God Loving and Compassionate?


Registered Senior Member
I’m a good person. I’ve pitched in for friends and family during times of crisis. I help whenever I can. I’ve gone out of my way to never hurt anyone and I put in extra effort to make sure the people around me are comfortable. I am nice, polite, and a good listener. The type of person everyone counts on. I’ve never asked for anything and they’ve never offered.

My family is predominately Christians. I just received some bad news regarding my daughter’s health.

Two of my family members said, “Well, are you finished being an atheist, now?"

They're implying that it's my fault. That God is punishing my daughter because of me.

Can you believe this? :mad:
I'm sorry they're being jerks. I don't know which is worse, them not caring about the problem over pushing their beliefs onto you, or that they believe that god uses people as tools and yet still want to worship that kind of god. Hopefully you get better support from the rest of your family and friends.
Two of my family members said, “Well, are you finished being an atheist, now?"

They're implying that it's my fault. That God is punishing my daughter because of me.

Can you believe this? :mad:
how insensitive (and stupid) of them no matter what..
i mean like what if they were to say 'are you finished being a <insert job title here>'.. completely irrelevant..
its not for them to say what God wants for you in your life,its yours..
I’m a good person. I’ve pitched in for friends and family during times of crisis. I help whenever I can. I’ve gone out of my way to never hurt anyone and I put in extra effort to make sure the people around me are comfortable. I am nice, polite, and a good listener. The type of person everyone counts on. I’ve never asked for anything and they’ve never offered.

Are you perfect? No therefore you are not Good where God is concerned.

My family is predominately Christians. I just received some bad news regarding my daughter’s health.

Two of my family members said, “Well, are you finished being an atheist, now?"

They're implying that it's my fault. That God is punishing my daughter because of me.

Can you believe this? :mad:

They are wrong to say this, I agree with you. But their wrong does not make your wrong, right.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
you have to quote me to give an opinion on this? what the hell is that even supposed to mean?

You're often doing the same kind of thing as those Christians in the OP ... but them, you call egomaniacs and say that what they do is horrible ... :eek:
You're often doing the same kind of thing as those Christians in the OP ... but them, you call egomaniacs and say that what they do is horrible ... :eek:

you're a fucking liar. i would never say that to someone, and i don't believe in such a thing. that is absolutely not christ-like behavior, and i don't think for one second that kids get sick because their parent's are atheists. that's ridiculous. everybody's sick. no matter what you believe, we're all sick in some way because we all live in a world that perpetuates disease. we're all born into it and one way or another it kills us all.

they are egomaniacs, citing this person's misfortune and suffering as a reason to gloat about how right they are and how better they are, blaming him and only him, when the truth is, IT'S ALL OF OUR FAULTS, including their own. fucking assholes.

it's not the op's fault or my fault that you have some hateful personal agenda that encourages you to lie and twist everything i say to suit your jaded and blind self.

atheism doesn't cause disease, suffering and death, sin does, and the only human being who's been born without it since the fall of man is jesus. the rest of us are equals...sinners. and since the fall the effects have been accumulating over time, and they are shared among everyone, as we live a communal existence. given that, the appropriate response from a real christian in a situation like this is, "i'm sorry. how can i help you?"
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it's not the op's fault or my fault that you have some hateful personal agenda that encourages you to lie and twist everything i say to suit your jaded and blind self.

Always the good Christian, Lori, huh?
Thank you, but I wasn't looking for a pity party. I think everyone should be aware of the social ramifications that atheists endure, especially in the U.S.

For those that do believe in God, what sort of social hardships would you face, if you were to announce that you were an atheist?

Are you perfect? No therefore you are not Good where God is concerned.

They are wrong to say this, I agree with you. But their wrong does not make your wrong, right.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Are you implying that God causes disease, so the sinners might repent and save themselves? :bugeye:
I’m a good person. I’ve pitched in for friends and family during times of crisis. I help whenever I can. I’ve gone out of my way to never hurt anyone and I put in extra effort to make sure the people around me are comfortable. I am nice, polite, and a good listener. The type of person everyone counts on. I’ve never asked for anything and they’ve never offered.

My family is predominately Christians. I just received some bad news regarding my daughter’s health.

Two of my family members said, “Well, are you finished being an atheist, now?"

They're implying that it's my fault. That God is punishing my daughter because of me.

Can you believe this? :mad:

For your daughter's health, I wish you the strength and courage to stand by her through this difficult time.

That your family members would make such a remark is hard for me to fathom.

