God makes you stupid, researchers claim

tim said:
I think the people who dropped the bomb on Hiroshima did evil.

It was a necessary evil.
The truly necessary is never evil. That's why the claim of necessity comes in handy, afterwards.

SAM said:
So clearly, its not more smart people that we need, eh?
You have to be careful killing them, though. They tend to balance each other, and when you get down to the last few those few no longer have much check on them.

And they've noticed that themselves.

They're like an appendix - you'd like to get rid of it altogether, but shrinking it any more without getting rid of it is dangerous.
Biology takes care of their numbers very well I think. One has only to look around to see that.
I regard the ones who made teh bomb as incredibly evil.
The nuclear bomb and the nuclear power station are two sides of the same coin. We'll be thankful for the latter when fossil fuels run out.

So clearly, its not more smart people that we need, eh?
The idea that everyone is either stupid or evil is silly. I'm both!
Again, this research is not comparing Mental Accuity... taking groups of people with exactly the same levels of Education. This study is taking people who were educated by Secularist Schools and those who were educated in no schools whatsoever.

The people educated in Secularist Schools were able to test better than people who were not taught to read or write. However, these oppressed and victimized peoples were Religious. Surprise, surprise.

so the Study is telling us that the Oppressors who are able to strip the masses from access to education are more intelligent then those they have victimized. Yeah, and Darwin told us that killer animals are superior to those that are killed.

Hmmmm. We have Atheists victimizing Religious People. We don't have Religious People victimizing Atheists. Intelligence is being correlated with the propensity to cause others to suffer. Only in England!

Maybe they should be testing Moral Intelligence

more ... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/06/12/god_boffins/

Not that this surprises anyone.

I suppose if you say God is behind everything, you dont figure it out yourself.