God or No God

The Devil Inside said:
are you talking about "vibration frequencies" and such?

No, i don't see how the electromagnetic spectrum would affect this, but maybe thatis becasue i haven't given it much thought. It sound liekoyu watched that old movie "powder" i think the name is? :confused: I haven't seen it in a decade, but i remember the guy getting hit with lightning and becoming a radioactive wave or gamma ray :D
The Devil Inside said:
crunchy cat,
i know what you mean. i have induced obe's in myself using sensory deprivation in the past. in fact, i made my own chamber when i was 16 after seeing the movie "altered states".
fortunately, i didnt devolve into a monkeyman or anything.

the personal experience i have had that i mentioned is actually seeing ghosts physically as a child.
*shrug* but im off to bed now.
your thoughts?

Wow, 16 and already making your own sensory deprivation chamber :)... although I did some strange things at that age as well... hell I still do strange things and have not turned into a monkeyman either.

When I was a child, I saw a buttload of crazy shit that nobody else did. I finally figured out what it was. Hypnogogic hallucaintion. As an adult, I only experience it sometimes when first waking up or during normal waking hours if I am exceptionally tired. As a child, it was fully integrated into my perception especially between the ages of 2-6.

I would hypothesize that the ghost experience may have been a HH. :)
Crunchy Cat said:
I never heard of this theory before. What evidence is it based on and what predictions does it make?
well i don't know if it is an actually applied theory, rather a theoretical reasoning or explanation to make sense of an existential presence.


only thing i could find n the web similar is Exaltation by the Mormins. though i have never had a conversation in length, that i know of, with an open Mormin :bugeye:
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maybe thats an explanation, to me, it seems just as likely that i saw ghosts though.

This was just an illusion. Immidiate recomendation talk to a psychiatrist. You may be becoming delusional.

ArtofWar said:
well i don't know if it is an actually applied theory, rather a theoretical reasoning or explanation to make sense of an existential presence.


only thing i could find n the web similar is Exaltation by the Mormins. though i have never had a conversation in length, that i know of, with an open Mormin :bugeye:

I see... in that case I don't think I understand what's involved with the concept. Maybe it could be explained a little more?
The Devil Inside said:
crunchy cat,
maybe thats an explanation, to me, it seems just as likely that i saw ghosts though.

We'll you certainly saw something that's not a common part of reality. Maybe a better question to ask is 'what was that' instead of concluding it's a dead person's conciousness manifesting a photon structure.
:) perhaps.

an orange blob floating around on the back porch of my house. i was completely freaked out.
i was also 12. kinda past the "childish" stage of childhood, but not quite an adult.

godless, i am a very "rooted in reality person", thank you very much. im not anything like half the wackos on this site that claim the same thing.

*sets himself on fire and runs around the room in a peter pan outfit*
The Devil Inside said:
:) perhaps.

an orange blob floating around on the back porch of my house. i was completely freaked out.
i was also 12. kinda past the "childish" stage of childhood, but not quite an adult.

How funky! Was it biolumincent, translucent, opaue, constantly 'flowing'? Tell me more man!
it was orange, with a white-ish center orb. the orange around it was like fire, sorta.
it was absolutely opaque. i remember vividly how afraid i was that the porch would catch fire from it. of course, there was no heat. in a panic, i ran to the neighbor's house, and brought them over. of course it was gone by then.
The Devil Inside said:
it was orange, with a white-ish center orb. the orange around it was like fire, sorta.
it was absolutely opaque. i remember vividly how afraid i was that the porch would catch fire from it. of course, there was no heat. in a panic, i ran to the neighbor's house, and brought them over. of course it was gone by then.

That's some cool shit. Kind of like a fireball with a white hot center. Did it resemble anything we had seen before in the movies or a video games (ex. the ropes scene from Dragon's Lair)?