God is evil or having limited power?

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exactly! and your's and what i see is true for me and what you see is true for you.

if you have not expereinced what i see, how can you say with any certainty that it is not true? could i say with that your perception is in error? if i where to believe i knew how another perceives reality it would be i that was deluded, would it not?
down talk like twats, ellion and your big brother enton, show us another reality, in the true meaning of the word, I'll help with you define, ok "The totality of all things possessing actuality, existence, or essence".
if you have not expereinced what i see, how can you say with any certainty that it is not true?

What is you see that I don't?

For example, I see the world for what it is, ruled by the laws of nature. I don't see supernatural phenomena or the effects thereof, yet others here (lori) claim they have, but have been told by their doctors they are schizophrenic or bipolar, which causes their hallucinations and the voices in their head.

And btw, you still have not answered my question about Genesis, Chapter 5.
is all reality objective. does everything that exist have a concrete physical existence?
(q) said:
What is you see that I don't?
there is not much i see that you see, nor much you see that i see.

For example, I see the world for what it is, ruled by the laws of nature. I don't see supernatural phenomena or the effects thereof, yet others here (lori) claim they have, but have been told by their doctors they are schizophrenic or bipolar, which causes their hallucinations and the voices in their head.
doctors have been indoctrinated to think a certain way, just as you have. lori is interpreting reality as it presents itself to her, just as i do.

And btw, you still have not answered my question about Genesis, Chapter 5.
what was the question? i dont reacall you asking this question, you do realize i am not christian dont you?
ellion said:
there is not much i see that you see, nor much you see that i see.
I can agree with this, especially if you wear glasses and he dont, or your colour blind and he's not, or you shortsighted and he's not, or your eyes are closed and his are not.however the reality that effects me, effects you a him in the same way, as well as the other 6.6 billion people, and the countless billions of different species, on this planet. whether we have our eyes opened or closed, our ear plugged or not.
what you perceive is the same as what I percieve, it's only your imagination that will change that fact.
if there were two gorillas a forest, both looking forward and one could see a tree in front, well so does the other, the other one does'nt see a purple pink taxi driven by a blond albino cat. it's see a tree.
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you are thinking only of physical objects still.

can you see truth, or is it something beyond the realm of perception?

maybe tuth will be misinterpreted can you see hope, wisdom, frustration, pain,understanding can you see any of these, not the reactions to them or the expressions of them can you see these principles?
ellion said:
you are thinking only of physical objects still.
can you see truth, or is it something beyond the realm of perception?
maybe tuth will be misinterpreted can you see hope, wisdom, frustration, pain,understanding can you see any of these, not the reactions to them or the expressions of them can you see these principles?
all totally irrelevant, you are an animal, as am I, just like the gorillas, why do you think, you are better at perceiving your surroundings than them. just because your human you think theres more to perception than there actually is.
why would you think there were anything other than objective reality, as I said it's only your imagination that will change the facts.
experiences are not our surroundings. a thing does not need to be objectivce to exist

why do you think,
because your human you think
why would you think
this may come as a surprise to you but you dont know what i am thinking. if this is what you see me thinking then i am only your imagination, playing tricks on you.
ellion said:
experiences are not our surroundings.
no experiance are what you gain from being in your surroundings, you dont get experiences from your imagination.
ellion said:
a thing does not need to be objectivce to exist,
wtf are you on. get of the acid man, it f**ks you head up. if by chance your not on acid then could you show us/me an alternate reality without objectiveity, one that can effect us all. not just your imagination, (oh by the way if it effects us all, then it must be objective)
ellion said:
this may come as a surprise to you but you dont know what i am thinking. if this is what you see me thinking then i am only your imagination, playing tricks on you.
am I f**king glad, I dont know what your thinking, the confusion would give me a migraine, anyway my imaginations a lot nicer, but it 's only my imagination,

is all reality objective. does everything that exist have a concrete physical existence?

Yes. If it has an affect on the universe it's objectively real. If it dosen't, it's a mental plaything only. How can you not understand this? How do you define "real"?

And please, for the sake of The Christ™, don't go on about how you can't measure compassion or love of the appreciation of a sunset. These are not physical realities. They are mental constructs.
who me, never.
I live in the imaginary realm, of elliontasy, where I play all day with the flying catapillars, that ride pogo sticks on lilipads, in the dark.
opps!, just let my imagination run away with me for a moment, I bet that happens to you all day long.
superluminal said:
Yes. If it has an affect on the universe it's objectively real.
so is knowldege real?
do you really understand? is it unwise to question if wisdom exists?

f it dosen't, it's a mental plaything only.
does your consciousness exist outside yourself, or is it just a thing that plays with itself? :D

How can you not understand this?
can you be sure i dont understand it for what it is, your understanding.

How do you define "real"?
having a tangible effect on the expereince of the self.

about how you can't measure compassion or love of the appreciation of a sunset. These are not physical realities. They are mental constructs.
is it about to dawn on you are you about to see the light? not physical realities does not mean not real. such expereinces have a tangible effect on the expereince of self. as does a pitch fork in the arse. they are not necessarily mental constructs, though. so does compassion exist, is it real? can you prove its existence? i am being facetious BTW.
Subjective realities vs Objective realities. I have a thread somewhere devoted to this idea, I think.
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