God is like atheists in foxholes

Well, the saying is 'there are no atheists in foxholes'. So if your simile is meant to convey, 'there is no God', then yes, you got it right.

Feeble-minded nonsense. It assumes eternal life is something to be desired, and assumes that an end to one's suffering alone is not enough.

And don't forget the Christian missionaries who come later to remind the heathens that all of their dead loved ones are going to burn in hell eternally for not accepting Jesus as their savior.

Feeble-minded nonsense. It assumes a meaningless life of non-existence is something to be desired, and assumes that death, as an end to one's suffering, is enough.

And don't forget the ex-atheists who inevitably undergo a a change of heart as a consequence of war related trauma, accepting Jesus as their savior.
Definitely mysterious ways.

That's how I intended to do it. Basicly 2 saying/statements that are not really connected are put together in a contradictory/ catch 22 way. The solution comes from the fact that only your mind connects them, but not the statements/facts themselves... ;)
Feeble-minded nonsense. It assumes a meaningless life of non-existence is something to be desired, and assumes that death, as an end to one's suffering, is enough.

Who says a godless life is a meaningless life? I, and some of my friends, would beg to differ.

And don't forget the ex-atheists who inevitably undergo a a change of heart as a consequence of war related trauma, accepting Jesus as their savior.

Yes, those are no doubt your favorite kind of converts. The ones who require an event so traumatic that they are no longer the person they were prior to the event to submit to brain-number bullshit that is Christianity.
Who says a godless life is a meaningless life? I, and some of my friends, would beg to differ.
People find non-existence attractive?

Yes, those are no doubt your favorite kind of converts. The ones who require an event so traumatic that they are no longer the person they were prior to the event to submit to brain-number bullshit that is Christianity.
No more mind numbing than your "fire and brimstone preaching being the high end of theistic claims" crap
People find non-existence attractive?

That doesn't answer my question. I asked you, "who says a godless life is meaningless?"

And how did you feel about non-existence before you were born?

No more mind numbing than your "fire and brimstone preaching being the high end of theistic claims" crap

I don't recall ever calling fire-and-brimstone preaching the "high end of theistic claims."
That doesn't answer my question. I asked you, "who says a godless life is meaningless?"
I'm not sure.

If you want to ask "Who said a non-existent life is meaningless" I might be able to provide you with an answer however ...

And how did you feel about non-existence before you were born?
The same way as I feel about it now ... although its kind of funny for a staunch atheist to allude to an existence that their ideology prohibits from holding tenable ....

I don't recall ever calling fire-and-brimstone preaching the "high end of theistic claims."
Then I guess you are simply attracted to criticizing the weakest form of an argument
I'm not sure.

If you want to ask "Who said a non-existent life is meaningless" I might be able to provide you with an answer however ...

Oh, I see now. I misread your initial post. My fault.

Okay, but now I have to ask, what the hell is a non-existent life?

The same way as I feel about it now ... although its kind of funny for a staunch atheist to allude to an existence that their ideology prohibits from holding tenable ....

In what way did I do that? You did not exist before you were born, and I said as much. It was a rhetorical question.

Then I guess you are simply attracted to criticizing the weakest form of an argument

Your entire argument is a weakness. :shrug:

Oh, I see now. I misread your initial post. My fault.

Okay, but now I have to ask, what the hell is a non-existent life?
meaningless .. much like a square circle or a married bachelor

In what way did I do that?
by posing the question in a past tense -

And how did you feel about non-existence before you were born?

You did not exist before you were born, and I said as much.

It was a rhetorical question.
Since feeling about an issue precludes existence, its an oxymoronic question from the atheist perspective

Your entire argument is a weakness. :shrug:
Due to a poor choice in words in framing your arguments in response to arguments you are not even comprehending correctly in the first place, you are having an extremely difficult time establishing that ...
Feeble-minded nonsense. It assumes eternal life is something to be desired

For one, surely you realize that whether or not one's life is going to be eternal, is not something within one's control, and thus, not something one could meaningfully desire, or not desire.

For two, there is nothing wrong with eternal life. No rotting molars, nor rotting morals.

and assumes that an end to one's suffering alone is not enough.

As if death would be an end to suffering.

And don't forget the Christian missionaries who come later to remind the heathens that all of their dead loved ones are going to burn in hell eternally for not accepting Jesus as their savior.

Fortunately, not everyone shares your morbid obsession with mainstream Christianity!