God is "neutral"

Well, the God entity experiences duality in the existence of humans for example. If a being is omnipresent then it also experiences everyhting that all parts of its being experiences. The privacy of I and you are also experienced by the God consciousness.

And what is wrong with that? Where's the problem?
God cannot be neutral because of the very nature of god

Meaning that god has a mindset or philosophy and assuming freewill

Therefore there would be those that see things differently , naturally , and oppose what god has in mind

Now the question becomes , those that opposed god , what do they have in mind ?
God cannot be neutral because of the very nature of god

Meaning that god has a mindset or philosophy and assuming freewill

Therefore there would be those that see things differently , naturally , and oppose what god has in mind

Now the question becomes , those that opposed god , what do they have in mind ?

If everything happens according to God's will, then there can be no real opposition to God.
Well, just stumbled upon this topic because of a discussion I had with a person earlier.

She claimed she has started to believe in God, which I seriously doubt, but anyway, do you see, apart from religious dogmas, the "god" consciousness as ONE or TWO, or even THREE components? I'm of course thinking about the good and evil concept and yin and yang. She believes God to be one and also all good, out of fear of going to hell I suppose. But how can ONE entity evolve, I think the paradox of duality is necessary for a consciousness to function, what do you think?

I think you are referring to the phenomenon of simultaneous oneness and difference.

(A British pop band even wrote a song on it once.)
God cannot be neutral because of the very nature of god

Meaning that god has a mindset or philosophy and assuming freewill

Therefore there would be those that see things differently , naturally , and oppose what god has in mind

Now the question becomes , those that opposed god , what do they have in mind ?

Self amusement?

If God is the sum of all souls then some of them are instigators, rebels and troublemakers, otherswise existance would be boring. Diversity is also necessary for movement, energy and growth, life.
What is able to have been its father?

What state of anything can you think of? Love is a bond. Can perfection be fathomed as what we are born of?
Can I say good and evil are the both sides of a coin, can't be separated.

Why haven't you considered that good and evil are just subjective values placed on things by humans, and not actual objective qualities?

Like most theists, it seems all anyone here is interested in is affirmation. You begin with the premise "God exists and is a certain way, so how is x possible," rather than asking "What is the nature of x?"
Due to the dualistic nature of your reply the God consciousness must evaluate the scenario for a while. :D
could be awhile, since - um-, you aren't god

In this pretty little picture, are the wardens God and the prisoners the duality?

no, actually it was the jail that is duality (ie conditioned existence)

If the God consciousness is the sum of everything,
its not
No amount of co-operation can equate to the powers of god,

then it is also defined by duality as it is by everything else, but what percent of God that partakes in duality I not know, 50?
the prison example was meant to show how the wardens, despite being at jail for maybe 40 hours a week, are not infact conditioned by the jail. IOW working as a prison guard for 10 years doesn't translate as a 3.5 year jail sentence (40 hours /week over 10 years with annual leave???), even though they might actually spend 3.5 years in the jail.

In the same sense, a god that has recourse to "experiencing" conditioned existence isn't conditioned.
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Judeo-Christian mythology actually say's its god is three beings. Then there are other gods and demi-gods like Satan and various angels. Yet they maintain they are a monotheistic superstition.
What is able to have been its father?

What state of anything can you think of? Love is a bond. Can perfection be fathomed as what we are born of?

Why must it have a father? The father concept is an animalistic feature, do planets have parents?

What state of anything can you think of? I think that is the most interesting question so far. Is there anything that can't be thought of? Are there ideas unavailable to the human mind? New ideas? Do they really exist? Or do we only remember forgotten ones?

James Bond? :D

Everything is perfect. Imperfections too. Variations of a theme. The value we place upon concepts does not necessarily apply to their true nature.
could be awhile, since - um-, you aren't god

no, actually it was the jail that is duality (ie conditioned existence)

its not
No amount of co-operation can equate to the powers of god,

the prison example was meant to show how the wardens, despite being at jail for maybe 40 hours a week, are not infact conditioned by the jail. IOW working as a prison guard for 10 years doesn't translate as a 3.5 year jail sentence (40 hours /week over 10 years with annual leave???), even though they might actually spend 3.5 years in the jail.

