God Protect Us Against Islam

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
God Protect Us Against Islam

I saw something interesting the other day on the Religious News Blog. There is a shrine in Modern Day Iran which still has healing powers. They say the Shrine is visited by the Apparition of Princess Nikbanou who hid at this Shrine to escape the Invading Islamic Marauders. Apparently God still shines his Grace upon her and even upon those who show her respect. She was Zorastrian.

We also have Stories from out of Spain of how people were miraculously spared from Islamic Conversion. Again some of these Spanish Shrines still overflow with the Grace of God.

Can Islam really be considered such a good thing if God made such deliberate efforts to deliver Souls from it.

I also wonder that it seems a curious coincidence that the Agency of God in each case comes from a Feminine Expression – a Blessed Virginal Princess in one case, and the Blessed Virgin Mary in the others.
the day that Sharon said that he wantd to withdraw from Gaza there was an earthquake and the same time the earlier president announced this there was also an earthquake. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo what a miracle, God did not want Sharon to turn his back on Zionism and this should be a lesson to every single Jews who does not believe in Zionism. now lets bow down to the torah.

lol, you fag. i cant believe you posted such a stupid article.
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LeoVolont said:

Can Islam really be considered such a good thing if God made such deliberate efforts to deliver Souls from it.

Can we say that God made any deliberate effort to deliver souls from Islam? As with the Jews who survived God's vengeance, some of those Christians needed to remain as a testament to what God has delivered unto the people.

We might ask why the people needed to be protected against conversion by God. Apparently, God's power was not strong enough to inspire faith.

And that's nobody's problem but God's.

PreacherX said:

lol, you fag

Speaking of fags, I'm gonna go smoke. My lungs thank you.
tiassa said:
We might ask why the people needed to be protected against conversion by God. Apparently, God's power was not strong enough to inspire faith.
Voluntary conversions to Islam might be a result of God's failure to inspire faith in thier ex-religions. What about some of the forced conversions in medival period ? Options were : Have your head on your shoulder as a muslim or on the ground as a kafir !

And that's nobody's problem but God's.
But you seem to take it as your personal problem in the case of christianity. That is OK with me , but why the double stand ?

Speaking of fags, I'm gonna go smoke. My lungs thank you.
Taliban hanged fags (whether they were really fags or otherwise, God only knows) . Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali and other close companions discussed the issue and the fatwa issued : "Burn the fags alive. As what God had done to Sodom." heheheh.. i like Islam, Tiassa. :D
Preacher_X said:
the day that Sharon said that he wantd to withdraw from Gaza there was an earthquake and the same time the earlier president announced this there was also an earthquake. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo what a miracle, God did not want Sharon to turn his back on Zionism and this should be a lesson to every single Jews who does not believe in Zionism. now lets bow down to the torah.

lol, you fag. i cant believe you posted such a stupid article.

What is really happening is when the Leader announces the withdraw, thousands of pissed off fanatics hit the streets and protest. THEN God sends the Earthquake to show them that He by no means approves of their perpetuation of Theft and Murder to secure Realestate without Deed or Payment.

God is Just.

Also, who can possibly imagine that the Zionists did not forfeit their Contract with God after they Murdered the Promised Messiah. One only needs to examine the subsequent History of the Zionists. They abandoned their Religions and turned to the Worship of Money. No longer the Priests of the World, but the Bankers. Is this the People of God or the People given over to Satan?
** "Burn the fags alive. As what God had done to Sodom." heheheh.. i like Islam, Tiassa.**

You dumb ass!! ;) T. was speaking of smoking a ciggarette! Fag is slang for cigs in Europe.

I just wish the non-existent deity could deliver us from Christians as well.

Or as Bud put it:

Bud: Credit is a sacred trust, it's what our free society is founded on. Do you think they give a damn about their bills in Russia? I said, do you think they give a damn about their bills in Russia?
Otto: They don't pay bills in Russia, it's all free.
Bud: All free? Free my ass. What are you, a fuckin' commie? Huh?
Otto: No, I ain't no commie.
Bud: Well, you better not be. I don't want no commies in my car. No Christians either.

Memories, light the corners of my mind

What about some of the forced conversions in medival period ?

Are you really sure you want to get into Abramism in the medieval period?

You forget that unlike you, I consider Muslims human beings.

But you seem to take it as your personal problem in the case of christianity. That is OK with me , but why the double stand ?

Try being more specific, please. Seriously, not sarcastically. I'm happy to answer the question but I'm not sure what it means at this point.

Taliban hanged fags (whether they were really fags or otherwise, God only knows) . Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali and other close companions discussed the issue and the fatwa issued : "Burn the fags alive. As what God had done to Sodom."

Ironic you should mention that. I went diving for an ancient link, and while I didn't find what I was looking for, I certainly didn't come away empty-handed.

