God Loving and Compassionate?

Hope the ''bad news'' can be turned around.

Regarding your parents remark, is there a context attached to that statement, or was it one-off?

Why do you think it implied what you thought it did?


They suggested that I re-read the book of Job. I think it is safe to assume what they were insinuating. They’re not my parents.
What a horrible thing to hold up as an example. Job was a good man who believed in god, and god treated him like shit just to prove a point to satan. What a dick.
A self-declared Christian? How capital! :bugeye:

who else better to declare me? you have to realize signal that not everyone is as codependent as you are. i don't need someone else to tell me who or what i am.
Thank you, but I wasn't looking for a pity party. I think everyone should be aware of the social ramifications that atheists endure, especially in the U.S.

For those that do believe in God, what sort of social hardships would you face, if you were to announce that you were an atheist?

Are you implying that God causes disease, so the sinners might repent and save themselves? :bugeye:
Non , My Mothers an Atheist and my Daughter , plus My Son who is going to save you asses cause he is the son of righteousness ( his Mother not Me , I am the devil that kills ) They sufer no ill affects for being Atheist , First thing is they don't talk about it to much cause it ain't wporth the time

to create a desire to make ourselves the best that we can be,
perfection is not a reasonable goal, perfection is subjective, perfection can be distracting from what you really need to work on,(IE God is working on one area of your life while religions ideals of perfection tells you to work on all these other areas)
religion has capitalized on the whole perfection equals heaven..then spells out what is considered perfection..(not saying that everything they think of as perfection is in error, just the ones where we slip in our own flavor of perfection(which in essence is what i am arguing)).

The best that I can be, is different than the best you can be..

Sin in this world will not be abolished..if you are human, you are a sinner (for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God)..we do our best to have control over ourselves so we don't sin,(isn't control ourselves a recurring theme throughout the bible?)
there are alot of sins we can control ourselves, but not all..Some sins can be controlled with the help of others who understand what you are struggling with. i think through these two processes it eliminates alot of sin in our lifes, but still "for all have sinned", we still have sin in our lives. I believe God gives credit for 'close enough'..those that don't try to control their own sins at all, are the ones that are gonna be in a underworld of hurt.

i would argue that the best that you can be ultimately is perfect, otherwise what are you striving towards? perfection is not relative; perfection is mathematical. i would also argue that perfection would not detract from our individuality. i think it would actually enhance it. like you said, the best YOU that you can be.

i'm also not talking about religious demands; i'm talking about an inherent and/or genetic condition that would render religion obsolete. i'm not talking about some form of discipline, but a natural instinct.

finally, if you're going to cite the bible, and talk about sin, then how can you not also refer to the purpose of christ? i don't understand. :confused:
Made up ideas about a made up being adopted from an old book of morality tales to make people behave well towards each other.

it's actually about genetics, which if i'm not mistaken is at the forefront of science.
dunno how you got here from that statement..

You said God is perfect then said you did not know if God knew He was perfect. Therefore your stating that you know something about God you don't think He is sure of.

bad example..

Good example.

another statement that concludes perfection is in this world,even with an identifier that it is not..

I never said perfection was in this world. Try and read what i say for once.

I never did, I said God requires us to be perfect " In Eternity " Thats in the eternal resurected state. You really have a problem in understanding don't you.

i don't do meth anymore..i don't drink..i don't sleep around with just any woman..i buy the guys that work with me lunches..i worship no other Gods..i don't envy my neighbors stuff..etc,etc,etc...

Looks like you have succeded is deluding yourself.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Made up ideas about a made up being adopted from an old book of morality tales to make people behave well towards each other.

Just a made up statement with no arguments that i have heard 10,000 times before.....

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I’ve never asked for anything and they’ve never offered.

My family is predominately Christians. I just received some bad news regarding my daughter’s health.

Two of my family members said, “Well, are you finished being an atheist, now?"

They're implying that it's my fault. That God is punishing my daughter because of me.Can you believe this? :mad:

Hi Hellenologophobia,
I'm a new user and have been reading through the threads and this one really stopped me in my tracks. First off I like to say that I hope your daughter makes a speedy recovery and secondly I have two questions:

1. Small point, but why have our family never offered you anything? I presume this is a reference to help in a crisis of some sort and I am wondering does it now extend to your daughter's illness? That sort of inaction doesn't strike me as very Christian. So I suppose what I'm asking is: where does their interpretation of what god wants come from? Their own experiences and an indepth knowledge of god or the fire and brimstone interpretation of a third party?
2. Why do they believe that a god is punishing your daughter for your beliefs? Why not for her own beliefs or even you for your beliefs? Where has this point of view come from?

The reason I ask is if it comes from a bible-thumping, god-bothering preacher of some sort then they are nothing more than sheep and their opinions mean nothing, because they are not theirs. Show some sympathy if you can, ignore them if you must, but you have other issues that need your attention and they are far more important.
If, on the other hand, they come from a deep understanding of cause and effect or how the universe works or an intimate knowledge of the mind of god then I for one would listen to them to try and learn this knowledge. It would be life altering. However, if they have no knowledge of how these things work then maybe you should show some sympathy if you can, ignore them if you must, but you have other issues that need your attention and they are far more important.

Regards, RR.

P.S. Hello SciForums :wave:
You said God is perfect then said you did not know if God knew He was perfect. Therefore your stating that you know something about God you don't think He is sure of.
exactly..i said 'i don't know'
so how do you work out that i said 'i know'?

Try and read what i say for once.
You really have a problem in understanding don't you.
Looks like you have succeded is deluding yourself.
so you resort to insults?
what is that about?

did not say you have to believe as i believe..
exactly..i said 'i don't know'
so how do you work out that i said 'i know'?

so you resort to insults?
what is that about?

did not say you have to believe as i believe..

I don't mind you believing what you believe.

I don't like people who don't care to actually read what i say and then proceed to tell me i said something that i never said. Or they do read what i say but go on and say i said something i never said in an effort to wilfully misrepresent me. That’s what P's me off.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days