God is the universe

Probably 'cos humans fight their instincts to merely shout noises, and want to try to remain in control - which manifests through use of a word that is close to the sound/noise that we would otherwise instinctively come out with.

When we do lose control, our instincts take over and we don't verbalise the sounds (e.g. the scream etc).

Or something like that.
Probably 'cos humans fight their instincts to merely shout noises, and want to try to remain in control - which manifests through use of a word that is close to the sound/noise that we would otherwise instinctively come out with.

When we do lose control, our instincts take over and we don't verbalise the sounds (e.g. the scream etc).

Or something like that.

Yeah. Those non-verbal sounds come out as well on good days. :D
For the same reason someone else might say "Oh yes!". It has got nothing to do with God.

Of course. I just think it's funny that it comes out that way at all.

I've never had a woman say another man's name, that would not be cool, sure it happens though.
You have a fear response when having sex with your wife???

Should have been more clear. I have been with women who have said it over and over. My wife does from time to time. I may have done it now and then without even realizing it.

But it was more a generalization as to why people say it at all. I just think it happens, I really am not putting any more weight to it than that. Which reminds me of a joke.

NO !, Stop !, No PLease !, No please don't stop !

At the height of the moment things come out, sounds that would be hard to duplicate otherwise.

I had a woman ask me once, because I play guitar.

Why do guys always look like they are about to orgasm when they play a lead ? Good question.
Agony and ecstasy are just a synapse away from each other, not even that much in masochists.
Why can't God be part of a multi-verse and therefore reside in whichever one he pleases. This universe probably being one of the dumber ones to choose from!
This, I agree with in a way.
My view is that there are many gods, who are panentheistic. Meaning that, they exist both outside the multiple universes (between them, I suppose) in their natural states, and within the universe as nature itself and ambient energy.

Panentheism combines pantheism and the more conventional views of deity. It makes a lot of sense in the context of my religious beliefs, since the panentheistic philosophy of Hermeticism was a huge influence on Wicca's early development in the 1940's.