God is the universe

No, I'm saying that the reason, there, is indecipherable to me.

You seem to be leading to the idea that all ideas are "souls"?
Best result.

That it doesn't result in the removal of any souls dying at present (bringing the idea of gods non existance), into the world is better
Let's play a game. Pretend I'm 4 and that the information you are sharing is vitally important.

Be a good boy/girl.

It isn't vitally importatn to a 4 year old. For him to even comprehend/understand it is not good.
He has no reason to understand it.

It is not vitally important ot him other than the people who keep track of history
So, how do we know that history is true, and did exist, except by someone telling us about it?

So you're saying to just reflect on your thinking and not discuss it?
To give someone knowledge of Gods infrastructure is to give them weapons of mass destruction.

To discuss and tell someone that their thoughts are subject to more than any history presented to any scientific field and that this is absurd in itself... is to fail.
I am making no claims here that the validy is correct i simply wish you to assume that I am talking about something which has some value
or meaning

In anycase discuss whatever thoughts you have don't worry be happy.
History is true in that it is a part of who we are today.
I am not sure but I believe hegel wrote something about history.
If this is so then he was a great philosopher.
But I could be wrong.
Afterall finding out what you want from a forum is all one needs.
I know that I probably don't for example need to be on this forum right now. I am only presenting an idea which is important to me. I have did this in the past. Most of my threads share similar ideas as do all of ours.
It is not like I am trying to discuss something which you will not believe however I believe thats what I'm doing and I don't care to try.
More than that I am just posting what I believe is a good idea (refering to the philosophy thread) and here I am trying to make the claim (that I made a long itme ago) - --- and to continue to make the same claim instead of CHANGING it, I would say that God is the universe. That god is.
But would prefer to ask that the thread is closed..t hank you very much.
God does not exist outside of this universe. Agreed?

God at the proper level of discussion would be none the less than the universe. Thoughts???

What purpose is there to using the word "god" as a synonym for "the universe?" It would seem only to introduce superstitious baggage without actually saying anything more than could be said by using "the universe."

In other words the other uses of the term "god," like JC's dad or Krishna, degrades its utility for meaning the universe so as an inferior term it should be dropped to avoid unnecessary confusion.

IMO, I am a pantheist who claims to be of Christian beliefs

I'm not sure how that could work within the normal usages of pantheist.

Isn't a pantheist someone who believes that God is the universe?

Essentially, though there isn't a set standard for pantheism. Generally pantheism holds that "god" is at least the universe and naturalism holds that "god" is no more or less than just the universe (when it bothers to posit a "god.") In neither of these cases would "god" be something that superstitious theists would consider as a god. I guess the break down is a superstitious theist believes god is wholly supernatural and without natural extension. A pantheist would hold "god" as comprising nature and possible having some supernatural properties and a naturalist would hold "god" as just comprising the natural world.

I don't see how else he would exist.

Why is there any need for a god in the first place?
The universe is an effect. God isn't; God is the First Cause.

If things need causes, where is god's?

If things don't need causes, why concoct a god?

As for the question in the first post, it seems like the last act of a rational person who, despite their secular leanings, is looking for one last peg on which to hang their deity and superstition. There is nothing about the universe which suggests that it is thinking or has consciousness. Everything that happens around us follows exacting laws. The desire to put a human-like agent in charge of all events is a biological drive that must be resisted.
If things need causes, where is god's?

If things don't need causes, why concoct a god?

As for the question in the first post, it seems like the last act of a rational person who, despite their secular leanings, is looking for one last peg on which to hang their deity and superstition. There is nothing about the universe which suggests that it is thinking or has consciousness. Everything that happens around us follows exacting laws. The desire to put a human-like agent in charge of all events is a biological drive that must be resisted.

Wb y0.

Things need causes most particularly thoughts which seem to span from past behaviors. Most particularly in response to the other guy who posted about older posts in thist hread.
The newer ones are more valuable (see above).
It doesn't really matter if other feel the way you do. It matters only if you believe in yourself and what gets you through the day. ;)

YUCK! thats suck a sarcastic gross statement.

God is the universe, Your knowledge is only part of it.
First, a thread starated a while aback started off along the lines of a physicial basis to the existence of God. Imagine firstly an existence of God that does not exists within the universe. That is absurd. God does not exist outside of this universe. Agreed?

With that deduction made, I would go on to discuss and bring about a discussion of what God is, and I believe that God at the proper level of discussion would be nonethe less than the universe. Thoughts???

IMO, I am a pantheist who claims to be of christian beliefs, although an agnostic when it comes to not knowing. Isn't a pantheist someone who believes that God is the universe?

I don't see how else he would exist. Other peooples claims that God this and God that are irrelevant to me. I was wondering if anybody felt the same way.

God is the universe, in the same way parts of your body are you.

Same works when people are in a very frightening situation. Human response mechanism to fear etc I guess.