God Protect Us Against Islam

Everneo said:

Instead of dancing around his thematic inconsistency why don't you simply point out the factual incorrectness & tell the facts :
(1) that iraqi blasts were rather political than religious and (2) that the persons behind the blasts were not shias as incorrectly stated by the poster ?

I will note that you must have been astute enough to pay attention to the post I was responding to, since that is in fact where Vincent wrongfully attributed the bombing to the Shi'a.

So on that count, my error was to conclude that you were only looking at the quote from the post you cited, since you still seem to not understand the idea that Al-Sadr = all Shi'a = all Muslims is the issue I was responding to.

Nonetheless, all you're accomplishing by pointing out Vincent's wrongful attribution is undercutting one of your fellow haters; I owe you thanks for that.

However, none of this overshadows the fact that you lied when you said you don't generalize about Muslims.

Cussing and whining and merely claiming otherwise won't change that reality, either.

You lied in order to support your position, Everneo. That's pathetic, and your profane attacks do nothing to hide your vice.
tiassa said:
However, none of this overshadows the fact that you lied when you said you don't generalize about Muslims.

Cussing and whining and merely claiming otherwise won't change that reality, either.

You lied in order to support your position, Everneo. That's pathetic, and your profane attacks do nothing to hide your vice.

What is pathetic is your stupidity :

tiassa said:
everneo said:
i don't generalize & club them with faulters.


Cheap, unadulterated liar:

everneo said:
• Taliban hanged fags (whether they were really fags or otherwise, God only knows) . Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali and other close companions discussed the issue and the fatwa issued : "Burn the fags alive. As what God had done to Sodom." heheheh.. i like Islam (1)

• Don't say Taliban are not muslims. (2)

1. Homosexuality is not considered 'favourably' in Islam, whether it is the Taliban on the one end
or the best of the muslims on the other end. I applaud this stand by muslims though the punishment looks a bit severe as per your modern standard. Where is the criminal generalization of muslims by an islamaphobe ?

2. Why don't you apply your favourite logic (Shia are muslims; not all muslims are shia).
To help you, it would look like this "Taliban are muslim; not all muslims are Taliban".
Where is the generalization of muslims by an islamophobe ?

I already explained this pages back. Your lack of undertstanding what others say is beyond correction.

A liar, cheap unadulterated liar ? No, thanks.... i have no intention to compete with you.
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Where is the generalization of muslims by an islamophobe ?

(1) The generalization is that you like Islam for this reason. Not all Muslims are as bloodthirsty as you.

(2) The generalization is that you would argue the Taleban are Muslims. Combined with the first generalization, this implies that all Muslims are as bloodthirsty as you, and that's simply not true.

I mean, if you were capable of citing orthopraxy, that would be at least an argument to start with.

But, inasmuch as a Muslim is one who follows Islam, no, the Taleban are not Muslims. They had best pray for an atheistic Universe, else Allah will have much to say to them in their hour that they won't want to hear.
tiassa said:
(1) The generalization is that you like Islam for this reason. Not all Muslims are as bloodthirsty as you.
Which reason ? Anti-faggism ? Its not bloodthirstiness. Its obeying Allah's commandment and the decision of the close Companions of the Prophet. You pseudo-atheist can't understand that. I presume, this is the only part that you don't agree with Islam, right ? or many more are there ?

(2) The generalization is that you would argue the Taleban are Muslims. Combined with the first generalization, this implies that all Muslims are as bloodthirsty as you, and that's simply not true.

Wrong premsies and wrong conclusions about me.

BTW, Why do you talk about bloodthirstiness ? to add weight to my 'crime' ?

But, inasmuch as a Muslim is one who follows Islam, no, the Taleban are not Muslims. They had best pray for an atheistic Universe, else Allah will have much to say to them in their hour that they won't want to hear.
Taliban are ultra-orthodox, wahabi blend of islamist fundies. You are not qualified to judge whether they are muslims are not. But, I've no problem with your assertion. They are clearly wrong in their own interpretation of Quran and hadiths.
Leo Volont said:
God Protect Us Against Islam

I saw something interesting the other day on the Religious News Blog. There is a shrine in Modern Day Iran which still has healing powers. They say the Shrine is visited by the Apparition of Princess Nikbanou who hid at this Shrine to escape the Invading Islamic Marauders. Apparently God still shines his Grace upon her and even upon those who show her respect. She was Zorastrian.

We also have Stories from out of Spain of how people were miraculously spared from Islamic Conversion. Again some of these Spanish Shrines still overflow with the Grace of God.

miracalousaly saved ? the christian catholics butchered, man,women and child in there 10s of thousands,including jews... if that is how your GOd saved spain from islamisation, then God help us all.
miracalousaly saved ? the christian catholics butchered, man,women and child in there 10s of thousands,including jews... if that is how your GOd saved spain from islamisation, then God help us all.
Everneo -

We always knew it was about hate:

Everneo said:

• I thought you are a wahabi/salafi.
• You pseudo-atheist can't understand that.

Stop throwing labels around as if you have the right to do so.

Let's look back at one of your posts:

If any one resorts to name calling with the words liar, cheap cheat hater etc instead of an intelligent debate & giving clear cut answers then it shows how smart one could be.

This is always an amusing thing to see someone in your position post. The simple facts are that you are a liar, your lies are cheap, and your posts are motivated by hatred. This is the second topic in which you have played a terroristic (not even elegant enough to be called "guerrilla") hit-and-run while pretending to argue with me. Every time you get walloped by an argument, you step back and start asking sidebar questions. Hell, it's why I never answered you about the rightly-guided caliphs, Everneo. At a certain point, your disrespect becomes intolerable; you don't wish to have a conversation, but rather play some form of Inquisitor Without A Clue.

And speaking of that topic, didn't you claim in this one that you don't generalize about Muslims and club them with faulters?

Cheap liar and hater are among the merciful ways to describe you according to your conduct.
Once again you are trying to drag me into answering your filthy lies.

Try to find a job, that would cure most of your psychological problems if not your dishonesty.
Hey, you're the one who sought to fight with me instead of discuss the issues. Your priorities are your problem, Everneo.

I've apologized to my Muslim neighbors. I've made my amends. It's your turn to do the same, boy.
Do you suggest me to open a thread like the one you opened - "An apology owed". ? That thread does not look like an apology.
Why not? I have repented of my generalizations, and you found my generalizations to be wrong. Why complain when you get what you want?

Do what you want to do. I don't see why decency should stop you now. It certainly hasn't in the past.
I don't like self-patting, that too in a seperate thread, in the name of apology. I would like to preserve whatever decency left out after talking to you.

This does not speak to their appreciating any 'right to worship'

Thats out there - we both know that out there is a different matter. But in here is not quite the same. What I mean is, with talk like that you win people in here to the defence of Islam - not because they are Islamic, but they defend anyone's right to worship. Look through some threads started by Proud Muslim.