God Is Self-contradictory. Hence, God Doesn’t Exist.

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"****What is that "center" you refer to"

In a system defined as having no boundaries, every point, by being equidistant to said non-existent boundaries, is the centre. This centre would be by necessity composed of an infinitely small point. Beyond this, there is no significance.

"***Falsity is not always the opposite of truth, it is merely different - particularly when you want to examine the details - for instance if I told you it was false that the woman had $100 it wouldn't explain how much money she had, only that it wasn't $100"

It would, however, affirm that "it is non-existent that the woman has 100 dollars". Falsehood may not explain what the truth is, but it is the opposite of truth. That is to say, not all pairs are "either or", but all falsehood is non-existent and opposite of truth.

"***Then nothing is not an absolute term that exists out of binary definitions because it is fully defined by somethingness"

When something does not exist, the only way to speak of it is in the absence of something, yes. But this is because its category precludes speaking of it directly. That being said, we can define anything which is something as the opposite of nothing. "I did not do nothing today" translates into "I did something today".

"***therefore it is a binary definition"

I never claimed it was anything but a binary definition to somethingness.
Only that this binary definition must be real.

"***as above - all this indicates that applying a binary definition to transcendental by examining the material is not adequate"

In what way is this not adequate? Moreover, I am not claiming to study the transcendental - remember, I have no conception of such, and do not accord it reality - but existence v. non-existence and the cause for each and the necssities of eternity and such.

"***But if the king is ultimately unconscious and impersonal there are no forces of impersonal management - inotherwords the impersonal interaction is dependant on teh personal existence of the source"

That wholly depends on a conception of will behind all acts. You are presuming your position is correct to prove your position.

"***No it is a side aspect, just like the sunshine is a side energy ofd the sun globe - it represents the potency of eternity, and a living entity that chooses to merge in to it eventually falls down from it because there is no scope for its interactaction - inother words its just like a person may lock themselves in a room, particularly if they are distressed, but eventuallythey will get bored and come out"

'No scope for its interaction'? How so?

"****unless one is prepared to apply the epistemology for determining the reality of god and his abode one run's the risk of relying on one's mundane normative understanding of reality - inotherwords relying on binary definitions based on the material world will not uncover the nature of the spiritual world because it is the material world that is an effect of spirit and not vice versa"

Presuming that we can even give justification to the claims of a spirit world, which we have not come to yet. Moreover, it is only through independent, philosophical investigation, that this spirit side can be understood if it does exist.

If my "mundane normative understanding" is lacking, tell me where it is here?

"***It could be helpful if there was evidence of order existing outside of a creator (without relying on an effect that's cause is too mysterious for us to determine)"

We'll get to that later.

"***Well without relying on sciencefictional personalities, is it possible, considering the rate that the ocean is being filled? IN otherwords an infinite endeavour for an infinte time does not grant results unless the doer is unlimited (interesting that you spontaneously called upon a person with god like capacities to do the job)"

It is possible, but remote. Also one would die far before one has completed the job. But even if the job could never be completed, one's scope of knowledge would increase according to the time spent thinking over eternity. But yes, the being itself would have to at least be immortal to do so.

"*****The point is the god has discretion as to what effects follow what causes"

Actually, he would not. If cause causes something, it causes something because of itself, not because of an outside effort. God -might- be able to determine the natural laws of science, though, but even then, that is suspect, as they are relational entities which may have their result in the nature of relation.

"***Then you have to establish how our human nature is unlimited and the cause of all causes - granted what you say bears some truth - within the effect one can find traces of the cause, but it stretches things to say that the effect is as good as the cause (if it were so what would be the distinction between cause and effect?)"

Our human nature is not unlimited in all areas. We are clearly limited beings in most. But when one is dealing with necessary truth, we are dealing with an area where even the limited can become unlimited, by virtue of the fact that the necessary truth can unequivocally be found by it's ability to prove itself. That is to say, it could not be any way but without proving what is actually true or by not even speaking of what one has started out with.

I think I gave an example form the Law of Identity. That is a great, and classical, example of one of these necessary truths.

Moreover, it is not necessary that humans be "the cause of all causes", only that we can realize "the cause of all causes" in necessity.

"***Don't know on what basis you say he could not be eternal - I mean it is pretty difficult for you to establish exactly what is eternal in this creation let alone drawing up a list of what in includes and excludes - particularly if you want to exclude an item that you previously declare that cannot be known - as for knowing god you are right that he can not be known by empiricism, he can be known if he chooses to reveal himself - this is the distinction between knowing material things and conscious things and such an epistemology even holds up if one wants to directly perceive conscious entities of this world, like the president for eg"

It is very easy to prove what is and what isn't eternal. If something is not necessary, then it was at one time non-existent. This is by virtue of the fact that all things are either necessary, possible, or impossible. All limited and contingent things are possible, if God is such, then he is not eternal. If God is necessary, on the other hand, then he is not limited and can be known purely from necessary truth. If he is impossible, he simply doesn't exist.

Moreover, I only claimed that God cannot be known if he as you described. Not that God cannot be known if he is based on the absolute.

"***No NO NO - it is a random collection of matter and you are attributing its creation to an illusory authority that you have not even met"

If causality does not exist, I assent to your claim. If it does, then no.

"****So if god never experiences any dissatisfaction with his potencies, yet his potencies are increasing, is that lacking?"

Yes. Just as Bill Gates probably will never feel any dissatisfaction with his wealth's potency, yet he does not have all the money in the world, and could become richer by an infinite amount. That is to say, perfection is not to be found in any limitation whatsoever, regardless of pain suffered.

"****The same with any other epistemology - whether it grants the established ontology"

Established by whom?

"***That is the universal form - the universal form is what enabled arjuna to see anything and everything, from the present future and past, in one location - in the BG god talks about his form in many ways - one word is avyayatma - his atma (self) is avyaya (unlimited) - this doesn't necessarily mean that he is off infinite proportions, although if need be god can manifest that form, as he did to arjuna with the universal form, if required - arjuna requested him to show that form as evidence that krishna is god, so krishna obliged - so if someone says thatthey are god you can test them by asking to see their universal form"

Is this his ultimate form?

"****Its transcendental if it is related to one's constitutional position as a servant of god and it is material if it is related to our endeavour to be an enjoyer of inferior nature"

So one can have thoughts made of matter and other thoughts made of transcendence?

"*****I never claimed that mysterious causes were conscious - I was indicating how relyin g on effects that have a mysterious cause (such as the universe is not directed by intelligence) does not establish how order can arise from matter - it would be more truthful to not depart further from "we do not know what drives the universe" rather than advocating "theer is no conscious direction in the universe")"

I am glad you assent to this. However, we shall discuss whether or not one can indeed proclaim that there is no God behind the actions later on, with my argument from order and from casuality and other such things.

"***Then why don't dead people produce life - I think to establish what you were advocating you would have to give a chemical synopsis of life - which to date has drawn a 100% failure rate"

Save for the fact that we have all ready created virii from scratch and one day soon will create amoeba and bacteria. But why don't dead people produce life? Because they don't have sex. Their systems are also rotting away.

"***Thinking indicates consciousness, even if a person is only thinking about plastic bags"

It does, but the impetus to this thought can be material, hence, the causal connections that go back ad infinitum.

"***Fire and heat appear simultaneously just like consciousness and life "

But is it not the flame that causes the heat? Though they may appear simulteneous, the heat depends on the flame for its existence, whereas the flame (whilst obviously having to be hot) is not caused by the heat which it emanates.

"***what do the logs represent in regards to the flow of thought? If water is the thinking process what are the logs? Ideas? I am not advocating that all ideas are eternal I am advocating that the process of consciousness is eternal"

The logs would be the individual thoughts. The thinking process/consciousness would be the river.

However, you have said that ideas are objects of thought which is a part of consciousness, no? Is not consciousness transcendental? Would not its products, such as thoughts, similarly be as such? But the thoughts are not eternal and thus a temporal transcendent phenomena.

"***To say that you would have to trace what th eessential quality of a living entity is both in their living and dead states"

THough the living entity would also have to be shown to have an existence first. That we'll have to get to.

"***Consciousness is distinct from thought - for instance if one's consciousness is habituated to lust one will automatically perceive things in a sexual manner - that does not mean that one is constantly thinking about the same object but merely that it is very easy for such a response to be triggerred - so spiritual consciousness is like that - it becomes very easy for such a person to think of god, just like it is very easy for a lusty man to think of sex"

So conscousness is that which perceives and makes thought? All right. But that being said, we still are dealing with thoughts being non-eternal, which is clearly the case.

"***It indicates that there is something more essential than a waking, dreaming or dreamless state since we can draw our resources to have an idea of "I" in all those states - I was dreaming, I was awake etcetc "

Would you not agree that if we are aware of something, that this necessitates an I? That it is simply awareness? Yes, of course one is still aware in eithe rstate, but in what way does this require anything but the fact that all thought requires a thinker? It does not prove a "superior thing", only that a mind is there, which of course it was!

In essence, it proves no spirit, simply that if one is aware, clearly there is a mind.

"****Just like the wind never actuallyinteracts with aroma yet according to its association it appears to smell fragrant or disgusting according to what it passes over"

The wind blows the exuded aroma from the substance, yet the spirit you are claiming does not even have an interaction with the mind/body at all, does not even blow whatsoever, so that the mind and body might be "smelled".

What does the spirit do

"***Still born babies "

Still born babies are not born with bodies capable of sustaining life. In fact, they have died all ready - in the womb.

"***Very little of contemporary science is directly witnessed and a majority of it is inferred - what's the difference?"

Scientific inferrence is based on evidence, repeatability, demonstration..."Will of God" is not.

"That is to say: Where is the will present in the universe?

***One can begin to answer that when they apply the relevant epistemology"

Then apply it and show.

"***So there is no example of order existing outside of consciousness in our experience but theoretically there could be so when we see the order of the universe it is a statement of insanity to attribute it to a conscious entity?"

No. I argue elsewhere differently.

"***So why do you advocate the order of the universe to arise from impersonal forces?"

This truth was not created by conciousness and displays order. It is also an example of a non-mysterious non-conscious thing.

"***So in otherwords all the big thinkers of the world striving to solve big problems should just throw in the towel because there is just as much chance (or perhaps even a greater chance) of randomness solving the issues as conscious endeavour?"

There is nothing that was implied in my statement to conclude this. Only that order is the -only- possibility. That humans have problems that are to be solved by humans is a totally different, non-related issue. Big thinkers ought to indeed think of what is to be done with human endeavours.

"****Still we have no progress from my inquiry"

With my reply above, perhaps you shall think differently.

"****No - the seperation is eternal - we used free will to enetr into the medium of ignorance where perception of god is an option and not a contingent necessity"

From whence comes our distinctness from a being which is omnipresent and omniscient and which temporality and transience is not something apart of him? Where only material existence has the illusion of distinction? Where the temporary is in fact only to be found in material existence, so how could we even choose to break away, if there is no temporary there?

"****But we perceive its absence"

Only afterwards when we wake up. We do not perceive its absence when it is happening.

"***So if you clip your fingernails or cut your hair you stand to lose soemthing that cannot be replaced?"

Technically, yes. As they are all unique. But God is infinite and for infinity to be diminished, is for it not to be infinite, therefore, God cannot be diminished if he is to be called infinite.

"****We couldn't be eternal if he did"

There is little reason to suggset we're eternal.

"***I was saying that existence, whatever variety of existence it may be, depends on god - even illusory existence"

Okay. But God himself relies on those existences, does he not? For if he exists, and he exists infinitely, he cannot lose something and retain that infinity nor existence.

"***If you want to know god you have to adopt the process he gives for knowing him - if you have some so-called better way to know god you will never know him - -and that process begins by eliminating things such as lust, envy etc"

So I must elliminate envy and lust before I can understand your arguments?

"**yes - or to take it further, god id the personality on whom all personalities depend (the sustaining eternal amongst all eternals)"

What aspect of personality requires another personality to sustain it? And would not that personality also have to be sustained, if personality requires sustainment?

"****If a person does not apply the relevant epistemology they do not perceive th erelated ontology""

Which is related to not having lust and the like?

"***successful epistemology grants a result that unsuccessful epistemology does not"

In what way is regular epistemology not succesful?

"***Physical things are initiated to move by will (either ours or gods) but whether it actually moves or not is dependant on god, since we have no potency outside of the capacity to will (we are dependant on external circumstances with variables we cannot fully assess)"

How are they initiated to move by will? What medium does this will use to make matter move? Moreover, how does God make it move? Moreover, how does God have more than our capacity?

"***Matter is not conscious - it does not exhibit free will - intersting that according to contemporary definitions of science we do not have free will (see above statement about how this is not surprising)"

According to philosophy, too. Free-will is not at all clearly apparent, specifically as it would violate causality, or even internal coherence, if taken to its logical extension.

"***Take away consciousness and you lose the essential ingredient - as for perfection - that's why god does not experience death, or even the living entity - the living entity experiences death in the medium of illusion (attachment to matter , namely this body)"

Take awayt he heart and you lose the consciousness. It isn't because consciousness that has departed that death in the body occurs, but consciousness departs because death has occurred in the body. If not, why does death occur when a mortal wound is delievered, or that there is always sign of the parts simply being incapable of dealing with things anymore?

Moreover, it is hard to say God is perfect therefore eternal, but rather should it be construed as eternal therefore perfect. That is, perfection exists in the attributes, not as something before it.

"***If the farmer wants to grow radishes he is required to plant them and also requires providence in the form of rain - providence and endeavour work together but providence determines more than endeavour"

Who can say the rain is caused by God? In fact, where is this so clearly evident cause?

"***therefore our endeavour is not the sole variable to determine success"

No indeed. But this does not imply God. This implies "variables of the working material".

"***What determines the relation between poteniality manifesting (all we can do is observe the laws of physics - we do not know why they exist the way they are - hence it leads down the well traversed avenue of "mystery")"

Relation is a fundamental of existence, alongside Time and Space/Matter.

"***Ever tried growing plants in the absence of sunlight?"

Yes. White asparagus.

But no, I was being facetious there. Of course one cannot grow a plant if you deprive it of nutrition.

"****So has petrol "

Indeed. And many other things. Therefore we are at least as capable as the natural processes that produce such.

"***How do they arrive at the conclusion, particularly at the exclusion of consciusness, when they have no evidence for this? Do you ever ask yourself this question?"

I actually do believe I am in possession of the secrets to consciousness. You are not convinced yet, nor am I convinced of yours, and that is why we are having this discussion. But this also comes from the fact that you are a metaphysical dualist, where I see no reason to be one.

"***and if desire is satisfied within the realms of a quality that is always increasing what then? Is increase synonymous with dissatisfaction? For instance iof a man has more than enough money to fulfill all his desires and then his salary suddenly doubles but his life goes on the same, how does increase eual dissatisfaction - actually there are many business men like this who eat the same thing for breakfast, live in the same house and wear the same clothes and have the same friends even though they may increase their earnings 10 times over - what to speak of god"

Desire is not satiated by clinging to something that only increases, only continually fed, or following it a long to its ultimate extent. Similarly, yes, all increase is indeed synonymous with dissatisfaction. For even if it is irrelevant to most areas of one's life, the fact that one has even sought out more and more is a symptom of not being satisfied with what one has.

"***A properly qualified priest perceives god as his maintainer, not his congregation - actually there is a scriptural statement that a priest who is too attached to material comforts and a king who does not weild the rod of chastisement (enforce law) is swallowed by the earth (they fall down from their position)"

In the history of religion and society, this does not seem to be the case.

"*****Successful epistemology grants an ontology - material consciousness, like spiritual consciousness can also be cultivated so it behooves onbe to be familiar with the qualities that determine success and failure"

How does this relate to the problem of the priests always coming with religion?

"***If you don't apply the relevant epistemology it will always remain a mystery for a million years"

The more you reference this, the more it seems that all your arguments rely solely on "beleive this way first, then think of it".

"****well comparitively more than while in illusion don't you agree?"

Agreed. But this does not mean "all things".

"***** Watch 10hours of MTV and find out how"

In God, we would assuredly have perfect satisfaction, no conception of illusion, no conception of material things, no conception of suffering...

"***So because the king constructed the jail he is responsible if persons do activities to wind up there?"

Without the king to make the jail, the people would never go there, so yes. He facillitates the possibility.

"****Why do you want to be god?

Actually, I would not want to be God, considering I posit that God is not a being, and I have no desire to be a thing. But being a deity would be great. Greater everything.

"***he didn't conced it - we did "

How can we have conceded to imperfection if we had no idea of it?

"***which it is not when you eventually wake up"

Presuming one can or that there is a world to wake to.

"***If you are blind to perceiving an extension doesn't mean that it is not always extending"

If he were perfect, we could not be blind to such things.

Moreover, if we can resist God, despite him being "irresistable", even out of ignorance, we are still resisting him, hence he is not irresistable.

"***yes - on that platform nothing operates by force, or against one's will"

So one has unlimited freedom?

"***We are disconnected by not engaging in the service of the whole, just like a finger becomes dysfunctional, even though attached to the body, while it is broken and in the process of knittin g th e bones"

Yet if God is perfect, such could not happen. He could not have a part that could "disconnect with him".

"***Such classifications are determined by qualities - like for instance if I say I like drinking milk and then proceed to grind up rice flour mix it with water and apparently relish it I have only approached the superficial symptoms of drinking milk - one should know what are the actual qualities of relishing service to god or traversing the road of enjoyment otherwise one may simply be relishing the road of material acquisition under a different label"

What are these "actual qualities" of "spiritual service"?

"***If you stand to lose it again then you are relishing the labour of your love only"

Indeed. There is joy in the challenge of itself as well as the attainment of such.

More in a bit.
"***Realness because it is connected to a real object - artificial fame would be the fame that relates to the body, because, no matter which way you look at it, the body goes - real fame would to be famous in the eyes of god"

Fame in the eyes of God is fame in but one person - admittedly, the best person - and really doesn't satisfy the notion of fame as expressed in real life. It is rather like claiming one is "famous" to one's mother or father, or to one's wife or to one's children.

"***brahman generally means "spirit", thus it can refer to either god or the living entity , although in the case of god it is often further tagged "para" (super) brahman - as it stands in this verse it is referring to the nature of brahman, which is the realm of eternity (there are also further foundations of existence namely cit - knowledge and ananda - bliss, thus when one arrives at the position of eternity knowledge and bliss one has arrived at the end medium of spiritual existence)"

I had thought that "atman" refers to spirit/soul whereas "jiva" refers to this "living entity"? Moreover, how is this reverse refering to the nature of Brahman and not litterally becoming it? As it says:

"this yogi attains the bliss of Brahman, becoming Brahman."

"The yogī whose mind is fixed on Me verily attains the highest perfection of transcendental happiness. He is beyond the mode of passion, he realizes his qualitative identity with the Supreme, and thus he is freed from all reactions to past deeds."

His qualitative identity implies that one no longer has an identity outside of the Supreme.

"And of all yogīs, the one with great faith who always abides in Me, thinks of Me within himself, and renders transcendental loving service to Me — he is the most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all. That is My opinion."

And here this would be the path (specifically a bhakti path it would seem) to attaining that identity with the Supreme.

"The earliest indication given that the soul is eternally individual is gioven in the beginning of the second chjapter

Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be."

This would indeed stand to reason, if they all were in fact God.

"***well love it or loathe it, desire is your eternal companion so you might as well get used to it"

I do not doubt that I have desires. I only doubt that every single aspect of desire is not to be found in every thing done. Many things are done without desire for them, but only in a process for different things, therefore, desire is not to be found in them.

"***we don't have an off state - that is death - and even then its up for debate what happens after that (at the very least)"

What is dreamless sleep but an off state of consciousness? What distinguishes dreamless sleep from death is that there is no possibility to return from death.

"***and waking life isn't entertainment for the gross body?"

No. Waking life is just what happens, regardless of us, and not for one individually, as one shares in the experience with all humanity.

"****until such point as your investigation penetrates illusion, because illusion isn't self apparent (while in illusion)"

Yes, most illusions are not self-apparent, lest they were not illusions. It takes a great effort to penetrate illusion.

"So what would constitute a purely spiritual being?

****One who uses his body, mind and words in the service of god without succumbing to the control of the senses (characterised by envy etc)"

I meant an example of a being which just had spirit.

"****what aspect does? attempts to define the mind in terms of matter are incomplete and tend to dabble with only the symptoms"

What are just the symptoms?

"****no consciousness is symptomised by activating matter whichis due to the presence of the soul - which is not matter"

But is consciousness and the soul one in the same and both composed of transcendence?

"****What's the point if you lack the foundations granted in epistemology? Just like if I lack a foundation in physics what's the point of getting into specifics such as electrons?"

So one again must take a whole effort to remove lust and avarice and accept everything in your system before it makes sense?

"***so the restedness becomes the perception of dreamless sleep"

One can feel rested and have dreams.

"***a computer doesn't have that conception between being turned off or on"

Yes, because it is not conscious. We are.

"***uniform and constant unlike, material goodness, passion and ignornace which combine to produce a myriad of results"

So owing to the lack of ignorance and passion, the spiritual goodness is constant?

"***the difference is thatthe want is directed towards god rather than his sperated energy (dull matter) - seperation from god means a seperation of consciousness - illusion is when we don't perceive our connection to god"

So basically, because one wants God, one gets God?

"**the flaws are imperfect senses, tendency to make mistakes, tendency to fall in to illusion and a cheating propensity"

All of which the scientific method mitigates and eventually destroys. Peer review is great, as well as repeatability.

"***if both you and I come to the level of brahman it would mean that we have come to the platform of eternity and are not bewildered by the ephermal exhibitions of temporal nature - we would both continue to exist however - I mentioned earlier how brahman means spirit and it has a variety of definitions according to how it is applied in a context"

What is more "an ephemeral exhibition of temporal nature" than distinct identity? In what way would we exist in this? We would not even have a mind or body, nor would our consciousness, if it is truly so submerged in God, be distinct, if we cannot be separated, or viewed as different, from God.

"Depends on what the celebration is like.

****Better than anything you have experienced (in material life)"

Yet it lacks so many things! This is very hard to quantify. Where is the sex? The conquest? The challenge? The art? The music? The taste? The humour? The knowledge? None of these are present! One just "values God" and it is hard to even quantify it as value, as we cannot be considerd truly distinct from God then.

"***But if one is affected by lust avarice etc one's findings will be warped to suit one's corrupted nature"

Agreed. That is why one must practice objectivity.

"****Oh well I guess you might as well buy yourself a chainsaw and become famous"

It is a very inferior way to live. There is human justice and it is not nice to run afoul of that.

"***wisdom is useless in hindsight - particularly if the renewed application of rightly applied effort also yields failure

When can rightfully applied effort yield failure?

"****there's a time and place for everything but when we are influenced by passion we tend to think "right now, right here" (which delivers predictable results) - but back to the point, if you want to say that a person is a spiritual spark that term has qualities to determine its correct application , just like water is distinct from pizza - whether it is the right time or circumstance to drink water is a different issue - first of all you have to know what water is"

But do you agree or disagree with my statement that one can find something sexually appealing about someone's "spirit"?

"***philosophy brings one to the point of application - otherwise it is just like useless decoration on a dead body (courage is the one quality that ensure s all others) - in the case of religion philosophy brings one to the poin tof practicing religious principles (service to god in a mood of surrender etc) - if a person is not at that point to apply such surrender they require more lessons (either in the form of philosophy or experience from what the material world offers - but usually a combination of both)"

Of course one must act and use what one has learned, but if one has learned such through philosophy, and proved such through philosophy, then it is not religion but philosophy which one owes respect, admiration, and following.

"BG 7.15: Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons do not surrender unto Me.

BG 7.16: O best among the Bhāratas, four kinds of pious men begin to render devotional service unto Me — the distressed, the desirer of wealth, the inquisitive, and he who is searching for knowledge of the Absolute."

And how do we figure out that to surrender to God is best? Through philosophy (although actually I say philosophy refutes this nonsense concept). But it is also worthy to note that the last two people - the inquisitive and searcher of the Absolute - are pretty much philosophers both, or at least a scientist and a philosopher.

"***the point is that philosophy is useless without application, regardless whether the issue is religious or not"

Yes. We must act on it to be of use.

"***Application without philosophy is dangerous and philosophy without application is useless - if the philosophy of religion demands that one surrender to god (as opposed to god's energy) how is it possible to extract it?

It would stand to reason that one gains insight into the matter of surrender v. non-surrender through philosophy.

This discussion is becoming really unmanable. It is taking hours to go through each post we are making. I suggest we make a new thread where we provide summaries of our arguments on the major topics, so as to condense the matter and to more concisely discuss each issue.
(Q) said:
Here, Archie, have a look at two schools of thought, which one do you use?


Where is 'Archie', now?

Prince_James said:

This discussion is becoming really unmanable. It is taking hours to go through each post we are making. I suggest we make a new thread where we provide summaries of our arguments on the major topics, so as to condense the matter and to more concisely discuss each issue.

The main problem, in my view, is to identify 'who said what'.
I suggest P_J & L_G as identifiers for 'who said what'!

hyperqube said:
i love this argument against God. something cannot come from nothing. yet you obviously exists. if nothing is possible, then surely God is possible.


Hello hyperqube:

'If nothing is possible, then surely God is possible'!
Possibilities are not evaluated with respect to other possibilities.
Evaluation of possibilities is based solely on the logical consistency of their concepts.
That is because everything whose concept is inconsistent and
absurd can never exist as actual and real regardless of anything else.


If my "mundane normative understanding" is lacking, tell me where it is here?

****Basing one's own experience as a creature seeking enjoyment in a certain atmosphere of challenge and assuming god labours in the same manner

"*****The point is the god has discretion as to what effects follow what causes"

Actually, he would not. If cause causes something, it causes something because of itself, not because of an outside effort. God -might- be able to determine the natural laws of science, though, but even then, that is suspect, as they are relational entities which may have their result in the nature of relation.

***Actually we have experience of using our own consciousness to override certain causes - namely we avoid one result by applying a diferent cause - vaccinations are an example - since god has a greater consciousness he has a greater reserve of causes to call upon, greater than even the causes we call on to avoid an effect (a vaccination is not 100% foolproof)

"***Then you have to establish how our human nature is unlimited and the cause of all causes - granted what you say bears some truth - within the effect one can find traces of the cause, but it stretches things to say that the effect is as good as the cause (if it were so what would be the distinction between cause and effect?)"

Our human nature is not unlimited in all areas. We are clearly limited beings in most. But when one is dealing with necessary truth, we are dealing with an area where even the limited can become unlimited, by virtue of the fact that the necessary truth can unequivocally be found by it's ability to prove itself. That is to say, it could not be any way but without proving what is actually true or by not even speaking of what one has started out with.

***So is contemporay science or philosophy, devoid of a concept of god ,actually dealing with any absolute thing?

"****So if god never experiences any dissatisfaction with his potencies, yet his potencies are increasing, is that lacking?"

Yes. Just as Bill Gates probably will never feel any dissatisfaction with his wealth's potency, yet he does not have all the money in the world, and could become richer by an infinite amount. That is to say, perfection is not to be found in any limitation whatsoever, regardless of pain suffered.

***alternatively a filthy rich person continues to be rich by habit rather than a sense of lacking - in otherwords they act acording to their natural tendency - so god's natural tendency to continue expanding in his qualities is a natural result of his innate nature

"****The same with any other epistemology - whether it grants the established ontology"

Established by whom?

****Established by a process of course - if you look through a pair of binoculars your vision gets magnified by 60 times - and if you don't , it doesn't.

"***That is the universal form - the universal form is what enabled arjuna to see anything and everything, from the present future and past, in one location - in the BG god talks about his form in many ways - one word is avyayatma - his atma (self) is avyaya (unlimited) - this doesn't necessarily mean that he is off infinite proportions, although if need be god can manifest that form, as he did to arjuna with the universal form, if required - arjuna requested him to show that form as evidence that krishna is god, so krishna obliged - so if someone says thatthey are god you can test them by asking to see their universal form"

Is this his ultimate form?

*****No - just like a high court magistrate has a family life and is not limited by a persona exhibited in the judges chair

"***Fire and heat appear simultaneously just like consciousness and life "

But is it not the flame that causes the heat? Though they may appear simulteneous, the heat depends on the flame for its existence, whereas the flame (whilst obviously having to be hot) is not caused by the heat which it emanates.

***Of course fire is a mundane example so obviously you can not examine the cause of fire and expect it to bear a transcendental cause (like god) otherwise fire would be god!! - I was using it to illustrate existence - fire emanates heat, heat is a contigent factor of the fire, the fire is not a contigent factor of the heat in the sense that its existence is not affected by manipulating the heat it emmanates (like a fire in the north pole is essentially non-diferent from a fire in the sahara desert)

"***To say that you would have to trace what th eessential quality of a living entity is both in their living and dead states"

THough the living entity would also have to be shown to have an existence first. That we'll have to get to.

****Again it gets back to the dead person and the livng person - there is an obvious distinction, the most apparent being our personal desire not to die - you don't see self preservation exhibited by dull matter

"****Just like the wind never actuallyinteracts with aroma yet according to its association it appears to smell fragrant or disgusting according to what it passes over"

The wind blows the exuded aroma from the substance, yet the spirit you are claiming does not even have an interaction with the mind/body at all, does not even blow whatsoever, so that the mind and body might be "smelled".

What does the spirit do

****No - the spirit animates the body and mind, just like the wind animates aroma

"***Very little of contemporary science is directly witnessed and a majority of it is inferred - what's the difference?"

Scientific inferrence is based on evidence, repeatability, demonstration..."Will of God" is not.

*****The sun comes up every day - in fact the very premise that there is order in the universe (the foundation of faith that science requires) is god's will (or at the very least we have no example of order bereft of consciousness that doesn't lose its cause in mystery) - to get in to mor eelaborate eunderstandings of god's will requiers the application of an epistemology

"That is to say: Where is the will present in the universe?

****To answer that you have to apply the process that god gives for perceiving him, just like if you want to perceive the president you hav eto see him on his terms

***One can begin to answer that when they apply the relevant epistemology"

Then apply it and show.

****See the new thread

"***So why do you advocate the order of the universe to arise from impersonal forces?"

This truth was not created by conciousness and displays order. It is also an example of a non-mysterious non-conscious thing.

****What is an example of such truth? Truth applied to what? I think you will find that "what" is either conscious or mysterious.

"****No - the seperation is eternal - we used free will to enetr into the medium of ignorance where perception of god is an option and not a contingent necessity"

From whence comes our distinctness from a being which is omnipresent and omniscient and which temporality and transience is not something apart of him? Where only material existence has the illusion of distinction? Where the temporary is in fact only to be found in material existence, so how could we even choose to break away, if there is no temporary there?

****Illusion - just like perceiving a mirage in a desert - there was no water theer but we are convinced there is and act accordingly - god doesn't perceive the seperation - we do

"***So if you clip your fingernails or cut your hair you stand to lose soemthing that cannot be replaced?"

Technically, yes. As they are all unique. But God is infinite and for infinity to be diminished, is for it not to be infinite, therefore, God cannot be diminished if he is to be called infinite.

****God doesn't diminish - he increases, and even if that increase is somehow taken away from him or seperated (as in the csae of the living entity falling into illusion) he still continues on unheeded in opulences just like clipping our nails doesn't diminish our biological potency

"***I was saying that existence, whatever variety of existence it may be, depends on god - even illusory existence"

Okay. But God himself relies on those existences, does he not? For if he exists, and he exists infinitely, he cannot lose something and retain that infinity nor existence.

****Do we rely on our nail clippings?

"***If you want to know god you have to adopt the process he gives for knowing him - if you have some so-called better way to know god you will never know him - -and that process begins by eliminating things such as lust, envy etc"

So I must elliminate envy and lust before I can understand your arguments?

****No - a person who applies th epistemology for undersatnding god is freed from the influence of these things as they progress

"**yes - or to take it further, god id the personality on whom all personalities depend (the sustaining eternal amongst all eternals)"

What aspect of personality requires another personality to sustain it? And would not that personality also have to be sustained, if personality requires sustainment?

****we owe our personality to another personality (our parents) if you take this further enough you will encounter god

"***Physical things are initiated to move by will (either ours or gods) but whether it actually moves or not is dependant on god, since we have no potency outside of the capacity to will (we are dependant on external circumstances with variables we cannot fully assess)"

How are they initiated to move by will? What medium does this will use to make matter move? Moreover, how does God make it move? Moreover, how does God have more than our capacity?

*****How does a sea have a greater potency than a sea drop? As for initiating things by will - its just like asking how do you decide to do anything - of course the difefrence is that we are dependant on labour and providence (circumstance) but god is not - it doesn't make god illogical - it just makes him belong to a diffrent and unique catergory, which is essential for the logical comprehension of god

"***Matter is not conscious - it does not exhibit free will - intersting that according to contemporary definitions of science we do not have free will (see above statement about how this is not surprising)"

According to philosophy, too.

****lol - well obviously not all philosophy

"***If the farmer wants to grow radishes he is required to plant them and also requires providence in the form of rain - providence and endeavour work together but providence determines more than endeavour"

Who can say the rain is caused by God? In fact, where is this so clearly evident cause?

"***therefore our endeavour is not the sole variable to determine success"

No indeed. But this does not imply God. This implies "variables of the working material".

****So to get back to this intial line of inquiry - undersatnding water as merely H2o and something to drink is not complete because it lacks knowledge of its cause

"****So has petrol "

Indeed. And many other things. Therefore we are at least as capable as the natural processes that produce such.

****But all such manufacturing we do is dependant on things like water that have causes in mystery - just like if we run out of oil we run out of petrol etc - hence we depend on god (or the mystery of this world that is causeless to ur senses - often referred to as nature)for everything

"***A properly qualified priest perceives god as his maintainer, not his congregation - actually there is a scriptural statement that a priest who is too attached to material comforts and a king who does not weild the rod of chastisement (enforce law) is swallowed by the earth (they fall down from their position)"

In the history of religion and society, this does not seem to be the case.

****therefore it is not uncommon to see unqualified persons take to positions of authority - recently there was a stem cell researcher in Korea who misrepresented his evidence - its indicative of the human nature to cheat, and if one does not apply the appropriate epistemology it tends to flourish

"*****Successful epistemology grants an ontology - material consciousness, like spiritual consciousness can also be cultivated so it behooves onbe to be familiar with the qualities that determine success and failure"

How does this relate to the problem of the priests always coming with religion?

****Religion, or the perception of god, gives rise to religion and priests etc, not vice versa - so it is not appropriate to call upon an example of an unqualified priest as a vehicle to measure logic against - one can avoid this blunder by having knowledge of the symptoms of one who is established in spiritual pursuit and one who in material pursuit - it has nothing to do with material opulences gained by instituitions etc and their growth or dimunition - it has to do with whether one is attached to such things

"***If you don't apply the relevant epistemology it will always remain a mystery for a million years"

The more you reference this, the more it seems that all your arguments rely solely on "beleive this way first, then think of it".

***Can one aproach science unless tehy have the belief that here is order in the universe?

"***** Watch 10hours of MTV and find out how"

In God, we would assuredly have perfect satisfaction, no conception of illusion, no conception of material things, no conception of suffering...

***But because we have free will we can choose not to perceive that and fall in to ilusion

"***So because the king constructed the jail he is responsible if persons do activities to wind up there?"

Without the king to make the jail, the people would never go there, so yes. He facillitates the possibility.

****So the moment the king creates the jail is the moment people start murdering and stealing?

"***he didn't conced it - we did "

How can we have conceded to imperfection if we had no idea of it?

***It is not dependant on our conceeding - just like if you turn off the light we do not conceed of the darkeness - its a result for a decision - consciousness delivers the result only in the sense that one does the activity that leads to the result - one turns off the ligth switch - one does not manufacture darkness from one's own capacity - for instance if we turn off the light switch it does not become dark in a sun lit room

"***If you are blind to perceiving an extension doesn't mean that it is not always extending"

If he were perfect, we could not be blind to such things.

****He is not - God is always in awareness of how his qualities are expanding

Moreover, if we can resist God, despite him being "irresistable", even out of ignorance, we are still resisting him, hence he is not irresistable.

****He still remains irresistable because even while in ignorance we search out for persons who have similar qualities to him - eg beauty, wealth, influence, strength, intelligence etc

"***We are disconnected by not engaging in the service of the whole, just like a finger becomes dysfunctional, even though attached to the body, while it is broken and in the process of knittin g th e bones"

Yet if God is perfect, such could not happen. He could not have a part that could "disconnect with him".

*****Therefore instead of serving him directly we serve his material energy under the control of lust, wrath etc -

"***Realness because it is connected to a real object - artificial fame would be the fame that relates to the body, because, no matter which way you look at it, the body goes - real fame would to be famous in the eyes of god"

Fame in the eyes of God is fame in but one person - admittedly, the best person - and really doesn't satisfy the notion of fame as expressed in real life. It is rather like claiming one is "famous" to one's mother or father, or to one's wife or to one's children.

***If god thinks you are famous then all the liberated persons in his association also think you are famous

"***brahman generally means "spirit", thus it can refer to either god or the living entity , although in the case of god it is often further tagged "para" (super) brahman - as it stands in this verse it is referring to the nature of brahman, which is the realm of eternity (there are also further foundations of existence namely cit - knowledge and ananda - bliss, thus when one arrives at the position of eternity knowledge and bliss one has arrived at the end medium of spiritual existence)"

I had thought that "atman" refers to spirit/soul whereas "jiva" refers to this "living entity"? Moreover, how is this reverse refering to the nature of Brahman and not litterally becoming it? As it says:

*****Atma means self, just like we are composed of body, mind and spirit, so atma can also mean spirit, since spirit is teh ultimate cause. Brahman means teh quality of spiritual eternity, which means not being afected by lust wrath etc

"this yogi attains the bliss of Brahman, becoming Brahman."

Means he is no longer materially contaminated, but then there is adedd variety to spiritual life ie there are difefrent levels of purity

"The yogī whose mind is fixed on Me verily attains the highest perfection of transcendental happiness. He is beyond the mode of passion, he realizes his qualitative identity with the Supreme, and thus he is freed from all reactions to past deeds."

His qualitative identity implies that one no longer has an identity outside of the Supreme.

***Qualitive identity means that he has realised the quality, just like the quality of sea water is found both in the ocean and the drop - the specific quality of both god and the living entity is eternity , knowledge and bliss

"And of all yogīs, the one with great faith who always abides in Me, thinks of Me within himself, and renders transcendental loving service to Me — he is the most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all. That is My opinion."

And here this would be the path (specifically a bhakti path it would seem) to attaining that identity with the Supreme.

