God must Be Bored


Legion of Dynamic Discord
Registered Senior Member
I apologize for everthing nasty ive said about God. I just looked at everthing from his point of view he has it pretty rough.

He knows EVERYTHING that means hes just as much a prisoner of fate as we seem to be. And he has the further disadvantage of knowing what it will all be so there are no suprises. Here he hasthis universe and infinite power but nothing to do with it. And he has to deal with it for eternity. Can you imagine how boring that would be having infinite power and knowledge and be immortal too. No challenges, no suprises, and you cant even die when you get sick of it.

I suggest that we all get together and buy god a nice present to help cheer him up. If every member of sciforums chipped in a dollar im sure we could find something he'd like.

If you're interested e-mail your credit card number to me at lord_albatross@yahoo.com or send cash to Albatross City 3rd nest on the right.

If you have any gifth ideas post them here.
You're right being immortal and omnipotent would suck. Therefore we can conclude that any immortal, omnipotent, omniscient guy would limit his powers and knowledge. Therefore there can be no God. Please shut this forum down.
"You're right being immortal and omnipotent would suck."
So God sucks
So does Monica Lewinsky
Therefore, Monica L is God!

If you have any gifth ideas post them here.

How about Cat Bells. Then we'll always know where God is without always having to look for Him.

I thought Q was God?

Nope. Just his evil twin brother.

I'm trying to get Beelzebub reinstated. He was simply misguided by the Q.

Originally posted by Xev
"You're right being immortal and omnipotent would suck."
So God sucks
So does Monica Lewinsky
Therefore, Monica L is God!

So God has a fetish for cigars?
I would think that God would have a better dry-cleaner though.

I like the cat-bell idea... how about an "I'm with stupid" tee-shirt?

Well, if Monica L is God, then some dry-cleaners coupons would be a good gift!

What about an American Athiests t-shirt? :p

Nope. Just his evil twin brother.

You are way cuter than Yahweh, Q.

*The above post was brought to you by Xev and nine cups of coffee*
Hey, cant we just get him one of those cool old guayabera shirts. You know, the shirts from mexico with the four pockets and buttons...stylish.

I can just see him now...
Problem is, it's going to be hard to make it a surprise... I'm afraid he'll find out ahead of time. :(

What god really needs is others of his kind to chat with and have fun with for eternity. Polytheistic religions make more sense, it's more plausible that gods would not actually commit suicide if they at least have some entertaining fellow gods around. You'd think they'd still get bored with each other after a few billion years, but maybe gods have infinitely interesting personalities.
:eek:: Looking at skies waiting for lightining bolt to strike.

But so your not lonely when it does, we could sacrifice some Soy Bean Lamb substitute. And get him a Hackie Sack too.
I decided to follow this monica connection a bit farther here goes:

Monica gave clinton a blow job
Monica is God
God gave Clinton a blowjob

Does this make clinton the second comming?
Im Sure Hes at least a saint.

Either way lets name a cathedral after him I think St. Willy's has a nice ring to it everyone agree?

Mabey we could get a him a CD anyone know what kind of music he listens too?
Enya, I deffinetley feel he's into "New Age" music. Maybe we should ask Banshee for some ideas:D .

Oh yeah and some Raybans too, :cool: . Deffinetley. Omnipotent beings need there shades.

I honestly already though about what you are saying here. Yes, I already though He would be bored. But I changed my mind sometime ago... He wouldn't be bored... For those reasons:

  • He has too much work to be done here
  • He can create whatever He wishes
  • He has human friends
  • Some people, and many will be, evoluting to be like Him.


Sorry but there are a couple of flaws in your arguement:

He has too much work to be done here

But with infinte power it can be done instntly with no effort and no challenge.

He can create whatever He wishes

I'd say the novelty of infinite power would wear off after a billion years or so.

He has human friends

Have you ever been frineds with a puppet? (after kindergarden that is)

Some people, and many will be, evoluting to be like Him.


But with infinte power it can be done instntly with no effort and no challenge.

We have free will... we can destroy the world if we want...

I'd say the novelty of infinite power would wear off after a billion years or so.

Imagination is limited by knowledge. As He is omniscient, He can create things that you don't even imagine. If knowledge is infinite, imagination and ability to create are also infinite.

Have you ever been frineds with a puppet? (after kindergarden that is)

We have free will... free will means conscience. He knows our minds and Hearts but He can't control them. We do that...

Read the Bible. Only the first chapters of the Genesis can already answer your question...

Im afraid if he's omnicent thant he knows everything that is going to happen including what we will do. Very little room for free will then.

If god is all knowing and all powerful there is no challenge no suprise in anything. True he could create anything but what's the point when he already has infinite power? He controls everthing in the universe wwith no oposition that he himself didn't create for his own purposes. I think that god's existance would be alot like playing chess with yourself for eternity. (Try it some time and see if you get bored or not)
Problem is, it's going to be hard to make it a surprise... I'm afraid he'll find out ahead of time.

So we don't have to wrap it? It also makes it really hard to do a re-gift.
Since he already knows what we are going to give him, why don't we ask him to tell us? Or would that create a kind of kill your grandfather paradox?
Does this make clinton the second comming?
Im Sure Hes at least a saint.

Yeah! All hail Clinton the Messiah! Hall-eh-lujah!


Good question! The Devil gets a stuffed Linux penguin, since we all know that M$ is evil!