God is real?


Worship me or suffer eternally
Valued Senior Member
No offense, but I think what you people believe in is not true. God is supernatural, and yet I have not seen anything supernatural in this world. You can't prove that God (Jesus or Allah or the like) exists and if you can, please enlighten me.

I believe people have made up religion to scare and suppress people. Or maybe to help people. But God is not real.

I do not wish to offend you people and I respect your religion.

Yet it is a mystery for me why this universe and all it's objects exist so for that reason I might believe that there is some kind of supreme beiing and maybe an afterlife or something like that.

I figure you all are smart enough to figure that (most of) you wouldn't have any religion at all if you weren't raised with one.

There are so many different religions, how can one tell that yours is the 'right' one?

I am verrrry uncertain about the whole religion thing, and I have tried talking about this with other religious people but they were offended and I did not succeed in having a reasonable conversation with them.

I hope you people can give me that.

If you feel you need to flame me please do not post here.
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First, tell me what you mean with "natural". What does it include and what does it exclude, if anything. Do you suppose that there is no outside influence on it - and hence nothing supernatural?
s0meguy said:
No offense, but I think what you people believe in is not true. God is supernatural, and yet I have not seen anything supernatural in this world. You can't prove that God (Jesus or Allah or the like) exists and if you can, please enlighten me.

I believe people have made up religion to scare and suppress people. Or maybe to help people. But God is not real.

I do not wish to offend you people and I respect your religion.

Yet it is a mystery for me why this universe and all it's objects exist so for that reason I might believe that there is some kind of supreme beiing and maybe an afterlife or something like that.

I figure you all are smart enough to figure that (most of) you wouldn't have any religion at all if you weren't raised with one.

There are so many different religions, how can one tell that yours is the 'right' one?

I am verrrry uncertain about the whole religion thing, and I have tried talking about this with other religious people but they were offended and I did not succeed in having a reasonable conversation with them.

I hope you people can give me that.

If you feel you need to flame me please do not post here.

If your assumption is "there is no God", then no 'right' religion will satisfy your answer. It would be better to invest time and money at the self-help section of a bookstore.

But what if there is a God? Would you want to know Him?

Welcome to sciforums.

No offense, but I think what you people believe in is not true.

Given that most and at least 50% of the posters in this forum are atheist or non religious then your blanket observation is not accurate. But that’s fine many often mistake a religion forum is just for religious folk – but here it is a much healthier balance, so feel right at home with your disbeliefs, you will have plenty of company.

God is supernatural, and yet I have not seen anything supernatural in this world.

Neither has anyone else, although there are many claims but they never show credible evidence.

You can't prove that God (Jesus or Allah or the like) exists and if you can, please enlighten me.

No proof exist that’s why they always lean heavily on faith – the belief without evidence.

I believe people have made up religion to scare and suppress people. Or maybe to help people. But God is not real.

That is certainly the most reasonable assumption to make given the lack of any credible evidence to the contrary.

I do not wish to offend you people and I respect your religion.

Speak your mind and don’t worry about what others think, and why would you respect their religion? Give people respect certainly, but why respect irrational institutions that spread illogical and baseless dangerous ideas?

Yet it is a mystery for me why this universe and all it's objects exist so for that reason I might believe that there is some kind of supreme beiing and maybe an afterlife or something like that.

Why? See what science says in things like astrophysics, and neuroscience before suspecting that baseless superstitions might have merit. Science is the vehicle to knowledge – religion offers nothing only false hopes.

I figure you all are smart enough to figure that (most of) you wouldn't have any religion at all if you weren't raised with one.

Or are gullible.

There are so many different religions, how can one tell that yours is the 'right' one?

Or if any are right?

I am verrrry uncertain about the whole religion thing, and I have tried talking about this with other religious people but they were offended and I did not succeed in having a reasonable conversation with them.

Remember that religionists have adopted an irrational position which indicates they cannot think in a reasonable fashion, hence you should never expect to ever have a reasonable conversation with any of them.

I hope you people can give me that.

Hey no problem from me.

If you feel you need to flame me please do not post here.

Good try but that probably won’t work – but most religionists here at the moment seem quite polite.
Thank you all for your responses.

SVRP said:
If your assumption is "there is no God", then no 'right' religion will satisfy your answer. It would be better to invest time and money at the self-help section of a bookstore.

So you are basicly saying that I am ignorant for believing that there is no god.

Jenyar said:
First, tell me what you mean with "natural". What does it include and what does it exclude, if anything. Do you suppose that there is no outside influence on it - and hence nothing supernatural?

How come Cris understands me and you don't. Maybe because you believe in the supernatural and think that it is one with natural or what I think is reality?
You mean for me to 'think' away the barrier between natural and supernatural?

