God is "neutral"

I'm not kicking God out of the picture, merely belittling your version, not to mention your delusions regarding my intentions. Where did all that come from? Are those your personal issues perhaps?

I'd still like you to expand on how your idea of God is bigger than LG's idea of God.

The thing is, I don't think you understand what you are talking about. The sum of everyhting that exists = God.

In that case, you are conceiving of God as a mere epihenomenon, as something that does not have substantial existence. (In the major theisms, God is that one being that precedes all others.)

In your conception of God then, God is a powerless, identity-less, substance-less entity that exists merely as a thought-construct.

What use is there in conceiving of God that way?

This includes me. I do not see myself as a separate entity from the rest of existance.

You might not see yourself as separate, but in some ways, you definitely are.

If you really wouldn't be separate from the rest of existence, someone else could eat, and you'd be fed too.
Obviously, this isn't happening, and there are many ways in which you are separate from the rest of existence.
Call him. Call to Jesus, the passive spirit. Enter a state of pass. Maybe you will levitate.
I saw Christians behave like being hit by God power, they screamed and cried.
Is that head injury? :D
I saw Christians behave like being hit by God power, they screamed and cried.
Is that head injury? :D
Just being in a crowd full of like-minded people can be intoxicating. Our brains do all kinds of things that might seem surprising.
I'd still like you to expand on how your idea of God is bigger than LG's idea of God.

In that case, you are conceiving of God as a mere epihenomenon, as something that does not have substantial existence. (In the major theisms, God is that one being that precedes all others.)

In your conception of God then, God is a powerless, identity-less, substance-less entity that exists merely as a thought-construct.

What use is there in conceiving of God that way?

You might not see yourself as separate, but in some ways, you definitely are.

If you really wouldn't be separate from the rest of existence, someone else could eat, and you'd be fed too.
Obviously, this isn't happening, and there are many ways in which you are separate from the rest of existence.

I know you want to, dear.

To be a part of everything and have a body of my own is not exactly being a separate being from all existance. This body is very much depending on the rest of the world to provide it with nutrition. Humans live in symbiosis with the planet. We can define a lot of things, moments and occurances as separate to distinguish them from all the rest that is going on at the same time, but seen from another perspective everything is connected and interacting.

My idea of God has very little to do with the theist version. As I said, the sum of everything, including all consciousnesses, is my version of God, if you think that is not enough then you haven't really understood how infinite the world is. If that sum of everything has an additional consciousness to keep it all together, is perhaps as likely as human brains having a brain of their own, or? This is stuff we don't know. But guessing is fun.
I know you want to, dear.

To be a part of everything and have a body of my own is not exactly being a separate being from all existance. This body is very much depending on the rest of the world to provide it with nutrition. Humans live in symbiosis with the planet. We can define a lot of things, moments and occurances as separate to distinguish them from all the rest that is going on at the same time, but seen from another perspective everything is connected and interacting.

I wouldn't go so far as to say everything is connected. I could throw a rock, break a window, and have no impact whatsoever on your life. Does your worldview allow for such non-connectivity, or does it rely on a Butterfly Effect-type scenario in which even the smallest event is connected in some larger way to all other events?

My idea of God has very little to do with the theist version. As I said, the sum of everything, including all consciousnesses, is my version of God,

By everything, you mean the entire universe? All existence? And if so, what gives you the notion that this should be called God? Does this mean that in your worldview God is the created rather than the creator? It seems to be the case, unless you're suggesting that God created itself.

if you think that is not enough then you haven't really understood how infinite the world is.

That seems like a non-sequitur. If we don't understand what you're getting it, it's likely because you haven't made yourself entirely clear. The world isn't infinite, though I suppose it's possible you aren't being clear as to what you mean by "world," or even "infinite," so I guess I'll just ask that you clarify.

If that sum of everything has an additional consciousness to keep it all together, is perhaps as likely as human brains having a brain of their own, or? This is stuff we don't know. But guessing is fun.

I'm...lost. As likely as a human brain having a brain of its own? Is that a sarcastic comment about the low odds of this God you're speaking of having a consciousness, or are you really suggesting that human brains have another brain?
My idea of God has very little to do with the theist version. As I said, the sum of everything, including all consciousnesses, is my version of God, if you think that is not enough then you haven't really understood how infinite the world is.

