lightgigantic: “…No need to create what is already in existence - the burdens on you because your the one with the brand new ideas (ie time is not caused by god but is the cause of god)…….”.
Re: Damn right! I don’t intend to create mythologies. I intend to destroy them! And time is above all gods. Okay?
lightgigantic: “….. except the ability to emanate the potency of time (according to your speculative definitions and directly opposed to authoritative definitions found in scripture ...)….”.
Re: The ability to emanate the ‘potency of time’ is definitely according to your speculations and used by you to re-interpret the supposed authoritative definitions found in your mythological scripture. To ‘emanate the potency of time’! It doesn’t even sound flowery and poetical, let alone consistent and logical. And this is one more symptom of your lack of ‘theological knowledge’ and logical training. True? Yes? No? The verb ‘emanate’ itself can never ever have any meaning or make any sense in the absence of time. And that is why your argument for the existence of God is so illogical.
lightgigantic: “…... that's the problem - you don't accept this definition as being without a cause - for some reason, perhaps because you measure god according to your own limited existence , you imagine that he must be as limited as yourself - but obviously you are not god so I don't know why you work out of such a paradigm ????……”.
Re: This is again a symptom of your lack of logical training and disciplines. How on earth you’re unable to distinguish between a formal definition and the ontological entity defined by that definition? Clearly, you need very badly to work on your logic. Do you disagree on this one? I bet you do!
lightgigantic: “…... Well you don't even accept this definition as a model to work out of ... what can be done?…….”.
Re: You know? Sometimes, you don’t appear that ignorant of the rules! A position like yours is logically helpless. So what can be done in such a situation? Well, one can see the light and accept the truth. One, also, can resort to sophistry and playing around with words. This last tactic is generally chosen by religious dogmatists, and obviously by you in the current discussion. So you are playing a sophist here! Right?
lightgigantic: “…... Again - your concoction buddy - if you want to sling your opinions around and expect to be taken seriously you should at least form a thread with a logical premise.This is my point - you are changing the thread topic by stating god is a contradiction by logic - and just when you begin to work with the standard definition you corrupt it with your own unauthoratative concoction - actually you are better suited to writing a thread about undermining the authority of scripture because that is your real issue - you don't even begin to form a logical argument proving that god is a contradiction - you never even make it to first base……..”.
Re: Once again, are you ignorant of the rules or just playing sophist? Every fallacy in the book has been committed by you in this setting. The above is called the fallacy of placing your argument upon the prestige of authority, which is in this case, the authority given by you to your own ancient mythological books! So you should get your argument into shape; and be more subtle. In other words, become a trained and sophisticated sophist!
lightgigantic: “…... And therefore you find that there many saintly person who can attest to the perception of god - all you are advocating is that god is not available to your sense perception - but then I don't imagine that you are a saintly person or that you have ever really applied yourself to spiritual endeavours so if you have no credibility or qualification in a field, what is the value of your opinions? - but the problem is that the standard definition of god, as you have already explained to us all, is that he is not a product of human social customs - of course that may be your opinion - but then so what - there are so many opinions in this world…….”.
Re: One more time, you’re relying on the authority and the testimony of the supposed saintly persons of your scripture. And that is a fallacy. And it’s useless. Stop using it! God cannot exist, because every possible definition of Him is outright contradictory. And this is a fact. Hence, do you want to be an ignoramus? Do you want to be a sophist? Or do you want to be a wise person who accepts the truth and avoids a lot of sophistry and waste of time? The choice is yours. Make it now!