Cris said:
Why? See what science says in things like astrophysics, and neuroscience before suspecting that baseless superstitions might have merit. Science is the vehicle to knowledge – religion offers nothing only false hopes.

They say they have found that the universe is not unlimited. That would mean the universe is an object itself. So how can this object then be created?

Why or how does this dimension or timeline exist or be created? Why is there anything at all?

They say they have found that the universe is not unlimited.

But science doesn’t say that.

That would mean the universe is an object itself.

The would mean that the universe (meaning everything) is not everything.

So how can this object then be created?

That’s where something “super” is imagined to explain it away.

Why or how does this dimension or timeline exist or be created? Why is there anything at all?

Why should there be an answer? The universe might simply “be”.
They say they have found that the universe is not unlimited. That would mean the universe is an object itself. So how can this object then be created?

It would be created by something that was never created. Only things that have a beginning are created.
Someguy, you sound somewhat naive, but headed on the right direction. You want to learn, and have come to a good place, were people will lead you to many sites and opinions about religion, science, astronomy, biology, and in general all of life, don't sway away from your quest of learning this will lead you to your own chosen path. Wether it be some kind of religion or atheism. Chirs is a good friend to have around here, he has a very logical mind, and can lead you to be very objective. You may also come acros Alpha, Spidergoat, Bells, Katazia, amongs other athiests here, who will mostly enlgighten you with science, logic,and reason. Have fun. And welcome to Sci-forums.


Yet it is a mystery for me why this universe and all it's objects exist so for that reason I might believe that there is some kind of supreme beiing and maybe an afterlife or something like that.

There are so many different religions, how can one tell that yours is the 'right' one?

I am verrrry uncertain about the whole religion thing

Go ahead and be uncertain of religion for the simple reason what you stated of there being so many different religions, which one is the right one. Belief in an almighty creator and religion are two seperate issues. One needn't be religious to believe in an almighty creator. Religion simply tries to define that which they do not know. Religion is just the philosophy towards God. I highly doubt we'll ever prove or disprove the existance of a God so all we can do is try and think about the who's, what's, and how's God is, and that's exactly what religion is. That's why I'm an agnostic who believes in an almighty creator.

- N
The beauty of creation proves God. For mere chance is surely incapable of having wrought such tender design.
§outh§tar said:
The beauty of creation proves God. For mere chance is surely incapable of having wrought such tender design.
Witness the snowflake.

It would be created by something that was never created. Only things that have a beginning are created.
Right, and the universe has no beginning.
They say they have found that the universe is not unlimited. That would mean the universe is an object itself. So how can this object then be created?
Unlimited in what way? Once again, the Universe has no beginning.
The beauty of creation proves God. For mere chance is surely incapable of having wrought such tender design.
There are so many things wrong with this... I don't know where to begin. 1 - you call it "creation" yet it was not created. 2 - beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and subjective experiences prove nothing. 3 - The Universe was not designed, and what's so "tender" about it? 4 - It's not "mere chance", but a product of the laws of nature.
Witness the snowflake.

I'll have to remember that! :)

Also, s0meguy, keep in mind there are two uses for the term supernatural. One means beyond the laws of nature as we know them, and the other means beyond the laws of nature as they actually exist. When referring to God, people usually mean the second one, but I argue that the second one does not exist, by definition. You seem to have come to the same conclusion.
4 - It's not "mere chance", but a product of the laws of nature

And who exactly wrote those laws of nature? What's the reason everything does what it does? Who programmed and set on loop everything to act as they do?

I still cannot understand why many scientists would rather believe that the universe has always existed as it did rather than believing in a God. A God fits a scientists ideaology more than an ever-existing universe. They say they do not believe in a God because how can something exist out of nothing and if God creates all, who created God. Well that question applies right back to the universe so I don't see what the difference is.

The reason why I say God is more like a scientist is because in our minds, everything has a creator and our lowly selves are able to create many things and it seems as if our knowledge will continue on forever. In that sense, we're gods on a lesser scale. It would make more sense for everything to root back to an original creator as opposed to everything "magically", oh sorry, "naturally" :rolleyes: happening.

Belief in a God is actually more natural and believable as we're the proof in the pudding as opposed to some hocus pocus universe appearing out of nowhere, having all their laws of nature and such already pre-made. To be created by a God, or to magically appear.. hmm.. real tough decision and the scientists that create would like to not think of there being a creator (themselves as proof) but rather magic, lol. And it's funny because they try and use this exact same argument against those that believe in a God, calling it magical and such. Uh no, having a creator is not magic and scientists of all people should know that.

