God is a woman

Do-it-yourself - home handyman stuff.

well brother...:rolleyes: in all the history of men and women, men are the ones on the outside, getting the resources, the food, fighting, etc...women are the ones sitting home inside chatting, working around the house, and oh noes doing do-it-yourself home handywomen stuff
well brother...:rolleyes: in all the history of men and women, men are the ones on the outside, getting the resources, the food, fighting, etc...women are the ones sitting home inside chatting, working around the house
Wow, not only bigoted but sexist as well.
Congratulations Draq, you've hit a new low....

and oh noes doing do-it-yourself home handywomen stuff
So that would explain why EVERY single advert for power tools etc is aimed women wouldn't it?
So that would explain why EVERY single advert for power tools etc is aimed women wouldn't it?

Times are changing, roles are changing.

After all women are now becoming a lot like men. A sexist revolution of a sorts. :rolleyes:
It seems that the more women become like men the more men become like women...
talking to Draqon about women? ha...

Is this comparable to talking to a virgin about sex?

Wait a sec...isn't Draq a virgin?


Side Note: If God is a woman, wouldn't she be the Sexiest of All Women?
Why does it matter that god has a gender?:bugeye:

Supposing your in a relationship or that your sexually active, I could ask the same question of your relations...why does it matter which gender you sleep with? If you answer it doesn't...then your probably Bisexual. If that be so, then we now know more about you.

Off course, with God, who can say and prove anything? Personally, I find God to be incomplete as either man or woman and whole only when the two are united as one.
A God as woman and man united in one? God existing for a moment of love making?

What is time?

Also, who says it is just a moment...considering God's resources it could be eternal. Also, why not? Given that God can do anything why would God choose otherwise? And what other choices are there? War? Work? Preaching? Meditation?

I think that sexual love making is the greatest of all possibilities, better then any other and this is also why nature rewards us with more fulfillment when done in the correct spirit then with any other activity. After all, who has physical orgasms when fighting? Or working? Or meditating? Or talking? Or...anything?

Of all the things we do, nearly all of them are not needed for our survival. One which is is Sex. If we do not partake in sex our species will perish. God made it that way. Why? Maybe if we have the big clue stuck in our faces long enough we might figure it out...maybe?
Why? To an extent, he's right Oli.
To an extent?
"throughout history" women have "sat in the home chatting"/
Maybe only in the last couple of hundred years is that anywhere near true.
"When Adam delved and Eve span
who then was the working man?"

What? Explain please.
It was sarcasm: if, as Draq claimed, women have been the ones doing the home handyman/ woman stuff throughout history why aren't power tool ads aimed at women?
To an extent?
"throughout history" women have "sat in the home chatting"/
Maybe only in the last couple of hundred years is that anywhere near true.
Well since none of us existed before the last couple hundred years, I'd say that what draq said was pretty relevant to OUR times.

"When Adam delved and Eve span
who then was the working man?"
Neither one of them. They were supposed to be in the garden of eden.

It was sarcasm: if, as Draq claimed, women have been the ones doing the home handyman/ woman stuff throughout history why aren't power tool ads aimed at women?
It's been one of those days.
The only time I see a (womanly, feminine looking) woman with power tools is when they show those models holding one of them in a commercial.
Well since none of us existed before the last couple hundred years, I'd say that what draq said was pretty relevant to OUR times.
Our times - hmmm WWI/ WWII when female employment was huge?
Regardless: his statement was "throughout history" which was what I objected to.

Neither one of them. They were supposed to be in the garden of eden.
And after they got kicked out...

It's been one of those days.
The only time I see a (womanly, feminine looking) woman with power tools is when they show those models holding one of them in a commercial.
Not that I have any objection to looking at scantily clad woman holding a er, something green?, ah hell, who cares what she's advertising.
Androgyny is having an even balanced amount of masulinity and femininity. Below are some psychological research findings on androgyny...

 Increase from middle to late
 Decrease suddenly in early teens
(gender-role intensification)
 Increase in late adolescence/
early adulthood

 Age Effects: USA Women (Hyde
et al., 1991)
 Decrease age 25 to 40 (meaning they become more feminine)
 Steady 40 to 61++ (meaning no change)
 Age Effects: USA Men (Hyde et al.,
 Steady age 20 to 40 (meaning no change in masulinity)
 Increase age 40 to 61++ (meaning a more feminine change)

Australians: Increased femininity
with transitions into marriage and
parenthood in both men and women
(Cunningham & Antill, 1984)
USA: Increased masculinity with
transitions into career and
parenthood in both men and women
(McCreary, 1990)