God must Be Bored

I don't think god needs drugs from everything he does it seems hes on a permenent high.

I think we should we should get him the computer game
Black & White Ive never played it but from what i hear i bet he'd like it. (you get to play god)
Didnt anyone read the news report?

God Diagnosed with Bipolar disorder

NEW HAVEN, CT—In a diagnosis that helps explain the confusing and contradictory aspects of the cosmos that have baffled philosophers, theologians, and other students of the human condition for millennia, God, creator of the universe and longtime deity to billions of followers, was found Monday to suffer from bipolar disorder.

check it out at:

Donation Update

I just decided to take this moment to say that the donations for the Gift to God have reached a grand to total of $0. At this rate we will reach our goal in a infinite number of years.

Keep up the good work!
God dosen't exist, therefore, I am going to use Monopoly money to buy him a nonexistant Porshe!

Cigars! Yes! I think that is it.....and a lifetime supply of pineapple! ;)