- N
someguy says:
No offense, but I think what you people believe in is not true. God is supernatural, and yet I have not seen anything supernatural in this world. You can't prove that God (Jesus or Allah or the like) exists and if you can, please enlighten me.

I believe people have made up religion to scare and suppress people. Or maybe to help people. But God is not real.

I do not wish to offend you people and I respect your religion.

Yet it is a mystery for me why this universe and all it's objects exist so for that reason I might believe that there is some kind of supreme beiing and maybe an afterlife or something like that.

I figure you all are smart enough to figure that (most of) you wouldn't have any religion at all if you weren't raised with one.

There are so many different religions, how can one tell that yours is the 'right' one?

I am verrrry uncertain about the whole religion thing, and I have tried talking about this with other religious people but they were offended and I did not succeed in having a reasonable conversation with them.

I hope you people can give me that.

If you feel you need to flame me please do not post here.

why have you stoped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you want to know about god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
are you serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you people here, are you serious!!!!!!!!!!

go on more
i want more
god humble chat members is god
you all are people, people!!!!


greatest Philosopher of all time, PHILOCRAZY
Alpha said:
Right, and the universe has no beginning.

Science says that the universe does have a beginning.
It was created 14 billion years ago, astronomers say.

Cris said:
But science doesn’t say that.

What about the Big Bang theory?

It basically says that the universe was created from a huge explosion and then the universe expanded itself rapidly. If it expands or expanded, that would mean it is not unlimited in space.

Alpha said:
Unlimited in what way? Once again, the Universe has no beginning.

Do you mean that both in terms of space and time?

According to what astronomers believe the universe is created. Something that is created by nature cannot be unlimited.

But then again, they can never be sure about that theory.

What you say can be true.

I'll stick with the idea that the universe is not unlimited in both ways. That is, until proven otherwise.
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someguy says:
I'll stick with the idea that the universe is not unlimited in both ways.

know, huh?

you say universe is not unlimited
then my friend
it must ve got stuck with yr idea!!!!!!!

scientists what do they know huh???????
they have no philosophy
they have brains!!!!!!

Philosopher Philocrazy
philocrazy said:
someguy says:
I'll stick with the idea that the universe is not unlimited in both ways.

know, huh?

you say universe is not unlimited
then my friend
it must ve got stuck with yr idea!!!!!!!

scientists what do they know huh???????
they have no philosophy
they have brains!!!!!!

Philosopher Philocrazy

:) Actually, scientists say that the universe is unlimited in space, and I don't.
And who exactly wrote those laws of nature?
The great programmer in the sky. :rolleyes:
They are the way they are because it's the only way they could be. If they were any different there'd be inconsistencies.
I still cannot understand why many scientists would rather believe that the universe has always existed as it did rather than believing in a God.
1 - The concept of God is wholly unnecessary.
2 - The concept of God is inconsistent.
A God fits a scientists ideaology more than an ever-existing universe.
How do you figure?
They say they do not believe in a God because how can something exist out of nothing and if God creates all, who created God.
Exist out of nothing? You're presuming the Universe was created.
You seem to think it absurd for something to exist without having been created, or for it to have been created "out of nothing". So, where did God come from? How was he created? If God doesn't require creation, then why does the Universe? You don't seem to have really thought this through.
Science says that the universe does have a beginning.
It was created 14 billion years ago, astronomers say.
Nope. The known visible universe has an origin, but the Universe (notice the capitol, meaning all of existence) was not created. There is no beginning of time, and the very idea is nonsensical.
What about the Big Bang theory?
Known universe, not all of existence.
Do you mean that both in terms of space and time?
Well, in terms of time and any objective absolute truth.

Proof God is inconsistent
Alpha said:
1 - The concept of God is wholly unnecessary.
The concept of you is also wholly unnecessary. Scientists would have a hard time proving you exist if they paid no attention to you.
sOmeguy said:
So you are basicly saying that I am ignorant for believing that there is no god.
Thank you for your reply, sOmeguy, but where in my reply did I indicate or imply you were ignorant for believing that there is no God? Maybe I should take the time to further explain my response.

If you make the assumption that “there is no God” then what would be the purpose of searching for the ‘right’ religion? Each religion has their own concept of God. Each religion has their views of good conduct and moral values.
But if the assumption that “there is no God” is correct then there is no real ‘right’ religion. The religions would then be reduced to self-help philosophies, which you can purchase at any self-help section of a bookstore.

From reading your other responses, your real question is- Is God real? This indicates that you are not sure whether the assumption “there is no God” is true.
If you were to ask me if God is real I would reply with, “Yes, and He will let you find Him if you seek Him with all of your heart.”