God is "neutral"


Valued Senior Member
When God was alone before creation, he must be neither good nor evil, he was in a neutral position, because there is nothing to compare with.
How can he say he is good, holy, righteous etc.?
The concept of goodness, holiness, righteousness can only exist when there are the opposite charateristics to compare with.

In such neutral position, if God can define himself good and holy, he must have suddenly developed Split Personality.
His mind suddendly split into evil and good...............and then he started creation to materialize evil and good.
When God was alone before creation, he must be neither good nor evil, he was in a neutral position, because there is nothing to compare with.
How can he say he is good, holy, righteous etc.?
The concept of goodness, holiness, righteousness can only exist when there are the opposite charateristics to compare with.

In such neutral position, if God can define himself good and holy, he must have suddenly developed Split Personality.
His mind suddendly split into evil and good...............and then he started creation to materialize evil and good.

God, just is.
"Good and evil" apply to us.

When God was alone before creation, he must be neither good nor evil, he was in a neutral position, because there is nothing to compare with.
How can he say he is good, holy, righteous etc.?
The concept of goodness, holiness, righteousness can only exist when there are the opposite charateristics to compare with.

In such neutral position, if God can define himself good and holy, he must have suddenly developed Split Personality.
His mind suddendly split into evil and good...............and then he started creation to materialize evil and good.

It's ancient mythology with roots predating written language in the region, so it's pretty pointless to chase after logical conundrums in the lore. These are questions the inventors of the faith never asked themselves.
When God was alone before creation, he must be neither good nor evil, he was in a neutral position, because there is nothing to compare with.
How can he say he is good, holy, righteous etc.?
The concept of goodness, holiness, righteousness can only exist when there are the opposite charateristics to compare with.

In such neutral position, if God can define himself good and holy, he must have suddenly developed Split Personality.
His mind suddendly split into evil and good...............and then he started creation to materialize evil and good.

How about the hypothesis there was or is an other inhabited planet and our earth is going through a recycling
When God was alone before creation, he must be neither good nor evil, he was in a neutral position, because there is nothing to compare with.
How can he say he is good, holy, righteous etc.?
The concept of goodness, holiness, righteousness can only exist when there are the opposite charateristics to compare with.

In such neutral position, if God can define himself good and holy, he must have suddenly developed Split Personality.
His mind suddendly split into evil and good...............and then he started creation to materialize evil and good.

Most human mythology places the creator god in a pantheon of other gods, so he/she had company. Indeed, stories like the Atrahasis outline conflict and disagreement between the gods.

The notion of a single creator god is no more or less credible than any of these tales, moreover, the monotheistic myths have a much shorter track record than the polytheistic ones. The advantage that the current monotheistic cults have over the much earlier and the many more polytheistic ones is that they're relatively recent. In 2200 BCE there's little doubt that the ancient Egyptians felt that theirs was the correct faith.

But, throughout human history and prehistory, the gods have never been neutral. They're typically aligned with the culture that worships them in their "morality" and notions of what is good/evil; right/wrong.
You mean the father? Neutrality is responsive to conflict, so that's not him.
How can God be good and how did he define good before he created anything?
If this is true:
When God was alone before creation, he must be neither good nor evil, he was in a neutral position, because there is nothing to compare with.
How can he say he is good, holy, righteous etc.?
The concept of goodness, holiness, righteousness can only exist when there are the opposite charateristics to compare with.
Then this isn't:
...His mind suddendly split into evil and good...............and then he started creation to materialize evil and good.

Interesting thought though. :)
God probably exists above the notion of Good and Evil, comparing it to human terms is too simplistic of a way to describe what God was before us. Perhaps God does not exist without us, since we are all part of it. Even neutrality has to have something to be compared to in relation to what extremes characteristics of consciousness. I would say that if a time or existence itself was part of God that Evil or Good was not defined, the state of God was null.
If God is good, then ther must a something called evil to define what is a good God.
Good and evil must be eternally existing side by side.
Interesting thread.

I suppose you're pertaining to the Judeo-Christian God. Applying logic-based analysis to the personality, manifestations, and qualities of such gods will always be fruitless. This is because the tautologies upon which such faiths are based, act as insurance against such applying of human-related logic to their God i.e. God is not bound by human understanding of ethics, physics, consciousness etc.

Ultimately, theories of psychoanalysis, ethics, and consciousness will always be irreconcilable with the J-C God as, as I stated earlier, his being is supposedly seperate from such an Earthly understanding of life.
How can God be good and how did he define good before he created anything?

God doesn't have to define good, God 'IS', and therefore the perfect standard of being.
We, beings of a poor fund of knowledge define what is good.

If God is good, then ther must a something called evil to define what is a good God.
Good and evil must be eternally existing side by side.

You said yourself, in the neutral conditions that must have existed before there was anything to compare anything to, it would have been impossible to conceive (and therefore create) good and evil.

If, on the other hand, species evolved in a neutral universe, morality can be evaluated relative to the well being of individuals and society. So the source of God's concept of good and evil must be the same as ours.
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He is the father of Morality. God may be In Love. In Love is undoubtably good.

lol fancy words.

and by the way...Hitler LOVED his NAZI Germany nation)))

In love, heavenly mate. What is that love you mentioned mean?

Faith is a better try than wicked neutrality. Neutral is a state, but it has no business as the father of that which it is, all.

Eternity, Pass Man. Here I go again. Are we anything else but a host for our specific nature, fitting in to a grand society?

Neutrality is its son. Nothing does not give Faith, and Neutrality is not strong and no reason says it is our Father. Give these names properly; Pacifism, Faith they be gods.
My analysis is this.
1. God is eternal.
2. God can think of anything.
3. God is thinking eternally before creation of anything.
4. God can think of good and evil.
5. So, the ideas of good and evil exist eternally, because God is thinking eternally.
When I say "I love you", an idea or signal is expressed and delivered to you.
You are the receiver and I am the sender.
If you say God is love and there is a loving relationship among the three persons of one Godhead,
this has no equal significance like the loving relationship between men because there is no sender and receiver of this signal of love.
Christian theology says that the three persons of God are all equally divine and belong to the same Godhead.
They are omnicient, they can read each other mind instantly, indeed, we should say they have only one mind like those twins who have two bodies but one skull and one brain.
In this situation, how can the one mind loves itself and be meaningful?
I am a god. We are humans on earth. We all go. I make up of the bread just like the eternity himself.