Then again, what people choose to believe has ever been difficult for me to comprehend as much of their various patterns of thought and conclusions do not seem logical to me, therefore remain incomprehensible.

I accord others the right to think and act as they will, so long as they do not impose their structures and restrictions upon myself.

Were I in your place, I think I would feel quite indignant that anyone would be caring to debate belief systems when the health of an immediate family member is at stake.

For their part, better they commune with the God they claim to believe in and ask for divine intervention, if they want to inspire anyone's confidence and conversion.

For many persons, belief and prayer is a helpful thing, so I am not disparaging their belief, merely their timing of an attack on your own views.

My thoughts on the matter you have raised, with no intent to offend anyone.

I was confirmed in the Anglican church in my youth, though my mother now expresses regret for not allowing us to choose our own spiritual path. I am of no faith......merely the chance offspring of the universe......one of many.

If you care to PM me, you are welcome. Sometimes it is good just to have someone to share the journey with.....
Are you perfect? No therefore you are not Good where God is concerned.
um, excuse me?
you think God wants perfection?
you think lack of perfection means one is not good?
there is no such thing as perfect as far as humanity is concerned.
If you care to PM me, you are welcome. Sometimes it is good just to have someone to share the journey with.....

Thank you, but like I said, I wasn’t throwing a pity party. Nor, did I point out that I’m a good person to gain recognition in order to build self esteem, quite the contrary. I wanted to point out how conflicting their ideas are.

Any good is from God. Any bad is due to faulty humans. If something tragic happens to them, it was part of God’s plan, and so they trust in him. Sometimes, they even add a twist. If something horrible happens to them then God was saving them from something more severe.

However, they’ve decided that if you don’t have faith that negative consequences will ensue. In their eyes, lack of faith is self destructive. You get what you deserve, whether it be in the here and now, or the afterlife.
Thank you, but like I said, I wasn’t throwing a pity party. Nor, did I point out that I’m a good person to gain recognition in order to build self esteem, quite the contrary. I wanted to point out how conflicting their ideas are.

Any good is from God. Any bad is due to faulty humans. If something tragic happens to them, it was part of God’s plan, and so they trust in him. Sometimes, they even add a twist. If something horrible happens to them then God was saving them from something more severe.

However, they’ve decided that if you don’t have faith that negative consequences will ensue. In their eyes, lack of faith is self destructive. You get what you deserve, whether it be in the here and now, or the afterlife.

Thank you for your reply. In my experience there is little to gain in debating the beliefs of others.

In most cases, we end up debating our perceptions of the beliefs of others.

Better to debate with ourselves whether our own perception and beliefs agrees with the evidence as we experience it.

Pity is a useless emotion, IMO.

The path leads where it will.

Sometimes we must travel it alone, and sometimes we are only alone if we choose to be.

Kind regards.
Thank you, but I wasn't looking for a pity party. I think everyone should be aware of the social ramifications that atheists endure, especially in the U.S.

For those that do believe in God, what sort of social hardships would you face, if you were to announce that you were an atheist?

I guess because my Dad is a devout catholic He would be heart broken, But he is very disapointed now because i have not been to any catholic gathering in 20 years. He knows i believe in God but i do not believe in the catholic church. Apart from my dad i don't think anyone else in my family or social friends would care less if i was an atheist.

Originally Posted by Adstar
Are you perfect? No therefore you are not Good where God is concerned.

They are wrong to say this, I agree with you. But their wrong does not make your wrong, right.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Are you implying that God causes disease, so the sinners might repent and save themselves? :bugeye:

Wow i would really like to know how you derived that impression from what you quoted from me??????

I said in regard to them blaiming you for the sickness "They are wrong to say this, I agree with you" How could you have derived from this that i was saying that God causes disease so that sinners might repent???

I have had a lot of experiances of atheists putting words into my mouth on this forum, but your effort here takes the cake. :shrug:

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
um, excuse me?
you think God wants perfection?

Of course He wants Perfection. God is perfect and a perfect God cannot be perfect if He is accepting of imperfection. No one will exist with God in eternity while in an imperfect state.

you think lack of perfection means one is not good?

Yes. Because as far as God is concerned Good means perfect. God measures things relative to Him and anything less than perfect is not good.

there is no such thing as perfect as far as humanity is concerned.

Agreed. But one day some of us will be transformed by God into a perfect state of being. Isn't that good :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
i'm surprised you didn't know that squirrel. that's the whole purpose of christ...to perfect the human race...iow, abolish sin.