Ah, the world is just teeming with rightfully self-enlightened beings these days!
Ah, the world is just teeming with rightfully self-enlightened beings these days!

So you spend your life searching for answers, and when you meet someone who claims to have at least some of them, you mockingly refer to them as "enlightened?" What's the point of looking if you're just going to taunt everyone?

Talk about a superiority complex!
So you spend your life searching for answers, and when you meet someone who claims to have at least some of them, you mockingly refer to them as "enlightened?" What's the point of looking if you're just going to taunt everyone?

Talk about a superiority complex!

People show their level of advancement by how they respond to a challenge.

I wouldn't go so far as to say everything is connected. I could throw a rock, break a window, and have no impact whatsoever on your life. Does your worldview allow for such non-connectivity, or does it rely on a Butterfly Effect-type scenario in which even the smallest event is connected in some larger way to all other events?

By everything, you mean the entire universe? All existence? And if so, what gives you the notion that this should be called God? Does this mean that in your worldview God is the created rather than the creator? It seems to be the case, unless you're suggesting that God created itself.

That seems like a non-sequitur. If we don't understand what you're getting it, it's likely because you haven't made yourself entirely clear. The world isn't infinite, though I suppose it's possible you aren't being clear as to what you mean by "world," or even "infinite," so I guess I'll just ask that you clarify.

I'm...lost. As likely as a human brain having a brain of its own? Is that a sarcastic comment about the low odds of this God you're speaking of having a consciousness, or are you really suggesting that human brains have another brain?

I'm goign for the Butterfly Effect here. If you throw a rock you put energy in motion and in some distant part of the world that is experienced by someone else, who accidentally got that stone in the head. Haha, just kidding..but really, everything is connected, the non-connectivity is a mind construct to keep us focused on what we are doing at the moment and to keep track of separate events. The brain doen't really allow the multidimensional mindset to be fully active all the time. In discussions like these we can pretend we have access to all information, but that is a 50% chance to be correct.

By everything I of course mean everything, all universes, all dimensions possible, all realities, every particle, every creature on this planet and other planets, all of the things we can possibly imagine. That is my definition of God. Maybe another name for that would be better, since the God concept by theist is in conflict with it, it narrows it down to limited descriptions from old books. Therefore it becomes confusing for religious people to comprehend the vastness of reality.

The Sum?
- Do you belive in God?
- No, I believe in the Sum.

You say the world isn't infinite, but that is only your opinion. Since we haven't seen an end to it, then it's logical to assume it has none. How did the concept of infinity evolve among humanity? How it all started? Was there ever a beginning? What was before that etc. It's a mindpuzzling idea that creates an open mind that allows new ideas to take form. The infinity idea has a purpose for the human evolution, don't you think?

I was just mocking wynn with the brain having a brain. :D
By everything I of course mean everything, all universes, all dimensions possible, all realities, every particle, every creature on this planet and other planets, all of the things we can possibly imagine. That is my definition of God. Maybe another name for that would be better, since the God concept by theist is in conflict with it, it narrows it down to limited descriptions from old books. Therefore it becomes confusing for religious people to comprehend the vastness of reality.

In the supposed vastness of your mind, have you considered that your understanding of God may be more narrow than some religious ones?

I was just mocking wynn with the brain having a brain.

Oh well.
I'm goign for the Butterfly Effect here. If you throw a rock you put energy in motion and in some distant part of the world that is experienced by someone else, who accidentally got that stone in the head. Haha, just kidding..but really, everything is connected, the non-connectivity is a mind construct to keep us focused on what we are doing at the moment and to keep track of separate events. The brain doen't really allow the multidimensional mindset to be fully active all the time. In discussions like these we can pretend we have access to all information, but that is a 50% chance to be correct.

Oh, so this is just imaginary BS you've created, not anything that's based on the real world. Okay, I was just checking.

(I do love how people outlining the details of why none of us can tell that we're all connected never bother to explain how they became privy to such information...)

By everything I of course mean everything, all universes, all dimensions possible, all realities, every particle, every creature on this planet and other planets, all of the things we can possibly imagine. That is my definition of God. Maybe another name for that would be better, since the God concept by theist is in conflict with it, it narrows it down to limited descriptions from old books. Therefore it becomes confusing for religious people to comprehend the vastness of reality.

