God Is Self-contradictory. Hence, God Doesn’t Exist.

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AAF said:
Your brain cannot play tricks on you,
because you and your brain are one!
How does that follow? The brain is still a part of you.

Besides, do you consider mirages a trick of the brain?

Therefore, the 'mazes of mirrors' that
you have seen are not the 'maze of your brain',
but the 'labyrinth of reality'.
That as well. :eek:
Hapsburg said:
Nobody is perfect,
Perfect is God only;
Therefore, God is Nobody.
Therefore, He does not exist.

There, simple. :D
Fallacy of definition- God is not a person, cannot use "nobody" :D
Also, premise number one is an assumption :D
AAF said:
TruthSeeker: "Time is not absolute for us. Doesn't mean it is not absolute for God...".

We are the ones who must conclude
whether or not God exists.
And so the meaning of our time is up and running,
and the meaning of His time is down and dead,
in any debate for deciding this matter.
God is the observer. He can subjectively perceive the entire universe. So, by definition, space-time must be absolute to Him.

TruthSeeker: "...Every single infinitesimal point in the universe contains the very same God. Ever heard of subatomic particles disapearing and appearing somewhere else? Ever heard of the same particle being in two places at the same time? That is God saying "hello"...".

No, pal!
That is not God.
That is simply a false supposition.
And even if such an ad-hoc hypothesis were true,
it would be inaccessible and useless.
You need to prove that. You don't seem aware of the evidence and implications of the hypothesis above...
AAF said:
TruthSeeker: "...Logical analysis...".

You wrote earlier to explain your view of time:

'When is time the same everywhere? Take for instance new years eve. It's 2:00pm in north america, but in china, they already had all the commemorations and they are now sleeping. Which time is the "right" one?
Now, take two people side by side. One of them is 2 weeks old. The other is 99 years old. What is time?'

If the above is the logical analysis that has led you to conclude 'time is not absolute', then you've made an obvious mistake.

There is nothing, absolutely nothing, inconsistent with the notion of 'absolute time' in clocks giving different readings at different locations on Planet Earth.
For those clocks are synchronized only with the position angle of the sun at a particular geographical location during a 24-hour cycle.
And no way, this synchronization for civil purposes implies that this moment of time at your location is not the same everywhere on Earth.
No. They are different times of the day. There is an illusion that it is the same simply because we use the same clocks and they are all synchronized. If you change the time in your clock, what happens now?

Regardless, you always perceive the time as an absolute time. You are in an absolute frame of reference (i.e. you) therefore, you will indeed experience a sense of absoluteness. But for a kid that is not even yet inside a woman's belly, what time is it?

As for '...One of them is 2 weeks old. The other is 99 years old...',
both numbers denote durations and time periods, and have nothing to do with simultaneity and absoluteness of time.
Again, relative absolute frames of reference. You are not aware to the implications. For the little kid, time began 2 weeks ago. For the old person, time began 99 years ago. Do you think they perceive the same time?
TruthSeeker said:
How does that follow? The brain is still a part of you.
Besides, do you consider mirages a trick of the brain?
That as well. :eek:


'still a part of you'!

Your brain is where your mind is.
Your brain is where your ego, your feelings,
your memories, and your ideas, reside.
Your brain is certainly you.
Hapsburg said:
Nobody is perfect,
Perfect is God only;
Therefore, God is Nobody.
Therefore, He does not exist.
There, simple. :D


Nobody is perfect.
God is perfect.
Therefore, nobody is God.
TruthSeeker said:
Fallacy of definition- God is not a person, cannot use "nobody" :D
Also, premise number one is an assumption :D


If God is not a person (body), as you
always insist, then He is nobody!
So you must use 'nobody', and the 'FALLACY' is yours.
AAF said:

'still a part of you'!

Your brain is where your mind is.
Your brain is where your ego, your feelings,
your memories, and your ideas, reside.
Your brain is certainly you.
That's irrelevant. The brain is part of you. So what?
AAF said:
If God is not a person (body), as you
always insist, then He is nobody!
So you must use 'nobody', and the 'FALLACY' is yours.
A rock is not a person. From your logic, a rock does not exist. :bugeye: :eek: :D
AAF said:
Simply stated, Ockham’s Razor is this: "Get rid of redundant entities".

Wow you are so wrong on the first line. Good job.

"Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily" - William of Ockham.

Wouldn't the explaination of everything be easier if God did exist? I am not claiming he does, but I think this is the simplist explanation. God not existing would mean we would need to explain every thing about where the universe came from, for example. It's much easier to say God made it.
Well I think you are making me follow you. See, what I do is post something... check the SF homepage for any new postings... read them, and then maybe reply. If there are no new posts or nothing I am interested in, I do something else for the next 60 seconds to hour then come back. You post just as much as I do in some cases you are always make the first post I see... and it is generally in a thread I have participated in :)
TruthSeeker said:



Because God is always defined in terms of 'what He can do'.
And 'what He can do' always implies time.
But time, according to taken-literally Relativity,
is not one but many, i.e. there is one time
(the same as the universal one) for every possible
frame of reference based on motion or gravitatiion.
TruthSeeker said:
It needs to be answered.

If you preferred, you can answer the following:
"How tall are you?"


You have to answer it first!
What about £1010110?
AAF said:


Because God is always defined in terms of 'what He can do'.
And 'what He can do' always implies time.
But time, according to taken-literally Relativity,
is not one but many, i.e. there is one time
(the same as the universal one) for every possible
frame of reference based on motion or gravitatiion.
Basing His definition on "what he can do" seems to be limiting to Him. Why would He want to do something? Does He have desires? What on earth would compell Him to do something (pun! :p )?
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