God is an atheist

Lawdog said:
God cannot deny Himself

You don't get the joke? It seems God denies the existance of a God over him. Don't you think he would question where he came from? Or is he all-knowing? Well too bad for free-will then. :rolleyes:
Oniw17 said:
"Bumper stickers are for the lower class"

I don't know. I have a FairTax dumper sticker. Is that lower class?

I also got one for Slackware. :cool:
baumgarten said:
Slackware is way cooler than any honors student.

A funny.. but rather stupid... bumper stick I saw the other day said:

i dunno, lol! -\_(0_<sup>o</sup>)_/-

It made me laugh.. but I felt sad at the same time.
Damn I work at nights this thread has moved on quickly :)

But what caused me to react right away was this statement:

Quote TDI;

THAT is the only real observation you can make of gravity, for example. everything else you "know" is secondhand.

And the bible is it first hand knowledge? Did you learn anything that was not secondhand knowledge? Were you born knowing how to write, read, worships illusions? No IDIOT!! it is all secondhand knowledge! :bugeye:

Godless said:
Damn I work at nights this thread has moved on quickly :)

But what caused me to react right away was this statement:

Quote TDI;

THAT is the only real observation you can make of gravity, for example. everything else you "know" is secondhand.

And the bible is it first hand knowledge? Did you learn anything that was not secondhand knowledge? Were you born knowing how to write, read, worships illusions? No IDIOT!! it is all secondhand knowledge! :bugeye:


first, dont call me names unless you want your post reported. i am incredibly sick to death of this kind of childishness. that is your one warning.
second, what you said was EXACTLY the point i was trying to make to kennyjc.

now, dont bother posting a response, as i am lurking.
Godless - please ease off on the ad-hominem and profanities - you don't need to use them - they simply make you look a little childish - your arguments are strong enough on their own.
"Atheism is a non-prophet organization."

Actually sam, many atheist see this as a positive atribute.

(God's an illusion, if you belive it's delusional)