God is not everywhere

Would you believe some one that was once an athiest but not any more? Is that unbiased enough for you, or do you want an athiest proving the Bible is real. In that case you might as well get a true Christian to deny the Bible.
Lemming3k said:
Im unaware of this, perhaps you could provide a reference(preferably outside the bible) of how when outnumbered over 330 to 1 you could win a fight.
Easy, if I were fighting a giant mob of people, and they were unarmed, and I had several automatic weapons, and I was on a hill, with lots of ammo, and they were 400 yards away... no prob at all.
Would you believe some one that was once an athiest but not any more?
That still doesnt prove any truth to the matter, just like the amount of christians that are now ahteists doesnt prove it wrong, beliefs can quite easily change.
Easy, if I were fighting a giant mob of people, and they were unarmed, and I had several automatic weapons, and I was on a hill, with lots of ammo, and they were 400 yards away... no prob at all.
I shoulda added 2000 years ago.
A slingshot? No, kills are not so sure with one of those.

I can only think of fire... burning them all down. But that would have needed some preparations... and there were none described.
You would need an awful lot of arrows, don´t you think? Also, you cannot fire very fast if you want to kill a person with one shot.