God or No God


Registered Senior Member
I am a disbeliever in intelligent-design, but i often catch myself caught up in my own philosophy. Wether i'm conflicted between my knowledge in the theoretical sciences, or how religion (past/present) has clashed with many versions of applied ethics. I find myself caught in a bind when i deny the existance of an omnipotent being, and find my self confronted with what i percieve as evil. I say to myself if there is evil in this universe that cannot be explained through current day Psycho-analysis and neurological data. Then how can i not believe in an opposite existence whether it be parallel, celestial or down right corporeal!

My quandry is all assuming that A) true evil does exist. B) After we die are faits are more than just means of energy transfer :) C. I'm not crazy and or Afraid of demons :rolleyes:

Anyway i vote for NO guy pulling the strings hidden above the clouds
Evil, I think is just a perception of any society that has to learn to live together in a civilisation. I don't think this has anything to with God, and certainly not exclusive to religion...

By the way it's ok to get caught up in philisophical musings over a creator, so long as you don't narrow your mind to the very black and white rules of religion.
the 'problem' as i see it is clear. both sides evolutionists verses intelligent design BOTH deny sentience---ie., both deny Nature is intelligent....what dos tis denial do?

well, when you read the belief systems that come from it, ie., patriarchal mythology, religion, and materialistic science. they all divide up polar relted opposites...so for instance, in mytholoy --patriarchal--we have te division between Nature an 'spirit. be tween heaven and earth, good and bad etc...pife and death
and wit materialistic sciene also, we have te'mind/body problem'---and the general belief in the 'deadness' of matter/energy

so this is a major cluie to where we are at now. we are part of a long long linear path which denigrates Nature

okkk. tink what is evil. think of the Holocaust, or any happening where pople are degraded/ see the pattern of it. with rte former we have te dehumanization ofpeple. stripped naked, shaved, numbered.....right?
tis is to degrade them andjustify treting temmlike ....animals. worse than

now thinknof animals. and think of animal vivisection. tis is done cause animals are believed to be less tan human. almost machine like

now tink of Nature. it isseen as mere commodity. dead. and look what is happening to it

so all this is showing a pattern which is refelcted in the myth of seeing Nature as dead.....this utter ighnore-ance can be seen as evil. and rally it is not evil in te Christian dualistic sense. i is evil in that themindset holds fast to its idea of 'good'!
this isnt about nature, duendy.

its about the existence of a creator of the universe. nature is a creation of the universe, so it falls 2 steps below the conversational topic.
The Devil Inside said:
this isnt about nature, duendy.

its about the existence of a creator of the universe. nature is a creation of the universe, so it falls 2 steps below the conversational topic.
oh my shit...you really do believe what you are saying dont you???? thought that shit about 'angels' in other thread was some kindof humour.....

seems yur stuck on that old patriarchal chestnut 'The Great Chain of Being' right, where universe is arranged as a military-like hierarchy, and Nature is at bottom, right?

it is FASCIST!...Rudolf Steiner and nazis were into all that rubbish. as are many New Agers

i am not into all that at all at all. it is very very ugly.

I a saying to you. Nature is where you ARE...it feeds you, shelters you, waters you, you ARE Nature. 'God', however' a is definewd in patriarchal myth, is really a manmade creation. and of course is made in man's image. the mindset which is warrior-obsessed, anti-Nature, anti-Feminine, and fears Nature
no, im not "stuck" in anything. i was stating that the thread is about G-d, not nature. this thread is for a specific topic, not rantings about something else. nature really has no place in a discussion about what you call "patriarchal myth", now does it?

just say you dont believe in G-d, and be done with it.

and just so you know, my particular belief is that G-d transcends gender...you throw the accusation of me being stuck in a fascist belief that holds the feminine down, but you have no idea really, what i believe.

also, steiner is a subject i have studied in great detail, and it seems you have no idea at all what he taught. again, you just wildly throw names and terms around like you know what you are talking about.

nature exists INSIDE of the universe, therefore it would be more relevant to discuss the universe itself...since the thread is about G-d.

get out of your own rut before trying to throw others into it, thats my suggestion.

btw: the thing with the angels was stupid beyond belief. get over yourself and your "holier than thou" attitude.
The Devil Inside said:
no, im not "stuck" in anything. i was stating that the thread is about G-d, not nature. this thread is for a specific topic, not rantings about something else. nature really has no place in a discussion about what you call "patriarchal myth", now does it?

me))))cause it fukin has..... are yer mad? you believe yu can get awaywith that one. tat's what thepatriarchy try to do from day one. push Nature 'down there'. well i aint gonna stand for that attitude g-d man. i spos you type it like that 'G-d' cause u imagine it's 'HIS' sacred name...?

just say you dont believe in G-d, and be done with it.

me))))))no. ypu not-wanting-to-understand person. i didn't say i dont believe in the mythical need of 'god' as representing masculine energy. this eas well covered in GODDESS mythology, where god is the ever-living ever-dying ever-regenerating son/lover/consort of the Goddess. that god was demonized by your sky-god 'God', whp yu spell 'G-d'. he's a bleedin upstart eee is!

and just so you know, my particular belief is that G-d transcends gender...you throw the accusation of me being stuck in a fascist belief that holds the feminine down, but you have no idea really, what i believe.

me)))it is plain by what you errr...say?

