God kills American soldiers as retribution for gay tolerance

Originally Posted by Adstar
Well they have overlooked that call of Jesus for Christians not to engage in warfare. They are protesting on an issue and overlooking a greater issue.

It's like people protesting about the building of a nuclear power plant because they object to the negative aesthetic effect of the big ugly cooling towers that will be apart of the reactor, while totally overlooking the terrible long term effect that the reactor will have on their descendants and nature.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Surely you are not condoning Phelp's behaviour?
Did i say anywhere in my post that i condoned the actions of this group?

No i did not.

This leads me to ask you a Question in return.

Why did you even need to ask me that question? Are you so filled with anti-Christian leanings that your mind must twist anything a Christians says to derive the most negative results possible?

Sometimes atheists in this forum display characteristics reminiscent of schizophrenia.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar is absolutely my favorites theist on these forums when it comes to presenting Christianity.

And yes, I'm 100% serious.
... if God is waiting for gay people to die out from disease why did he create them in the first place ?

He's not "waiting for gay people to die out from disease." He's not willing that any of them die but that they all repent. i.e. metanoia...in other words, change their mind about their behavior (and it is the same for any human being)...desist from it...thereby diminishing the possibility of them dying prematurely on account of that same behavior. God wants them to live, not die... logically, this is implicit in the act of creation and you appear to understand that.
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He's not "waiting for gay people to die out from disease." He's not willing that any of them die but that they all repent. i.e. metanoia...in other words, change their mind about their behavior (and it is the same for any human being)...desist from it...thereby diminishing the possibility of them dying prematurely on account of that same behavior. God wants them to live, not die... logically, this is implicit in the act of creation and you appear to understand that.

Well, God seemed to have changed his mind about a couple of things in between the OT and the NT. Can't he just change his mind again and accept homosexuality?
Well, God seemed to have changed his mind about a couple of things in between the OT and the NT. Can't he just change his mind again and accept homosexuality?

He didn't/hasn't change His mind "between the OT and the NT, you're mistaken.
He didn't/hasn't change His mind "between the OT and the NT, you're mistaken.

One thing I can think of off the top of my head is that God takes an active position in smiting sinners in the OT. Take the destruction of a number of towns, or the global flood. You don't see such behavior in the NT until the very end when God will choose to set up his kingdom on our planet. So he changed his mind about how to deal with sinners, wouldn't you say?
One thing I can think of off the top of my head is that God takes an active position in smiting sinners in the OT. Take the destruction of a number of towns, or the global flood. You don't see such behavior in the NT until the very end when God will choose to set up his kingdom on our planet. So he changed his mind about how to deal with sinners, wouldn't you say?

"Off the top of my head" is no way to deal with/approach such important matters...anyway, no I wouldn't.

Revelation is in the NT, and in 'there' there's a whole lot of smitin' goin' on...looks to me like the same ol' same ol'...
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No I wouldn't.

Revelation is in the NT, and in 'there' there's a whole lot of smitin' goin' on.

Yes, and you'll notice that I did mention that. But again, that's not till the very end when judgement is cast on every human soul, unlike in the OT when god smote the living sinners repeatedly. That's certainly a change in behavior.

EDIT: And it being off the top of my head doesn't change that what I bring up is true.
Yes, and you'll notice that I did mention that. But again, that's not till the very end when judgement is cast on every human soul, unlike in the OT when god smote the living sinners repeatedly. That's certainly a change in behavior.

Yes, I did notice...off the top of your head you realised the folly of your original comment no doubt...

Time is not an issue with Him Whom a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day...so, again, you are mistaken....there is no change in His behavior between the OT and the NT.
a fair number of his children have done interviews saying they think he is nuts

2 out of 6 or 7 do think he's nuts. The ratio is a little lower with the grand children. He wasn't as bad as a younger man so his older kids may have gotten away from him. The daughter I was refering to brags about being one of the protesters.
Did you really mean to use the word "logically" in the same sentence with "act of creation"?:bugeye:

And God said...In the beginning was The Word...i.e. LOGOS i.e. the Logic and Means of creation--Jesus Christ Who said He is the Way, The Truth, and The Life.
Yes, I did notice...off the top of your head you realised the folly of your original comment no doubt...

Ooh, zing! You sure got me there Photizo!

Time is not an issue with Him Whom a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day...so, again, you are mistaken....there is no change in His behavior between the OT and the NT.

Time not being an issue for him is irrelevant. He does things in a certain sequence. For example, is it in dispute that he created Adam first, and then Eve? One came after the other.

So, looking at the sequence of smiting, there's certainly a change in God's actions. He used to actively smite living sinners. And now, he doesn't. He won't, not till the very end. That is definitely a change.
Time not being an issue for him is irrelevant. He does things in a certain sequence. For example, is it in dispute that he created Adam first, and then Eve? One came after the other.

So, looking at the sequence of smiting, there's certainly a change in God's actions. He used to actively smite living sinners. And now, he doesn't. He won't, not till the very end. That is definitely a change.

Time not being an issue for Him is relevant, as it lends support to the fact He does not change, change being part of the fabric of time.

It is not in dispute that He created Adam first and then Eve. What's in dispute primarily is if or not God changes between the OT and NT. He does not. What is in dispute secondarily is if or not you are mistaken. You are.

Dispute over.
Time not being an issue for Him is relevant, as it lends support to the fact He does not change, change being part of the fabric of time.

It is not in dispute that He created Adam first and then Eve. What's in dispute primarily is if or not God changes between the OT and NT. He does not. What is in dispute secondarily is if or not you are mistaken. You are.

Dispute over.

Why Photizo, if all that were required for a dispute to be over is your opinion, then there was really no dispute to being with, was there? :)

God smites living sinners in the OT, throughout OT history.
God does not smite living sinners in the NT, until what will be the very end of human history.

I see change.
God is gracious to living sinners in both Testaments and has smitten living sinners in both Testaments... for example, all that takes place in Revelation and, Annanias and Saphira in the book of Acts.

Get your eyes checked.

Alright, I should've been more specific. Clearly he does smite in the NT. The difference is in scope. I already told you that Revelation is not the issue. I acknowledged in my original post that I'm aware of all the smiting that happens in the end. However, the scope of which earlier smitings took place, entire towns, a global flood, and the fact that they happened more often than not compared to the time of Jesus to Revelations, show a clear change in God's behaviour towards living sinners.
Alright, I should've been more specific. Clearly he does smite in the NT. The difference is in scope...entire towns...

Wrong again. "Off the top of your head clearly isn't working for you--and neither is shooting from the hip. Paul warns the Christians at Corinth and Rome to pay heed to God's behavior towards the Jews in both OT and NT times...If God had changed with respect to His behavior such a warning would be unnecessary...consider also The "smiting" of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. predicted by Jesus as a consequence of their rejection of Him as their Messiah.
Wrong again. Paul warns the Christians at Corinth and Rome to pay heed to God's behavior towards the Jews in both OT and NT times...If God had changed with respect to His behavior such a warning would be unnecessary...consider also The "smiting" of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. predicted by Jesus as a consequence of their rejection of Him as their Messiah.

Compare the "smiting" of Jerusalem in 70 AD, an act done by Roman soldiers, to the global flood or the destruction of Sodom and Gommorah by "brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven". Again, quite the difference in scope.
Compare the "smiting" of Jerusalem in 70 AD, an act done by Roman soldiers, to the global flood or the destruction of Sodom and Gommorah by "brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven". Again, quite the difference in scope.

Scope is not the issue, behavior is...there is no change in God's behavior between the OT and NT. Again, if there was, Paul's warning to the Christians in Rome and Corinth would be unnecessary.