God or No God

Lucidfox said:
I believe that there is a God. It's mostly through faith that I believe but there's also evidence that supports most of the stuff in the Bible. A lot of the prophecies have come true, the Bible talks about how the Earth is floating in space, and it talks about other scientific stuff. How the heck would anyone know all that stuff back then when they had no equipment to go into space to see for themselves and telescopes weren't invented until 1000-2000 years later?
name one prophecy that has come true!

bible has been wrong about everything from the age of the earth to the floodgates in the sky that god opens to let the rain fall,its a book of silly stories invented by the ancients who knew nothing about how nature works.

seeing the moon and stars in the sky obviously gave them idea that earth is a planet too,makes sense,the rest of it is just fantasy,and bible is so full of contradictions its sad to see anyone take it seriously today
Lucidfox said:
I believe that there is a God. It's mostly through faith that I believe but there's also evidence that supports most of the stuff in the Bible. A lot of the prophecies have come true, the Bible talks about how the Earth is floating in space, and it talks about other scientific stuff. How the heck would anyone know all that stuff back then when they had no equipment to go into space to see for themselves and telescopes weren't invented until 1000-2000 years later?

Care to go into more detail, and show us the 'evidence'?
ArtofWar said:
My quandry is all assuming that A) true evil does exist. B) After we die are faits are more than just means of energy transfer :) C. I'm not crazy and or Afraid of demons :rolleyes:


A) This may be the biggest part of the quandry. In reality, there is no such thing as 'good' or 'evil'. They're just labels people and soceities give to various human behaviors / natural events and they change drastically over time.

B) There is no evidence to suggest that our conciousness persists after we die. There is lots of evidence that supports conciousness being a function of the human body (the brain specifically).

C) Nope, not at all. :)
Yeh this thread has gone to Hell. I change the question, is there a God of the message boards? Ooops almost forgot about the Administrator, and the the Cohorts/Angels (Mod's Cough...)

Welcome to the board, don't worry too much about our mods their very open minded & liberal when it comes to adhominems, assumptions, accusations, and the occasional flame war. :eek:

Other than that, there's no preaching tolerated, though many theist do so, with little supervision and disregard to that one rule, I know of. But hey! they are opened for scrutiny just like anyone who makes any claim that cant be proven.

you know, as well as i do....the non-theists preach just as much as the religious/spiritual folks :)

im glad to see the topic get back onto track (sort of)
Crunchy Cat said:

A) This may be the biggest part of the quandry. In reality, there is no such thing as 'good' or 'evil'. They're just labels people and soceities give to various human behaviors / natural events and they change drastically over time.

B) There is no evidence to suggest that our conciousness persists after we die. There is lots of evidence that supports conciousness being a function of the human body (the brain specifically).

C) Nope, not at all. :)

i agree with "A", crunchy cat. it is a matter of subjective, personal reality.

"B" is a little more open to debate. i have seen many instances of evidence for life after death. personal experiences alone tell me that such a thing is not only possible, but probable. the thing is, i dont think that my job is to convince people of things that i have no solid evidence of. *shrug*
such is the quandary i am in....
RoyLennigan said:
i think you have had more than enough of your say. why don't you let others speak?
oh DO you think that? well you posted it didn't you? andi didn't stop you did I..??
so what are you meaning 'why dontyou let others speak?'....pleaselet me know how i can STOP others speaking here?
scorpius said:
name one prophecy that has come true!

bible has been wrong about everything from the age of the earth to the floodgates in the sky that god opens to let the rain fall,its a book of silly stories invented by the ancients who knew nothing about how nature works.

