with my fiction novel but i think im scrapping it due to maybe away light from the revealed scripture and teaching things not meant to be taught to people.

Right on with the right on brother. The Holy Me's of Heaven. The Attributes handed down by ancestry from the beginning. Embedded in the human soul upon gaining awareness. Yeah Man all with you on that . Feel the Chi coming to a neighborhood near you. Hwa Rang Do

Anya hasayo.

I dont know much about that obscure style of martial arts, I have done some kendo and Tekken though that i learned from a south korean friend of mine that i lived with for around 6 months, his cousin she taught me some Korean in exchange for English lessons. I tried to create a pinyin system for korean too as i found there was none. I mainly did Shaolin gong fu growing up that was my discipline and style. i later adopted muay thai and taijiiquan and baquazhang, along with some western boxing and various grappling arts. (jujutsu/judo/freestyle grappling-wrestling) I will have a look into that style a little more now as i dont know much about it atall, thanks.

How bout a new though. Preservation of the species as a whole instead of preservation of a single entity in the species. Like the social behavior of herd animals like antelope. Humanity has proven over and over again to have behavior patterns of herd animals so in this it is my belief that the closer we come to controlling our killer instincts the closer we will come to realizing the true value of community and in this realization come together as a species so as to insure the future existence of our species. Are you in or are you out. There is always a cost for freedom

rofl. so basically you aren't saying anything new at all. herd...patterns...community to preserve species...
PS, I am trying to lessen my pursuit of knowledge regarding the arts of war and arts of fighting. I am trying to focus on learning how to bring peace now. But all knowledge now that we are aware of good and evil is good to learn. Sometimes you might need to use the forbidden arts to save a rightious person. I dont think it is sinful to prepare and train for the sake of protectng good. But I have stopped teaching people martial arts, i used to teach alot and I have sropped that completely now. I have no students of martial ways left only students of the most highs teaching.

Do a Test on Yourselves, Stop eating meat for 3 months and see if your emotions become more compassionate and loving. It is the blood in meat, and unclean foods people consume that causes alot of anger outbursts and makes people easily agitated and violent. The less blood you eat the more passive you become.

Look at animals for a reference and source for proof, All carnivores are a little ferocious and violent, and look how passive herbovores generally are. When you eat meat you transform into a wild beast, God told us not to eat the blood, we didnt listen.

all very well and good BUT let's be lucid here. you are actually referring to what is positive though but in nature there is also a negative side.

this brings up what the definition of 'god' is or what it is. it's different things to different people and what they pinpoint, feel and cite is god. understand?

for instance, what one finds beneficial, healing and loving some people feel strongly that is what 'god' is or whatever and others depending on their nature may feel the opposite is.

for instance, is racism god or is being against racism god. is healthy cells of god or is cancer of god.

different people are going to fabricate elaborate justifications or rationales to make these fit the way they want. it doesn't mean any of it is true and if there is an interpretation that is true, there is no way to be sure either except what is true to you.

god is god, and what you experience of god depends on your unique perception, just as it is with anything else you experience. what is beautiful about humanity, is that we are all unique, and yet can only survive in communion, which results in a never ending abundance to experience, share, and to learn from together. it is fear that drives us away from each other, and encourages us all to close our eyes.