God kills American soldiers as retribution for gay tolerance


I am MalcomR
Valued Senior Member
Baltimore (AP) - A Kansas group that has drawn criticism for protesting at soldiers' funerals could face its toughest legal challenge yet Monday when the family of a soldier from Westminster, Maryland sues for defamation.

The Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka is being sued by Albert Snyder of Pennsylvania, father of a Marine who died last year.

Church members protested at Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder's funeral and posted pictures of the protest on their Web site.

The church has asked unsuccessfully for Snyder's lawsuit to be dismissed.

Westboro Baptist's protests have inspired more than a dozen states to ban or limit protests at soldiers' funerals.

Church members believe that soldier deaths are God's punishment for the nation accepting homosexuals.

(Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

So, here we have a fine example of the sort of good, god-fearing, xians the theists here may or may not sympathize with.

Apparently today, the judgement went against the church to the tune of two million dollars plus other unspecified damages. They're going to appeal it.

Love to hear your opinions on this.
The question I forgot to ask was, why dosen't god just kill the gays outright? Drop em' where they stand and be done with it? And all of the atheists too? And muslims? And heathens of all sorts?
The question I forgot to ask was, why dosen't god just kill the gays outright? Drop em' where they stand and be done with it? And all of the atheists too? And muslims? And heathens of all sorts?
b/c god is an atheist? ;)
does he have a wife??NO...so maybe hes gay too :D
The question I forgot to ask was, why dosen't god just kill the gays outright? Drop em' where they stand and be done with it? And all of the atheists too? And muslims? And heathens of all sorts?

Because he is longsuffering towards them in the hope that they will eventually repent and accept His forgivness.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
So, here we have a fine example of the sort of good, god-fearing, xians the theists here may or may not sympathize with.

Apparently today, the judgement went against the church to the tune of two million dollars plus other unspecified damages. They're going to appeal it.

Love to hear your opinions on this.

Well they have overlooked that call of Jesus for Christians not to engage in warfare. They are protesting on an issue and overlooking a greater issue.

It's like people protesting about the building of a nuclear power plant because they object to the negative aesthetic effect of the big ugly cooling towers that will be apart of the reactor, while totally overlooking the terrible long term effect that the reactor will have on their descendants and nature.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well they have overlooked that call of Jesus for Christians not to engage in warfare. They are protesting on an issue and overlooking a greater issue.

It's like people protesting about the building of a nuclear power plant because they object to the negative aesthetic effect of the big ugly cooling towers that will be apart of the reactor, while totally overlooking the terrible long term effect that the reactor will have on their descendants and nature.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I a bit suprised by all of this.

Do none of you see the human tragedy of having some bunch of fucking assholes come to your sons funeral to flaunt their bigotry and hatred of other humans?
Figures. God really isn't all that important, even if he/she/it does exist.

Exactly. Even if he does exist, why would anyone even give a shit about him after how he has let the earth go to shit like it has? I have no concern for any deity that would let his greatest creation (children) fight and bicker amongst themselves to get favor with him. What a crock!

And super, I saw on CNN this morning that the lawsuit sum was 11 million, not two. But who knows.

While I'm no longer a Christian, I do know plenty of good Christians. These people make Christianity look bad in the same manner that the Taliban and A.Q. make Islam look bad.
11 million, huh? Good. The more the better. Crush them out of existence. And I agree that they are clearly extremist, but for fuck sake? What kind of people are they?
These people make Christianity look bad in the same manner that the Taliban and A.Q. make Islam look bad.

No they dont make Christianity look bad at all. They are NUTS, they are weirdos and they are a handfull of people. The differance is all the other Christians acknowledge this.

Christians, as far as i can tell, are also different from Muslims in that they do what they want, believe what they want and can make ALL their own decisions. I may be wrong about that, but i am not aware of anywhere in the world where Christians are forced to believe or follow specific customs.:shrug:
Fred Phelps and Westboro

Well it looks like poor ol Freddie got himself in a big mess, and it's gonna cost $10.8 million. Y'all pass the offering plate ya hear.

I looked up some interesting tidbits on Freddieboy.

First of all he's a democrat:


Democratic Party
Phelps has run in various Kansas Democratic Party primaries five times, but has never won. These included races for governor in 1990, 1994, and 1998, receiving about 15% of the vote in 1998.[34] In the 1992 Democratic Party primary for U.S. Senate, Phelps received 31% of the vote [35] Phelps ran for mayor of Topeka in 1993 [36] and 1997. [37]

But here's the biggest surprise:


He was a civl rights attorney that fought Jim Crowe laws:

Civil Rights Attorney
Phelps earned a law degree from Washburn University in 1962, and founded the Phelps Chartered law firm in 1964. The first notable cases were of a civil rights nature. "I systematically brought down the Jim Crow laws of this town," he says.[10] Phelps' daughter was quoted as saying, "We took on the Jim Crow establishment, and Kansas did not take that sitting down. They used to shoot our car windows out, screaming we were nigger lovers," and that the Phelps law firm made up one-third of the state’s federal docket of civil-rights cases.[13]

Phelps took cases on behalf of African American clients alleging discrimination by school systems, and a predominately black American Legion post which had been raided by police, alleging racially-based police abuse. Phelps' law firm obtained settlements for some clients.[14]

Well, a fundamentalist sterotype just busted all to pieces.

Fundamentalists are supposed to be slave lovers that deny civil rights to gays. uhhhh yeahhh
So he was fighting for black civil rights in his job and hating gays in his spare time?

That's seriously messed up.

PS Welcome back.
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That guy and his whole organization are f*****g nut cases. Not too sound too harsh, but I will celebrate his death.
Phelps says he is an old school Baptist, which includes John Calvin's doctrine of unconditional election, the belief that God has elected certain people for salvation before birth. He says that almost nobody is a member of the elect, and furthermore that he and the members of his congregation (mostly his family) are the only members of the elect, because they are the only ones not afraid to publish the current relevant application of the word of God — in particular, that "God hates fags."
If they're Doomed why would God care what they do?
I'm not too suprised, that guy is a walking contradiction, and stupid enough to follow the Old Testament to the letter.
Well they have overlooked that call of Jesus for Christians not to engage in warfare. They are protesting on an issue and overlooking a greater issue.

It's like people protesting about the building of a nuclear power plant because they object to the negative aesthetic effect of the big ugly cooling towers that will be apart of the reactor, while totally overlooking the terrible long term effect that the reactor will have on their descendants and nature.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Surely you are not condoning Phelp's behaviour?
Well God is important, its just that reality can't exist without God, but God is omnipotent, so how can he be disturbed by all of this?

Because if he made all of us, he's the one responsible..?

And if God is waiting for gay people to die out from disease why did he create them in the first place ?
11 million, huh? Good. The more the better. Crush them out of existence. And I agree that they are clearly extremist, but for fuck sake? What kind of people are they?

FYI, one of his daughters is in charge of health care in the Kansas prison system. Do you think all inmates get equal treatment?:bugeye: