God Is Self-contradictory. Hence, God Doesn’t Exist.

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"*****We perceive death as infallible then, which is a potency of god"

No. We view death as present. Whether or not death is infallible is a wholly different thing. Not all which is alive must necessarily die. We simply know of nothing which is alive which is not suspectible to death. Moreover, even if death is infallible, this does not mean that it is God, only that it is a natural law.

"Observing. But are you claiming to experience God as one might experience fire?


How? And how can you verify that is so?

"*****Then we never know anything by this definition since 99.99% of knowledge is not directly perceivable to us"

Outside of logical/philosophical truths are the only things we can be -one hundred percent certain- that we know. That being said, we can know with the same certainty that things directly known to us through the senses, even if we might have a wrong idea as to what we are. For instance, though we may hallucinate a bat coming at us, the bat's image was real enough to say "we saw a bat", just that we ascribe an improper reality to said bat. But yes, as there an infinite amount of empirical things, ranging from the infinitely small to the infinitely large, and everything in between, we cannot even scrape the surface of the truths contained in the empirical world. That being said, we can indeed use the logical/philosophical truths to actually figure many of these things out. Moreover, we can apply what we do know, analyze it, and then come to truth.

"*****By following authority one can get the same direct perception as they do - that is the epistemology, whether religious or otherwise"

Only if that authority leads one to that perception. Scientists will usually show you the experiment themselves if they can and yes, I imagine some religious people do the same, although it is always curious that religion requires acceptance of beliefs before validation in order to "work".

"*****Many of These are things inferior to our existence - in otherwords they are byproducts of our social cultural existence - as for biology and engineering I don't think you can classify them as things that have been fully investigated since new species of life are being "discovered" and according to the design of a bumble bee (by our understanding of aircraft engineering) it should not be able to fly the way it does"

Actually, the idea that a bee cannot fly because it violates laws of aerodynamics is an urban legend. Bee-flight is actually -very- well understood and it is only the misapplication of principles of fixed-wing aircraft that give rise to the erroneous conception that we cannot know how a bee flies. Bees are more akin to rotary-winged vehicles, such as helicopters, and through such a thing, we can know -certainly- what method they fly. In fact, we do.

Moreover, as I noted, yes, they are still be investigated for a full scope of knowledge, but we all ready know a great deal about such things. That is to say, we have many fields of expertise where things are known and which, though still expanding, are yet still going on. Also, we have somethings which we know fully. Chess, for instance, is known fully, in the sense that we have created the system entirely. Euclidean geometry for a less trivial example, also, is a complete system.

"***therefore there are experts in the field of religion (and admittedly quacks as well)"

It depends. Can religion be empirically or philosophically verified? IF so, there are experts. If not, and it requires notions of acceptance before validation, then no, there is no such thing as a religious expert.

"***The point is that directly perceiving something and applying the situationm of that perception to other circumstances (extrapolilation) as a means of arriving at the absolute truth is faulty "

It depends. Causality demands that similar things produce similar ends. But yes, we cannot simply extrapollate without testing on empirical matters in most cases. But if the substance is the same, we can say that no, it is not going to randomly turn into anti-matter, or some such nonsense.

"***Such direct perceptions are not automatically authoritative - see above"

Are you denying that empirical observation produces knowledge of the world, specifically to the rigour of the scientific method? And if not, how do you propose we get empirical knowledge of the world more certainly?

"****The claims of religion,particularlyas they pertain to self realisation and the realisation are perceivable at every step of the way just as a person who is hungry perceives nourishment, relief from hunger and pleasure with every bite"

So long as the experiences are coated in the view of the religion. If one thought that everytime a cloud is in the sky, God is doing x and y things, one could then view clouds in that light. Similarly, one can characterize any experience as "self-realization", as one will adopt certain viewpoints to support it.

"***thereforeconsciousness deserves a special classification beyond the mere classification of the material elements that it is seen to inhabit"

No more than any other relation which can be destroyed, like the repeatedly mentioned bridge. But no one is here claiming that consciousness isn't important, only that it is a relational entity, which like any other thing, can cease to be.

"*** That's why death is an artificial imposition on the eternal spirit - due to identifyingg with the body, despite whatever we acquire in the nameof so-called pleasure, is illusory because death is an unnatural proposal to the living entity (ceasing to be)"

How does one even prove that we have such an eternal spirit? Moreover, what makes it "illusory"? Things come and go, what of it? The transience is real and their existence is real for the time they exist. It is not unnatural, for we too shall one day cease to be. We simply do not want to cease to be, which is quite natural when one realizes what it entails!

"****They seem important only due to illusion, just as a rope appears dangerous due to the perception of it being a snake"

Spiritual principles are only important because of illusion it can be said, too. What is objectively better? To not suffer and not to feel pleasure, or to feel pleasure and not to suffer? It seems utterly up to taste! Frankly, I prefer life myself, and rather suffer alongside pleasure, then to be annihilated!

The importance of every day things are just as real as anything else, because they do impact our pleasure and pain. Simply because these are temporary states does not mean a single thing.

"***You can test it by buying soemthing"

Yet you cannot buy something if even the shop keep himself does not know the value, or if the value of what one buys is unknown! Sure you can make an imaginary exchange, but you are still far from truth, as one has no real knowledge of it.

"****UNles you progress by gradual installments in direct perception of the phenomena - its not like one jumps on to the liberated platform by claims of transcendendal bravado"

Which you have failed to demonstrate can come from religion. Philosophy, on the other hand, has its result in such direct perception and understanding. We can find truth through philosophy, religion can colour anything with what it wants.

"***religion offers results not to be found in any other system"

And what results are these?

""***Thats the point- lust anger etc indicates dishonesty""

So does religious faith, which requires just the same distortion.

"***The paradigm of the truth (absence of lust etc), hence it is superior"

It substitutes the paradigm of lust for the paradigm of religion, not of objectivity. It is thus perhaps only a lesser evil, a lesser delusion.

"***Both are perceptions, but the point is that there is improper perception and proper perception - proper perception necessitates that one is self controlled etc, although a self controlled person may not necessarily be liberated since it is apadharmic (a sub religious principle)"

Proper perception does indeed need self-control, yes, but it also needs an openness to objectivity, not something colouring experience through religion.

"*****Does this clarify the above three responses?"

Yes, but we disagree as to whether religion = good = objectivity. I will agree that objectivity is the only way to be good, though.

""***Its prefernce is ignorance - therefore the living entity has acquired a pig's body to perceive a certain practice as pleasurable (ie they got down graded)""

How is it ignorant to like excrement? It is just another physical substance. I can make no claim for its superiority over the flesh of animals, which I eat and enjoy immensely.

"***Superior consciousness grants the ability to discern values - compare your football hooligan to your university professor"

There are such things as taste. A football hooligan likes football. A university professor likes professoring. In so much as a university professor may be more inclined towards the truth, he is superior on that level, but there are football hooligan philosophers, which are quite fine. That is to say, one can be a football hooligan and be Socrates II. These tastes are not objective.

"***So why insist on proving god by an epistemology that doesn't even prove our own existence?"

The epistemology is fine. That we have a controversy is mainly because of your claims, which have not been fully substantiated as of yet, are being made. What we must use is objective truth-seeking means to achieve ends of truth. We have found those in philosophical/logical reasoning and empirical observation under rigorous vigilance.

But no, this epistemology does not rule out that you are right, only that you haven't put forth such evidence as of yet to prove this and there is evidence to suggest you are not. Similary, adopting "another epistemology", to "prove God by it", only changes the rules to rig the game. Of course we could prove God, if we make wild assertions and state those as axioms. If this is not so, what would you have us use epistemologically?

"****If you ever get the chance you should try reading the works of Jiva Gosvami, particularly his sandarbhas, but I imagine if you are doing a doctorate you don't have heaps of spare time"

Might I be able to find his books in major bookstores such as Barnes and Nobles, Borders, et cetera? Because I am actually going to be going to a bookstore soon to get some books and I might well take your advice and read his works.

"***Its interesting that the objectivity of perception is seen (by some) tobe the new cutting edge of science

Some scientists are of that opinion, yes, but the majority are not, and with much more evidence on their side.

However, I must telll you that this website is notoriously unscientific, as I have been to it before and have found more than a bit of assertion and little verification, experimentally or even thought-experimentally. It is also not recognized by any leading scientific authorities, nor do I know of any papers in any peer-reviewed journals authored by people of the society and which are widely considered to hold even a pretense to the capacity for truth. That is to say, it needs a lot more verification, and I am also skeptical of anything that comes out of Indian-connected religion, on the foundation that India's current scientific knowledge is not world reknown, and many of its newspapers and other such things, make wildly inaccurate claims about science.

Not to downgrade, by the way, Indian religion as a whole, but simply to point out that Indian religion is not a vast reservoir of scientific knowledge, mind you.

"***So how do you reconcile in the revision of truth by science - inotherwords "facts" in science are often revealednot to be facts by the very epistemology that established them - in otherwords the epistemology of empiricism doesn't seem conducive to the establishment of truth, only its redefinition (inother words it is not paarticularly truthful) "

Science is dealing with an infinite system (the empirical world) that is characterized by greater revealing through sharper measurement and instrumentation. That one can never reach the infinitely small demands that even an atom be made up of other things, and those things made of other things, and those things made of other things, et cetera, et cetera. Science, however, has quite well dealt with much of the macroscopic world and continues to deal with all sorts of issues. But yes, almost all instances where revision has been made, was in the improper evaluation by using outdated methods (pre-scientific method) or through the results being put into a larger theory. General and Special Relativity, for instance, do not so much destroy classical physics, as they point out where classical physics lacks, and where classical physics ought to be placed in a wider system. Newton's laws govern the large-scale world pretty much utterly.

"Re: Admittedly, the whole notion of dividing by ZERO is counterintuitive and a bit confusing. However, I’m, now, getting more and more convinced that the undefined (0/0) can be defined as (0/0 = 0). Can you find any fatal contradiction in this definition? Let me know! It’s true that the arithmetic rule of ‘every number divided by itself is equal to ONE)’ is violated, when (0/0) is defined as (0). But this is neither a fatal contradiction nor a blatant absurdity. Point out the absurdity, if you see it, please. That should, certainly, help me clear my mind of the against-mainstream view that (0/0 = 0)!"

Actually, I see nothing here at all contrary to fact. But it is almost a mathematical tautology that we are dealing with, too, specifically when one reduces it, as I show in a moment. But yes, 0/anything = 0, as 0 has no parts. 0/0 then is basically saying the same thing, only that we really aren't dividing at all, so thus it becomes 0 = 0 in a case of parsimonic reduction. Of course, this is assuming that we aren't dealing with the "greater than 0" which we were dealing with just a moment ago, but an actual 0 as in the other cases.

So yes, 0/0 = 0 is logical, sound, and truthful it does seem!

"Re: I would agree it’s a great leap, if our minds perceive the dimensions of space in ascending order, i.e. the one dimension, the two dimensions, and then the three dimensions. But we perceive them in descending order, i.e. the THREE dimensions first, then the TWO, and then the ONE. In a sense, the one dimension is subtler and more sophisticated, and requires more effort to perceive than either the two or the three spatial dimensions. And so the mental picture of space is a gestalt. "

I agree with this statement pretty much completely. We do indeed think from the top down, rather than from the bottom up, regarding dimensions. In fact, it is telling that we can't even really discuss a point outside of dimension, nor imagine it, nor can we speak of a geometry of points, as there are no calculations to be had on a single thing. It is like saying simply "1" and being done with it.

But yes, good point. It is only hard if we assume that we'd be viewing things. from the bottom up. This is also clearly why we cannot envision an object in four dimensions even if we might be able to give a mathematical model (although generally not that great of one) for such an object, as we have no "top-to-bottom" experience with four dimensions.

"Re: I, certainly, agree with that. It should be clear, however, that there are two kinds of determinism. The first type of determinism is related to a finite number of causes operating on a finite number of objects in a finite extent of space and over a finite period of time. The second type of determinism is related to an infinite number of causes acting on an infinite number of objects in an infinite extent of space and over an infinite period of time. While it’s possible, in the former case, to predict future events with sufficient precision; it’s not possible at all, even in principle, to make accurate predictions in the latter case. In this sense, it can be said, with some justification, that infinity is the guarantor of freedom. "

Very true! For the whole scale of variables could never be known, hence, the impossibility of one hundred percent predictability on an existence-wide scale, even though each action would itself be casually locked and predictable.
"****Plato used the same basis to declare that there must be a transcendental realm - in other words you can view virtually everything in this world as a temporary phenomena, even our own material conception of self, so he postulated that this world was a shadow or reflection of a more substantial or real existence."

Yes. I recall the Platonic argument from change to the changeless. The difference is that wheras Plato proposed the Platonic Heaven, wherin the Forms reside, I propose that no such distinction need to be drawn, and attributes of changelessness and eternity and certainty can be found on the macroscopic scales of existence as an absolute.

****Then what is our relationship with the macroscopic?

"***This is a faulty definition - for instance an imagined snake and a real snake have something in common - they are not binary opposites, and of course neither are they the same."

For one, an imagined and real snake are not opposite in any sense but "imagined v. real". Nothingness and somethingness are necessarily oppposite from one another. Indeed, they are the only oppositions that make ultimate sense, for they can be said to be absolutely so, and without a necessity of relativity to their opposition, with somethingness never being able to be "nothingness" compared to "other somethingness", whereas tall can be short when compared to something taller.

That is to say, I fail to see what points you have to show that somethingness and nothing are not binary, absolute opposites, of one another?

***nothingness and somethingness are binary because you define the qualities of nothingness by the perception of somethingness (you draw up the definition of nothingness from the perception of somethingness) - whereas with the snake/rope both objects are perceived, hence are not binary

"****By logic one can know enough about god to apply the process of perceiving him - logic doesn't lead to direct perception - just like you can apply logic to the idea that there must be a civil manager in society (a king/president etc) because the public utilities are functioning etc etc - from that point one could apply a process to develop a personal relationship with the king once, or at the very least endeavour to collect information about his identity so one could apply ythe relevant process - in other words developing a relationship with a king doesn't even start as long as one is not sure whether the entity even exists or not"

Well it is a peculiar aspect of God/existence that one really does not need to establish a relationship with it, on the foundation that one is all ready apart of it.

****Even a beggar in a city has a relationship with the ruling authority, even if they don't know who the king is - in otherwords it is one thing to be existing within the benefits of a mangaement system and it is another to be developing a personal relationship with that managing authority

Existence implies oneself as well as God. God being the whole, oneself being one (of an ininite amount of) part (s). Also, he does not have qualities which would permit of relation in anyway

****Doesn't have qualities to permit a relationship? What are you perceiving in the name of god that would make you say that?

but how one has a relationship with the ground one walks on. That is to say, as God is not a being, you might as well have a relationship with a rock.

******Only if you assume that god is impersonal, like a rock - I mean you could draw up the same definition of a king - one who doesn't actually have a relationship with the king "interacts" with him by the social policies laws etc - doesn't mean the king doesn't have personal relationships, just that a person is not operating out of the correct paradigm to interact with him

"****In science they end their studies with god - in religion they begin with god - that is the only difference"

Since when does science ever touch upon God?

***If they follow the pursuit of truth long enough they will get there - Apparently they are making progress to uncovering the source of creation - actually this statement was a quote from a famous scientist (name escapes me)

"**Assuming of course that our mind and intelligence is an unlimited phenomena"

It clearly is unlimited in necessary truths. It is certainly impossible to ever know every single empirical fact, though.

****Therefore it is limited

"***Not sure how that requires a seperate definition from creation ..."

There is a difference betwixt those who mold out of clay and those who make the clay appear before molding.

****Now I see what you are saying - the answer is that the potency of both cause and effect are dependant on god

"****So some logic can lead to god and some logic cannot - just like some logic can lead to no distinction between a king and a prisioner and a more advanced logic does lead to a distinction."

No. Logic need only be followed to its end and we end up with truth. It is only the abuse of logic on contingent things without proper evaluation of those things which produces absurdity and error.

***Then if you apply logic to determine what a prisioner eats for breakfast can you extrapolilate those findings to dtermine what the king eats?

"****Logic can lead to the conviction that god exists - it arises from perceiving the symptoms of an orderly universe"

Order is one of the things that most unneeds a God. Order is the only logical possibility. Chaos in order to be chaos, would have to be incapable of being chaotic, by virtue that continued chaos is a species of order.

****Really? Take one step in a country without a stable government and you will know what chaos in the absence of conscious direction is (order) - where are those examples of order existing without consciousness that gives the basis for order not indicating consciousness?

"****God is never wrong - unlike newton he doesn't make mistakes - increase doesn't necessarily imply rectifying error in all circumstances - like if you make 100$ and the next day make $1000 its not that the $100 was wrong, it was simply less "

If you increase, it implies a lack before. All increasing, in fact, shows a limitation of a prior state. Therefore, God was flawed in one way, he was lacking something which has increased, and therefore God is to be considered degraded if he ever had a prior existence as something less than that which he is now.

***The analogy was given tyo illustrate how increase doesn't indicate failure or lacking - actually lacking is a quality of conditioned life and it is difficult for us to conceive of pleasure without suffering, but such dualities are not existent in transcendence

"****But you can not perceive whether spiritual bodies have form if you do not perceive the spiritual - just like a deep water fish has no experience of the medium of air, but that doesn't mean there is no such things as birds - in other words unless one has applied the appropriate epistemology to discern spiritual things that question cannot be answered by them."

If I take a fish out of the water, it experiences air. Where then is this transcendent realm, that we might not flop out of the ocean? And no, not simply training to "see things this way", but to see things objectively.

***If you take a fish out of the ocean you have just applied an epistemology for it to perceive the different medium

"***So I guess the first point is to establish whether there are eternal things in creation - and if those eternal things have no form, how did form (the material variety) develop from something that has no form?"

Well what is even a thing without a form? That seems like an insensible concept to begin with. Things have forms. To not have a form is not to be a thning. Unless you can show something which has no form yet exists.

****Therefore god has a form, but not a form like our conditional conception of self (temporary) - to talk of god not having form is absurd, and in fact contradictory

"****Whats is the substance of thought - are you implying the chemical quality of a "thought" (science cannot establish that thoughts are chemical to begin with) - how is this distinct from content?"

No. I was asking whether a transcendent thought is of transcent substance, a material thought of material substance. Or if both thoughts of transcendence and material are both transcendent in substance? I.E. What is a thought composed of?

****A thought is related to content - that content can be either spiritual or mundane - the process of thinking is the constant symptom of the living entity (which is transcendental by nature)

"****The fan example still holds up since the dead insect cannot kick its legs forever - or alternatively The body is a machine and it requires consciousness to move - in this circumstance it would be the consciousness of the person prodding the dead insect that causes it to move "

It might just as likely have been a gust of wind that induced the reaction.

****Then you would have to trace the cause of the wind, which leads to the previous consclusion - that all causes, if taken far enough, either arise in mysteriousness or consciousness

"****What exactly are the material things that produce consciousness - if a person with a leather glove hands you $100 did the glove give you $100 or the person?"

The glove is around an organic hand that is controlled by the entity that is created by that body. But what are material things that produce consciousness? Lifeforms.

*****Only conscious life forms though - a baby born dead a baby born alive are both composed of the same material componants

"****Just like heat comes and goes from a fire - the source is constant but the symptoms may or may not be constant - so just as heat, whether greater or lesser is always a constant of fire, thoughts are always constantly happening as long as one is consciousness - just try and stop thinking for a moment to see if this statement is false"

Yet here you have a species of the ephmeral in the transcedent, that is, the capacity for transcendence to have something non-eternal about it, I.E. thoughts that come and go. Moreover, simply because the process of thought-to-thought may be perpetual, does not mean that the individual thoughts are.

****I never said the thoughts were - just like measuring the temperature 50cm from a fire can vary due to changes, but the emmanating heat, regardless of the variety indicates the fire - in the same way the flow of thoughts indicates consciousness - dead people don't think.

Just because every day is followed by another, does not mean that each day lasts forever. THat is to say, this seems to be a complete and utterly transcendent thing - thoughts - which come and go, have a genesis and a termination, and therefore is not eternal.

****But the process of thinking is constant

If the transient can so exist in transcendence, does not the idea that "all transcendent things are eternal" come crashing down? For here we have something which is of wholly transcendent character but of extreme temporality.

**So if a person notices fluctuation in the temperature of fire over a period of 24 hours it indicates that it wasn't actually a constant fire during that 24 hour period?

Also, it is possible to still the thoughts, in two ways: 1. Sleep/unconsciousness. 2. Meditation. I have done both, though the second takes time and effort.

***Just proves that the process of thinking is constant because it is a symptom of consciousness

"In that the soul is eternal whereas the mind is temporary and based on individuated life?


So the real distinction is not betwixt body and mind, but body and soul?


"*** Then why if those conditions are materially reproduced without consciousness, consciousness does not take place?"

By definition such could not happen, unless casuality is an arbitrary process, which I'd argue is nonsense.

Do you have any proof of there ever being a constructed lifeform that somehow did not manifest conciousness by virtue of being alive and set and everything?

*****Well if it was alive it has consciousness
"*****So if one can perceive a will in the universe what does that indicate? The fact that the universe operates in certain ways and not in others (like the sun always appears in the east etc) indicates a will."

We human beings see many things in many things. Some human beings seen jesus Christ in potato chips, others the blessed virgin Mary in grilled-cheese sandwiches.

***Everyone who is possessed of sanity sees the sun rise in the east however

That some people might affirm that there is a will in the universe is irrelevant. For one, they must prove that there is a will. Similarly, you must prove there is one, for how does the universe's operation imply a will?

***Order indicates will, unless you can provide an example of willess order

We have natural laws, not a consciousness, to account for how things react. Similarly, how do you perceive a will's action but for the acts of those things which are not caused by a will?

****Where is the evidence of laws without a law maker?

"*****Result is dependant on god just as sunshine is dependant on the sun - just like in a household where one person is earning all the money, if anyone buys a nything they buy it with his money "

Well let me ask you this: Which position do you take? That God and the law of result are one in the same thing - that is to say, that Law of Result is part of God as his omniscience or omnipresence is - or that God created the law of result?

***the law of result is an indication of god's will

"***God always exists and we have always existed - just like as long as a fire exists heat always exists - there is no chronological difference between the "appearance" of the fire and heat - the difference is that heat is caused by the fire - it is due to the fire's existence that the heat is in existence - without the fire there is no question of heat"

Yet it would stand to reason that if we were not what we are, then God would be rather like a cause without an effect, that is to say, non-existence. In Buddhism there is a concept of "co-dependent origination", which postulates that due to the necessary connection betwixt cause and effect, that one cannot speak of them divorced, and that in some ways, effect causes-cause. This seems to be the case here. For without what we are, God could not be.

***Therefore we are eternal fragmental parts of consciousness - we have no ability to cease our cosnciousnes (in the big picture) , and having endowed us with consciousness god willnot revoke it

What is fire without heat? Well, certainly not fire.

***But the heat is dependant on fire - heat is affected by manipulatingthe fire - the fire is not affected by manipulating the heat

"****Isn't relation a quality of consciousness, since it is consciousness which dtermines that bridge be found in a piece of wood"

No, in that physical properties are changed when put in different relations. That is to say, a bridge is not to be found in any plank of wood and therefore is something entirely different, namely an entity that is composed of that wood arranged in such a way, and it is that arrangement, which cannot be found in any individual plank, that is what gives it this whole new different physical property.

***But that changing process occurs by consciousness - the tree doesn't transform into a bridge or house by itself

Consciousness certainly allows us to -recognize- this, though, just like it allows us to recognize anything.

**Consciousness allows us also to manipulate things too, or at least gives us the desire to, and if circumstances (ie providence) permits we are successful

"But yes, I actually agree with you that we might call existence God. Where we disagree is whether God/existence have a quality called "transcendence" and various other points.

***a further point is the discussion of the variety of consciousness "

How so?

***just because we exist and god exists or so many other things exist it doesn't mean existence equates with god - it may be more correct to say that existence indicates the potency of god -

"*****Why not? It raises the question how such an antity could be god in the true sense if there are potencies greater than him - of course, as I seem to be saying quite a lot here, such a view is enetertined by taking one's own ontology as a yard stick for determining gods, which is fallacious"

If God can break casuality, he cannot cause something, for that cause requires causality itself. And what foundation could we even postulate that God has an ability to so warp reality?

***"reality" is dependant on god - in otherwords the substance of existence is a conscomitant factor of god's existence

"*****Well there is certainly no other example of an object with causeless or eternal qualities that can account for the vaiety of perceivable phenomena arrayed before us."

I would argue there is no example of any object which is causeless to begin with, only eternal. Eternal must still have a cause, even if it demands its eternity.

But anyway, if you know of something causeless, demonstrate this thing and show how it is to be construed as causeless?

***This requires knowledge of god - and knowledge requires the application of an epistemology - I only brought this up (previous comments) to indicate how god is a logical answer to causeless eternal existence, something distinct from our own excistence - as for proof, the closest thing a conditioned entity can come to perceiving eternity is constantness, and there is no perception of anything constant for a conditioned soul, except their own sens eof "I"

"*****Except that we see that many things, in fact all things, have causes - this however doesn't address the origin of tempral things"

According to the theory you agreed to, we individual minds do not cause the conscious actions, but God meditates betwixt the mind and body to facilitate the casual connection in regards to our wishes. If such is the case, there is indeed cause, but the cause is utterly different than what we thought. But then if even the origin of the causes could be so obscured, how do we know that such a cause even truly exists?

*****Just because it is obscured doesn't mean it can't be unobscured - ontology requires epistemology

David Hume pointed out that there is nothing inherent in any causal relationship which could not theoretically be considered to be simply an accident of occurrence. That there was nothing necessary in any interaction that demanded the end result. That casuality was a habit, not a fact. Whereas I disagree with this and have written my own refutation,

****yes it certainly is a foolish philosophy, and indicates the status of the contempoary thinking elite that such a notion could be given creedence

I nevertheless ask you to demonstrate why casuality must be so in any situation, even when we know the apparent cause?

For as Leibniz reminds us, though we may see a ball striking another ball and both go flying, how does one object give its properties over to another?

***A foolish person sees a car and thinks it is travelling by its own potency - an intelligent person knows it has a pilot - to make a conclusion of causeless requires ignorance - - as for the balls, one is active and the other is submissive - a influences B, Binfluences A or A and B mitigate each other's potencies.

"*****Its obvious how consciousness is divorced from matter - it may not be obvious how matter emmanates from god, since as the cause of all causes there are very good reasons for him not being a commonly perceivable object "

It is not obvious at all. Conscious beings are only known to be material, and even supposed ghosts have electromagnetic properties which would make them material, if not amorphous.

****- in both cases they are consciousness inhabiting matter , whether subtle or gross -

Similarly, it is only held commonly that the mind and body are distinct. Entire schools of thought - materialism and idealism - are devoted to the fact that only one of these essences are real.

***One can have anything in the name of theory - but consciousness is still evasive to a material definition - even if it is seen to only inhabit material bodies - its just like perceiving the shirt as non different from the body

"****Therefore our seperation from god is illusion (for us of course) and illusion is the precise facility offerred by dull matter for the living entity (again this opportunity for illusion is granted by god since he manifests the medium for illusion)"

No, our separation from God must assuredly be real in part.That is to say, it is clear we are separate beings, distinct from God, and that the universe is not united in our being, and even if all of existence is singular in nature and encapsulated as one thing, it still has internal parts, which are as important as the whole.

***I see the error of terminology - we are eternally seperate in the sense that we are indidual and god is individual - but we can be aware of god (liberated) or unaware of god (conditioned) - in other words seperation from god, in the sense that we do not perceive god's existence, is due to illusion because he is actually integral to our existence (we are dependent on him)

"*****The absolute cause is practical - if there is no water what will you drink- our necessities for living are provided not by industry or enterprise but by superior powers of management"

That is rather nonsensical, do not you think? For if we did not act ourselves, we would not be fed or given water.

***The result is given by providence, but it also requires endeavour - just like you must plant seeds to harvest a crop and it must be watered to grow - merely planting seeds is not enough

Indeed, if we did not make our lot greater, we'd live even on the level of beasts, or worse. But yes, we are somehow dependent on the natural world for our sustenance, but the world does not give, it only is, and we must take.

****But it doesn't give us all the time - eg - drought

But as to what is the cause of water, it is very easy: The cause of water is its molecular structure.

**And what is the cause of the molecular structure?

"****The dead bodies of trees - hence wooden houses owe their cause to consciousness since the wood was not manufactured and the builders were also conscious"

Growth is not a result of conscious action even if it comes from a conscious being (a tree).

****Do dead trees grow

We do not will ourselves to grow, nor do trees do so.

***But the moment we die we stop growing - its caleld acintya sakti -inconceivable potency of the living entity - just like a cow produces milk by eating grass - can any scientist produce millk from grass?

Moreover, relations exist outside of conscious interaction in manyways. All atomic structures are relational in nature. And if you want to go back to human examples, let's just replace "wood" with "stone". Stone is not conscious.

***Then it is still conscious because it requires a stone mason to create a stone house - and in the case of a cave the cause becomes mysterious since we cannot trace the cause of geological formations - hence all causes are either dependant on mystery or consciounsess

"*****So receiving $1000 becomes horrible after receiving $10 0000? The point about godis thathe never suffers loss or degradation -hence the amounts are always increasing"

It is less joyous for a man with 10,000 dollars than one who has 1 dollar.

***But it is not traumatic or horrible

Moreover, even if God is always increasing, it does not matter. His -past- states are less than the present. This implies -perpetual- lack if the process is perpetual. God becomes then the essence of limitation.

***First you have to establish that increase indicates lack -

"****Anymore that the person who our mother calls husband is our father"

Which is so very often the case not the father of the child! Hence the Jewish laws regarding the mother being the source of Jewishness (as she knows for sure!).

***Then the paradigm of authority is crooked and aperson's direct perception of who is their father or not is not of any value

But no, it is not even this certain. Whereas we can reasonably conclude our mother's husband is our father, specifically when she declares him such, and he acts such, we cannot know if God is the cause of anything, because he does not reveal himself, nor does he seem really capable of causing anything.

****But he is revealed by authorites, just as the mother reveals the father's identity, or at the least has the capacity to do so

"****Actually we have no potency beyond the ability to desire, that is why whatever we have in the name of potency or assets can be lost in an instant - despite the desire (material desire) to lord it over material nature we are never properly situated on such a platform(although there is false confidence which may dictate otherwise)"

What about our capacity to put that desire into action? Surely we do not have an absolute power of doing so, but we have enough power to greatly impact our enviroment, and even if God is quite above this, we still do have power.

***Only if god gives the facility to act

"*****Ithink I have lost the thread of this ..... Application or fullknowledge of what?"

Anything God teaches us.

****He gives full knowledge for the distinction between illusion and reality

"*****How could free willbe perfect if you didn't have the opportunity to make mistakes? I thinkI have already established before that god has more free will than us because he never operates out of a superior paradigm (ie conditioned life)"

Our free will can be quite perfect if God's free will is perfect without the capacity to make mistakes.

***That is called liberated or perfectional existence

You claim that he is perfect, makes no mistake, yet is free. Why can not have the same?

***we are under the jurisdiction of god - god is not under any one's jurisdiction - just like a citizen and a king both have free will but the king is superior and the citizen can either exhibit the free will of a prisioner or a normal citizen

You admit that free will is not categorically impossible to have with full perfection.

***for the catergory of god

"****Depends on your level of illusion - for instance suppose in the terror of jumping from the rope snake you brushed against a rose thorn and then started moaning how you have only moments left to live since you were bitten by a poisonous snake ... this is effectively what people do in conditioned life under illusion - get all excited with the prospect of acquiring things that cause lamentation when they eventually leave"

The act still does not demonstrate an illusion's power to do anything actual. The key word he is illusionary. The man will not die from the rose thorn. Similarly, even if things are temporal like this, and do not have importance "in the scope of eternity", and can "cause myriad lamentations and rejoicings", we nonetheless exist in a very real world that does have real consequences to us in the present, if not eternally.

***therefore conditional life, whether in heaven or hell, is like a virtual reality machine that doesn't actually bear any effect on the soul

"*****Well he gives instruction through scripture - if you don't apply your free will to that, for whatever reason, who's fault is it? In otherwords is god's position in this world nothing more than a personal servant in our gardens of enjoyment?"

If God is perfect, yes. Yes indeed. For if he cannot accomplish his aims - to instruct us "through scripture" - then he cannot be perfect.

***But that instruction requires co-operation not legislation - like suppose a newly married man threaten to beat his wife unless she loved him - even if she did love him she would hate him if she was forced to operate out of that demand - teaching requires education not legislation

"*****that perfect creation exists in the spiritualworld -the alternative is what we have before us - the alternative is required for free will to exist"

You are contradicting yourself sorely here, Light Gigantic. You now claim that "the alternative is what we have before us - the alternative is required for free will to exist" yet then claim that God is free without that alternative! Clearly then, you are wrong.

***I was talking about the free will of the living entity - I established earlier that god's free will is different because he is without any superior

"*****Temporarily one can situate oneself on that platform but because we have an enjoying spirit (part of god's quality) soon or later we will apply that enjoying spirit to either spirit or matter according to whether we are liberated or conditioned - repression accomplishes nothing - it is only by perceiving the higher quality of enjoyment of superior things that one is empowered to renounce inferiot things - repression accomplishes nothing - even if one has the most horrible experience from the pursuit of inferior enjoyment they will be forced to seek the same means by the enjoying nature - the classic example is sex life"

Why should we not enjoy matter and simply accept that the joys of matter - which I, for one, am willing to proclaim are a thousand times more valuable than any joys taken from the spiritual - also come with sorrows?

***What are those spiritual joys you have acquired?

It seems like a God. We can take the inferior spiritual route, which offers "joy" that entails annihilation but no suffering, or we can take the joy of the material world which also implies suffering.

****Annihilation? I am not sure how thatrelates to spiritual pleasure - unless it s the annhilation of ignorance

What is higher about "the enjoyment of spiritual things"?

**They don't innvolve suffering as a concomitant factor

"*****But those physical foundationson which life is assumed to exist do not define life - ino therwords we weep bitterly when a person dies but in truth we never perceived "what" they essentially were"

HOw do they not define life? Brain functioning and heart beat is how we determine whether someone is alive or not! Similarly, when they cease, the consciousness which we interact with is gone. Poof. Like dust blown hither and yon by an errant wind.

***But the heart beat and brain functions do not give us adequate definitions of consciousness - at least that is th eopinion of reserachers in the field

"*****They are bogus teachings, or at best aimed at giving an introductory start to persons who are too grossly attached to material things - just like driving around at night time with no head lights is dangerous and the best advice is to simply say "Don't move anywhere" - but our nature dictates that we must move because the spirit soul is active nature - we cannotstop thought"

I must affirm the opposite. Not only can we stop thought, we can do so for extended periods. It takes practices and effort, but it can be done. I myself have accomplished it for minutes at a time. Others are said to have been able to do it for days. I have even found that the awareness of our senses even decreases, to the point where I went very temporarily blind. Moreover, my friend has been able to meditate so intently as to completley miss 8 hours of his life.

***8 hours is a long distance from eternity

"*****And isn't there a sense of happiness in gettingsomething right and failure in getting something wrong - in otherwords isn't there an intrinsic quality of bliss behind truth - and even if the truth is unpleasant we tend to value it? "

We can indeed enjoy the truth. It is not a prerequisite, though. One could accimliate - though I see no reason oneself - to not finding any pleasure in anything, simply accepting it. A computer, for instance, could care less if it computes rightly or wrongly, whether it has attained truth or error.

***Therefore computesr are not conscious - actually we are not matter, no matter how much we try and pretend to be

"*****So just as a dreaming self is temporal so is the waking self temporal to the spirit self"

You must prove the spirit self. Present it to us? And if the spirit self only has manifestation in the identities of the normal self, is it really even a self?

****The three states of consciousness indicate a fourth otherwise movement between them wouldn't be possible

"***Therefore the memory must be stored in a superior system than the one we tend to operate out of in daily life (the mind)"

Not necessarily. It must simply be that the mind can be damaged and repair, like a body can. That is to say, must we speak of a "superior building" if a door way crumbles in an Earthquake and until we clear the rubble and thus establish a new doorway, we cannot access the room obscured by the door way? Certainly not.

***If you want to re-establish what was in the room it requires more than reconstructing the door way

"****So what "door" are we operating out of while we have lost the key (unless there is a more subtle system we work out of than the mind and intelligence, since these are seen to fluctuate due to amnesia etc)"

The doors to aspects of our mind. Evidently, memories are stored in such a place as to be able to be blocked from retrieval. This requires no other subtle system.

***that's my point - they are retrieved from a superior entity than "mind"

"****While we are dreaming the waking self appears false and when we are awake the dreaming self appears false - its a paradox unless you accept a third party"

Actually, we rare evaluate the waking self. In fact, when we do, we realize what we are in is a dream, and either wake up or achieve a lucid state. This would imply a greater realism to the waking self. Similarly, it does not require a third party whatsoever even if what you said were true, on the foundation that any self one could be would feel more real than any other self one might be.

The mind is simply tricked in a dream into believing what is presented to it.

**how is that different from the waking self?

We take on any new identity we might have due to the circumstances of the dream. This does not imply that we must be a spiritual entity, only that the mind may accept things. Moreover, one will note that one is still a mind in a dream, not a "spirit".

***spirit is indicated by the movement between different states of "I"

"***If it is an existence outside the parameters of the corporeal body, inclusing mind and intelligence, it sounds pretty transcendenta l to me"

So long as spiritual essence is not material. Which it well could be and indeed, the phenoma associated with ghosts seems to indicate.

***ghosts aren't spiritual

For how can it be a spirit - devoid of all matter - if it can make noises and footsteps and move things around, as ghosts are said to do? Or interact with electronics? But anyway, again, I am not a parapsychologist.

***modern science does not perceive subtle matter, what to speak of spiritual matter, because it deals only with gross matter

"***** Fevers and bed wetting affects the mind "

Precisely. A material thing impacting the mind, which impacts the dreaming. It therefore proves that dreaming have physical basis.

****hence a differentiation between subtle and gross matter

"***Imagination and the subtle body workson different principles than corporeal existence, hence it is distinct"

They are distinct in a relative sense, but in an absolute sense? Where would the mind be without the body that holds it?

***A subtle (not spiritual) entity .... What would the body be without the mind?

"***So isn't this a third state outside of the previous two - dreaming and being awake - and doesn't this also imply a 4th state since there is the same consciousness going through all these three states?"

Not at all. We simply are not there when we are in a dreamless sleep or otherwise unconscious. That is to say, the mind itself slumbers then, to awaken to awareness again only when the mind is called upon.

***then why are we aware of the unawareness

"*****Admittedly identifying with the mind is a superior existence than identifying with the body, but its not a matter of identifying with the hands or feet but identifying with the situation of the body (Irish, male, young / old etc) that gives bodily identification - if you ask a person who they are they will give you information that pertains to thebody in over 99.9999% of circumstances - hence people do actually identify with the body more commonly"

In that one's identity is closely shaped by one's life conditions, this is natural. This does not imply that we view ourselves as the body, though. That is to say, the same as the body itself, and not as a consciousness which inhabits the body and which is the actions behind the body. But that our identities make up who we are mentally is certainly true and thus our life shapes us. But implied in all our identities is the sense of that mental being which primarily constitutes what we are, but that mental being -is- that being which is Irish, male, young, or whatever the case must be.

***Then why is it possible for an irish man to appreciate the poetry of a 16th century japanese woman uinless there was a common ground?

"****I am not familiar with this happening to people who are not senile or suffering from a similar impediment - in other words it doesn't illustrate normal beahviour"

People who are deprived of sleep display this behaviour, in that their bodies so demand sleep they can be doing something and the next minute wake up with no recollection of falling asleep, or even just continue on as if they didn't realize they were asleep at all. I have spoken to people on the phone, for instance, who were tired as hell, fell asleep, and which when I repeatedly went "hello?" or even started pressing numbers on the dial pad, they woke up with a start, unaware that they even fell asleep.

Generally, sleep comes gradually, so this does not occur. It also generally requires us to stop things in order to fall asleep.

**but we are still aware of it

"***but even without these things we can still recognise that a gap in our consciousness has taken place, otherwise it would be just like blinking our eyes if we didn't have access to this third state of consciousness"

We can recognize there was a gap in our consciousness only from the fact that we will feel startled into waking life again. We do not the awareness of the gap, nor even necessarily of its length. In fact, we certainly do not, as we have no perception whatsoever of the exact time we were out, nor do we remember the moment of falling asleep. In a totally white room, as I mentioned, we could not say whether we slept for a minute or 24 hours. That is to say, there is no third state of consciousness, only waking consciousness and dreaming consciousness, and really, the only difference betwixt the twain is one experiences waking life, the other dreaming life.

***even if we didn't know how long or when it happened we would know it had in fact happened

"*****The successful performance of sva sharma can lead to sanatana dharma but sanatana dharma is superior and can transgress the former - the same cannot be said of sva dharma - in otherwords sva dharma is not evidence of the perfection of spiritual life"

So therefore one can be a good material person, but not be good spiritually?


"***Yes - this is why one requires expert guidance in the performance of religious principles rather than just taking a scripture and trying to make sense of it"

If a law of society is different from the law of spirit, should we then follow this law of spirit?

***for superior gain

"*****Which is why non violence is catergorised as apadharma - or a nearness to dharma - other apadharmas are benevolence, self control etc etc - actual dharma is surrender to god - this is the only activity that saves one from the paradox of result - or the continuing cycle of birth and death in the material world due to previous activities - hence a person does not achieve moksha by apadharma but by sanatana dharma"

How does this save one? Is it even possible to surrender to God, in that we must act, no matter what? Moreover, why is it even a valuable thing? For in the end, we die if we take this route! We have eternal life in reincarnation, but eternal death if we seek annihilation!

***who said anything about annhilation - you seem to operating out of a buddhist conclusion, which I would say only gives information up to the point of liberation - they don't have evidence of the activities of liberation

"*****If theer are varieties of whimsy there are varieties of application - for instance when the USA abolished liquor in the 1920's in simply went underground and supported the mafia so it was re-introduced - in other words if people are so sold out to bad habits socialmanagement bodies regulate it since banning it does not deliver desirable results"

Yet a spiritual belief must be unified and concise over all boundaries, lest it is not true. To say that it is okay to follow such and such a religion, and such and such rules, "on one level", demands that this level is false, and in fact, the entire system demands falsehood. In either case, no truth can be found in it.

***1+1=2 is true in higher and lower mathmatics - foundations can build on foundations to establish superior foundations - and if there is an error in the primary foundation all subsequent foundations are faulty

"*****But concomitant factors of material enjoyment is material suffering - a person who is akincina,or finished with the business of tryiongto squeeze out some sort of pleasure from material life is properly qualified to perform spiritual life"

Better to reign in Hell than to rule in Heaven, if in Hell one has joy along with suffering, and in Heaven only nothing.

****Fortunately heaven is composed of things of a superior quality

"*****Short term enjoyment is the enjoyment of the less intelligent"

Not particularly. One can ask what is the use of benefit if not to be used? Even long-term benefit wants to eventually be used and cannot persist, so is it not taste? One could say that one great big celebration is better than many celebrations over a long time. Some people are of this character.

***How about an eternal celebration compared to a brief celebration which is followed by being beaten by a stick - inotherwords death is the final word on all material endeavours and only a fool seeks pleasure in such things as the all in all and summum bonum of life

"***My point is that as long as they perceive a rope as a snake no amount of close inspection will reveal anything - it requires a break out of illusory consciousness to directly perceive the truth - in conditioned life we are effectively running away from teh rope despite claims of authority that it is only a rope - "

It is only through the improper evaluation of an object that we are deluded. We require no authority to say "I shall make sure to know everything and not assume" and then to carry that out and figure out what is real and what is not. A rope, if it is a rope, can be found out to be a rope. Authorities could help us, but even they can only point the way, as we must do the realization. Authorities then are at best superfluous, but alsp helpful and practical at times.

***no amount of close inspection will reveal a rope to be a rope for a pewrson who thinks it is a snake

"***Only if the eatables are provided from god for you to buy - money tastes horrible and doesn't have much nutritional value"

Provided from God? No. Provided from men. From farmers, from butchers. And if they have no food, it is simply nature

***And what is the cause of nature - again - either mysteriorus or conscious

that has done so, not God. God provides nothing. If anything, existence is proof that God does not care, for it is completely apathetic to our well being and happiness. Rivers of milk and honey do not spring at our feet.

***either that or we are awarded results according to our past activities

"*****God also gives us intelligence, as well as camels and eatables - is it faithlessness to properly use things in the way that are meant?"

Yes. For none of them rely on God and if we did rely only on God, we'd die. In fact, to rely on God for even a single thing is impossible, for even we must breath.

***therefore the capacity for breath is given by god - god is the ability in the living entity - otherwise we would be 100% successful in all our endeavours -

"****No because the spiritual spark is not perceived by a person infatutaed by the bodily conscpet of life anymore than a person can see the driver of a car on a dark stormy night that fogs up the windscreen"

If the person has the knowledge of spiritual sparks, he can certainly perceive it, even if he wants to have sex with that creature which has that spark. In fact, recognition of a spiritual aspect to anything does not make it beyond the capacity to lust after, and indeed, could even be something we want.

****A person infected by material consciousness cannot perceive spiritual things just as jaundice makes sweet things appear bitter

"****But this process of not wearing any glasses is given by purification - the perfection of religion is to perceive the self with direct perecption (raja vidyam raja guhyam pavitram idam uttamam -bhagavad gita)"

In what way does this accomplish "direct perception of the self"? And if religion does this, as you claim, good, for then religion has incorporated philosophy. It is philosophical awareness that allows us any such things.

***therefore the highest philosophy is found in religion, at least religion properly qualified

"*****religion pertains to god - god pertains to the absolute truth - the absolute truth contains all relative truths - inotherwords all other prevalued systems can be accommodated by religion but the same cannot be said of other prevalued systems"

The problem is that religion assumes before it investigates. Unless vindicated by philosophy, religion's claims are just like wearing any other glasses.

****Therefore religion has philosophy just to enable us to appreciate its authority

Moreover, religion can even be so constructed as to rig the results in its favour. For instance, consider the common saying that God answers all prayers. Well clearly he does not! But the response is: Well he can say no! So then the concept becomes meaningless, because one can say God answers yes sometimes, no other times, or in essence, prayer is not all certain. These types of delusions infect the minds of the holders and are not just accidental to religion, but in fact it is true that all all religious paradigms inspire one to view things in light of their doctrines and hence produce such things as above. Instead of viewing things objectively, we resort back to the text, telling us how we should view things. How should we know whether we should view things that way? We do not! Therefore we must investigate before we can, and thus we cannot trust religion until philosophy vindicates it, which in turn, means we cannot really trust religion at all, just philosophy.

***The application of religious principles gives rise for opportunities for investigation - there are varieties of religious practioners on varieties of levels of perfection - for instance god answering prayers depends on one's relationship with god - like th e president listens to the people - just because he didn't respond to a street bum's plea doesn't mean he didn't listen to his child - in other words god is a creature of reciprocation

"***Just like one can see the sun and also other objects when the sun rises, with theperception of god, god becomes apparaent along with other objects -"

Yet if you must accept certain things as "being of God" without justification, then one is simply deluding oneself.

****That's right , therefore spiritual life innvolves an assessment of the qualities of god and god consciousness to dtermine whether what one is seeing is in fact the truth or one's mind - for instance if I am spontaneously attracted to money , fame and adoration I should know that i am not qualified to see spiritual things
Bowser said:
My view is that those attributes and those perception cannot exist independent of the larger whole. They too are a creation of that to which we owe our existence. In that a theologist can see the infinite attributes of God beyond human endeavore.
It seems that they are suggesting that God is greater than the parts and responsible for the whole. How can we deny that there is something larger than us? In essence, that is God's infinite being.


Hi Bowser:

The only possible 'larger whole', in this case, is the Universe. And obviously the Universe cannot create any of its parts. That is impossible. The 'WHOLE' cannot exist or come before its 'PARTS'. It's just impossible. Is this clear?


"****Then what is our relationship with the macroscopic?"

We are parts of the whole.

"***nothingness and somethingness are binary because you define the qualities of nothingness by the perception of somethingness (you draw up the definition of nothingness from the perception of somethingness) - whereas with the snake/rope both objects are perceived, hence are not binary"

I fail to see how this is an issue? Or what point you have to make here that refutes my statements?

"****Even a beggar in a city has a relationship with the ruling authority, even if they don't know who the king is - in otherwords it is one thing to be existing within the benefits of a mangaement system and it is another to be developing a personal relationship with that managing authority"

Can one have a "personal relationship" with the Earth? Or an inanimate object?

"****Doesn't have qualities to permit a relationship? What are you perceiving in the name of god that would make you say that?"

A lack of consciousness, a lack of personality, et cetera, et cetera.

"******Only if you assume that god is impersonal, like a rock - I mean you could draw up the same definition of a king - one who doesn't actually have a relationship with the king "interacts" with him by the social policies laws etc - doesn't mean the king doesn't have personal relationships, just that a person is not operating out of the correct paradigm to interact with him"

I would claim that it is by necessity that we construe God as inanimate and impersonal. For as I have argued - and if you would like, please argue against this - omniscience implies an incapacity to think, as does omnipresence, and various other attributes.

"***If they follow the pursuit of truth long enough they will get there - Apparently they are making progress to uncovering the source of creation - actually this statement was a quote from a famous scientist (name escapes me)"

It was a paraphrase of Einstein's idea that the longer you study physics, the closer you get to metaphysics, as it were.

But no, I strongly doubt that the "point of creation" willk reveal a "creator" - for the concept is exceedingly absurd - nor will science agree to it being considered "a creation" in the strong sense that there are not other universes out there.

"****Therefore it is limited"

It is limited in the empirical realm by virtue of the infinite facts capable of being known. However, theoretically it could learn all of these things, given an infinite period of time with infinite effort.

"****Now I see what you are saying - the answer is that the potency of both cause and effect are dependant on god"

How so and what precisely do you mean? Moreover, how does God give potency to cause and effect if neither cause and effect are eternal laws, which would allow God to create causes and get effects?

"***Then if you apply logic to determine what a prisioner eats for breakfast can you extrapolilate those findings to dtermine what the king eats?"

In a very basic way, yes. In a precise way, no. But this, again, is what I was speaking of: Improper evaluation. Moreover, this does not imply that human philosophy is incapable of explaining God fully. Considering God must be construed as the necessary and perfect being in order to be a subject of philosophic reasoning, if not, he is an empirical being and also contingent.

"****Really? Take one step in a country without a stable government and you will know what chaos in the absence of conscious direction is (order) - where are those examples of order existing without consciousness that gives the basis for order not indicating consciousness?"

The natural universe is a prime example. In fact, as noted, chaos is impossible to exist. And even chaos in government is a relative conception. It is not true randomness, just everything is in conflict. Chaos in a cosmological sense would mean "utter randomness". That is, randomness which is random, I.E. could not even retain its randomness, hence, impossible.

"***The analogy was given tyo illustrate how increase doesn't indicate failure or lacking - actually lacking is a quality of conditioned life and it is difficult for us to conceive of pleasure without suffering, but such dualities are not existent in transcendence "

Answer me this question: A man has 1,000 dollars on Monday. By Friday, he has 10,000 dollars. Was he not poorer than on Monday compared to Friday? Was he not lesser on Monday than on Friday in terms of wealth? And if on the next Tuesday, he has 100,000 dollars, even moreso?

"***If you take a fish out of the ocean you have just applied an epistemology for it to perceive the different medium"

Then what epistemology must we use which can be deemed to be valid?

"****Therefore god has a form, but not a form like our conditional conception of self (temporary) - to talk of god not having form is absurd, and in fact contradictory"

I would agree that to speak of a formless God is contradictory. But what is the nature of God's form?

"****A thought is related to content - that content can be either spiritual or mundane - the process of thinking is the constant symptom of the living entity (which is transcendental by nature)"

So a material thought is made of matter, a transcendent thought made of transcendence?

"****Then you would have to trace the cause of the wind, which leads to the previous consclusion - that all causes, if taken far enough, either arise in mysteriousness or consciousness"

Do you affirm that if the cause of "mysterious" - which is nonsensical really, as we do know much about it - is not necessarily conscious? That is to say, if it is mysterious, taht there is no reason to suggest is conscious? And again, that even consciousness has a cause in thoughts which and other casual events, that if one were to go back and back, would have an infinite foundation, just like the "mysterious" causes?

"*****Only conscious life forms though - a baby born dead a baby born alive are both composed of the same material componants"

Yes, I should have qualified "alive lifeform". That is to say, one which still retains the consciousness which you speak of. But consciousness does not -create- life. Life creates consciousness. That is to say, a thing is alive and it is conscious. But yes, nothing which is alive which is not conscious, as consciousness is the prime way we determine whether something is alive or whether it is dead, for the absence of consciousness - even a horribly disfigured and destroyed one, such as in the case of those with brain injuries - is the absence of life.

"****I never said the thoughts were - just like measuring the temperature 50cm from a fire can vary due to changes, but the emmanating heat, regardless of the variety indicates the fire - in the same way the flow of thoughts indicates consciousness - dead people don't think."

Dead people don't think, yes. But the process of thinking has individuated experiences of thought in it, which are not perpetual, even if the process of thought may be on-going.

"****But the process of thinking is constant"

With the exclusion of meditation and other processes of stilling the mind, I shall agree, yes. But again, it is important to note the thoughts are not, and if they are transcendent....

"**So if a person notices fluctuation in the temperature of fire over a period of 24 hours it indicates that it wasn't actually a constant fire during that 24 hour period?"

By definition, yes, it was not a constant flame. It was a wavering one.

"***Just proves that the process of thinking is constant because it is a symptom of consciousness"

How does being able to still the thoughts?

"In that the soul is eternal whereas the mind is temporary and based on individuated life?


So the real distinction is not betwixt body and mind, but body and soul?


So how then does the -soul- interact with the body and, ontop of that, the mind?

"*****Well if it was alive it has consciousness "

Precisely. When the conditions exist, life exists.

More to come.

"***Everyone who is possessed of sanity sees the sun rise in the east however"

And none of sanity see a will.

"***Order indicates will, unless you can provide an example of willess order"

See mya rguments above.

"****Where is the evidence of laws without a law maker?"

The universe. They show no sign of a conscious design, although it shall be freely admitted that they do not deny this, either. But absent evidence cannot be counted.

"***the law of result is an indication of god's will"

How precisely do you figure?

"***Therefore we are eternal fragmental parts of consciousness - we have no ability to cease our cosnciousnes (in the big picture) , and having endowed us with consciousness god willnot revoke it"

We can indeed cease our consciousness through simply going to sleep! And not only that, but there is no indication that God gave us consciousness, even in your own theories. For didn't you say that it was out of free-will and desire that we split off God, or some such stuff?

"***But the heat is dependant on fire - heat is affected by manipulatingthe fire - the fire is not affected by manipulating the heat"

This so much is true. That being said, remove all of the heat from the fire, and you have no fire - for fire must be hot in order to be flame. Therefore, to remove the parts which necessitate God, is to remove God. God then cannot remove his parts lest he cease to be God.

"***But that changing process occurs by consciousness - the tree doesn't transform into a bridge or house by itself"

That specific example is caused by human engenuity, yes.

"**Consciousness allows us also to manipulate things too, or at least gives us the desire to, and if circumstances (ie providence) permits we are successful"

That so much is agreed. But there are also non-man made relations. In fact, the majority of relations are not man made at all. Every atom is a relation of its quarks, every mountain a relation of its stones...

"***just because we exist and god exists or so many other things exist it doesn't mean existence equates with god - it may be more correct to say that existence indicates the potency of god - "

What is beyond existence? If all which is, exists, and God is all which is, then God is not that which is beyond existence, because he -is- existence. To speak of something beyond that which exists, is to speak of nothing, which does not exist.

More to come.

"***"reality" is dependant on god - in otherwords the substance of existence is a conscomitant factor of god's existence"

What proof do you have of this?

"***This requires knowledge of god - and knowledge requires the application of an epistemology - I only brought this up (previous comments) to indicate how god is a logical answer to causeless eternal existence, something distinct from our own excistence - as for proof, the closest thing a conditioned entity can come to perceiving eternity is constantness, and there is no perception of anything constant for a conditioned soul, except their own sens eof "I""

How do you figure that eternity is to be construed as "constantness" in the sense of the "I"?

But you admit that without changing epistemologies, you cannot show that God can be causeless?

"*****Just because it is obscured doesn't mean it can't be unobscured - ontology requires epistemology"

But it does imply that we were all ready in grieveous error and that casuality is quite different than what we thought. If such is the case, how are we even sure that the casuality that is taken from the Liebnizian model is true? For one, it patches up things with God, but himself woud have to have some way of doing what we cannot and which would go back to the Dualism we tried to escape. What is this thing?

"****yes it certainly is a foolish philosophy, and indicates the status of the contempoary thinking elite that such a notion could be given creedence"

It was useful to point out a flaw in philosophy not giving a proper account for causality. But yes, it is obnoxiously skeptical.

"***A foolish person sees a car and thinks it is travelling by its own potency - an intelligent person knows it has a pilot - to make a conclusion of causeless requires ignorance - - as for the balls, one is active and the other is submissive - a influences B, Binfluences A or A and B mitigate each other's potencies."

Yet how does the foot push down the pedal of the accelerator? How does foot give its properties over to such? How do the balls "mitigate potencies" and "influence"? What are the origins of these things?

"****- in both cases they are consciousness inhabiting matter , whether subtle or gross - "

They are conscious, but is the consciousness 'inhabiting' matter, or made? To inhabit implies a distinctness, but no substance could have been found.

"***One can have anything in the name of theory - but consciousness is still evasive to a material definition - even if it is seen to only inhabit material bodies - its just like perceiving the shirt as non different from the body"

One can indeed speak of the consciousness of creatures, but only in the same way as one speaks of their eyes or their tails or their toes. It is fallacious to speak of those are truly distinct and it is fallacious to speak of consciousness as fully distinct.

"***I see the error of terminology - we are eternally seperate in the sense that we are indidual and god is individual - but we can be aware of god (liberated) or unaware of god (conditioned) - in other words seperation from god, in the sense that we do not perceive god's existence, is due to illusion because he is actually integral to our existence (we are dependent on him)"

I shall agree with this, in so much as existence is something which we cannot be not-dependent on.

"***The result is given by providence, but it also requires endeavour - just like you must plant seeds to harvest a crop and it must be watered to grow - merely planting seeds is not enough"

The result cannot be given by providence if we endeavour to do anything. If we endeavour, it is us that reaps what we sow. Yes, we must agree to the conditions of the world and accord ourselves with them, but there is no God which is giving us a thing here, nor dispensing a gift, but us which are taking it from the Earth. To make a sexual analogy, all action from conscious beings is closer to rape than it is to love making.

"****But it doesn't give us all the time - eg - drought"

Yep. That happens sometimes. That's why we build resevoirs and dams and such.

"**And what is the cause of the molecular structure?"

Atoms combining.

"****Do dead trees grow"

No. But is it because consciousness is no longer present? Hardly. It is because life has ceased, which is a great deal more than simply "consciousness has stopped". The physical systems shut down.

"***But the moment we die we stop growing - its caleld acintya sakti -inconceivable potency of the living entity - just like a cow produces milk by eating grass - can any scientist produce millk from grass?"

With the proper conversion? Yes. Scientists have made goats that can produce spider silk instead of milk, therefore making grass into spider silk through a goat.

"***Then it is still conscious because it requires a stone mason to create a stone house - and in the case of a cave the cause becomes mysterious since we cannot trace the cause of geological formations - hence all causes are either dependant on mystery or consciounsess"

And all thoughts have an endless string of causes and effects for that. Either case is mysterious, even if one can have a conscious element.

"***But it is not traumatic or horrible"

Relative to the elation that the poor man has? Certainly it is compared to it horrible. But yes, it isn't horrible in and of itself. It is less, though.

"***First you have to establish that increase indicates lack - "

Easily. Infinity cannot increase. Infinity is the only thing which does not lack. If a thing is increasing, it is not infinite. Hence, that thing lacks.

Similarly, to grow always shows that the prior state lacked. In this series:

1 dollar, 5 dollars, 10 dollars, 100 dollars, 1,000 dollars, 10,000 dollars.

In this we find that each increment is less than the following, therefore, lacking. As this increasing value could continue ad infinitum, each state will always be followed by another greater than it, thus, always lacking.

"***Then the paradigm of authority is crooked and aperson's direct perception of who is their father or not is not of any value"

Definitely the mother is a bit of a trollop, yes.

"****But he is revealed by authorites, just as the mother reveals the father's identity, or at the least has the capacity to do so"

Authorities lie or do not know. Moreover, "qui bono"? Who benefits from religion more than the priests (authorities)?

"***Only if god gives the facility to act "

Where does God prohibit or allow when there is nothign to stop us but for ourselves and our limitations?

"****He gives full knowledge for the distinction between illusion and reality"

Then we should be able to completely understand this and not have any problem whatsoever in describing a thing.

"***That is called liberated or perfectional existence"

Then God has failed by allowing imperfection, because of the conditioned or enslaved existences. Similarly, free-will forcing illusion is a red-herring, as it does not.

"***we are under the jurisdiction of god - god is not under any one's jurisdiction - just like a citizen and a king both have free will but the king is superior and the citizen can either exhibit the free will of a prisioner or a normal citizen"

Then we are not free at all if we are under a jurisdiction which can control us. It also removes fallibility as the cause for illusion.

"You admit that free will is not categorically impossible to have with full perfection.

***for the catergory of god"

Then God has failed in not allowing such category to extend to all things.

"***therefore conditional life, whether in heaven or hell, is like a virtual reality machine that doesn't actually bear any effect on the soul"

The soul experiences and that is enough. Nothing can bear upon the soul if the real world does not. Better to be entertained than annhilated.

"***But that instruction requires co-operation not legislation - like suppose a newly married man threaten to beat his wife unless she loved him - even if she did love him she would hate him if she was forced to operate out of that demand - teaching requires education not legislation"

If God wants love, then cannot cause that love to come into being, he is not omnipotent and perfect. Irresistable love is no less love - and in fact, more real one could say - than any other.

"***I was talking about the free will of the living entity - I established earlier that god's free will is different because he is without any superior"

Yet why can we not simply share in a perfection of God to allow our free will to be perfect? Again, what is the necessity of imperfect things if all can be done perfectly and fine? In fact, the imperfect ought to not even comef rom the perfect!

"***What are those spiritual joys you have acquired?"

Many. I have also valued such things in the past but realized that it was foolish to say "this is value above all else" when in reality, it is just a choice like any others. In fact, a poor choice, for the only result of a spiritual life is annihilation.

My current beliefs can be summarized from this extended quote:

I have known many gods. He who denies them is as blind as he who trusts them too deeply. I seek not beyond death. It may be the blackness averred by the Nemedian skeptics, or Crom's realm of ice and lcoud, or the snowy plains and vaulted halls of Nordheimer's Valhalla. I know not, nor do I care. Let me live deep while I live; let me know the rich juices of red meat and stinging winge on my plate, the hot embrace of white arms, the mad exultation of battle when the blue blades flame and crimson, and I am content. Let teachers and priests and philosophers brood over questions of reality and illusion. I know this: if life is an illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, and am content.

A spiritual life cannot give one power, fame, sex, conquest, love, challenge, art, sensual experience...

"****Annihilation? I am not sure how thatrelates to spiritual pleasure - unless it s the annhilation of ignorance"

Even as a drop of water submerged in a pool is forever lost, so too would the person who submerges into God. It would be ridiculous to say they exist any further. Their I becomes not their I, nor do they really have one afterwards.

"**They don't innvolve suffering as a concomitant factor"

Nor can they produce joy.

"***But the heart beat and brain functions do not give us adequate definitions of consciousness - at least that is th eopinion of reserachers in the field"

Brain functions have a large impact, but in so much as we cannot take consciousness as being the symptom of but one brain function, I shall agree. That being said, when both things are no longer there, death is.

"***8 hours is a long distance from eternity"

Very true, it is. But 8 hours is also far longer than "you cannot stop thinking".

"***Therefore computesr are not conscious - actually we are not matter, no matter how much we try and pretend to be"

Computers aren't conscious, no. But we can similarly take no pleasure in what is done. In fact, many things we do, even to another end, are not composed of pleasurable things in and of themselves.

"****The three states of consciousness indicate a fourth otherwise movement between them wouldn't be possible"

Would not be possible? Does a television require a third state and then a forth state, so it might be turned on and off?

"***If you want to re-establish what was in the room it requires more than reconstructing the door way"

If the room was not touched, no need to reconstruct.

"***that's my point - they are retrieved from a superior entity than "mind""

Not at all, only that the mind is segmented. Do we need another building? No. We thus need no other entity.

"**how is that different from the waking self?"

There is no illusion in the waking self. It is presented with objective reality.

"***spirit is indicated by the movement between different states of "I""

An actor can pretend to be something else. A mind evidently can, too. What spirit is needed to be found in simply being presented with new things, not referencing past things, and being convinced that these new things are real? Nothing.

"***ghosts aren't spiritual"

What are they? Mental?

"***modern science does not perceive subtle matter, what to speak of spiritual matter, because it deals only with gross matter"

Or perhaps because it does not exist.

"****hence a differentiation between subtle and gross matter"

So now dreaming is an aspect of gross matter?

"***A subtle (not spiritual) entity .... What would the body be without the mind?"

Where are these entities which can be so sure? For I can answer and show you where a body is without a mind by pointing to the graveyard, you cannot show me one instance of a "spiritual entity".

"***then why are we aware of the unawareness"

We aren't. No one is aware that they are not aware. Awareness of non-awareness requires awareness, hence one was never aware. We know we have slept only because we woke up.

"***Then why is it possible for an irish man to appreciate the poetry of a 16th century japanese woman uinless there was a common ground?"

Common themes of humanity that transcend national origin. It is not surprising that similar beings produce similar yearnings and situations.

"**but we are still aware of it "

WE are not aware of being asleep when asleep. We are also not aware of the moment when we fall asleep.

"***even if we didn't know how long or when it happened we would know it had in fact happened "

Only because we experienced waking. It could have been ten thousand years and we would not know.

"So therefore one can be a good material person, but not be good spiritually?


What then is the use of being a spiritually good person?

"If a law of society is different from the law of spirit, should we then follow this law of spirit?

***for superior gain"

Such as?

"***who said anything about annhilation - you seem to operating out of a buddhist conclusion, which I would say only gives information up to the point of liberation - they don't have evidence of the activities of liberation"

After one reaches the point of "union with God" or whatever aim is the end, how can one be said to be "oneself" still? One's identity becomes God and one's former identity and any individuality is gone. Indeed, one would not even be aware, because awareness requirse distinction. If this is not annihilation, what is it?

"***1+1=2 is true in higher and lower mathmatics - foundations can build on foundations to establish superior foundations - and if there is an error in the primary foundation all subsequent foundations are faulty"

Surely you are right. But if aside from those foundations, the system also teaches falsehood, that it implies falsehood as part of a system. All systems likely contain a -bit- of truth, but truth itself cannot be found in any system with flaws and lies.

"****Fortunately heaven is composed of things of a superior quality "

Yet there is no individual to enjoy them.

"***How about an eternal celebration compared to a brief celebration which is followed by being beaten by a stick - inotherwords death is the final word on all material endeavours and only a fool seeks pleasure in such things as the all in all and summum bonum of life"

If the eternal celebration has no self to enjoy it, then it is irrelevant. Give me the celebraiton and then the beating if such is the only alternative to a loss of self.

"***no amount of close inspection will reveal a rope to be a rope for a pewrson who thinks it is a snake"

Oh it most definitely will, if that person looks at it objectively. Many have done this throughout history. Most philosophers do it. It starts often deceptively simply. For me, I was on a bus when I was contemplating infinity and how I might figure out such things.

"***And what is the cause of nature - again - either mysteriorus or conscious"

Then you cannot say it is God.

"***either that or we are awarded results according to our past activities"

In this world evil men can often triumph and good men do not. There is no divine justice that changes this.

"***therefore the capacity for breath is given by god - god is the ability in the living entity - otherwise we would be 100% successful in all our endeavours -"

Even if it was given by God - which there is no proof that it is - it would not matter, for we stilll muse it it, and thus must rely on ourselves and our actions, not God.

"****A person infected by material consciousness cannot perceive spiritual things just as jaundice makes sweet things appear bitter"

If material consciousness cannot perceive spiritual things, then how can a material consciousness become a spiritual consciousness? For a spiritual consciousness would have to only come from a perception of spirtiaul things. Similarly, I can say "oh that woman has a soul" and then say "I want to have sex with her because her soul is beautiful", can I not? In fact, many people seek out mates based more subtle things than their bodily form.

"***therefore the highest philosophy is found in religion, at least religion properly qualified"

Some religions might incorporate philosophy. The highest philosophy, howeve,r is not to be found in religion, but for religion to find its highest in philosophy.

"****Therefore religion has philosophy just to enable us to appreciate its authority"

Some religion does, but it is thus philosophy which remains superior, as even religion relies on it.

"***The application of religious principles gives rise for opportunities for investigation - there are varieties of religious practioners on varieties of levels of perfection - for instance god answering prayers depends on one's relationship with god - like th e president listens to the people - just because he didn't respond to a street bum's plea doesn't mean he didn't listen to his child - in other words god is a creature of reciprocation "

Yet you still see how a system which affirms something blindly can rig -any- result to it, no? For even when the system fails - when God does not answer - they simply say "God said no, he still answered, prayer still works, see?! See?!".

These are cooked results. Rigged.

"****That's right , therefore spiritual life innvolves an assessment of the qualities of god and god consciousness to dtermine whether what one is seeing is in fact the truth or one's mind - for instance if I am spontaneously attracted to money , fame and adoration I should know that i am not qualified to see spiritual things "

Yet how do we assess this? Through recourse to philosophy. Thus why are we dealing at all with religion? We can just simply go to philosophy, take that, and be complete. If we must accept things beforehand, then we are not doing philosophy.

"****Then what is our relationship with the macroscopic?"

We are parts of the whole.

***Do the parts equal the whole, or is there a special functionor purpose intrinsic to the whole that cannot be found in the parts?

"***nothingness and somethingness are binary because you define the qualities of nothingness by the perception of somethingness (you draw up the definition of nothingness from the perception of somethingness) - whereas with the snake/rope both objects are perceived, hence are not binary"

I fail to see how this is an issue? Or what point you have to make here that refutes my statements?

****With the rope/snake both ar e perceived - the rope exists as a tangible object and so does the snake - they ar e not binary definitions they are mistakes of definition (illusion) - nothingness and somethingness are binary because we only have experience of somethingness and postulate what nothingness is by drawing up opposites of somethingness - you were giving nothingness a catergorical absolute definition saying that it is seperate from somethingness, but nothingness is never even wholistically perceived so how do you arise at such a definition?

"****Even a beggar in a city has a relationship with the ruling authority, even if they don't know who the king is - in otherwords it is one thing to be existing within the benefits of a mangaement system and it is another to be developing a personal relationship with that managing authority"

Can one have a "personal relationship" with the Earth? Or an inanimate object?

****No - only with a conscious entity - although as with the beggar example one could have a relationship with the impersonal aspects of a conscious entity (like a king's potency for social management)

"****Doesn't have qualities to permit a relationship? What are you perceiving in the name of god that would make you say that?"

A lack of consciousness, a lack of personality, et cetera, et cetera.

*****Then that is a side energy of god, technically called the brahmajyoti, namely where the knower, the knowable and the process of knowledge are all composed of the same uniform substance - usually conceived of as merging into a "white light"

"******Only if you assume that god is impersonal, like a rock - I mean you could draw up the same definition of a king - one who doesn't actually have a relationship with the king "interacts" with him by the social policies laws etc - doesn't mean the king doesn't have personal relationships, just that a person is not operating out of the correct paradigm to interact with him"

I would claim that it is by necessity that we construe God as inanimate and impersonal. For as I have argued - and if you would like, please argue against this - omniscience implies an incapacity to think, as does omnipresence, and various other attributes.

***If a person is omniscient of the goings on in a factory does that make them unable to develop personal relationships with the staff?

"***If they follow the pursuit of truth long enough they will get there - Apparently they are making progress to uncovering the source of creation - actually this statement was a quote from a famous scientist (name escapes me)"

It was a paraphrase of Einstein's idea that the longer you study physics, the closer you get to metaphysics, as it were.

But no, I strongly doubt that the "point of creation" willk reveal a "creator" - for the concept is exceedingly absurd - nor will science agree to it being considered "a creation" in the strong sense that there are not other universes out there.

***Seems like you are presupposing a conclusion - on the contrary I could say it is absurd to assume that an object of complex order does not have a creator

"****Therefore it is limited"

It is limited in the empirical realm by virtue of the infinite facts capable of being known. However, theoretically it could learn all of these things, given an infinite period of time with infinite effort.

***Could a person empty the ocean with a 250ml cup?

"****Now I see what you are saying - the answer is that the potency of both cause and effect are dependant on god"

How so and what precisely do you mean? Moreover, how does God give potency to cause and effect if neither cause and effect are eternal laws, which would allow God to create causes and get effects?

*****A king has the option to call the guards, call the treasurer or call so many persons accordingto the nature of his desire - there are a variety of results he can give - its not like that because he called the guards once he is obliged to call the guards everytime he wants to deliver some result

"***Then if you apply logic to determine what a prisioner eats for breakfast can you extrapolilate those findings to dtermine what the king eats?"

In a very basic way, yes. In a precise way, no. But this, again, is what I was speaking of: Improper evaluation. Moreover, this does not imply that human philosophy is incapable of explaining God fully.

****Human philosophy can give an indication just like a drop of sea water can give an indication of the sea

Considering God must be construed as the necessary and perfect being in order to be a subject of philosophic reasoning, if not, he is an empirical being and also contingent.

****and if we are neither necessary or perfect how can we apply a philosophy of our own standards to dilineate the exact capacities of god?

"****Really? Take one step in a country without a stable government and you will know what chaos in the absence of conscious direction is (order) - where are those examples of order existing without consciousness that gives the basis for order not indicating consciousness?"

The natural universe is a prime example.

****Its also a prime example of something which is completely mysterious in it s functions and cause too

In fact, as noted, chaos is impossible to exist. And even chaos in government is a relative conception. It is not true randomness, just everything is in conflict. Chaos in a cosmological sense would mean "utter randomness". That is, randomness which is random, I.E. could not even retain its randomness, hence, impossible.

***So tell me, what do you see when you observe a new sports car? The latest in automobile design and manufacture or a product of randomness?

"***The analogy was given tyo illustrate how increase doesn't indicate failure or lacking - actually lacking is a quality of conditioned life and it is difficult for us to conceive of pleasure without suffering, but such dualities are not existent in transcendence "

Answer me this question: A man has 1,000 dollars on Monday. By Friday, he has 10,000 dollars. Was he not poorer than on Monday compared to Friday? Was he not lesser on Monday than on Friday in terms of wealth? And if on the next Tuesday, he has 100,000 dollars, even moreso?

***Even rich men value their money - I have experience recently of a business man who has an annual income in the tens of millions driving over 30km to buy 20 litres of milk that was 10c cheaper per litre - Increasing capacity does not indicate lackiing as long as one does not find one's current capacity dysfunctional -

"***If you take a fish out of the ocean you have just applied an epistemology for it to perceive the different medium"

Then what epistemology must we use which can be deemed to be valid?

***the epistemology that enables one to perceive the different medium of nature, namely the transcendendal above the mundane

"****Therefore god has a form, but not a form like our conditional conception of self (temporary) - to talk of god not having form is absurd, and in fact contradictory"

I would agree that to speak of a formless God is contradictory. But what is the nature of God's form?

****That result is answered by applying the appropriate epistemology - there are indications given in scripture, which I think have been mentioned sufficiently

"****A thought is related to content - that content can be either spiritual or mundane - the process of thinking is the constant symptom of the living entity (which is transcendental by nature)"

So a material thought is made of matter, a transcendent thought made of transcendence?

***Thinking implies substance and that substance is conducive to either liberation or bondage (it is the substance of consciousness)

"****Then you would have to trace the cause of the wind, which leads to the previous consclusion - that all causes, if taken far enough, either arise in mysteriousness or consciousness"

Do you affirm that if the cause of "mysterious" - which is nonsensical really, as we do know much about it - is not necessarily conscious?

***I am saying that if you want to talk of definite causes you either end up with consciousness or mystery

That is to say, if it is mysterious, taht there is no reason to suggest is conscious?

***No it just means what I said, that it is mysterious and hence is not really relevant to the discussion of causes because the cause is mysterious - we don't know what it is.

And again, that even consciousness has a cause in thoughts which and other casual events, that if one were to go back and back, would have an infinite foundation, just like the "mysterious" causes?

***But we see consciousness coming from consciousness - a living parent gives birth to a child and if that child lives it can also give birth to a child - life is never observed or replicated in such a way that it canb be drawn from matter

"*****Only conscious life forms though - a baby born dead a baby born alive are both composed of the same material componants"

Yes, I should have qualified "alive lifeform". That is to say, one which still retains the consciousness which you speak of. But consciousness does not -create- life. Life creates consciousness. That is to say, a thing is alive and it is conscious. But yes, nothing which is alive which is not conscious, as consciousness is the prime way we determine whether something is alive or whether it is dead, for the absence of consciousness - even a horribly disfigured and destroyed one, such as in the case of those with brain injuries - is the absence of life.

**Life and consciousness are inseperable just like fire and heat

"****I never said the thoughts were - just like measuring the temperature 50cm from a fire can vary due to changes, but the emmanating heat, regardless of the variety indicates the fire - in the same way the flow of thoughts indicates consciousness - dead people don't think."

Dead people don't think, yes. But the process of thinking has individuated experiences of thought in it, which are not perpetual, even if the process of thought may be on-going.

***Its just like a flowing river - if you observe one body of water moving in the stream you cannot say that the river is dry simply because you have measured the quantity and movement of a certain patch of water at a particular time - the river is constantly flowing

"****But the process of thinking is constant"

With the exclusion of meditation and other processes of stilling the mind, I shall agree, yes. But again, it is important to note the thoughts are not, and if they are transcendent....

****The process of thought is quite subtle - how can one be sure that one is not merely thinking they are not thinking - who has been successful in stilling the mind to the degree that it is completely still - even if you snuff out the flame of a candle it can be re-lighted - in otherwords the potency is never affected

"**So if a person notices fluctuation in the temperature of fire over a period of 24 hours it indicates that it wasn't actually a constant fire during that 24 hour period?"

By definition, yes, it was not a constant flame. It was a wavering one.

***A fire with a wavering flame is not a fire?

"***Just proves that the process of thinking is constant because it is a symptom of consciousness"

How does being able to still the thoughts?

"In that the soul is eternal whereas the mind is temporary and based on individuated life?


So the real distinction is not betwixt body and mind, but body and soul?


So how then does the -soul- interact with the body and, ontop of that, the mind?


"*****Well if it was alive it has consciousness "

Precisely. When the conditions exist, life exists.

****When those conditions exist life may or may not be present

More to come.

"***Everyone who is possessed of sanity sees the sun rise in the east however"

And none of sanity see a will.

****The poin t is that seeing the sun rise every day an indication of the will of god is not the same as seeing jesus's likeness in a potato chip or whatever - and if you think that seeing the sun rise is a sign of insanity then you would be pressed to present other evidence that a person is crazy other than they disagree with your perception - after all there are many scientists that have advocated such a stance for their conviction in a creator

"***Order indicates will, unless you can provide an example of willess order"

See mya rguments above.

*****you may say that the sunrise is an example of willess order but actually you cannot present a complete picture of why it is taking place - thus we are back to all causes being either due to consciousness or "mystery" due to an absence of knowledge - the challenge still stands for you to provide an example of something that has a cause that is not either conscious or mysterious

"****Where is the evidence of laws without a law maker?"

The universe. They show no sign of a conscious design, although it shall be freely admitted that they do not deny this, either. But absent evidence cannot be counted.

*****So for an example you call upon something you cannot properly understand or define - ie it is another "mysterious" cause - is there any other thing that you give an example of, even a single thing, that has a cause that is not either due to consciousness or "mystery"?

"***Therefore we are eternal fragmental parts of consciousness - we have no ability to cease our cosnciousnes (in the big picture) , and having endowed us with consciousness god willnot revoke it"

We can indeed cease our consciousness through simply going to sleep! And not only that, but there is no indication that God gave us consciousness, even in your own theories. For didn't you say that it was out of free-will and desire that we split off God, or some such stuff?

****Then why do we return to consciousness after sleep? IN fact we can even exhibit two types of consciousness in sleep - dreaming and dreamless sleep. God distributes consciousness just as a fire distributes heat - how would it be possible for us to "secure" our own consciousness? Its just like a child trying to become their own father

"***But the heat is dependant on fire - heat is affected by manipulatingthe fire - the fire is not affected by manipulating the heat"

This so much is true. That being said, remove all of the heat from the fire, and you have no fire - for fire must be hot in order to be flame. Therefore, to remove the parts which necessitate God, is to remove God. God then cannot remove his parts lest he cease to be God.

****But god doesn't take away the consciousness of the living entity - its an eternal fact - just as a heat is a constant fact for a fire - the point is that one is seen to be th eenergy and the other is seen to be the energetic - if you have this knowledge you can determine the source of a phenomena

"**Consciousness allows us also to manipulate things too, or at least gives us the desire to, and if circumstances (ie providence) permits we are successful"

That so much is agreed. But there are also non-man made relations. In fact, the majority of relations are not man made at all. Every atom is a relation of its quarks, every mountain a relation of its stones...

***Therefore atoms and mountains and stones are manipulated by either consciousness or causes we determine as "mysterious"

"***just because we exist and god exists or so many other things exist it doesn't mean existence equates with god - it may be more correct to say that existence indicates the potency of god - "

What is beyond existence? If all which is, exists, and God is all which is, then God is not that which is beyond existence, because he -is- existence. To speak of something beyond that which exists, is to speak of nothing, which does not exist.

****There are different types of existences - the field of ontology deals withthis specifically - some things are more real than others
"***"reality" is dependant on god - in otherwords the substance of existence is a conscomitant factor of god's existence"

What proof do you have of this?

***Not unless you are prepared to apply the relevant epistemology

"***This requires knowledge of god - and knowledge requires the application of an epistemology - I only brought this up (previous comments) to indicate how god is a logical answer to causeless eternal existence, something distinct from our own excistence - as for proof, the closest thing a conditioned entity can come to perceiving eternity is constantness, and there is no perception of anything constant for a conditioned soul, except their own sens eof "I""

How do you figure that eternity is to be construed as "constantness" in the sense of the "I"?

***I was saying that there is no example of anything constant we can relate to (in conditioned life) except the notion of our own existence - we have the same sense of "I" in this life (I am not saying that this "I" is eternal - I am sayin gthat it is the only thing we can sure of - "I think therefore I am")

But you admit that without changing epistemologies, you cannot show that God can be causeless?

****If a person does not apply the relevant epistemology they do not perceive th erelated ontology

"*****Just because it is obscured doesn't mean it can't be unobscured - ontology requires epistemology"

But it does imply that we were all ready in grieveous error and that casuality is quite different than what we thought. If such is the case, how are we even sure that the casuality that is taken from the Liebnizian model is true? For one, it patches up things with God, but himself woud have to have some way of doing what we cannot and which would go back to the Dualism we tried to escape. What is this thing?

****I am not sure what you are saying - particularly with the "dualism we are trying to escape"

"***A foolish person sees a car and thinks it is travelling by its own potency - an intelligent person knows it has a pilot - to make a conclusion of causeless requires ignorance - - as for the balls, one is active and the other is submissive - a influences B, Binfluences A or A and B mitigate each other's potencies."

Yet how does the foot push down the pedal of the accelerator? How does foot give its properties over to such? How do the balls "mitigate potencies" and "influence"? What are the origins of these things?

****Are you asking how physical things interact? Or are you asking how physical things are initiated to react?

"****- in both cases they are consciousness inhabiting matter , whether subtle or gross - "

They are conscious, but is the consciousness 'inhabiting' matter, or made? To inhabit implies a distinctness, but no substance could have been found.

****NOt surprising since science is currently operating out of an epistemology that deals specifically with matter - how can consciousness be perceived if you ar e using an epistemology that deals solely with the substance that consciousness moves?

"***One can have anything in the name of theory - but consciousness is still evasive to a material definition - even if it is seen to only inhabit material bodies - its just like perceiving the shirt as non different from the body"

One can indeed speak of the consciousness of creatures, but only in the same way as one speaks of their eyes or their tails or their toes. It is fallacious to speak of those are truly distinct and it is fallacious to speak of consciousness as fully distinct.

****Buut it is seen to be distinct since you can have a creature complete with tails, toes etc but without consciousness

"***The result is given by providence, but it also requires endeavour - just like you must plant seeds to harvest a crop and it must be watered to grow - merely planting seeds is not enough"

The result cannot be given by providence if we endeavour to do anything. If we endeavour, it is us that reaps what we sow. Yes, we must agree to the conditions of the world and accord ourselves with them, but there is no God which is giving us a thing here, nor dispensing a gift, but us which are taking it from the Earth. To make a sexual analogy, all action from conscious beings is closer to rape than it is to love making.

***God helps those who help themselves - as for the rape I think you would have to establish that we have th epotency to over ride nature - remember a poem in glorification of th maggot "No one gets to heaven without first going through you"

"****But it doesn't give us all the time - eg - drought"

Yep. That happens sometimes. That's why we build resevoirs and dams and such.

****But still we sometimes experience drought - despite all the best in technological advancement it is all uselss in the absence of the co-operation of material nature which is either directed by "mystery" or god according to one's consciousness

"**And what is the cause of the molecular structure?"

Atoms combining.

***And what causes the atoms to combine?

"****Do dead trees grow"

No. But is it because consciousness is no longer present? Hardly. It is because life has ceased, which is a great deal more than simply "consciousness has stopped". The physical systems shut down.

***Why does it shut down unless it is due to the absence of consciousness - a dead tree no longer strives towards the sun

"***But the moment we die we stop growing - its caleld acintya sakti -inconceivable potency of the living entity - just like a cow produces milk by eating grass - can any scientist produce millk from grass?"

With the proper conversion? Yes. Scientists have made goats that can produce spider silk instead of milk, therefore making grass into spider silk through a goat.

****So the goat is more clever than the scientist - a dairy farmer can produce milk with a dairy cow too

"***Then it is still conscious because it requires a stone mason to create a stone house - and in the case of a cave the cause becomes mysterious since we cannot trace the cause of geological formations - hence all causes are either dependant on mystery or consciounsess"

And all thoughts have an endless string of causes and effects for that. Either case is mysterious, even if one can have a conscious element.

***The difference is that consciousness is seen to come from another conscious entity and not dead matter - if a person could trace the family tree far enough where would they end up? With consciousness or matter?

"***First you have to establish that increase indicates lack - "

Easily. Infinity cannot increase. Infinity is the only thing which does not lack. If a thing is increasing, it is not infinite. Hence, that thing lacks.

Similarly, to grow always shows that the prior state lacked. In this series:

1 dollar, 5 dollars, 10 dollars, 100 dollars, 1,000 dollars, 10,000 dollars.

In this we find that each increment is less than the following, therefore, lacking. As this increasing value could continue ad infinitum, each state will always be followed by another greater than it, thus, always lacking.

**** Let me rephrase that - you have to prove that increase is synomous with dissatisfaction

"****But he is revealed by authorites, just as the mother reveals the father's identity, or at the least has the capacity to do so"

Authorities lie or do not know. Moreover, "qui bono"? Who benefits from religion more than the priests (authorities)?

**only if the authorities are conditioned - it gets back to being free from avarice lust etc , otherwise the greatest IQ in the world could be useless - as for the authority (or in this case sub-authority figure - priests are not god but god's representatives) they stand to acquire benefit if they are transparent and acquire sufferin gif they are not - actually everyone can acquire benefit from godliness - a rising tide lifts all ships

"***Only if god gives the facility to act "

Where does God prohibit or allow when there is nothign to stop us but for ourselves and our limitations?

*****Precisely - those limitations are set by superior arrangement - in an obvious way we cannot fly like a bird (even our planes are clumsy things and jallopies compared to the movements of astral bodies) and on a more intimate level we are controlled by rememberance, knowledge and forgetfullness, which are controlled by god in his all-pervasive feature (paramatma) in all living entities

"****He gives full knowledge for the distinction between illusion and reality"

Then we should be able to completely understand this and not have any problem whatsoever in describing a thing.

***If we are free from illusion, yes

"***That is called liberated or perfectional existence"

Then God has failed by allowing imperfection, because of the conditioned or enslaved existences. Similarly, free-will forcing illusion is a red-herring, as it does not.

****He doesn't force us to become illusioned - we choose to

"***we are under the jurisdiction of god - god is not under any one's jurisdiction - just like a citizen and a king both have free will but the king is superior and the citizen can either exhibit the free will of a prisioner or a normal citizen"

Then we are not free at all if we are under a jurisdiction which can control us. It also removes fallibility as the cause for illusion.

****Removes fallibility? So a criminal can escape charges of misconduct by blaming the king? And there are no free choice in places that have established jails within the precincts of their provinces?

"You admit that free will is not categorically impossible to have with full perfection.

***for the catergory of god"

Then God has failed in not allowing such category to extend to all things.

****Don't think the residents of the transcendental realm work out of fear

"***therefore conditional life, whether in heaven or hell, is like a virtual reality machine that doesn't actually bear any effect on the soul"

The soul experiences and that is enough. Nothing can bear upon the soul if the real world does not. Better to be entertained than annhilated.

****I hope you address this annhilation thing somewhere here because I am not sure how that entered the picture - as for the soul experiencing it is just liek a dream - is it enough to be rich and healthy just by dreaming about it?

"***But that instruction requires co-operation not legislation - like suppose a newly married man threaten to beat his wife unless she loved him - even if she did love him she would hate him if she was forced to operate out of that demand - teaching requires education not legislation"

If God wants love, then cannot cause that love to come into being, he is not omnipotent and perfect.

*****But he can cause it - its due to our illusion that we misplace it - we are spontaneously attracted to the rich, intelligent, renounced, beautiful etc people of this world - god possesses these opulences in full - in the absence of loving god we are loving something or someone else because we do not perceive god - inother words one simply has to perceive god to love him - because people do not perceive him (due to arriving in the medium of illusion due to a misuse of free will) they do not love him

Irresistable love is no less love - and in fact, more real one could say - than any other.

***god is the most irresistable

"***I was talking about the free will of the living entity - I established earlier that god's free will is different because he is without any superior"

Yet why can we not simply share in a perfection of God to allow our free will to be perfect?

***One can share that, but not in the medium of illusion

Again, what is the necessity of imperfect things if all can be done perfectly and fine? In fact, the imperfect ought to not even comef rom the perfect!

***Just like a finger is perfect as long as it is connected to the body (it serves the whole) - if our finger is cut off we will literally empty our treasury to stitch it back on - but if it is cut off with no possibility of being reattached we wouldn't pay $5 for it - similarly our perfection/imperfection relies on being connected to god - the material creation is perfect in the sense that it is impossible for us to be satisfied here because it is not our real medium of existence

"***What are those spiritual joys you have acquired?"

Many. I have also valued such things in the past but realized that it was foolish to say "this is value above all else" when in reality, it is just a choice like any others. In fact, a poor choice, for the only result of a spiritual life is annihilation.

****I was after something more specific - how do you distinguish a material joy from a spiritual one ?

My current beliefs can be summarized from this extended quote:

I have known many gods. He who denies them is as blind as he who trusts them too deeply. I seek not beyond death. It may be the blackness averred by the Nemedian skeptics, or Crom's realm of ice and lcoud, or the snowy plains and vaulted halls of Nordheimer's Valhalla. I know not, nor do I care. Let me live deep while I live; let me know the rich juices of red meat and stinging winge on my plate, the hot embrace of white arms, the mad exultation of battle when the blue blades flame and crimson, and I am content. Let teachers and priests and philosophers brood over questions of reality and illusion. I know this: if life is an illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me. I live, I burn with life, I love, I slay, and am content.

A spiritual life cannot give one power, fame, sex, conquest, love, challenge, art, sensual experience...

***Neither can material life because these things are require hard labour to acquire and maintain and are all eventually lost at the time of death anyway - these things are shadows of real enjoyment - in spiritual life you have real power, real fame etc

"****Annihilation? I am not sure how thatrelates to spiritual pleasure - unless it s the annhilation of ignorance"

Even as a drop of water submerged in a pool is forever lost, so too would the person who submerges into God. It would be ridiculous to say they exist any further. Their I becomes not their I, nor do they really have one afterwards.

****Actually if you want to talk about a water particle, the water particle does in fact mainatin it sindividuality - BTW , bhagavad gita advocates that individuality is eternal, even after liberation - there is no merging

"**They don't innvolve suffering as a concomitant factor"

Nor can they produce joy.

****If that's you conclusion on spiritual joys I would hazard that you haven't applied the releveant epistemology

"***8 hours is a long distance from eternity"

Very true, it is. But 8 hours is also far longer than "you cannot stop thinking".

****How is this state different from deep dreamless sleep?

"***Therefore computesr are not conscious - actually we are not matter, no matter how much we try and pretend to be"

Computers aren't conscious, no. But we can similarly take no pleasure in what is done. In fact, many things we do, even to another end, are not composed of pleasurable things in and of themselves.

***lol - welcome to material life

"****The three states of consciousness indicate a fourth otherwise movement between them wouldn't be possible"

Would not be possible? Does a television require a third state and then a forth state, so it might be turned on and off?

***Televisions are not conscious, but they require consciousness to move between different states of operation

"**how is that different from the waking self?"

There is no illusion in the waking self. It is presented with objective reality.

***Then why is this reality countered when we dream? Actually even to set this point aside, waking existence is full of illusion, rope snakes etc

"***ghosts aren't spiritual"

What are they? Mental?


"***modern science does not perceive subtle matter, what to speak of spiritual matter, because it deals only with gross matter"

Or perhaps because it does not exist.

****Then that just leaves us with the symptoms of the mind etc which do not slot in to definitions of matter

"****hence a differentiation between subtle and gross matter"

So now dreaming is an aspect of gross matter?

***matter has two aspects - subtle (the mind) and gross(the body), and spirit is distinct again

"***A subtle (not spiritual) entity .... What would the body be without the mind?"

Where are these entities which can be so sure? For I can answer and show you where a body is without a mind by pointing to the graveyard, you cannot show me one instance of a "spiritual entity".

***Again it requires an application of epistemology - if I can not understand physics can you provide me with evidence of an electron? As for the graveyard that is indeed the example of a body without a mind - dead matter

"***then why are we aware of the unawareness"

We aren't. No one is aware that they are not aware. Awareness of non-awareness requires awareness, hence one was never aware. We know we have slept only because we woke up.

***then how do you perceive dreamless sleep or even your references to meditation? If it trulybeyond consciousness to perceive the absence of consciousness, how on earth would you even be aware enough to define them?

"***Then why is it possible for an irish man to appreciate the poetry of a 16th century japanese woman uinless there was a common ground?"

Common themes of humanity that transcend national origin. It is not surprising that similar beings produce similar yearnings and situations.

***INother words the classification of time place and circumstance is an inferior definition of self

"**but we are still aware of it "

WE are not aware of being asleep when asleep. We are also not aware of the moment when we fall asleep.

**But the absence of perception is still perceptable - for instance someone asks us if we have just had a nice sleep - we don't know how long we slept, we don't know where or what was going on inour mind, but we answer "yes"

"***even if we didn't know how long or when it happened we would know it had in fact happened "

Only because we experienced waking. It could have been ten thousand years and we would not know.

***the time span we may not know but we know it happened

"So therefore one can be a good material person, but not be good spiritually?


What then is the use of being a spiritually good person?

***material goodness is unsteady because it deals with material nature - sometimes a good man succumbs to depravity - sometimes a depraved man is disgusted with their life and seeks something superior, sometimes a passionate man just wants to hide away and forget everything - there is no steady platform of existence for mere "goodness", although it is a noble aim and a suitable platform for embarking on spiritual goodness

"If a law of society is different from the law of spirit, should we then follow this law of spirit?

***for superior gain"

Such as?

****as above - situation on an eternal platform of happiness and knowledge

"***who said anything about annhilation - you seem to operating out of a buddhist conclusion, which I would say only gives information up to the point of liberation - they don't have evidence of the activities of liberation"

After one reaches the point of "union with God" or whatever aim is the end, how can one be said to be "oneself" still? One's identity becomes God and one's former identity and any individuality is gone. Indeed, one would not even be aware, because awareness requirse distinction. If this is not annihilation, what is it?

***this is not the definition of liberation - I think I mentioned this earlier about the living entity being distinct from god in all states at all times - the activities of liberation are based on spontaneous attraction and reciprocation between the beloved and the lover - namely god and the living entity

"***1+1=2 is true in higher and lower mathmatics - foundations can build on foundations to establish superior foundations - and if there is an error in the primary foundation all subsequent foundations are faulty"

Surely you are right. But if aside from those foundations, the system also teaches falsehood, that it implies falsehood as part of a system. All systems likely contain a -bit- of truth, but truth itself cannot be found in any system with flaws and lies.

***This is why empiricism is always faulty becaus it relies on humanity - spiritual advancement relies on god who is free from such defects

"****Fortunately heaven is composed of things of a superior quality "

Yet there is no individual to enjoy them.

***I can see you ar every much attached to the notion of spiritual annhilation - but at the same time you seem disgusted by it - why must the living entity lose their individuality? I can see why you might think that if you assume that the body is the self

"***How about an eternal celebration compared to a brief celebration which is followed by being beaten by a stick - inotherwords death is the final word on all material endeavours and only a fool seeks pleasure in such things as the all in all and summum bonum of life"

If the eternal celebration has no self to enjoy it, then it is irrelevant. Give me the celebraiton and then the beating if such is the only alternative to a loss of self.

****Well how if you get to keep your self

"***no amount of close inspection will reveal a rope to be a rope for a pewrson who thinks it is a snake"

Oh it most definitely will, if that person looks at it objectively. Many have done this throughout history. Most philosophers do it. It starts often deceptively simply. For me, I was on a bus when I was contemplating infinity and how I might figure out such things.

***Then you broke the paradigm of seein gthe snake - the point is that until the paradigm of illusion is broken direct perception is uselss because all it reveals is illusion - in other words until the vices of lust, avarice etc are broken there is no value in direct perception (at laest as far as uncovering universal truths)

"***And what is the cause of nature - again - either mysteriorus or conscious"

Then you cannot say it is God.

***You cannot say it isn'e either - also you cannot say it is matter

"***either that or we are awarded results according to our past activities"

In this world evil men can often triumph and good men do not. There is no divine justice that changes this.

***Therefore this lief is not the all in all

"***therefore the capacity for breath is given by god - god is the ability in the living entity - otherwise we would be 100% successful in all our endeavours -"

Even if it was given by God - which there is no proof that it is - it would not matter, for we stilll muse it it, and thus must rely on ourselves and our actions, not God.

***therefore we are sometimes successful and sometiems fail for reasons we cannot determine

"****A person infected by material consciousness cannot perceive spiritual things just as jaundice makes sweet things appear bitter"

If material consciousness cannot perceive spiritual things, then how can a material consciousness become a spiritual consciousness? For a spiritual consciousness would have to only come from a perception of spirtiaul things. Similarly, I can say "oh that woman has a soul" and then say "I want to have sex with her because her soul is beautiful", can I not? In fact, many people seek out mates based more subtle things than their bodily form.

****We can say whatever we want but until we come to the platform of properly understanding the terms in use it won't amount to anything - for instance if I call annhilating an entir erace "an act of peace" it doesn't make it an act of piece - similarly if I call a pizza a glass of water it doesn't quench my thirst - similarly to call a woman a soul doesn't help one over come lust, avarice, envy etc

"***therefore the highest philosophy is found in religion, at least religion properly qualified"

Some religions might incorporate philosophy. The highest philosophy, howeve,r is not to be found in religion, but for religion to find its highest in philosophy.

***If religion leads to god , and if god is the absolute truth, how is that so?

"****Therefore religion has philosophy just to enable us to appreciate its authority"

Some religion does, but it is thus philosophy which remains superior, as even religion relies on it.

***Until one comes to the point of practically applying spiritual life one could think like that - just like you could say that highschool is good, community college has it smerits and university grants grand results but until you come to the platform of practical application of at least one of these educational faciltiies you don'e perceive the benefit

"***The application of religious principles gives rise for opportunities for investigation - there are varieties of religious practioners on varieties of levels of perfection - for instance god answering prayers depends on one's relationship with god - like th e president listens to the people - just because he didn't respond to a street bum's plea doesn't mean he didn't listen to his child - in other words god is a creature of reciprocation "

Yet you still see how a system which affirms something blindly can rig -any- result to it, no? For even when the system fails - when God does not answer - they simply say "God said no, he still answered, prayer still works, see?! See?!".

These are cooked results. Rigged.

"****That's right , therefore spiritual life innvolves an assessment of the qualities of god and god consciousness to dtermine whether what one is seeing is in fact the truth or one's mind - for instance if I am spontaneously attracted to money , fame and adoration I should know that i am not qualified to see spiritual things "

Yet how do we assess this? Through recourse to philosophy. Thus why are we dealing at all with religion? We can just simply go to philosophy, take that, and be complete. If we must accept things beforehand, then we are not doing philosophy.

***therefore you can assess the validity of a religious principle by the related philosophy that determines the quality of success or failure - what you are talking about is religion in the absence of philosophy

Prince_James: “Actually, I see nothing here at all contrary to fact. But it is almost a mathematical tautology that we are dealing with, too, specifically when one reduces it, as I show in a moment. But yes, 0/anything = 0, as 0 has no parts. 0/0 then is basically saying the same thing, only that we really aren't dividing at all, so thus it becomes 0 = 0 in a case of parsimonic reduction. Of course, this is assuming that we aren't dealing with the "greater than 0" which we were dealing with just a moment ago, but an actual 0 as in the other cases. So yes, 0/0 = 0 is logical, sound, and truthful it does seem!……….”.

Re: Yes, that is logically sound, in the case of undefined (0/0). But our mathematicians still have another trick in their bag! Instead of calling (0/0) ‘undefined’ as many textbook writers do, many mathematical journals call it ‘indeterminate’; i.e. (0/0) can take any value from zero to positive infinity to negative infinity. Consider, for instance, the functions y = x/x, y= 3x/x, and 11x/x, when x = 0. In all these equations, the two variables of x cancel each other out; and we obtain y = 1, y = 3, & y = 11. And so for x = 0, we get (0/0) = 1, (0/0) = 3, & (0/0) = 11. In short, our ‘brilliant definition’ of (0/0) as (0) has been accepted as valid, but terribly reduced and made insignificant and overwhelmed by the first infinity on one side and the second infinity on the other side! What a trick!

Prince_James: “…I agree with this statement pretty much completely. We do indeed think from the top down, rather than from the bottom up, regarding dimensions. In fact, it is telling that we can't even really discuss a point outside of dimension, nor imagine it, nor can we speak of a geometry of points, as there are no calculations to be had on a single thing. It is like saying simply "1" and being done with it. But yes, good point. It is only hard if we assume that we'd be viewing things from the bottom up. This is also clearly why we cannot envision an object in four dimensions even if we might be able to give a mathematical model (although generally not that great of one) for such an object, as we have no "top-to-bottom" experience with four dimensions………..”.

Re: I totally agree with this analysis. It’s absolutely impossible to have a mental picture of any space with dimensions greater than three. Even the frequently used analogies of expanding BALLOONS, rubber SHEETS, & horse SADDLES, when examined closely, are 3-dimensional in disguise no more and less. It’s possible, therefore, to conclude that all geometries with 4 or more spatial dimensions are merely algebraic systems in geometrical disguise and nothing more! Finally, to all those who think they can imagine higher spaces, I would like to say it’s much, much, much easier to have a mental image of ‘lightgigantic’’s contradictory and transcendent God than to imagine the supposed spaces of their geometries! This is clear & simple.

Prince_James: “…Very true! For the whole scale of variables could never be known, hence, the impossibility of one hundred percent predictability on an existence-wide scale, even though each action would itself be casually locked and predictable”.

Re: This is true. Surprisingly, however, if the Universe is infinite and eternal, then a colossal, sweeping, and far-reaching prediction can be made with 100% certainty. That is to say, if the Universe is infinite and eternal, then all real possibilities must exist at all times, and infinitely so!

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"Re: Yes, that is logically sound, in the case of undefined (0/0). But our mathematicians still have another trick in their bag! Instead of calling (0/0) ‘undefined’ as many textbook writers do, many mathematical journals call it ‘indeterminate’; i.e. (0/0) can take any value from zero to positive infinity to negative infinity. Consider, for instance, the functions y = x/x, y= 3x/x, and 11x/x, when x = 0. In all these equations, the two variables of x cancel each other out; and we obtain y = 1, y = 3, & y = 11. And so for x = 0, we get (0/0) = 1, (0/0) = 3, & (0/0) = 11. In short, our ‘brilliant definition’ of (0/0) as (0) has been accepted as valid, but terribly reduced and made insignificant and overwhelmed by the first infinity on one side and the second infinity on the other side! What a trick! "

For ease of reference, I'll put the the equations/functions and their answers like so:

Y = X/X Y = 1

Y = 3x/x Y = 3

11x/x Y = 11

X = 0.

Now, are you sure this is what a mathematician would give for an answer? Because there would seem to be problems. I'll go over each one to show you mine.

Y = X/X. Which translates to Y = 0/0. If 0/0 = 0 or "undefined", is it proper to say Y = 1?

Y = 3x/x. Which translates to Y = 3(0/0) which reduces to Y = 3(0) which further reduces to Y = 0.

Lastly, 11x/x. This translates to 11(0/0), which reduces to 11(0), or 0.

In each case, oughtn't we get zero?

"Re: I totally agree with this analysis. It’s absolutely impossible to have a mental picture of any space with dimensions greater than three. Even the frequently used analogies of expanding BALLOONS, rubber SHEETS, & horse SADDLES, when examined closely, are 3-dimensional in disguise no more and less. It’s possible, therefore, to conclude that all geometries with 4 or more spatial dimensions are merely algebraic systems in geometrical disguise and nothing more! Finally, to all those who think they can imagine higher spaces, I would like to say it’s much, much, much easier to have a mental image of ‘lightgigantic’’s contradictory and transcendent God than to imagine the supposed spaces of their geometries! This is clear & simple."

Ha ha! Very well put! Specifically with that last comment! But yes, you are quite right. The analogies employed betray their three dimensional nature and we really do not find anything geometric in the mathematical conceptions of the "higher dimensions".

"Re: This is true. Surprisingly, however, if the Universe is infinite and eternal, then a colossal, sweeping, and far-reaching prediction can be made with 100% certainty. That is to say, if the Universe is infinite and eternal, then all real possibilities must exist at all times, and infinitely so!"

I have come to this same conclusion myself, actually! Even the most outrageously statistically rare event - something which is far more unlikely than a monkey typing Shakespeare, even! - must, if it is truly a possibility, have manifestedly an infinite amount of times and is manifesting -at least- once right this very moment. It's a fascinating fact, really, and one which is quite a shock initially to come upon!

"***Do the parts equal the whole, or is there a special functionor purpose intrinsic to the whole that cannot be found in the parts?"

The whole is a relation which has properties not to be found in its parts. For instance: It is eternal, whereas there is temporality within the parts. It is necessary, whereas its parts combine in contingent relations. Every point within it is found in its centre (by virtue of every point being infinitely away from the end of infinity) whereas in measured space, there is a distinct centre which only one point has the honour of being. Other things distinguish it from the parts as well, mind you, as this is just a smattering of some of the distinctions.

So yes, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, but at the same time, could not exist outside of its parts.

"****With the rope/snake both ar e perceived - the rope exists as a tangible object and so does the snake - they ar e not binary definitions they are mistakes of definition (illusion) - nothingness and somethingness are binary because we only have experience of somethingness and postulate what nothingness is by drawing up opposites of somethingness - you were giving nothingness a catergorical absolute definition saying that it is seperate from somethingness, but nothingness is never even wholistically perceived so how do you arise at such a definition?"

Four reasons primarily:

1. Truth and falsehood demand something and nothing. For if truth is "in accordance with what is existent", then the only way to determine falsehood is to give the inverse definition, that is, "that which is in accordance with that which -does not- exist".

2. One can indeed speak of a lack of something. One can say "I did nothing today" which translates to "I did not do anything today (in a relative sense)". Or one can also say "he has nothing" which translates into "he has a lack of something".

3. To think of nothing is not to think at all, therefore fullfilling a basic quality of thinking of nothingness by implying non-thought in the not-thinking about it which is the only way to satisfy "thinking of nothing". That is to say, the quality of nothingness can be found by not thinking, specifically as it is non-existent, and thus cannot be thought of.

4. Temporal and transient things stand half-way betwixt something and nothing and the infinitely small can be defined as "one step away from being nothing", though nothing can ever be smaller than the infinitely small and therefore reduce to nothing.

"****No - only with a conscious entity - although as with the beggar example one could have a relationship with the impersonal aspects of a conscious entity (like a king's potency for social management)"

Then it stands to reason that if God is an unconscious, inanimate entity, we cannot have a relationship with him. If this can be proven to be so, of course, which I am attempting to do.

"*****Then that is a side energy of god, technically called the brahmajyoti, namely where the knower, the knowable and the process of knowledge are all composed of the same uniform substance - usually conceived of as merging into a "white light""

And this is the ultimate state of God?

"***If a person is omniscient of the goings on in a factory does that make them unable to develop personal relationships with the staff? "

Yes, if he knows precisely what they are going to do, how they would answer, how he would ask, how he would answer their answers, if his answers would demand necessity of perfection and thus could only be one way...

"***Seems like you are presupposing a conclusion - on the contrary I could say it is absurd to assume that an object of complex order does not have a creator"

Save that there is no way to point to when and when not an order demands creation.

"***Could a person empty the ocean with a 250ml cup?"

In a million years or so? Yes. Or if he was "The Flash" and could move at near-light speed? Well, let's actually see what this would be, for fun!

The total amount of water (according to various websites) on the Earth is 1.3 billion km^3. This equals 1.3e+24 milliliters or 5,200,000,000,000,000,000,000 250 ml cups. Let's suppose just for simplicty's sake, that one was working at the speed of light, and for each metre at lightspeed, one can scoop up 250 ml of water. At light speed, a single metre is passed in 1/300,000,000th of a second. Therefore it would take 17,333,333,333,333.333333333333333333 seconds to pour out the ocean, or 288888888888.88888888888888888883 minutes or 4814814814.8148148148148148148139 hours or 200617283.95061728395061728395058 days or 549260.18877650180410846621204813 years. Wow. That's a spicy meat-a-ball!

"*****A king has the option to call the guards, call the treasurer or call so many persons accordingto the nature of his desire - there are a variety of results he can give - its not like that because he called the guards once he is obliged to call the guards everytime he wants to deliver some result"

A king may indeed do so. But if there is no law which says "causes can produce an effect" nor that "effects follow causes", then God can neither produce either as there'd be nothing that makes his power capable of changing reality. He could not even bring into being cause, because bringing into being cause necessitates that power can produce an effect, which needs casuality.

"****Human philosophy can give an indication just like a drop of sea water can give an indication of the sea "

If God is the necessary being/thing, then I affirm that not only can human philosophy give the drop, but every single drop, because all the things can be found without even recourse to sensory data whatsoever.

"****and if we are neither necessary or perfect how can we apply a philosophy of our own standards to dilineate the exact capacities of god? "

We cannot. Such a being would be forever beyond our ken to prove or disprove with logic. He'd also be completely worthless to bother with and impossible to know, as well as eternally lacking, as he is not an absolute. This being could not even be eternal.

In essence, one goes from God to Zeus.

"***So tell me, what do you see when you observe a new sports car? The latest in automobile design and manufacture or a product of randomness?"

Latest in automobile design and manufacture, specifically if it were a Jaguar (which I fancy most of all).

"***Even rich men value their money - I have experience recently of a business man who has an annual income in the tens of millions driving over 30km to buy 20 litres of milk that was 10c cheaper per litre - Increasing capacity does not indicate lackiing as long as one does not find one's current capacity dysfunctional - "

But objectively speaking, it is disfunctional relative to the extent which it could grow. That is, it may not be impossible to do somethings with it, but it is impossible to do all things with it, and therefore is indeed lacking. Is it a necessarily painful lacking? No. But is a lacking and imperfection.

"***the epistemology that enables one to perceive the different medium of nature, namely the transcendendal above the mundane"

And what validity can we afford to this epistemology to be assured that it is a proper system?

"****That result is answered by applying the appropriate epistemology - there are indications given in scripture, which I think have been mentioned sufficiently"

You spoke of transcendence. But specifically, what can be said about God's form? I presume that you aren't refering to the BG's viewing of God as tens of thousands of deities, natural forces, planets, people, monsters, demons, et cetera?

"***Thinking implies substance and that substance is conducive to either liberation or bondage (it is the substance of consciousness)"

What do you mean by this? That there is a "liberation substance" and a "bondage substance"? Bceause I was asking whether it was made of matter or transcendence?

"***I am saying that if you want to talk of definite causes you either end up with consciousness or mystery "

But if it is mysterious, can you claim that the cause is ultimately conscious? Or must you admit ignorance as well as I of such things?

"***No it just means what I said, that it is mysterious and hence is not really relevant to the discussion of causes because the cause is mysterious - we don't know what it is."

So you do not admit that the mysterious could produce a legitimately non-conscious cause?

"***But we see consciousness coming from consciousness - a living parent gives birth to a child and if that child lives it can also give birth to a child - life is never observed or replicated in such a way that it canb be drawn from matter '

Yet is it not telling that htis process is physical? That it the two conscious beings must interact through the sexual act in order to produce such life? That the life-producing things are material, though animate as live cells? That nothing which is alive can be shown to be divorced from a material form? So in fact, your claim thatlife is "never observed or replicated in such a way that it can be drawn from matter", considering that live bodies are made of matter, is not only not impossible, but perhaps even more probable than what you claim.

But this is also not what I am refering to. I am talking about the fact that thoughts have causal reasons, too. For instance, we can say that the thought is conscious, but the object of thought is not and the cause of tha tthought is not, or if is, eventually one thing will likely be material as a cause, et cetera, et cetera.

"**Life and consciousness are inseperable just like fire and heat"

I would agree in that all which is alive must be conscious. That being said, is the appearance of life which precedes consciousness, in the sense that the there is no heat until there is flame.

"***Its just like a flowing river - if you observe one body of water moving in the stream you cannot say that the river is dry simply because you have measured the quantity and movement of a certain patch of water at a particular time - the river is constantly flowing"

Indeed you cannot. However, if that river is carrying logs down stream, one can count the logs, and note that they do not share in the perpetuity of the river.

"****The process of thought is quite subtle - how can one be sure that one is not merely thinking they are not thinking - who has been successful in stilling the mind to the degree that it is completely still - even if you snuff out the flame of a candle it can be re-lighted - in otherwords the potency is never affected"

If they are thinking they are not thinking, they are are in fact thinking, for they are thinking they aren't thinking! But no, meditation need not destroy the capacity to think in order to still thoughts, only to remove that from activity. It is rather like saying "one does not shut off the lights if the lights can be turned on again with the flip of the switch". However, presumably if one were to die whilst in meditation, one would have succesfully stopped the mind forever.

"***A fire with a wavering flame is not a fire?"

It is, but a wavering one. A wavering blame would state that the heat is relative and not eternal, whereas only the flame is. But to say "all things which are apart of fire - heat included - are eternal" is to suggest that no such wavering would ever happen. That is to say, that a thought is a transcedent, non-eternal thing, is proven despite "thinking" or perhaps "consciousness" being perpetual.

""In that the soul is eternal whereas the mind is temporary and based on individuated life?


How does the fact that conscious thought can come back after meditation and dreams prove the spirit?

"So the real distinction is not betwixt body and mind, but body and soul?


So how then does the -soul- interact with the body and, ontop of that, the mind?


So the soul never interacts with the body whatsoever? The soul is not the origin of action that controls the body, or at least petitions God to move the matter in accordance with its whims? What is it, then?

"****When those conditions exist life may or may not be present"

Can you name a single time where life is not present in a body capable of sustaining it?

"****The poin t is that seeing the sun rise every day an indication of the will of god is not the same as seeing jesus's likeness in a potato chip or whatever - and if you think that seeing the sun rise is a sign of insanity then you would be pressed to present other evidence that a person is crazy other than they disagree with your perception - after all there are many scientists that have advocated such a stance for their conviction in a creator"

Many scientists who have not taken time to question what criterion they use to determine whether or not something is the product of a will. Whereas it is well enough to say that when watching baseball it is the batter who hit the ball which scored the winning home run, it is not enough to say "God caused the sun to rise" or "the universe was created by God" as we neither witnessed this, nor can infer directly from the evidence presented, that there is a creator. Moreover, fi ti is assumed that there are somethings which are not created, but happen by chance, then it also stands to reason that it cannot be ruled out that the universe came into its present state through chance.

That is to say: Where is the will present in the universe?

"*****you may say that the sunrise is an example of willess order but actually you cannot present a complete picture of why it is taking place - thus we are back to all causes being either due to consciousness or "mystery" due to an absence of knowledge - the challenge still stands for you to provide an example of something that has a cause that is not either conscious or mysterious"

I have at least shown it is mysterious and not conscious, which implies that it is not necessarily conscious to begin with. That is to say, it behooves you to demonstrate that there is a will, as it is not obviously conscious.

I will go back to logical truths to speak of non-consciously created things.

The Law of Identity states that A = A. That is, a thing must be itself in order to be itself. A = A cannot be refuted, for if A = B and A and B are different, then one is claiming that A is never A to begin with, therefore, one is either claiming nonsense, or that B = B, which is simply another way of saying "A = A". Or to speak of something which is not itself but is itself, is absurd, because if it is not itself, it cannot be itself, and if it is itself, it cannot not be itself.

Similarly, as I have argued (and what I meant from "above") the notion of chaos is an absurdity, thus all must be ordered. For if chaos were to exist it would, itself, have to be chaos in order to be absolute. And as chaos is rnadomness personified, chaos would have to itself be random, and therefore could not retain its chaoticness, for in order to retain its chaoticness it must be non-chaotic in nature, hence it is impossible for chaos to exist.

"*****So for an example you call upon something you cannot properly understand or define - ie it is another "mysterious" cause - is there any other thing that you give an example of, even a single thing, that has a cause that is not either due to consciousness or "mystery"?"

See immediatly above.

"****Then why do we return to consciousness after sleep? IN fact we can even exhibit two types of consciousness in sleep - dreaming and dreamless sleep. God distributes consciousness just as a fire distributes heat - how would it be possible for us to "secure" our own consciousness? Its just like a child trying to become their own father"

Before we left from God, we were part of him wholly, yes? But somehow, we became aware of being a part, and thus departed "due to free will" which somehow requires ignorance and left God, yes? In this case, it does indeed seem self-caused that we got self-awareness and left God!

But in what way are we conscious when we are in a dreamless sleep? In that conscousness can arise again? Yes, I shall agree with you there. But when we are in a dreamless sleep, our consciousness is not on, even if "there" and capable of being "turned on" again.

"****But god doesn't take away the consciousness of the living entity - its an eternal fact - just as a heat is a constant fact for a fire - the point is that one is seen to be th eenergy and the other is seen to be the energetic - if you have this knowledge you can determine the source of a phenomena"

I was merely claiming here that if God were to have one thing removed from him, he'd cease to be God, thus God cannot have something beyond him and must be infinite, omnipresent, et cetera, but also dependent completely on his parts.

But as to whether or not God takes away the consciousness of a living entity, I do not know.

"***Therefore atoms and mountains and stones are manipulated by either consciousness or causes we determine as "mysterious""

"Mysterious" or mandated by order and potentiality. In the philosophy section I made a thread along the lines of "A Speculation on Universals from the Principle of Potentiality". Take a gander at that for greater foundations for my notion that all potential things must manifest.

"****There are different types of existences - the field of ontology deals withthis specifically - some things are more real than others "

Matter and transcendence, namely?

Moreover, you claimed that existence and God are not equatable, but that God is greater than existence. That is silly, for he must exist in all places in order to be infinite, and exist on all levels of existence if those is more than one.

"What proof do you have of this?

***Not unless you are prepared to apply the relevant epistemology"

For argument's sake, offer me the insight from your epistemology - which is open to debate of the concepts, yes? - to answer this.

"***I was saying that there is no example of anything constant we can relate to (in conditioned life) except the notion of our own existence - we have the same sense of "I" in this life (I am not saying that this "I" is eternal - I am sayin gthat it is the only thing we can sure of - "I think therefore I am")

So therefore God is necessity personified, as it were, just as the necessity implied in "cogito ergo sum"?

"But you admit that without changing epistemologies, you cannot show that God can be causeless?

****If a person does not apply the relevant epistemology they do not perceive th erelated ontology"

Well then, how do we prove that epistemology if we have no means of showing it is true in ours? Isn't that just changing the rules of the game?

"****I am not sure what you are saying - particularly with the "dualism we are trying to escape""

Metaphysical dualism. The idea that mind/spirit and body are distinct from one another, which leads to the MInd-Body Problem which Leibniz addressed in "God moves it, not spirit" thing. But that just switches the Mind-Body problem back to God and how he accomplishes such.

"****Are you asking how physical things interact? Or are you asking how physical things are initiated to react?"


http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/leibniz-causation/ - For reasons why I ask you this.

To quote specifically from the above website:

It is fairly clear here that Leibniz takes ‘influx’ to refer to the transference of accidents (tropes or property-instances), as when a guitarist's fingers give an instance of motion to a struck guitar string. Leibniz holds that it cannot be comprehended how one finite substance could act on another finite substance. For such intersubstantial causation entails the transference or migration of an accident from one substance to another, where a trope passes from one thing to another, which then instantiates it. Such transference is inexplicable; an accident passing (or a trope transferring) from one subject to another is impossible (New Essays A vi, 6, 224). Leibniz writes in the Discourse on Metaphysics:

…nothing ever enters into our mind naturally from the outside; and we have a bad habit of thinking of our soul as if it received certain species as messengers and as if it has doors and windows. We have all these forms in our mind; we even have forms from all time, for the mind always expresses all its future thoughts and already thinks confusedly about everything it will ever think about distinctly. (Discourse on Metaphysics §26 GP iv, 451/AG 58)

"****NOt surprising since science is currently operating out of an epistemology that deals specifically with matter - how can consciousness be perceived if you ar e using an epistemology that deals solely with the substance that consciousness moves?"

If you truly put forth the idea that your epistemology may provide an answer for this that vindicates the metaphysical difference in the substance of matter and transcendence, use it now. I should be interested in your absolute proof for the distinctness of matter and transcendence, if you are presumed to have one.

"****Buut it is seen to be distinct since you can have a creature complete with tails, toes etc but without consciousness"

You can have a creature complete besides anyone body part, can one not? Moreover, consciousness is never found in something that is completely complete, as death implies a crucial failure in the system.

"***God helps those who help themselves - as for the rape I think you would have to establish that we have th epotency to over ride nature - remember a poem in glorification of th maggot "No one gets to heaven without first going through you""

To say that God helps those who help themselves is really to say that "God isn't helping at all, but we claim that God is". Where is the evidence of God when a farmer pulls his raddish from the soil, the result of his long labours?

"****But still we sometimes experience drought - despite all the best in technological advancement it is all uselss in the absence of the co-operation of material nature which is either directed by "mystery" or god according to one's consciousness"

Yet the mystery does not prove God. Absence of evidence cannot equate to evidence. But yes, for now, we are still subject to drought's influences.

"***And what causes the atoms to combine?"

Natural forces which are ultimately expressions of potentiality manifesting which is necessitated by relation.

"***Why does it shut down unless it is due to the absence of consciousness - a dead tree no longer strives towards the sun"

The striving of a tree does nothing to impact its growth, anymoreso than our striving would make our bodies grow. Growth is determined by the taking on of matter through hormonal and other interactions.

"****So the goat is more clever than the scientist - a dairy farmer can produce milk with a dairy cow too"

Not so much more clever, but better equipped at the start.

But no, we can synthesize many substances. Adrenaline, for instance, has been synthesized.

"***The difference is that consciousness is seen to come from another conscious entity and not dead matter - if a person could trace the family tree far enough where would they end up? With consciousness or matter?"

Matter, according to present scientific understanding, in regards to the Primordial Soup.

"**** Let me rephrase that - you have to prove that increase is synomous with dissatisfaction"

Dissatisfaction is caused by desire. Desire demands increases, or decreases which cause increases (less noise, more quiet). Hence, dissatisfaction and increase are linked through the medium of desire.

"**only if the authorities are conditioned - it gets back to being free from avarice lust etc , otherwise the greatest IQ in the world could be useless - as for the authority (or in this case sub-authority figure - priests are not god but god's representatives) they stand to acquire benefit if they are transparent and acquire sufferin gif they are not - actually everyone can acquire benefit from godliness - a rising tide lifts all ships"

Yet clearly there is a vested interest in any priest to keep people believing in his doctrines so he has a job, no? And even he can be deluded by his masters or they by theirs. Therefore, how are we to know that it isn't some greedy little priest that wrote everything down? It is telling that all religions develop a clergy of sorts. Even animists have shamans.

"*****Precisely - those limitations are set by superior arrangement - in an obvious way we cannot fly like a bird (even our planes are clumsy things and jallopies compared to the movements of astral bodies) and on a more intimate level we are controlled by rememberance, knowledge and forgetfullness, which are controlled by god in his all-pervasive feature (paramatma) in all living entities"

So God controls what we remember? What proof have you of that? He also controls what we know and what we forget? Again, proof? And whom is to say that God imposes our limitations? For remember, even by your own admission it is "mystery or consciousness", not "consciousness", that has made matter.

"***If we are free from illusion, yes"

So once we are free from illusion, we may know all things?

"****He doesn't force us to become illusioned - we choose to"

How can we choose to be deluded?

"****Removes fallibility? So a criminal can escape charges of misconduct by blaming the king? And there are no free choice in places that have established jails within the precincts of their provinces?"

If God is the judicator, then it stands to reason that our illusions come from him, does it not? For if free-will needs no imperfection to exist, how can fallibility make it?

"***for the catergory of god"

Then God has failed in not allowing such category to extend to all things.

****Don't think the residents of the transcendental realm work out of fear"

I did not say they work out of fear, but that God is imperfect because he has conceded to imperfection.

"****I hope you address this annhilation thing somewhere here because I am not sure how that entered the picture - as for the soul experiencing it is just liek a dream - is it enough to be rich and healthy just by dreaming about it?"

"If life is an illusion, I am no less an illusion, and being thus, it is real to me."

That is to say, a dream is real if the world is only dreams.

"*****But he can cause it - its due to our illusion that we misplace it - we are spontaneously attracted to the rich, intelligent, renounced, beautiful etc people of this world - god possesses these opulences in full - in the absence of loving god we are loving something or someone else because we do not perceive god - inother words one simply has to perceive god to love him - because people do not perceive him (due to arriving in the medium of illusion due to a misuse of free will) they do not love him"

Yet a cause which does not extend always is not a cause of a perfect being. If God can he is partially potential, which implies that he is not eternal, and not perfect.

"***god is the most irresistable"

Then why is he resisted?

"Yet why can we not simply share in a perfection of God to allow our free will to be perfect?

***One can share that, but not in the medium of illusion"

So one is free when liberated?

"***Just like a finger is perfect as long as it is connected to the body (it serves the whole) - if our finger is cut off we will literally empty our treasury to stitch it back on - but if it is cut off with no possibility of being reattached we wouldn't pay $5 for it - similarly our perfection/imperfection relies on being connected to god - the material creation is perfect in the sense that it is impossible for us to be satisfied here because it is not our real medium of existence"

Yet how can we be not connected to God if he is perfect? And how can God allow imperfection if he is perfect?

"****I was after something more specific - how do you distinguish a material joy from a spiritual one ?"

A material joy is to be found in material things, or actions in the material world, where a spiritual joy is to be found in something like "valuing the road to enlightenment" or "seeking to serve God".

"***Neither can material life because these things are require hard labour to acquire and maintain and are all eventually lost at the time of death anyway - these things are shadows of real enjoyment - in spiritual life you have real power, real fame etc"

If they are lost, they may be acquired again if we live again, or lost forever if we die. If we die, we are gone, and thus it is no true loss to us. Similarly, it is usually part of the joy to gain such things by one's efforts. Power gaining more powerful, to paraphrase Nietzsche, is ultimately enjoyable.

But how in spiritual life does one have "real power" and "real fame"? How about "real conquest" and "real challenge" and "real gain"? If the joy is to be found in playing the game, and the spiritual life is the end, is not then that joy absent?

"****Actually if you want to talk about a water particle, the water particle does in fact mainatin it sindividuality - BTW , bhagavad gita advocates that individuality is eternal, even after liberation - there is no merging"

Describe then what is individuality in the liberation? Or even existence as such? For my understanding of ultimate liberation is supposed to be a merger and dissolution into God. If I am mistaken, tell me?

I did a quick search to find the relevant texts. According to http://www.gurupedia.com/b/bh/bhagavad_gita.htm

"" When the mind comes to rest, restrained by the practice of yoga, and when beholding the Self, by the self, he is content in the Self." (B.G., Chapter 6, Verse 20) | " He who finds his happiness within, his delight within, and his light within, this yogi attains the bliss of Brahman, becoming Brahman.""

If one is to become Brahman (God) then that implies that one's ego as a distinct being is gone. Therefore, you are God, which does nothing, and whose joy is likely more akin to "undisturbed peace", because what can make God unhappy or happy? Moreover, the Self is equivalent to God, yes? So therefore in the first instance, "he is content in being the same as God, therefore, no longer distinct". Sounds like annihilation to me!

"****If that's you conclusion on spiritual joys I would hazard that you haven't applied the releveant epistemology"

I would wager I am not, actually, but I look forward to your responses.

"****How is this state different from deep dreamless sleep?"

I do not know. I have never experienced such a state like he did. I shall ask. Moreover, he was not asleep during the time, but awake and lost in meditation.

"***lol - welcome to material life "

Yes. But welcome also to a life which does not necessitate desire in everything.

"***Televisions are not conscious, but they require consciousness to move between different states of operation"

They are indeed not conscious, but you can have "an on state" and "off state". We simply have an "on state", a "dream state", and an "off" state, which we do not have consciousness of.

"***Then why is this reality countered when we dream? Actually even to set this point aside, waking existence is full of illusion, rope snakes etc"

Why is the reality of the dream encountered or why is it not countered? Well why it is encountered is because dreams are basically entertainment for the brain that can be focused on to the exclusion fo everything else, as we have no connection (or a very tenuous connection) to our senses at the time.

If it is not countered, it is because the illusion appears real.

And yes, we can be fooled in the real world, but if we investigate things, we are not.

"What are they? Mental?


So what would constitute a purely spiritual being?

"****Then that just leaves us with the symptoms of the mind etc which do not slot in to definitions of matter"

What aspect of the mind itself does not slot into matter, you say?

"***matter has two aspects - subtle (the mind) and gross(the body), and spirit is distinct again"

So now consciousness is matter?

"***Again it requires an application of epistemology - if I can not understand physics can you provide me with evidence of an electron? As for the graveyard that is indeed the example of a body without a mind - dead matter"

Well show me an entity even in your own epistemology that would be spiritual?

"***then how do you perceive dreamless sleep or even your references to meditation? If it trulybeyond consciousness to perceive the absence of consciousness, how on earth would you even be aware enough to define them?"

I perceive dreamless sleep? No, I only have experiened sleeping, then waking up, with nothing in between. Moreover, I did not say that I dissolved consciousness, only stopped thought, although my friend was so unaware that he completely lost a sense of even awareness and thus lost the 8 hours.

"***INother words the classification of time place and circumstance is an inferior definition of self"

Not at all. The Japanese and the Irish differ in many distinct ways and no Japanese and Irish person are so similar as to be the same. They only share baseline commonalities by being human. They share somethings, do not share many more things.

"**But the absence of perception is still perceptable - for instance someone asks us if we have just had a nice sleep - we don't know how long we slept, we don't know where or what was going on inour mind, but we answer "yes""

We answer that from our feeling of restedness after it, not because we experienced the "niceness" of sleep.

"***the time span we may not know but we know it happened"

Yes, we know that at least a second or so passed, by virtue of the fact that we woke up, and we could not have simulteneously went to sleep and woke up in the exact same moment.

"***material goodness is unsteady because it deals with material nature - sometimes a good man succumbs to depravity - sometimes a depraved man is disgusted with their life and seeks something superior, sometimes a passionate man just wants to hide away and forget everything - there is no steady platform of existence for mere "goodness", although it is a noble aim and a suitable platform for embarking on spiritual goodness"

And what about spiritual goodness?

"***this is not the definition of liberation - I think I mentioned this earlier about the living entity being distinct from god in all states at all times - the activities of liberation are based on spontaneous attraction and reciprocation between the beloved and the lover - namely god and the living entity "

Yet you claimed at another time that this distinction is illusion and it caused ignorance and illusion. Similarly, what does it mean to have "sponteneous attraction and reciprocation between the beloved and the lover"? What does one get out of this? It cannot come from want, as one could not have want at the time.

"***This is why empiricism is always faulty becaus it relies on humanity - spiritual advancement relies on god who is free from such defects"

What are the flaws of humanity if humanity can even overcome those flaws. Specffically through so easy a thing as clinging to objectivity?

"***I can see you ar every much attached to the notion of spiritual annhilation - but at the same time you seem disgusted by it - why must the living entity lose their individuality? I can see why you might think that if you assume that the body is the self"

If Atman = Brahman, and recognition of identity with Brahman is supreme, then one ceases to be Atman, aka, one ceases to be the self. One cannot be submerged in a being that transcends the self and remain the self. Similarly if both you and I = Brahman, then it stands that if both you and I were liberated, we'd become the same, therefore, we'd both lose ourselves and become something else entirely, or not something at all but submerge into a third thing.

"****Well how if you get to keep your self"

Depends on what the celebration is like.

"***Then you broke the paradigm of seein gthe snake - the point is that until the paradigm of illusion is broken direct perception is uselss because all it reveals is illusion - in other words until the vices of lust, avarice etc are broken there is no value in direct perception (at laest as far as uncovering universal truths)"

It seems that the seeking out of truth can over ride these things even outside of religion. That is to say, one can go from simply seeing illusion to being sparked by philosophy and extending this beyond just one instance of illusion.

"***You cannot say it isn'e either - also you cannot say it is matter"

True, although far above I make an argument for something.

"***Therefore this lief is not the all in all"

Or justice of a divine nature does not exist. Perhaps evil simply goes without punishment?

"***therefore we are sometimes successful and sometiems fail for reasons we cannot determine"

We can determine it as simply not enough effort or rightfully applied effort.

"****We can say whatever we want but until we come to the platform of properly understanding the terms in use it won't amount to anything - for instance if I call annhilating an entir erace "an act of peace" it doesn't make it an act of piece - similarly if I call a pizza a glass of water it doesn't quench my thirst - similarly to call a woman a soul doesn't help one over come lust, avarice, envy etc"

So you would claim that it is not a genuine understanding of her spiritual beinghood to want to have sex with her?

"***If religion leads to god , and if god is the absolute truth, how is that so?"

What does religion use to find God? If philosophy, then is it not philosophy which is higher, for it is the way religion can only reach God?

"***Until one comes to the point of practically applying spiritual life one could think like that - just like you could say that highschool is good, community college has it smerits and university grants grand results but until you come to the platform of practical application of at least one of these educational faciltiies you don'e perceive the benefit"

If religion finds out how to apply things through philosophy, then is it not philosophy which isthe root of the applicaiton, not religioin?

"***therefore you can assess the validity of a religious principle by the related philosophy that determines the quality of success or failure - what you are talking about is religion in the absence of philosophy "

But why not simply c ut out the extraneous religion and just stick with the philosophy? If the philosophy will guid sufficiently, why not?
"***Do the parts equal the whole, or is there a special functionor purpose intrinsic to the whole that cannot be found in the parts?"

The whole is a relation which has properties not to be found in its parts. For instance: It is eternal, whereas there is temporality within the parts. It is necessary, whereas its parts combine in contingent relations. Every point within it is found in its centre (by virtue of every point being infinitely away from the end of infinity) whereas in measured space, there is a distinct centre which only one point has the honour of being. Other things distinguish it from the parts as well, mind you, as this is just a smattering of some of the distinctions.

So yes, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, but at the same time, could not exist outside of its parts.

****What is that "center" you refer to

"****With the rope/snake both ar e perceived - the rope exists as a tangible object and so does the snake - they ar e not binary definitions they are mistakes of definition (illusion) - nothingness and somethingness are binary because we only have experience of somethingness and postulate what nothingness is by drawing up opposites of somethingness - you were giving nothingness a catergorical absolute definition saying that it is seperate from somethingness, but nothingness is never even wholistically perceived so how do you arise at such a definition?"

Four reasons primarily:

1. Truth and falsehood demand something and nothing. For if truth is "in accordance with what is existent", then the only way to determine falsehood is to give the inverse definition, that is, "that which is in accordance with that which -does not- exist".

***Falsity is not always the opposite of truth, it is merely different - particularly when you want to examine the details - for instance if I told you it was false that the woman had $100 it wouldn't explain how much money she had, only that it wasn't $100

2. One can indeed speak of a lack of something. One can say "I did nothing today" which translates to "I did not do anything today (in a relative sense)". Or one can also say "he has nothing" which translates into "he has a lack of something".

***Then nothing is not an absolute term that exists out of binary definitions because it is fully defined by somethingness

3. To think of nothing is not to think at all, therefore fullfilling a basic quality of thinking of nothingness by implying non-thought in the not-thinking about it which is the only way to satisfy "thinking of nothing". That is to say, the quality of nothingness can be found by not thinking, specifically as it is non-existent, and thus cannot be thought of.

***therefore it is a binary definition

4. Temporal and transient things stand half-way betwixt something and nothing and the infinitely small can be defined as "one step away from being nothing", though nothing can ever be smaller than the infinitely small and therefore reduce to nothing.

***as above - all this indicates that applying a binary definition to transcendental by examining the material is not adequate

"****No - only with a conscious entity - although as with the beggar example one could have a relationship with the impersonal aspects of a conscious entity (like a king's potency for social management)"

Then it stands to reason that if God is an unconscious, inanimate entity, we cannot have a relationship with him. If this can be proven to be so, of course, which I am attempting to do.

***But if the king is ultimately unconscious and impersonal there are no forces of impersonal management - inotherwords the impersonal interaction is dependant on teh personal existence of the source

"*****Then that is a side energy of god, technically called the brahmajyoti, namely where the knower, the knowable and the process of knowledge are all composed of the same uniform substance - usually conceived of as merging into a "white light""

And this is the ultimate state of God?

***No it is a side aspect, just like the sunshine is a side energy ofd the sun globe - it represents the potency of eternity, and a living entity that chooses to merge in to it eventually falls down from it because there is no scope for its interactaction - inother words its just like a person may lock themselves in a room, particularly if they are distressed, but eventuallythey will get bored and come out

"***If a person is omniscient of the goings on in a factory does that make them unable to develop personal relationships with the staff? "

Yes, if he knows precisely what they are going to do, how they would answer, how he would ask, how he would answer their answers, if his answers would demand necessity of perfection and thus could only be one way...

****unless one is prepared to apply the epistemology for determining the reality of god and his abode one run's the risk of relying on one's mundane normative understanding of reality - inotherwords relying on binary definitions based on the material world will not uncover the nature of the spiritual world because it is the material world that is an effect of spirit and not vice versa

"***Seems like you are presupposing a conclusion - on the contrary I could say it is absurd to assume that an object of complex order does not have a creator"

Save that there is no way to point to when and when not an order demands creation.

***It could be helpful if there was evidence of order existing outside of a creator (without relying on an effect that's cause is too mysterious for us to determine)

"***Could a person empty the ocean with a 250ml cup?"

In a million years or so? Yes. Or if he was "The Flash" and could move at near-light speed? Well, let's actually see what this would be, for fun!

The total amount of water (according to various websites) on the Earth is 1.3 billion km^3. This equals 1.3e+24 milliliters or 5,200,000,000,000,000,000,000 250 ml cups. Let's suppose just for simplicty's sake, that one was working at the speed of light, and for each metre at lightspeed, one can scoop up 250 ml of water. At light speed, a single metre is passed in 1/300,000,000th of a second. Therefore it would take 17,333,333,333,333.333333333333333333 seconds to pour out the ocean, or 288888888888.88888888888888888883 minutes or 4814814814.8148148148148148148139 hours or 200617283.95061728395061728395058 days or 549260.18877650180410846621204813 years. Wow. That's a spicy meat-a-ball!

***Well without relying on sciencefictional personalities, is it possible, considering the rate that the ocean is being filled? IN otherwords an infinite endeavour for an infinte time does not grant results unless the doer is unlimited (interesting that you spontaneously called upon a person with god like capacities to do the job)

"*****A king has the option to call the guards, call the treasurer or call so many persons accordingto the nature of his desire - there are a variety of results he can give - its not like that because he called the guards once he is obliged to call the guards everytime he wants to deliver some result"

A king may indeed do so. But if there is no law which says "causes can produce an effect" nor that "effects follow causes", then God can neither produce either as there'd be nothing that makes his power capable of changing reality. He could not even bring into being cause, because bringing into being cause necessitates that power can produce an effect, which needs casuality.

*****The point is the god has discretion as to what effects follow what causes

"****Human philosophy can give an indication just like a drop of sea water can give an indication of the sea "

If God is the necessary being/thing, then I affirm that not only can human philosophy give the drop, but every single drop, because all the things can be found without even recourse to sensory data whatsoever.

***Then you have to establish how our human nature is unlimited and the cause of all causes - granted what you say bears some truth - within the effect one can find traces of the cause, but it stretches things to say that the effect is as good as the cause (if it were so what would be the distinction between cause and effect?)

"****and if we are neither necessary or perfect how can we apply a philosophy of our own standards to dilineate the exact capacities of god? "

We cannot. Such a being would be forever beyond our ken to prove or disprove with logic. He'd also be completely worthless to bother with and impossible to know, as well as eternally lacking, as he is not an absolute. This being could not even be eternal.

***Don't know on what basis you say he could not be eternal - I mean it is pretty difficult for you to establish exactly what is eternal in this creation let alone drawing up a list of what in includes and excludes - particularly if you want to exclude an item that you previously declare that cannot be known - as for knowing god you are right that he can not be known by empiricism, he can be known if he chooses to reveal himself - this is the distinction between knowing material things and conscious things and such an epistemology even holds up if one wants to directly perceive conscious entities of this world, like the president for eg

"***So tell me, what do you see when you observe a new sports car? The latest in automobile design and manufacture or a product of randomness?"

Latest in automobile design and manufacture, specifically if it were a Jaguar (which I fancy most of all).

***No NO NO - it is a random collection of matter and you are attributing its creation to an illusory authority that you have not even met

"***Even rich men value their money - I have experience recently of a business man who has an annual income in the tens of millions driving over 30km to buy 20 litres of milk that was 10c cheaper per litre - Increasing capacity does not indicate lackiing as long as one does not find one's current capacity dysfunctional - "

But objectively speaking, it is disfunctional relative to the extent which it could grow. That is, it may not be impossible to do somethings with it, but it is impossible to do all things with it, and therefore is indeed lacking. Is it a necessarily painful lacking? No. But is a lacking and imperfection.

****So if god never experiences any dissatisfaction with his potencies, yet his potencies are increasing, is that lacking?

"***the epistemology that enables one to perceive the different medium of nature, namely the transcendendal above the mundane"

And what validity can we afford to this epistemology to be assured that it is a proper system?

****The same with any other epistemology - whether it grants the established ontology

"****That result is answered by applying the appropriate epistemology - there are indications given in scripture, which I think have been mentioned sufficiently"

You spoke of transcendence. But specifically, what can be said about God's form? I presume that you aren't refering to the BG's viewing of God as tens of thousands of deities, natural forces, planets, people, monsters, demons, et cetera?

***That is the universal form - the universal form is what enabled arjuna to see anything and everything, from the present future and past, in one location - in the BG god talks about his form in many ways - one word is avyayatma - his atma (self) is avyaya (unlimited) - this doesn't necessarily mean that he is off infinite proportions, although if need be god can manifest that form, as he did to arjuna with the universal form, if required - arjuna requested him to show that form as evidence that krishna is god, so krishna obliged - so if someone says thatthey are god you can test them by asking to see their universal form

"***Thinking implies substance and that substance is conducive to either liberation or bondage (it is the substance of consciousness)"

What do you mean by this? That there is a "liberation substance" and a "bondage substance"? Bceause I was asking whether it was made of matter or transcendence?

****Its transcendental if it is related to one's constitutional position as a servant of god and it is material if it is related to our endeavour to be an enjoyer of inferior nature

"***I am saying that if you want to talk of definite causes you either end up with consciousness or mystery "

But if it is mysterious, can you claim that the cause is ultimately conscious? Or must you admit ignorance as well as I of such things?

*****I never claimed that mysterious causes were conscious - I was indicating how relyin g on effects that have a mysterious cause (such as the universe is not directed by intelligence) does not establish how order can arise from matter - it would be more truthful to not depart further from "we do not know what drives the universe" rather than advocating "theer is no conscious direction in the universe")

"***No it just means what I said, that it is mysterious and hence is not really relevant to the discussion of causes because the cause is mysterious - we don't know what it is."

So you do not admit that the mysterious could produce a legitimately non-conscious cause?

*****It could but since we have no evidence of order arising out of such systems it would only be a "could" by the power of imagination - in other words advocating a hypothesis in the absence of evidence is bad science

"***But we see consciousness coming from consciousness - a living parent gives birth to a child and if that child lives it can also give birth to a child - life is never observed or replicated in such a way that it canb be drawn from matter '

Yet is it not telling that htis process is physical? That it the two conscious beings must interact through the sexual act in order to produce such life? That the life-producing things are material, though animate as live cells? That nothing which is alive can be shown to be divorced from a material form? So in fact, your claim thatlife is "never observed or replicated in such a way that it can be drawn from matter", considering that live bodies are made of matter, is not only not impossible, but perhaps even more probable than what you claim.

***Then why don't dead people produce life - I think to establish what you were advocating you would have to give a chemical synopsis of life - which to date has drawn a 100% failure rate

But this is also not what I am refering to. I am talking about the fact that thoughts have causal reasons, too. For instance, we can say that the thought is conscious, but the object of thought is not and the cause of tha tthought is not, or if is, eventually one thing will likely be material as a cause, et cetera, et cetera.

***Thinking indicates consciousness, even if a person is only thinking about plastic bags

"**Life and consciousness are inseperable just like fire and heat"

I would agree in that all which is alive must be conscious. That being said, is the appearance of life which precedes consciousness, in the sense that the there is no heat until there is flame.

***Fire and heat appear simultaneously just like consciousness and life

"***Its just like a flowing river - if you observe one body of water moving in the stream you cannot say that the river is dry simply because you have measured the quantity and movement of a certain patch of water at a particular time - the river is constantly flowing"

Indeed you cannot. However, if that river is carrying logs down stream, one can count the logs, and note that they do not share in the perpetuity of the river.

***what do the logs represent in regards to the flow of thought? If water is the thinking process what are the logs? Ideas? I am not advocating that all ideas are eternal I am advocating that the process of consciousness is eternal

"****The process of thought is quite subtle - how can one be sure that one is not merely thinking they are not thinking - who has been successful in stilling the mind to the degree that it is completely still - even if you snuff out the flame of a candle it can be re-lighted - in otherwords the potency is never affected"

If they are thinking they are not thinking, they are are in fact thinking, for they are thinking they aren't thinking! But no, meditation need not destroy the capacity to think in order to still thoughts, only to remove that from activity. It is rather like saying "one does not shut off the lights if the lights can be turned on again with the flip of the switch". However, presumably if one were to die whilst in meditation, one would have succesfully stopped the mind forever.

***To say that you would have to trace what th eessential quality of a living entity is both in their living and dead states

"***A fire with a wavering flame is not a fire?"

It is, but a wavering one. A wavering blame would state that the heat is relative and not eternal, whereas only the flame is. But to say "all things which are apart of fire - heat included - are eternal" is to suggest that no such wavering would ever happen. That is to say, that a thought is a transcedent, non-eternal thing, is proven despite "thinking" or perhaps "consciousness" being perpetual.

***Consciousness is distinct from thought - for instance if one's consciousness is habituated to lust one will automatically perceive things in a sexual manner - that does not mean that one is constantly thinking about the same object but merely that it is very easy for such a response to be triggerred - so spiritual consciousness is like that - it becomes very easy for such a person to think of god, just like it is very easy for a lusty man to think of sex

""In that the soul is eternal whereas the mind is temporary and based on individuated life?


How does the fact that conscious thought can come back after meditation and dreams prove the spirit?

***It indicates that there is something more essential than a waking, dreaming or dreamless state since we can draw our resources to have an idea of "I" in all those states - I was dreaming, I was awake etcetc

"So the real distinction is not betwixt body and mind, but body and soul?


So how then does the -soul- interact with the body and, ontop of that, the mind?


So the soul never interacts with the body whatsoever? The soul is not the origin of action that controls the body, or at least petitions God to move the matter in accordance with its whims? What is it, then?

****Just like the wind never actuallyinteracts with aroma yet according to its association it appears to smell fragrant or disgusting according to what it passes over

"****When those conditions exist life may or may not be present"

Can you name a single time where life is not present in a body capable of sustaining it?

***Still born babies
"****The poin t is that seeing the sun rise every day an indication of the will of god is not the same as seeing jesus's likeness in a potato chip or whatever - and if you think that seeing the sun rise is a sign of insanity then you would be pressed to present other evidence that a person is crazy other than they disagree with your perception - after all there are many scientists that have advocated such a stance for their conviction in a creator"

Many scientists who have not taken time to question what criterion they use to determine whether or not something is the product of a will. Whereas it is well enough to say that when watching baseball it is the batter who hit the ball which scored the winning home run, it is not enough to say "God caused the sun to rise" or "the universe was created by God" as we neither witnessed this, nor can infer directly from the evidence presented, that there is a creator. Moreover, fi ti is assumed that there are somethings which are not created, but happen by chance, then it also stands to reason that it cannot be ruled out that the universe came into its present state through chance.

***Very little of contemporary science is directly witnessed and a majority of it is inferred - what's the difference?

That is to say: Where is the will present in the universe?

***One can begin to answer that when they apply the relevant epistemology

"*****you may say that the sunrise is an example of willess order but actually you cannot present a complete picture of why it is taking place - thus we are back to all causes being either due to consciousness or "mystery" due to an absence of knowledge - the challenge still stands for you to provide an example of something that has a cause that is not either conscious or mysterious"

I have at least shown it is mysterious and not conscious, which implies that it is not necessarily conscious to begin with. That is to say, it behooves you to demonstrate that there is a will, as it is not obviously conscious.

***So there is no example of order existing outside of consciousness in our experience but theoretically there could be so when we see the order of the universe it is a statement of insanity to attribute it to a conscious entity?

I will go back to logical truths to speak of non-consciously created things.

The Law of Identity states that A = A. That is, a thing must be itself in order to be itself. A = A cannot be refuted, for if A = B and A and B are different, then one is claiming that A is never A to begin with, therefore, one is either claiming nonsense, or that B = B, which is simply another way of saying "A = A". Or to speak of something which is not itself but is itself, is absurd, because if it is not itself, it cannot be itself, and if it is itself, it cannot not be itself.

***So why do you advocate the order of the universe to arise from impersonal forces?

Similarly, as I have argued (and what I meant from "above") the notion of chaos is an absurdity, thus all must be ordered. For if chaos were to exist it would, itself, have to be chaos in order to be absolute. And as chaos is rnadomness personified, chaos would have to itself be random, and therefore could not retain its chaoticness, for in order to retain its chaoticness it must be non-chaotic in nature, hence it is impossible for chaos to exist.

***So in otherwords all the big thinkers of the world striving to solve big problems should just throw in the towel because there is just as much chance (or perhaps even a greater chance) of randomness solving the issues as conscious endeavour?

"*****So for an example you call upon something you cannot properly understand or define - ie it is another "mysterious" cause - is there any other thing that you give an example of, even a single thing, that has a cause that is not either due to consciousness or "mystery"?"

See immediatly above.

****Still we have no progress from my inquiry

"****Then why do we return to consciousness after sleep? IN fact we can even exhibit two types of consciousness in sleep - dreaming and dreamless sleep. God distributes consciousness just as a fire distributes heat - how would it be possible for us to "secure" our own consciousness? Its just like a child trying to become their own father"

Before we left from God, we were part of him wholly, yes? But somehow, we became aware of being a part, and thus departed "due to free will" which somehow requires ignorance and left God, yes?

In this case, it does indeed seem self-caused that we got self-awareness and left God!

****No - the seperation is eternal - we used free will to enetr into the medium of ignorance where perception of god is an option and not a contingent necessity

But in what way are we conscious when we are in a dreamless sleep? In that conscousness can arise again? Yes, I shall agree with you there. But when we are in a dreamless sleep, our consciousness is not on, even if "there" and capable of being "turned on" again.

****But we perceive its absence

"****But god doesn't take away the consciousness of the living entity - its an eternal fact - just as a heat is a constant fact for a fire - the point is that one is seen to be th eenergy and the other is seen to be the energetic - if you have this knowledge you can determine the source of a phenomena"

I was merely claiming here that if God were to have one thing removed from him, he'd cease to be God, thus God cannot have something beyond him and must be infinite, omnipresent, et cetera, but also dependent completely on his parts.

***So if you clip your fingernails or cut your hair you stand to lose soemthing that cannot be replaced?

But as to whether or not God takes away the consciousness of a living entity, I do not know.

****We couldn't be eternal if he did

"****There are different types of existences - the field of ontology deals withthis specifically - some things are more real than others "

Matter and transcendence, namely?

Moreover, you claimed that existence and God are not equatable, but that God is greater than existence. That is silly, for he must exist in all places in order to be infinite, and exist on all levels of existence if those is more than one.

***I was saying that existence, whatever variety of existence it may be, depends on god - even illusory existence

"What proof do you have of this?

***Not unless you are prepared to apply the relevant epistemology"

For argument's sake, offer me the insight from your epistemology - which is open to debate of the concepts, yes? - to answer this.

***If you want to know god you have to adopt the process he gives for knowing him - if you have some so-called better way to know god you will never know him - -and that process begins by eliminating things such as lust, envy etc

"***I was saying that there is no example of anything constant we can relate to (in conditioned life) except the notion of our own existence - we have the same sense of "I" in this life (I am not saying that this "I" is eternal - I am sayin gthat it is the only thing we can sure of - "I think therefore I am")

So therefore God is necessity personified, as it were, just as the necessity implied in "cogito ergo sum"?

**yes - or to take it further, god id the personality on whom all personalities depend (the sustaining eternal amongst all eternals)

"But you admit that without changing epistemologies, you cannot show that God can be causeless?

****If a person does not apply the relevant epistemology they do not perceive th erelated ontology"

Well then, how do we prove that epistemology if we have no means of showing it is true in ours? Isn't that just changing the rules of the game?

***successful epistemology grants a result that unsuccessful epistemology does not

"****Are you asking how physical things interact? Or are you asking how physical things are initiated to react?"


http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/leibniz-causation/ - For reasons why I ask you this.

To quote specifically from the above website:

It is fairly clear here that Leibniz takes ‘influx’ to refer to the transference of accidents (tropes or property-instances), as when a guitarist's fingers give an instance of motion to a struck guitar string. Leibniz holds that it cannot be comprehended how one finite substance could act on another finite substance. For such intersubstantial causation entails the transference or migration of an accident from one substance to another, where a trope passes from one thing to another, which then instantiates it. Such transference is inexplicable; an accident passing (or a trope transferring) from one subject to another is impossible (New Essays A vi, 6, 224). Leibniz writes in the Discourse on Metaphysics:

…nothing ever enters into our mind naturally from the outside; and we have a bad habit of thinking of our soul as if it received certain species as messengers and as if it has doors and windows. We have all these forms in our mind; we even have forms from all time, for the mind always expresses all its future thoughts and already thinks confusedly about everything it will ever think about distinctly. (Discourse on Metaphysics §26 GP iv, 451/AG 58)

***Physical things are initiated to move by will (either ours or gods) but whether it actually moves or not is dependant on god, since we have no potency outside of the capacity to will (we are dependant on external circumstances with variables we cannot fully assess)

"****NOt surprising since science is currently operating out of an epistemology that deals specifically with matter - how can consciousness be perceived if you ar e using an epistemology that deals solely with the substance that consciousness moves?"

If you truly put forth the idea that your epistemology may provide an answer for this that vindicates the metaphysical difference in the substance of matter and transcendence, use it now. I should be interested in your absolute proof for the distinctness of matter and transcendence, if you are presumed to have one.

***Matter is not conscious - it does not exhibit free will - intersting that according to contemporary definitions of science we do not have free will (see above statement about how this is not surprising)

"****Buut it is seen to be distinct since you can have a creature complete with tails, toes etc but without consciousness"

You can have a creature complete besides anyone body part, can one not? Moreover, consciousness is never found in something that is completely complete, as death implies a crucial failure in the system.

***Take away consciousness and you lose the essential ingredient - as for perfection - that's why god does not experience death, or even the living entity - the living entity experiences death in the medium of illusion (attachment to matter , namely this body)

"***God helps those who help themselves - as for the rape I think you would have to establish that we have th epotency to over ride nature - remember a poem in glorification of th maggot "No one gets to heaven without first going through you""

To say that God helps those who help themselves is really to say that "God isn't helping at all, but we claim that God is". Where is the evidence of God when a farmer pulls his raddish from the soil, the result of his long labours?

***If the farmer wants to grow radishes he is required to plant them and also requires providence in the form of rain - providence and endeavour work together but providence determines more than endeavour

"****But still we sometimes experience drought - despite all the best in technological advancement it is all uselss in the absence of the co-operation of material nature which is either directed by "mystery" or god according to one's consciousness"

Yet the mystery does not prove God. Absence of evidence cannot equate to evidence. But yes, for now, we are still subject to drought's influences.

***therefore our endeavour is not the sole variable to determine success

"***And what causes the atoms to combine?"

Natural forces which are ultimately expressions of potentiality manifesting which is necessitated by relation.

***What determines the relation between poteniality manifesting (all we can do is observe the laws of physics - we do not know why they exist the way they are - hence it leads down the well traversed avenue of "mystery")

"***Why does it shut down unless it is due to the absence of consciousness - a dead tree no longer strives towards the sun"

The striving of a tree does nothing to impact its growth, anymoreso than our striving would make our bodies grow. Growth is determined by the taking on of matter through hormonal and other interactions.

***Ever tried growing plants in the absence of sunlight?

"****So the goat is more clever than the scientist - a dairy farmer can produce milk with a dairy cow too"

Not so much more clever, but better equipped at the start.

But no, we can synthesize many substances. Adrenaline, for instance, has been synthesized.

****So has petrol

"***The difference is that consciousness is seen to come from another conscious entity and not dead matter - if a person could trace the family tree far enough where would they end up? With consciousness or matter?"

Matter, according to present scientific understanding, in regards to the Primordial Soup.

***How do they arrive at the conclusion, particularly at the exclusion of consciusness, when they have no evidence for this? Do you ever ask yourself this question?

"**** Let me rephrase that - you have to prove that increase is synomous with dissatisfaction"

Dissatisfaction is caused by desire. Desire demands increases, or decreases which cause increases (less noise, more quiet). Hence, dissatisfaction and increase are linked through the medium of desire.

***and if desire is satisfied within the realms of a quality that is always increasing what then? Is increase synonymous with dissatisfaction? For instance iof a man has more than enough money to fulfill all his desires and then his salary suddenly doubles but his life goes on the same, how does increase eual dissatisfaction - actually there are many business men like this who eat the same thing for breakfast, live in the same house and wear the same clothes and have the same friends even though they may increase their earnings 10 times over - what to speak of god

"**only if the authorities are conditioned - it gets back to being free from avarice lust etc , otherwise the greatest IQ in the world could be useless - as for the authority (or in this case sub-authority figure - priests are not god but god's representatives) they stand to acquire benefit if they are transparent and acquire sufferin gif they are not - actually everyone can acquire benefit from godliness - a rising tide lifts all ships"

Yet clearly there is a vested interest in any priest to keep people believing in his doctrines so he has a job, no?

***A properly qualified priest perceives god as his maintainer, not his congregation - actually there is a scriptural statement that a priest who is too attached to material comforts and a king who does not weild the rod of chastisement (enforce law) is swallowed by the earth (they fall down from their position)

And even he can be deluded by his masters or they by theirs. Therefore, how are we to know that it isn't some greedy little priest that wrote everything down? It is telling that all religions develop a clergy of sorts. Even animists have shamans.

*****Successful epistemology grants an ontology - material consciousness, like spiritual consciousness can also be cultivated so it behooves onbe to be familiar with the qualities that determine success and failure

"*****Precisely - those limitations are set by superior arrangement - in an obvious way we cannot fly like a bird (even our planes are clumsy things and jallopies compared to the movements of astral bodies) and on a more intimate level we are controlled by rememberance, knowledge and forgetfullness, which are controlled by god in his all-pervasive feature (paramatma) in all living entities"

So God controls what we remember? What proof have you of that? He also controls what we know and what we forget? Again, proof? And whom is to say that God imposes our limitations? For remember, even by your own admission it is "mystery or consciousness", not "consciousness", that has made matter.

***If you don't apply the relevant epistemology it will always remain a mystery for a million years

"***If we are free from illusion, yes"

So once we are free from illusion, we may know all things?

****well comparitively more than while in illusion don't you agree?

"****He doesn't force us to become illusioned - we choose to"

How can we choose to be deluded?

***** Watch 10hours of MTV and find out how

"****Removes fallibility? So a criminal can escape charges of misconduct by blaming the king? And there are no free choice in places that have established jails within the precincts of their provinces?"

If God is the judicator, then it stands to reason that our illusions come from him, does it not? For if free-will needs no imperfection to exist, how can fallibility make it?

***So because the king constructed the jail he is responsible if persons do activities to wind up there?

"***for the catergory of god"

Then God has failed in not allowing such category to extend to all things.

****Why do you want to be god?

****Don't think the residents of the transcendental realm work out of fear"

I did not say they work out of fear, but that God is imperfect because he has conceded to imperfection.

***he didn't conced it - we did

"****I hope you address this annhilation thing somewhere here because I am not sure how that entered the picture - as for the soul experiencing it is just liek a dream - is it enough to be rich and healthy just by dreaming about it?"

"If life is an illusion, I am no less an illusion, and being thus, it is real to me."

That is to say, a dream is real if the world is only dreams.

***which it is not when you eventually wake up

"*****But he can cause it - its due to our illusion that we misplace it - we are spontaneously attracted to the rich, intelligent, renounced, beautiful etc people of this world - god possesses these opulences in full - in the absence of loving god we are loving something or someone else because we do not perceive god - inother words one simply has to perceive god to love him - because people do not perceive him (due to arriving in the medium of illusion due to a misuse of free will) they do not love him"

Yet a cause which does not extend always is not a cause of a perfect being. If God can he is partially potential, which implies that he is not eternal, and not perfect.

***If you are blind to perceiving an extension doesn't mean that it is not always extending

"***god is the most irresistable"

Then why is he resisted?

***we are spontaneously attracted to the rich, intelligent, renounced, beautiful etc people of this world - god possesses these opulences in full - in the absence of loving god we are loving something or someone else because we do not perceive god - inother words one simply has to perceive god to love him - because people do not perceive him (due to arriving in the medium of illusion due to a misuse of free will) they do not love him

***One can share that, but not in the medium of illusion"

So one is free when liberated?

***yes - on that platform nothing operates by force, or against one's will

"***Just like a finger is perfect as long as it is connected to the body (it serves the whole) - if our finger is cut off we will literally empty our treasury to stitch it back on - but if it is cut off with no possibility of being reattached we wouldn't pay $5 for it - similarly our perfection/imperfection relies on being connected to god - the material creation is perfect in the sense that it is impossible for us to be satisfied here because it is not our real medium of existence"

Yet how can we be not connected to God if he is perfect? And how can God allow imperfection if he is perfect?

***We are disconnected by not engaging in the service of the whole, just like a finger becomes dysfunctional, even though attached to the body, while it is broken and in the process of knittin g th e bones

"****I was after something more specific - how do you distinguish a material joy from a spiritual one ?"

A material joy is to be found in material things, or actions in the material world, where a spiritual joy is to be found in something like "valuing the road to enlightenment" or "seeking to serve God".

***Such classifications are determined by qualities - like for instance if I say I like drinking milk and then proceed to grind up rice flour mix it with water and apparently relish it I have only approached the superficial symptoms of drinking milk - one should know what are the actual qualities of relishing service to god or traversing the road of enjoyment otherwise one may simply be relishing the road of material acquisition under a different label

"***Neither can material life because these things are require hard labour to acquire and maintain and are all eventually lost at the time of death anyway - these things are shadows of real enjoyment - in spiritual life you have real power, real fame etc"

If they are lost, they may be acquired again if we live again, or lost forever if we die. If we die, we are gone, and thus it is no true loss to us. Similarly, it is usually part of the joy to gain such things by one's efforts. Power gaining more powerful, to paraphrase Nietzsche, is ultimately enjoyable.

***If you stand to lose it again then you are relishing the labour of your love only

But how in spiritual life does one have "real power" and "real fame"? How about "real conquest" and "real challenge" and "real gain"? If the joy is to be found in playing the game, and the spiritual life is the end, is not then that joy absent?

***Realness because it is connected to a real object - artificial fame would be the fame that relates to the body, because, no matter which way you look at it, the body goes - real fame would to be famous in the eyes of god

"****Actually if you want to talk about a water particle, the water particle does in fact mainatin it sindividuality - BTW , bhagavad gita advocates that individuality is eternal, even after liberation - there is no merging"

Describe then what is individuality in the liberation? Or even existence as such? For my understanding of ultimate liberation is supposed to be a merger and dissolution into God. If I am mistaken, tell me?

I did a quick search to find the relevant texts. According to http://www.gurupedia.com/b/bh/bhagavad_gita.htm

"" When the mind comes to rest, restrained by the practice of yoga, and when beholding the Self, by the self, he is content in the Self." (B.G., Chapter 6, Verse 20) | " He who finds his happiness within, his delight within, and his light within, this yogi attains the bliss of Brahman, becoming Brahman.""

If one is to become Brahman (God) then that implies that one's ego as a distinct being is gone. Therefore, you are God, which does nothing, and whose joy is likely more akin to "undisturbed peace", because what can make God unhappy or happy? Moreover, the Self is equivalent to God, yes? So therefore in the first instance, "he is content in being the same as God, therefore, no longer distinct". Sounds like annihilation to me!

***brahman generally means "spirit", thus it can refer to either god or the living entity , although in the case of god it is often further tagged "para" (super) brahman - as it stands in this verse it is referring to the nature of brahman, which is the realm of eternity (there are also further foundations of existence namely cit - knowledge and ananda - bliss, thus when one arrives at the position of eternity knowledge and bliss one has arrived at the end medium of spiritual existence)

as for the verse you quoted, seven texts later it is said

The yogī whose mind is fixed on Me verily attains the highest perfection of transcendental happiness. He is beyond the mode of passion, he realizes his qualitative identity with the Supreme, and thus he is freed from all reactions to past deeds.

and at the end of the chapter

And of all yogīs, the one with great faith who always abides in Me, thinks of Me within himself, and renders transcendental loving service to Me — he is the most intimately united with Me in yoga and is the highest of all. That is My opinion.

The earliest indication given that the soul is eternally individual is gioven in the beginning of the second chjapter

Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be.


"****If that's you conclusion on spiritual joys I would hazard that you haven't applied the releveant epistemology"

I would wager I am not, actually, but I look forward to your responses.

"****How is this state different from deep dreamless sleep?"

I do not know. I have never experienced such a state like he did. I shall ask. Moreover, he was not asleep during the time, but awake and lost in meditation.

"***lol - welcome to material life "

Yes. But welcome also to a life which does not necessitate desire in everything.

***well love it or loathe it, desire is your eternal companion so you might as well get used to it

"***Televisions are not conscious, but they require consciousness to move between different states of operation"

They are indeed not conscious, but you can have "an on state" and "off state". We simply have an "on state", a "dream state", and an "off" state, which we do not have consciousness of.

***we don't have an off state - that is death - and even then its up for debate what happens after that (at the very least)

"***Then why is this reality countered when we dream? Actually even to set this point aside, waking existence is full of illusion, rope snakes etc"

Why is the reality of the dream encountered or why is it not countered? Well why it is encountered is because dreams are basically entertainment for the brain that can be focused on to the exclusion fo everything else, as we have no connection (or a very tenuous connection) to our senses at the time.

***and waking life isn't entertainment for the gross body?

If it is not countered, it is because the illusion appears real.

And yes, we can be fooled in the real world, but if we investigate things, we are not.

****until such point as your investigation penetrates illusion, because illusion isn't self apparent (while in illusion)

"What are they? Mental?


So what would constitute a purely spiritual being?

****One who uses his body, mind and words in the service of god without succumbing to the control of the senses (characterised by envy etc)

"****Then that just leaves us with the symptoms of the mind etc which do not slot in to definitions of matter"

What aspect of the mind itself does not slot into matter, you say?

****what aspect does? attempts to define the mind in terms of matter are incomplete and tend to dabble with only the symptoms

"***matter has two aspects - subtle (the mind) and gross(the body), and spirit is distinct again"

So now consciousness is matter?

****no consciousness is symptomised by activating matter whichis due to the presence of the soul - which is not matter

"***Again it requires an application of epistemology - if I can not understand physics can you provide me with evidence of an electron? As for the graveyard that is indeed the example of a body without a mind - dead matter"

Well show me an entity even in your own epistemology that would be spiritual?

****What's the point if you lack the foundations granted in epistemology? Just like if I lack a foundation in physics what's the point of getting into specifics such as electrons?

"**But the absence of perception is still perceptable - for instance someone asks us if we have just had a nice sleep - we don't know how long we slept, we don't know where or what was going on inour mind, but we answer "yes""

We answer that from our feeling of restedness after it, not because we experienced the "niceness" of sleep.

***so the restedness becomes the perception of dreamless sleep

"***the time span we may not know but we know it happened"

Yes, we know that at least a second or so passed, by virtue of the fact that we woke up, and we could not have simulteneously went to sleep and woke up in the exact same moment.

***a computer doesn't have that conception between being turned off or on

"***material goodness is unsteady because it deals with material nature - sometimes a good man succumbs to depravity - sometimes a depraved man is disgusted with their life and seeks something superior, sometimes a passionate man just wants to hide away and forget everything - there is no steady platform of existence for mere "goodness", although it is a noble aim and a suitable platform for embarking on spiritual goodness"

And what about spiritual goodness?

***uniform and constant unlike, material goodness, passion and ignornace which combine to produce a myriad of results

"***this is not the definition of liberation - I think I mentioned this earlier about the living entity being distinct from god in all states at all times - the activities of liberation are based on spontaneous attraction and reciprocation between the beloved and the lover - namely god and the living entity "

Yet you claimed at another time that this distinction is illusion and it caused ignorance and illusion. Similarly, what does it mean to have "sponteneous attraction and reciprocation between the beloved and the lover"? What does one get out of this? It cannot come from want, as one could not have want at the time.

***the difference is thatthe want is directed towards god rather than his sperated energy (dull matter) - seperation from god means a seperation of consciousness - illusion is when we don't perceive our connection to god

"***This is why empiricism is always faulty becaus it relies on humanity - spiritual advancement relies on god who is free from such defects"

What are the flaws of humanity if humanity can even overcome those flaws. Specffically through so easy a thing as clinging to objectivity?

**the flaws are imperfect senses, tendency to make mistakes, tendency to fall in to illusion and a cheating propensity

"***I can see you ar every much attached to the notion of spiritual annhilation - but at the same time you seem disgusted by it - why must the living entity lose their individuality? I can see why you might think that if you assume that the body is the self"

If Atman = Brahman, and recognition of identity with Brahman is supreme, then one ceases to be Atman, aka, one ceases to be the self. One cannot be submerged in a being that transcends the self and remain the self. Similarly if both you and I = Brahman, then it stands that if both you and I were liberated, we'd become the same, therefore, we'd both lose ourselves and become something else entirely, or not something at all but submerge into a third thing.

***if both you and I come to the level of brahman it would mean that we have come to the platform of eternity and are not bewildered by the ephermal exhibitions of temporal nature - we would both continue to exist however - I mentioned earlier how brahman means spirit and it has a variety of definitions according to how it is applied in a context

"****Well how if you get to keep your self"

Depends on what the celebration is like.

****Better than anything you have experienced (in material life)

"***Then you broke the paradigm of seein gthe snake - the point is that until the paradigm of illusion is broken direct perception is uselss because all it reveals is illusion - in other words until the vices of lust, avarice etc are broken there is no value in direct perception (at laest as far as uncovering universal truths)"

It seems that the seeking out of truth can over ride these things even outside of religion. That is to say, one can go from simply seeing illusion to being sparked by philosophy and extending this beyond just one instance of illusion.

***But if one is affected by lust avarice etc one's findings will be warped to suit one's corrupted nature

"***Therefore this lief is not the all in all"

Or justice of a divine nature does not exist. Perhaps evil simply goes without punishment?

****Oh well I guess you might as well buy yourself a chainsaw and become famous

"***therefore we are sometimes successful and sometiems fail for reasons we cannot determine"

We can determine it as simply not enough effort or rightfully applied effort.

***wisdom is useless in hindsight - particularly if the renewed application of rightly applied effort also yields failure

"****We can say whatever we want but until we come to the platform of properly understanding the terms in use it won't amount to anything - for instance if I call annhilating an entir erace "an act of peace" it doesn't make it an act of piece - similarly if I call a pizza a glass of water it doesn't quench my thirst - similarly to call a woman a soul doesn't help one over come lust, avarice, envy etc"

So you would claim that it is not a genuine understanding of her spiritual beinghood to want to have sex with her?

****there's a time and place for everything but when we are influenced by passion we tend to think "right now, right here" (which delivers predictable results) - but back to the point, if you want to say that a person is a spiritual spark that term has qualities to determine its correct application , just like water is distinct from pizza - whether it is the right time or circumstance to drink water is a different issue - first of all you have to know what water is

"***If religion leads to god , and if god is the absolute truth, how is that so?"

What does religion use to find God? If philosophy, then is it not philosophy which is higher, for it is the way religion can only reach God?

***philosophy brings one to the point of application - otherwise it is just like useless decoration on a dead body (courage is the one quality that ensure s all others) - in the case of religion philosophy brings one to the poin tof practicing religious principles (service to god in a mood of surrender etc) - if a person is not at that point to apply such surrender they require more lessons (either in the form of philosophy or experience from what the material world offers - but usually a combination of both)

BG 7.15: Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons do not surrender unto Me.

BG 7.16: O best among the Bhāratas, four kinds of pious men begin to render devotional service unto Me — the distressed, the desirer of wealth, the inquisitive, and he who is searching for knowledge of the Absolute.

"***Until one comes to the point of practically applying spiritual life one could think like that - just like you could say that highschool is good, community college has it smerits and university grants grand results but until you come to the platform of practical application of at least one of these educational faciltiies you don'e perceive the benefit"

If religion finds out how to apply things through philosophy, then is it not philosophy which isthe root of the applicaiton, not religioin?

***the point is that philosophy is useless without application, regardless whether the issue is religious or not

"***therefore you can assess the validity of a religious principle by the related philosophy that determines the quality of success or failure - what you are talking about is religion in the absence of philosophy "

But why not simply c ut out the extraneous religion and just stick with the philosophy? If the philosophy will guid sufficiently, why not?

***Application without philosophy is dangerous and philosophy without application is useless - if the philosophy of religion demands that one surrender to god (as opposed to god's energy) how is it possible to extract it?
Prince_James said:
Prince_James said:
...............For ease of reference, I'll put the the equations/functions and their answers like so:

Y = X/X Y = 1

Y = 3x/x Y = 3

11x/x Y = 11

X = 0.

Now, are you sure this is what a mathematician would give for an answer?.........................

The following is a summary of their view:
It's a bit confusing; but otherwise it's okay!

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