God is the universe


First, a thread starated a while aback started off along the lines of a physicial basis to the existence of God. Imagine firstly an existence of God that does not exists within the universe. That is absurd. God does not exist outside of this universe. Agreed?

With that deduction made, I would go on to discuss and bring about a discussion of what God is, and I believe that God at the proper level of discussion would be nonethe less than the universe. Thoughts???

IMO, I am a pantheist who claims to be of christian beliefs, although an agnostic when it comes to not knowing. Isn't a pantheist someone who believes that God is the universe?

I don't see how else he would exist. Other peooples claims that God this and God that are irrelevant to me. I was wondering if anybody felt the same way.
It doesn't really matter if other feel the way you do. It matters only if you believe in yourself and what gets you through the day. ;)
Why can't God be part of a multi-verse and therefore reside in whichever one he pleases. This universe probably being one of the dumber ones to choose from!
First, a thread starated a while aback started off along the lines of a physicial basis to the existence of God. Imagine firstly an existence of God that does not exists within the universe. That is absurd. God does not exist outside of this universe. Agreed?

With that deduction made, I would go on to discuss and bring about a discussion of what God is, and I believe that God at the proper level of discussion would be nonethe less than the universe. Thoughts???

IMO, I am a pantheist who claims to be of christian beliefs, although an agnostic when it comes to not knowing. Isn't a pantheist someone who believes that God is the universe?

I don't see how else he would exist. Other peooples claims that God this and God that are irrelevant to me. I was wondering if anybody felt the same way.

Yes, but don't anthropomorphize.
I think 'nature' is more accurate though.
Gods are anthropomorphisms of nature.
Why ?

Quite simply it based on the premise that there is a multi-verse. When I think about all of space and the infinate amount of potential there is out there, then common sense tells me there must be other universes. The big question is can one universe interact with another and how could it be done? My only experience of other places existing are of the astral worlds. I cannot say if these worlds are of this universe or another. If they are from another then it means that consciousness if free of the physical limitations or boundaries of this world can truly travel anywhere it pleases. The other possibiity is that they are other dimensions within this universe, either way it is the non-physical consciousness which I believe is key in traveling to other destinations whether it can take pysical form in those 'other places' I do not know.

So with the ample amount of universes or as a bare minimum dimensions to choose from for God, this fucked up world is probably about as appealing to a God as a dog sandwich is to a westerner vising Korea. Actually how impressed do you think God would be that when you reverse his name you get dog a subservient animal! This is why IMO we have seen little to no divine intervention from higher powers. A sad fact but when you put earth in the same persepctive as what's happening elsewhere there would be no comparison. Lets face it the human pychi is pretty predictable so that's off the divine observation charts as is the way people act in groups, all very predictable. So with this in mind the last thing to actually happen of reportable proportions in the world was 9/11. So not much action on this world if you're a God huh!

Thinking about it now, and I hope this isn't the manic depressive side in me, but this world is well and truly STAGNANT.
Yea well, God put us here and we fucked up the earth..
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First, a thread starated a while aback started off along the lines of a physicial basis to the existence of God. Imagine firstly an existence of God that does not exists within the universe. That is absurd. God does not exist outside of this universe. Agreed?

With that deduction made, I would go on to discuss and bring about a discussion of what God is, and I believe that God at the proper level of discussion would be nonethe less than the universe. Thoughts???

IMO, I am a pantheist who claims to be of christian beliefs, although an agnostic when it comes to not knowing. Isn't a pantheist someone who believes that God is the universe?

I don't see how else he would exist. Other peooples claims that God this and God that are irrelevant to me. I was wondering if anybody felt the same way.

You are right on all accounts, except for the supposisition that some how our level of knowledge allows for us to make a statement that we understand the universe so well that any belief could be classified as "absurd" above any other (belief) considering our level of knowledge.
What in the world is a "multi-verse?" Again people trying to name things. Why don't they say "we don't understand a blessed thing". But there could be many universes. ie: existences we can not measure presently. Funny thing about the idea of multi-verses , OUR universe has not been described, gravity and magnets are mysteries!

So we can't understand our universe, so lets imagine others!
What if.... is a great mechanism for discovery, but to say "God's existence outside of this universe (presently undescribed) is absurd" is absurd.

What if the universe you think you live in is not at all what it appears? Not a new idea at all but something to keep in mind.

Now back to trying to explain why magnets work....those pesky magnets!
Yea well, God put us here and we fucked up the earth..

You really dont know that. We are a civilisation that's all. We progressed the best way we knew how to. There are new things to learn but where there is a will there is a way.
First, a thread starated a while aback started off along the lines of a physicial basis to the existence of God. Imagine firstly an existence of God that does not exists within the universe. That is absurd. God does not exist outside of this universe. Agreed?

With that deduction made, I would go on to discuss and bring about a discussion of what God is, and I believe that God at the proper level of discussion would be nonethe less than the universe. Thoughts???

IMO, I am a pantheist who claims to be of christian beliefs, although an agnostic when it comes to not knowing. Isn't a pantheist someone who believes that God is the universe?

I don't see how else he would exist. Other peooples claims that God this and God that are irrelevant to me. I was wondering if anybody felt the same way.

Spot on.

Since GR says that there cannot be no outside to the universe, then there cannot be non-contained universe, instead everything must be self-contained. So if God created everything, He would also need to be everything we come to know, as the universe itself. God is Mother Nature. The Red Indians believed in something similar. They saw the material world as being forms themselves as having singular spirits, such as spirits in the rivers, mountains, and even the Jackle was considered to have a unique and honored spirit.

God is the whole spirit. He/She makes up the whole of this spiritual realm. The nature of this intelligence, could have many forms though.
First, a thread starated a while aback started off along the lines of a physicial basis to the existence of God. Imagine firstly an existence of God that does not exists within the universe. That is absurd. God does not exist outside of this universe. Agreed?

With that deduction made, I would go on to discuss and bring about a discussion of what God is, and I believe that God at the proper level of discussion would be nonethe less than the universe. Thoughts???

IMO, I am a pantheist who claims to be of christian beliefs, although an agnostic when it comes to not knowing. Isn't a pantheist someone who believes that God is the universe?

I don't see how else he would exist. Other peooples claims that God this and God that are irrelevant to me. I was wondering if anybody felt the same way.

That's called "Pantheism", and I'm pretty sure you started a thread on that very subject recently.

It all ultimately depends on what you're willing to believe. M-Theory states that there is space in which the universe itself resides. That's nowhere near being consensus, but it's out there. Fact is, we just don't know for sure if there is such a thing as "outside" the universe.

But personally, I'm just curious where the has to be a god involved? Why couldn't this just have been an ordinary, run-o-the-mill event that happens a few times every second?
Soooo... We are limiting God to fit within a universe, and not exist in and out of that universe? Why?

However do note that the better of these thread hamster is the thread with the word physics in the title
So then your saying my thread in philosophy is ... absurd and without meaning well...

It is not.
To cause the removal of an idea from existance is also to cause the removal of a soul
If you wish for many to never return to this universe think before you speak to someone like myself (or anyone).

Remember: any idea is caused in reality and to remove it is what?