God is a woman

Interestingly most 2 year olds won't even know if they are a girl or a boy. Another researcher raised their 2 children (a boy and a girl) up to the age of three with exact same exposure to masculine and feminine influences. The boys first day at preschool he wore hair sliders. The other boys said only girls wore them, and he replied that 'I can wear them if I want, and I'm a boy...see' and he showed them his penis. And the boys replied...'everybody has a penis but only girls wear hair sliders'. LOL And another study found that boys at age 2 and 3 and even later when shown a picture of a naked 2 year old and told that his penis is what makes him a boy and other features, BUT then the boy in the picture is shown to them in a dress, the boys will say that the boy in the picture is now a girl. Not that the boy is dressed like a girl, but the boy is 100% in every single way a girl. It's not until around age 7 that children realize what sex they are, and when they do they start to identify with gender specific traits.

So it's a thin line really between girls and boys, especially at an early age, and many gender specific roles we see are highly influenced by society rather than the fact that you are male or female.
The Virgin Mary would likely have had to change her story. The Christ child the result of the Angel Gabriel blowing his trumpet or some other reasonable facsimile.
It's not until around age 7 that children realize what sex they are, and when they do they start to identify with gender specific traits.
What country has late developers like that?
Or slow thinkers?