But your own beliefs are religious in nature. You have no evidence (unless you're holding back), and your concepts are conveniently vague. And the rare times when your explanation gets specific, it's wrong. For you to believe that "everything's connected" requires a leap of faith, just like all the religions you seem to think your worldview is superior to.

The Sum?
- Do you belive in God?
- No, I believe in the Sum.

Oh, I agree. It really is laughably nonsensical.

You say the world isn't infinite, but that is only your opinion. Since we haven't seen an end to it, then it's logical to assume it has none.

No, that's logical. Again, your use of terms is confusing. By "world," do you mean existence, or simply earth? In either case, there is sufficient evidence that it will come to an end. Having not physically seen that end yet doesn't mean there won't be one. One of science's greatest tools is its ability to make predictions based on available evidence.

How did the concept of infinity evolve among humanity? How it all started? Was there ever a beginning? What was before that etc. It's a mindpuzzling idea that creates an open mind that allows new ideas to take form.

Infinity began as (and still is) a mathematical value. As to what came before the BB, nobody knows. Of course, no matter the case, the universe was no hospitable to life prior to a certain point, and won't be hospitable to life after a certain point.

The infinity idea has a purpose for the human evolution, don't you think?

I wouldn't go that far. It's a construct in mathematics.

I was just mocking wynn with the brain having a brain. :D

Ah, okay.
Well, imo there is no worldview more narrow than the religious ones. My God, Balerion, you are really making yourself look dumb here while trying to make me look dumb, but it backfires you on all the time. Same goes with wynn. Jesus Christ, no brainers both of you. :D

"By "world," do you mean existence, or simply earth?"

Are you insane?

How can science predict something that there is absolutely no evidence of, are they guessing? Making lose assumptions. Believing? There must have been something before the Big Bang, and according to some new discovery, where they discovered a galaxy so humongous they had to re evaluate the Big bang theory and now they are not so sure about that theory anymore.

World equals God, which is as I mentioned is exactly everything including Earth, all other universes, their planets, all lifeforms, etc etc etc. Even your tiny conceptions are embedded in the World.

Even at those time when the universe we inhabit is not suitable for human life, there is always life in some form. All energy is life. Universe is energy, mass, space, life and all that has consciousness too.

To know that everything is connected does not require any amount of faith at all, ask any scientist with even a minor degree is the most basic of knowledge.
Well, imo there is no worldview more narrow than the religious ones. My God, Balerion, you are really making yourself look dumb here while trying to make me look dumb, but it backfires you on all the time. Same goes with wynn. Jesus Christ, no brainers both of you. :D

Oh trust me, I'm not at all surprised that in the absence of any sort of argument whatsoever, you've been reduced to personal attacks.

"By "world," do you mean existence, or simply earth?"

Are you insane?

To say "the world is infinite" is an asinine statement, so I was wondering if you meant something else by it.

How can science predict something that there is absolutely no evidence of, are they guessing? Making lose assumptions. Believing? There must have been something before the Big Bang, and according to some new discovery, where they discovered a galaxy so humongous they had to re evaluate the Big bang theory and now they are not so sure about that theory anymore.

None of that is accurate.

World equals God, which is as I mentioned is exactly everything including Earth, all other universes, their planets, all lifeforms, etc etc etc. Even your tiny conceptions are embedded in the World.

Again, that's a ridiculous usage of the word, and it's also the first time you've defined it as such. Am I supposed to be able to read your mind?

Even at those time when the universe we inhabit is not suitable for human life, there is always life in some form. All energy is life. Universe is energy, mass, space, life and all that has consciousness too.

That is also incorrect.

To know that everything is connected does not require any amount of faith at all, ask any scientist with even a minor degree is the most basic of knowledge.

Of course it requires faith. There is no evidence whatsoever that everything is connected.
Well, imo there is no worldview more narrow than the religious ones. My God, Balerion, you are really making yourself look dumb here while trying to make me look dumb, but it backfires you on all the time. Same goes with wynn. Jesus Christ, no brainers both of you.

In your opinion, yes.

I really admire your confidence.