also, steiner is a subject i have studied in great detail, and it seems you have no idea at all what he taught. again, you just wildly throw names and terms around like you know what you are talking about.

me))yeaaaaah, tought you'd be familiar with him and defend him. like i said. i am readin yer words. what else cn we do here. cant see yer face can i??

nature exists INSIDE of the universe, therefore it would be more relevant to discuss the universe itself...since the thread is about G-d.

me))))))what you mean 'inside of the universe'?? why cant you ee a continuum between this plant and universe. i havea freaky feelin your 'inside' is your 'universe' and 'G-d' claiming to again be better than 'Nature'

get out of your own rut before trying to throw others into it, thats my suggestion.

me)))i am seeing you in a rut. live with it

btw: the thing with the angels was stupid beyond belief. get over yourself and your "holier than thou" attitude.
MY hoiler than tou attitude you hmourless Steinerist you?
im not a follower of the teachings of Steiner. i just happen to know alot of what he said.

i think im done talking with you, as you respond to REASON with preaching.
i thought preaching was against the rules here? we have gotten waaaaay off topic, and i would like to discuss the issue, not duendy's off topic beliefs, please.
The Devil Inside said:
im not a follower of the teachings of Steiner. i just happen to know alot of what he said.

me_____yes i know. studied himin detail an all that

i think im done talking with you, as you respond to REASON with preaching.

me))REASON? where have you given us any reason. please explain fully?? and your preachin to me tellinme i cant speak of Nature and must stik wid yur 'G-d'...!
so dont come it.

i thought preaching was against the rules here?

me))yeaahhh. so ya better watch it!

we have gotten waaaaay off topic, and i would like to discuss the issue, not duendy's off topic beliefs, please.
you are discussin your own agenda and trying to fascistically rule this thread. stop it an behave yerself.
The Devil Inside said:
please...at least use the word fascist in a proper context if you want to insult me.
great jumpinjesus dont yu retreat fro m debate.what yu afriad of.....Nature?

let me get this clear. you are saying any discussion about 'G-d' cant include Nature. is this correct...??
i said that nature is not G-d, as it is a creation of the universe. nature is the random, natural swirlings of atoms throughout creation. that is not G-d.
this is a thread about whether there is a creator. nature did not create itself, as nature is not capable of producing energy. nature is the victim of energy.
therefore, nature has no place in this discussion.
can we PLEAAAAAAAAASE get back on topic?
The Devil Inside said:
i said that nature is not G-d, as it is a creation of the universe.

me))))))EVERYONE eth gather theee round, fo r The Devil Isiide he doth spek form the mouthe of G-d'/.....! likeerrr yeah

nature is the random, natural swirlings of atoms throughout creation. that is not G-d.
me)))oh i see. just like that. andhow do you KNOW this?

this is a thread about whether there is a creator. nature did not create itself, as nature is not capable of producing energy.


nature is the victim of energy.
therefore, nature has no place in this discussion.
can we PLEAAAAAAAAASE get back on topic?
no. cause you are talkin baloney. dont think you can comehere nd hijack teplace wid your absurd rants witout getting challenged about tem. stamp all you wanna. i aint going nowhere

Now i am going to hve MY say, amd i encourage everyone who wants to take part in this OPEN debate--mr godless inside--not to be intimidated by this poster.

Actaully i it decidedly looking that Nature is very much alive and well thankyou very much. is Inteliigenct and doesn't NEED being directed by some outside agency you term 'G-d- in your Steinerian cosmology,,,,,,

so, understading where I AM coming from Artofwar, i reply to you question that a 'higher existence' is awareness of interdimensionality. i prefer 'deeper existence cause te patriarchy always place what they impose as the 'pure' in the sky/heavens/stella regions, thus de-grading Nature. so a deewper understanding is seeing right thru such propaganda. it is popaganda for power. to cut you me off from Nature, our roots, and then substitute THEIR oppressive authority over the individual and Nature..........
i am not a follower of Steiner...or cant you read my above posts?
no, you probably cant..since you seem incapable of typing a fucking sentence without misspelling every single thing.
i am waiting for a moderator to start deleting your posts, as what you are doing amounts to name calling, at its lowest form.
goodbye for a few days.
There is no evil in the universe, and there is no good. Both are notions thought up by man which correlate to real things, though. Evil is basically anything that is detrimental to humanity (or rather, to a specific group of humanity which one feels association to, their nation). Good is what helps that population. It is actually a very efficient method of looking at things, but has gotten extremely out of hand. People interpret the meanings of good and evil very widely and often incorrectly, making decisions based on their interpretations that actually cause much harm, rather than good.
duendy said:
Now i am going to hve MY say, amd i encourage everyone who wants to take part in this OPEN debate--mr godless inside--not to be intimidated by this poster.

i think you have had more than enough of your say. why don't you let others speak?
Yeh this thread has gone to Hell. I change the question, is there a God of the message boards? Ooops almost forgot about the Administrator, and the the Cohorts/Angels (Mod's Cough...)
I believe that there is a God. It's mostly through faith that I believe but there's also evidence that supports most of the stuff in the Bible. A lot of the prophecies have come true, the Bible talks about how the Earth is floating in space, and it talks about other scientific stuff. How the heck would anyone know all that stuff back then when they had no equipment to go into space to see for themselves and telescopes weren't invented until 1000-2000 years later?