seeing the moon and stars in the sky obviously gave them idea that earth is a planet too,makes sense,the rest of it is just fantasy,and bible is so full of contradictions its sad to see anyone take it seriously today
Every thing in Bible is not correct, I agree ok
But is it enough to deny the exitence of god?
The Devil Inside said:
just stop arguing with people for the sake of arguing, and discuss the topic, please.
HAHA... we've got a right shitstirrer with you aint we. first it was YOU who starts laying down the law becaus you dont want your precious worldview ruffled, right. well sunshine, i will challenge what i see as false. YOU dont set the agenda for the way a debate is supposed to be. we all have different views about a subject. thats what makes it interesting, for those with openminds that is. now PLEASSSE get on with the debate and stop arguiin!!!!!
from this point, consider yourself on my "folks to ignore" list. you dont read posts, and you dont care what others say.

when you point a finger, three are pointing right back at you. hello? moderators?! are you going to allow this person to continue this flamewar?
The Devil Inside said:
i agree with "A", crunchy cat. it is a matter of subjective, personal reality.

"B" is a little more open to debate. i have seen many instances of evidence for life after death. personal experiences alone tell me that such a thing is not only possible, but probable. the thing is, i dont think that my job is to convince people of things that i have no solid evidence of. *shrug*
such is the quandary i am in....

There are many stories of people clinically dying on operating room tables, having OOBEs / other fantastic experiences, coming back to clinical life and then sharing the experience (sometimes the OOBEs reflect real events that were happening at the time).

My take is that there is knowledge gap concerning what these events are. My hypothesis is that the brain's interpretation engine is still active sometime after clinical death. Supporting points are that:

* When the heart / brain activity stops by our measurement standards, there is still cellular / electrical activity that continues quite some time afterwards. The brain is all about neurons, dendrites, and electrical charge.
* OOBEs can be artifically induced in a controlled environment by reducing the electrical activity in some parts of the brain. Clinical death would likely have a similar affect on electrical activity.
* The process of clinical death, fantastic experiences, and clinical life don't happen when the cause of death is brain damage.

The 'easy' thing to do is say "hey, I experienced a fantastic event after clinical death, it's not a widely researched / understood subject; therefore, this proves life after death is real". This line of thinking is flawed as an incomplete picture doesn't create a void that demands immediate substitution with 'something' (usually some kind of attractive assertion). It puts an opportunity on the table for further exploration.
The Devil Inside said:
from this point, consider yourself on my "folks to ignore" list. you dont read posts, and you dont care what others say.

when you point a finger, three are pointing right back at you. hello? moderators?! are you going to allow this person to continue this flamewar?
you little snitch-wimp. aint gonna lose no s;leep not chattin wid u oh great one higher than the angels. i knoooow yuuuur type hah..i'm off!
What are your guys opinions of the theory of ordinary humans like ourselves eventually (on the path) transcending ourselves body & mind on a plane of higher existence? The idea is intriguing, but I have little faith in mankind surviving long enough to accomplish such.

This theory is based on the prospect of superlative beings evolving into Gods of self. The weird thing about my conversations on this topic has been with physicists not “scientologists” who believe in this. Also they do not believe in the Bibles saying that of Man made in the image of God :). Really interesting stuff, but I would also think as an informed scientist you would have to make up your mind as to whether the universe is constantly expanding or will contract and expand continuously.
What are your guys opinions of the theory of ordinary humans like ourselves eventually (on the path) transcending ourselves body & mind on a plane of higher existence?

We are already that higher existence; we'r the top of the food chain. :p

We are the gods of our enviorenment; with minor limitations thus we dont have supernatural powers, then again to the atheist nothing does! ;)

crunchy cat,
i know what you mean. i have induced obe's in myself using sensory deprivation in the past. in fact, i made my own chamber when i was 16 after seeing the movie "altered states".
fortunately, i didnt devolve into a monkeyman or anything.

the personal experience i have had that i mentioned is actually seeing ghosts physically as a child.
*shrug* but im off to bed now.
your thoughts?
ArtofWar said:
What are your guys opinions of the theory of ordinary humans like ourselves eventually (on the path) transcending ourselves body & mind on a plane of higher existence?

I never heard of this theory before. What evidence is it based on and what predictions does it make?