Some quotes from Tiassa regarding the Taleban:

Anyone wanna take bets on how many years the Taliban has left before ... well, I guess there's that, too. How ugly will it be? (May 14, 2001)

This is not love. Nor should this way be called Islam. This is such an idiotic hatred that the world might necessarily have to play the strategy of guarding itself against the hatred and waiting for it to extinct itself. Except for the notion that fundamentalists are generally lesser-educated, and in this case, exceptionally so. These people will breed until there are no viable women left to breed. The world cannot necessarily trust this human microdrama to conclude for decency's sake, except for the fact that nobody will want to go there, and they'll eventually inbreed to critical dysfunction. That none of these words have to do with love except for the first sentence of the paragraph and this one should indicate how empty I think considerations of love among the Taliban to be. This is a hatred so honed by fear that it cannot be described, only enacted and witnessed. They've already killed the musicians. (May 15, 2001)

Education, economy, and about four generations of contemporary inclusion promises the earliest recovery of Taliban women. (June 4, 2001)

As for idiots, may we introduce the Taliban? (June 5, 2001)

Sciforums: "The God of War and Destruction lives on"

Now ... what was it you were saying about the Taleban?

heheheh.. i like Islam, Tiassa

Oh. Yeah. Doesn't surprise me. :cool:

P.S. on Edit: Since I now have it stuck in my head, you all get to share -

Light the corners of my mind.
Misty water-colored memories
Of the way we were.

Scattered pictures
Of the smiles we left behind;
Smiles we gave to one another
For the way we were . . . .

(Hamlisch, Bergman & Bergman)
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and the banana boat song, renamed the taliban song.

Work all night but drink no rum
(Daylight come and me wan' go home)
Stacking bullets till thee morning come
(Daylight come and me wan' go home)
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Day, he say day-ay-ay-o
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Come, Mr. Taliban free me you bastard
(Daylight come and me wan' go home)
Come, Mr. Taliban free me you bastard
(Daylight come and me wan' go home)
It's six foot, seven foot, eight foot, shells!
(Daylight come and me wan' go home)
Six foot, seven foot, eight foot, shells!
(Daylight come and me wan' go home)
day he say dayo
(Daylight come and me wan' go home)
And a big bunch of rocket grenades
Daylight come and me wan' go home)
And a big bunch of rocket grenades
Daylight come and me wan' go home)
Hide thee deadly osama bin laden
(Daylight come and me wan' go home)
Hide thee deadly osama bin laden
(Daylight come and me wan' go home)
tiassa said:
Are you really sure you want to get into Abramism in the medieval period?
That will further put the islamic conquests, in the non-abramic east, in to an 'un-wanted' lime light; what ever you like.

You forget that unlike you, I consider Muslims human beings.
Ofcourse, muslims are human beings. When are you going to stop generalizing muslims ? i don't generalize & club them with faulters.

Ironic you should mention that. I went diving for an ancient link, and while I didn't find what I was looking for, I certainly didn't come away empty-handed.

Some quotes from Tiassa regarding the Taleban:
Those quotes were before 9/11, anything was there afterwards ? the world also has changed, you know ?

Now ... what was it you were saying about the Taleban?
You criticized Taliban but justify the actions of their close associates of terrorism, whoever they are but them being muslims is sufficient for you, ah.
Don't say Taliban are not muslims.
Everneo said:
i don't generalize & club them with faulters.


Cheap, unadulterated liar:

Everneo said:

• Taliban hanged fags (whether they were really fags or otherwise, God only knows) . Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali and other close companions discussed the issue and the fatwa issued : "Burn the fags alive. As what God had done to Sodom." heheheh.. i like Islam (1)

• Don't say Taliban are not muslims. (2)

When you grow up and drop the hatred, Everneo, get back to me and we'll try to have a rational discussion.

However, I cannot respect a liar of your caliber. I consider such people among the worst humanity has to offer.

Those quotes were before 9/11

Ironic, isn't it? That's part of what amuses me about them.

You criticized Taliban but justify the actions of their close associates of terrorism, whoever they are but them being muslims is sufficient for you, ah.

What in the hell are you babbling about? That sentence of yours doesn't even make enough sense to determine what spurious accusation you're raising now.

Then again, I don't suppose it really matters. A liar is a liar is a liar, Everneo. And you are a cheap, petty, hateful liar, as evidenced by your own posts in this topic.
Everno, typical hindu banya...... kind a pissed at muslims since they ruled his monkey ass for hundreds of years. haha. Hey everno how's the burrning going these days? :D
tiassa said:
everneo said:
i don't generalize & club them with faulters.


Cheap, unadulterated liar:

everneo said:
Taliban hanged fags (whether they were really fags or otherwise, God only knows) . Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali and other close companions discussed the issue and the fatwa issued : "Burn the fags alive. As what God had done to Sodom." heheheh.. i like Islam (1)

Don't say Taliban are not muslims. (2)
Cool down, tiassa. When facing the unavoidable criticism don't whine like a ..

In (1), you were unable to differentiate between the Taliban fundies and the rightly guided Caliphs, will you ever ? I don't think so.

In (2), those muslims you don't like, become non-muslims in your dictionary. In another post you meant shias are different from muslims. Disagree ?

