God makes you stupid, researchers claim

SAM said:
Sure, but you won't find any stupid people building atomic weapons.
And you won't find any smart people giving them to the Truman's of this world.

Stupid is as stupid does.

We appear to have a paradox.
And you won't find any smart people giving them to the Truman's of this world.

Assuming a high IQ circumvents social disconnect or dysfunction or autism or mental disease or low EQ or whatever it is that fuels an inability to realise that people funding atomic weaponry are capable of using them. So who is the "stupid" one here?
I already had a thread on this except my title was more polite...
SAM said:
Assuming a high IQ circumvents social disconnect or dysfunction or autism or mental disease or low EQ or whatever it is that fuels an inability to realise that people funding atomic weaponry are capable of using them. So who is the "stupid" one here?
I think the people who dropped the bomb on Hiroshima did evil.

I don't regard high IQ as much of an advantage in dealing honestly with theists.
I think the people who dropped the bomb on Hiroshima did evil.

I regard the ones who made teh bomb as incredibly evil. Same as I would any person who was caught putting one together in my neighborhood. I consider it reckless disregard for human life.
SAM said:
I regard the ones who made teh bomb as incredibly evil. Same as I would any person who was caught putting one together in my neighborhood. I consider it reckless disregard for human life.
Not the lives on their side of the war.
The survey referenced in the OP should actually say: "Religion makes you stupid".

They make the initial (not insignificant) error of equating religious belief with "belief in God".

I don't believe in God (I'm not especially religious - I suppose I might be "pan-religious", but I don't as a rule have any faith in the stuff - he he), for the simple reason that I believe I am God (I was praying once, and suddenly realised I was just talking to myself!).
If someone asks me: "do you believe in God?", my answer is kind of - "well, yes, I certainly believe in myself, to the extent I can".
I don't really believe in the IQ test as a great measure of one's intelligence, but I think some people here have already stated what I believe. Perhaps people with a "lower IQ" question ideals less (such as that old guy who is a virgin and raises goats) than someone with a "higher IQ". I've noticed that the people I went to school with who started out very devout (whatever their religions were) and by the time graduation came around they had all become, with exception of one, either non practicing or atheists to some degree. I think studying science tends to do that to a lot of people.
No.. religious people are way more arrogant with their sanctimonious "God loves me and not you" attitudes. Dont even go there.. cause theres an old saying that has to do with a pot and a kettle which I am sure you are very familiar with. They pretend to know what their God wants, and therefore believe they can judge God and its favor. Talk about arrogance.

Unfortunately, this is true all too often. It's not that Christianity itself is arrogant. The opposite is true. But far too many Christians act hypocritically and arrogant. Of course, it's very human (not just Christian) to judge people.
What's evil about bombing one's enemies? I think it's fantastic, to be honest. The Americans should have dropped way more than just two nukes. But that's the problem with the West, they never finish what they start.
Stupid people are the basis to allow smart people to commit evil. A good example of this would be the middle east (With Allah and Yaweh doing penis size comparisons).. or in my own country... where the ruling party has its power through the lesser intelligent rural and poor vote. Same applies for whats happening. Mugabe gets his power from the rural areas which is why its hard to travel between cities and rural populations in Zimbabwe.

The less you know, the quicker you obey.
So would I. The paper in the OP is a good example. Does the author think blacks are stupider than whites, as well? Based on the same criterion? Is he a proponent of the Bell Curve?