In the same sense, a god that has recourse to "experiencing" conditioned existence isn't conditioned.

Apparently we have very different ideas about what God is, and that's ok, because your version is smaller than mine.

I think you know nothing or very little about prisons too. From my experience prison wardens are very much conditioned by their job. It's impossible to have any job without being conditioned by it and a prison is extreme environment with extreme people and most wardens I have talked to are shattered beings, traumatized by their jobs and slowly but cetrainly losing it themselves.
Apparently we have very different ideas about what God is, and that's ok, because your version is smaller than mine.
On the contrary, a world view that kicks god out of the picture to make room for one's own needs, interests and concerns is necessarily myopic or self inflated to say the least

I think you know nothing or very little about prisons too. From my experience prison wardens are very much conditioned by their job. It's impossible to have any job without being conditioned by it and a prison is extreme environment with extreme people and most wardens I have talked to are shattered beings, traumatized by their jobs and slowly but cetrainly losing it themselves.

Unless you think that the qualitative distinction between working in a prison and being held a prisoner is non-existent, I'm pretty sure you understand what I am talking about
Apparently we have very different ideas about what God is, and that's ok, because your version is smaller than mine.

Do say more. How is LG's idea of God smaller than yours; how is your idea of God bigger than LG's?
On the contrary, a world view that kicks god out of the picture to make room for one's own needs, interests and concerns is necessarily myopic or self inflated to say the least
Unless you think that the qualitative distinction between working in a prison and being held a prisoner is non-existent, I'm pretty sure you understand what I am talking about

I'm not kicking God out of the picture, merely belittling your version, not to mention your delusions regarding my intentions. Where did all that come from? Are those your personal issues perhaps?

Wardens and prisoners do not live very different lives, if they share the same environment continously the distinctions between the two becomes smaller and smaller.
- Hey, I can go outside and fuck my wife when I get home, you can't!
- I'll fuck your wife when she comes and visits me instead.

The thing is, I don't think you understand what you are talking about. The sum of everyhting that exists = God. This includes me. I do not see myself as a separate entity from the rest of existance. Do you believe a human being can access the God consciousness?
I'm not kicking God out of the picture, merely belittling your version, not to mention your delusions regarding my intentions. Where did all that come from? Are those your personal issues perhaps?
You are not being very straight forward with your ideas about god atm , but from what I gleaned from your posts, it doesn't appear that you distinguish between god and the living entity (aside from saying that god is the sum of his parts ... which effectively rules out god as having an individual existence)

Wardens and prisoners do not live very different lives, if they share the same environment continously the distinctions between the two becomes smaller and smaller.
- Hey, I can go outside and fuck my wife when I get home, you can't!
- I'll fuck your wife when she comes and visits me instead.
You think there is no qualitative distinction between serving a 10 year jail sentence and working as a warden for 10 years?

Or are you simply going off on a tangent about the specific challenges of working in such an environment?

The thing is, I don't think you understand what you are talking about. The sum of everyhting that exists = God. This includes me. I do not see myself as a separate entity from the rest of existance. Do you believe a human being can access the God consciousness?
I have a very clear idea of what I am talking about.

Accessing god consciousness is about being fully aware of the relationship between god (the controller) and the living entity (the controlled). It is not about laying siege to qualities that are the exclusive property of an omnimax god.

The problem with equating the sum of existence to god is that you start facing numerous problems explaining primary cause within the universe, the phenomena of illusion/ conditioned existence and, conversely, the path of liberation ... or even group co-operation and power/politics for that matter.


Usually people get around these problems by saying god doesn't exist as an individual or that individuality, in toto, doesn't exist ... which then leads to yet another startling array of puzzling philosophical challenges ...
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