When you grow up and drop the hatred, Everneo, get back to me and we'll try to have a rational discussion.
If you mean 'hatred' as in your dictionary & thesaurus then you are the one still grooming your hatred, a blind hatred, that (i) refuses to appreciate the muslims who denounce senseless terror & (ii) is upholding the fundies as heroes.

However, I cannot respect a liar of your caliber. I consider such people among the worst humanity has to offer.
Your respect ?! my ass. What do you know about humanity, tiassa ?

What in the hell are you babbling about? That sentence of yours doesn't even make enough sense to determine what spurious accusation you're raising now.
Hmm.. Those international fundies got trained from Taliban terror factories are your heroes, right ? But your criticism against Taliban is amusing, anything to do with their banning of 'faggism' and opium cultivation ?

Then again, I don't suppose it really matters. A liar is a liar is a liar, Everneo. And you are a cheap, petty, hateful liar, as evidenced by your own posts in this topic.
First, im not a liar. The 3 adjectives you scream before 'liar' is a typical example of you. Now, go and have a smoke and think for the first time after a long time.
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skywalker said:
Everno, typical hindu banya...... kind a pissed at muslims since they ruled his monkey ass for hundreds of years. haha. Hey everno how's the burrning going these days? :D
My monkey ass is not hundreds of years old, loonie. Don't try to hide the fundies in your Paki ass and blame India for the pain.
When facing the unavoidable criticism don't whine like a

So dishonesty is inevitable? You have no choice in the matter?

In (1), you were unable to differentiate between the Taliban fundies and the rightly guided Caliphs, will you ever ? I don't think so.

In (2), those muslims you don't like, become non-muslims in your dictionary. In another post you meant shias are different from muslims. Disagree

What is your basis for this? I mean, just because you're a child-rapist doesn't mean you're absolutely baseless in your accusation.

If you mean 'hatred' as in your dictionary & thesaurus then you are the one still grooming your hatred, a blind hatred, that refuses to appreciate the muslims who denounce senseless terror, upholding the fundies as heroes.

So in lieu of a rational, honest argument, you're inventing windmills to tilt?

Hmm.. Those international fundies got trained from Taliban terror factories are your heroes, right ? But your criticism against Taliban is amusing, anything to do with their banning of 'faggism' and opium cultivation ?

I have no problem with opium cultivation. As to the rest of it, what part of my stance on human rights are you distorting at this point?

First, im not a liar

Repeating it doesn't make it true, Everneo. If you want me to believe you're not a liar, you need to stop lying.

I don't see what's so hard to figure out about that.

The 3 adjectives you scream before 'liar' is a typical example of you

It's true. I treat petulant dishonesty harshly.

Now, go and have a smoke and think for the first time after a long time.

What a recommendation. How much time would you like me to waste dwelling on your dishonesty?
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tiassa said:
So dishonesty is inevitable? You have no choice in the matter?
After accusing of 'lying' now talking of 'dishonesty' ?

What is your basis for this? I mean, just because your a child-rapist doesn't mean you're absolutely baseless in your accusation.
If you are a child-rapist, your accusation on children that they are not in a vulnerable postion to your preying would be a shit.
Repeating it doesn't make it true, Everneo. If you want me to believe you're not a liar, you need to stop lying.
I told you, tiassa. Repeatedly you are failing to differentiate things.

tiassa said:
everneo said:
The 3 adjectives you scream before 'liar' is a typical example of you ”

It's true. I treat petulant dishonesty harshly.
Should i rather rephrase it as "You are the typical example for those 3 adjectives" ?

What a recommendation. How much time would you like me to waste dwelling on your dishonesty?
Till you find out on whose side the dishonesty dwells.
everneo said:
My monkey ass is not hundreds of years old, loonie. Don't try to hide the fundies in your Paki ass and blame India for the pain.

awww.. it hurts eh? :D all the bhindians are the same. Banyas.
After accusing of 'lying' now talking of 'dishonesty' ?

Well ...? When you lie, you are being dishonest.

If you are a child-rapist, your accusation on children that they are not in a vulnerable postion to your preying would be a shit.

Gotta admit, of all the possible responses in the Universe, I certainly didn't see that one coming.

I told you, tiassa. Repeatedly you are failing to differentiate things.


Should i rather rephrase it as "You are the typical example for those 3 adjectives" ?

Rephrase it all you want.

Till you find out on whose side the dishonesty dwells.

It's quite clear.

To revisit a couple of your previous posts:

Ofcourse, muslims are human beings. When are you going to stop generalizing muslims ? i don't generalize & club them with faulters.

Oh, heaven help the Muslims. I've so maligned them by generalizing that Muslims are human, too.

You don't generalize and club them with faulters?

Whatever you say, Everneo:

Everneo said:

• Taliban hanged fags (whether they were really fags or otherwise, God only knows) . Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali and other close companions discussed the issue and the fatwa issued : "Burn the fags alive. As what God had done to Sodom." heheheh.. i like Islam (1)

• Don't say Taliban are not muslims. (2)

Whatever you say.


We can continue with disrespect if it gets you off, but if you're going to attempt to insult my intelligence, you need to be smarter about it.