****Yoga comes from the sanskrit root that means connection (much like the root for religion) as opposed to merging which is given numerous specific terms in sanskrit

"The earliest indication given that the soul is eternally individual is gioven in the beginning of the second chjapter

Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be."

This would indeed stand to reason, if they all were in fact God.

*****I don't know how you arrive at that conclusion - all that is asserted is that they all have eternal existences

"So what would constitute a purely spiritual being?

****One who uses his body, mind and words in the service of god without succumbing to the control of the senses (characterised by envy etc)"

I meant an example of a being which just had spirit.

****Apart from god, there is the person who is perceiving god and is not in illusion that they are this body (was it socrates who said "first you have to catch me" after being jailed and about to be given poison?)

"***uniform and constant unlike, material goodness, passion and ignornace which combine to produce a myriad of results"

So owing to the lack of ignorance and passion, the spiritual goodness is constant?


"***the difference is thatthe want is directed towards god rather than his sperated energy (dull matter) - seperation from god means a seperation of consciousness - illusion is when we don't perceive our connection to god"

So basically, because one wants God, one gets God?

****Ultimately, yes - but the the general tendency is that we don't want god and tend to ge derailed on some highway exit of materialpursuit, hence there is the established discipline of epistemology

"**the flaws are imperfect senses, tendency to make mistakes, tendency to fall in to illusion and a cheating propensity"

All of which the scientific method mitigates and eventually destroys. Peer review is great, as well as repeatability.

****Hardly - science is full of errors

"Depends on what the celebration is like.

****Better than anything you have experienced (in material life)"

Yet it lacks so many things! This is very hard to quantify. Where is the sex? The conquest? The challenge? The art? The music? The taste? The humour? The knowledge? None of these are present! One just "values God" and it is hard to even quantify it as value, as we cannot be considerd truly distinct from God then.

****On the contrary all these things are like shadows of the real thing - you have to understand what spiritual sex, conquest, challenge, art actually is

"***But if one is affected by lust avarice etc one's findings will be warped to suit one's corrupted nature"

Agreed. That is why one must practice objectivity.

***Unfortnately these vices affect teh perception of objectivity

"***wisdom is useless in hindsight - particularly if the renewed application of rightly applied effort also yields failure

When can rightfully applied effort yield failure?

***Then you would have wisdom in foresight, which requires the proper foundation of reality

"****there's a time and place for everything but when we are influenced by passion we tend to think "right now, right here" (which delivers predictable results) - but back to the point, if you want to say that a person is a spiritual spark that term has qualities to determine its correct application , just like water is distinct from pizza - whether it is the right time or circumstance to drink water is a different issue - first of all you have to know what water is"

But do you agree or disagree with my statement that one can find something sexually appealing about someone's "spirit"?

*****Disagree - there's no evidence that you are perceiving spirit when you say that statement

"BG 7.15: Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons do not surrender unto Me.

BG 7.16: O best among the Bhāratas, four kinds of pious men begin to render devotional service unto Me — the distressed, the desirer of wealth, the inquisitive, and he who is searching for knowledge of the Absolute."

And how do we figure out that to surrender to God is best? Through philosophy (although actually I say philosophy refutes this nonsense concept). But it is also worthy to note that the last two people - the inquisitive and searcher of the Absolute - are pretty much philosophers both, or at least a scientist and a philosopher.

**But they are said to be beginners - in other words the whole point of religion is to surender to god as one's best interest - as long as one is not convinced of that one is still taking "lessons" in the material world

"***Application without philosophy is dangerous and philosophy without application is useless - if the philosophy of religion demands that one surrender to god (as opposed to god's energy) how is it possible to extract it?

It would stand to reason that one gains insight into the matter of surrender v. non-surrender through philosophy.

****that is corect - and then one comes to the point of practical application which grants the actual results - philosphy is the means to an end

I just summarised this a lot - feel free to do the same to bring this in the realm of sanity - I started one thread about epistemology - if you want to do another one about consciusness we can take it up there
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I shall make another thread to discuss the other issues with you. I'll respond to your epistemology thread now.
Negative absolutes tend to elimate all possibilities except that statement itself and its difficult to understand what promotes that statement to a privledged status.

for instance your quote

Change is the only constant.

How do you know that change doesn't change from its state of changing?
lightgigantic said:
Negative absolutes tend to elimate all possibilities except that statement itself and its difficult to understand what promotes that statement to a privledged status.
for instance your quote
Change is the only constant.
How do you know that change doesn't change from its state of changing?


'Change is the only constant' is not a negative absolute.
It's a PROVERB and vey positive GENERALIZATION based on simple induction.

So, to invalidate it, you need only to find one single ACTUAL physical thing that does not change the slightest with the march of TIME. Just one single 'DAMN' thing, okay?

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Prince_James said:
...............I have come to this same conclusion myself, actually! Even the most outrageously statistically rare event - something which is far more unlikely than a monkey typing Shakespeare, even! - must, if it is truly a possibility, have manifestedly an infinite amount of times and is manifesting -at least- once right this very moment. It's a fascinating fact, really, and one which is quite a shock initially to come upon!


I would say, for such 'most outrageously statistically rare event' to happen, infinite time is not even necessary. That is because all real possibilities can be realized instantly, if the condition of infinite space (along with that of infinite matter) is true.


"I would say, for such 'most outrageously statistically rare event' to happen, infinite time is not even necessary. That is because all real possibilities can be realized instantly, if the condition of infinite space (along with that of infinite matter) is true. "

I had actually meant to imply that through "and is manifesting -at least- once this very moment", so naturally, I am in agreement! Alas, no Chimpanzee Shakespeare here on Earth, though!
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