God is a Moron


Legion of Dynamic Discord
Registered Senior Member
Its easy to prove too. Since god is all knowing and all powerful I have no free will. As a result god is the one who controled me to write "God is a Moron". When I die I get sent to eternal hell for blasphmey because i said "God is a Moron". I get punished because of some whim of the superbeing. Now are these the actions of a rational creator?
I'm going to hell

Maybe god likes sending people to hell because he is a sadist. Or maybe god just did a little too much LSD or something. But now I'm going to go to hell because god made me write that. Whee. I have no free will, god is telling me to write yiff.

You will get sent to eternal hell for not believing in the moronic christian god (jesus...whatever), not for blasphemy.

The only unforgiveable "sin" apparently is blaspheming the holey spirit such as this:

The holy spirit is a moron, just like god and jesus......

Who or what the hell is a holy spirit anyway?

Christianity is just plain DUMB.
Master of Illusion,

Thank for clearing up what im supposed to be going to hell for it was worrying me alot. ;)
So, have I like, commited the one unforgivable sin by singing the words:

Father, Son and Holy Ghost
'Tis all sombody's unholy hoax

Ya know, considering who's going to be in heaven and who's going to be in hell... I'm kinda looking forward to hell.

Let's see:


Einstein, Hendrix, Plato, Socates, John Lennon, Darwin, Sam Kinnison, Gandhi, Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan, Muhammad, Budda, and I'm just getting started here...

Let's compare:


Maybe one or two Popes
Some Priests (ones that didn't touch children) or get laid
Sone Nuns
A couple of Choir guys and gals
Sir Loone

I wonder where the party's gonna be?


"if there's a God who could simultaneously love us enough to serve us His own Son on a cross and send us all on a rocket-sled to hell just because one stupid bitch bit a bad apple..." "End of the Whole Mess" - Stephen King
Notice how most of the smart people are supposedly going to hell. Could it have something to do with the fact that religion likes to supress science and knowledge (unless it is knowledge of god)? :rolleyes:
I would like to point out that I am not religious, but if I was, I would be offended by a lot of things sme of you have said.

I would like to note that your opinions are nothing but opinions, they are just as true and just as false as anyone else's opinion. Keep an open mind and listen to what others have to say, because they are as zealous about their opinions as you are about yours...

I consider myself an Agnostic... once, a Atheist friend and I decided to argue with some zealous Christians on the streets of Princeton...

After about an hour of disgussion, I realised that a Muslim will be proving to you vigorously the existance of Allah at the same time as the Christian will prove to you the truth of the Bible, just as I will violently gesture explaining why God cannot exist, and if there is a Superior Intelligence, religion and worship to it is not necessary.

How can you say your opinion is right, when a Muslim is as confident as you are that Allah is all-mighty, as a Christian is 100% certain that the Bible is the word of God...
Whaa? Offensive? We are just planning a kegger, for when we are all damned to hell.

woo wooo woo! Kegger!

Be nice, Mr.Agnostic, or we won't share our beer when you are burning with the rest of us. We will turn up our noses and say "I never knew you" :p

Oh, and it dosen't matter who says what, it simply matters what logic suggests. And logic suggests athiesm.
Gro$$, if three people with different beliefs each 100% believe they are right, that does not make any of them right. If one believes the world is flat, one believes it is square, and one believes it is shaped like a doughnut, none of them are right, regardless of how strong their beliefs are.

Some beliefs have a bit of reality to back them up. Some don't.
PROVE your belifs are right.

I am really quite sick of being looked down opon by athists (who jump up and down about christan intolerance. i think the scientific method is that a throry is valid untill disproven. So prove that there is no life after death.
Asguard, I never mentioned atheism. I discussed only logic.
.there can be no knowledge about god, only fatasies and assumptions.

[Xelious, did you check the PM Stryderunknown sent you, we need the response this Saturtday or warn if we need to wait a bit]
Actually it is possible to prove god dosen't exist. Since Ive already put this into the thread "God vs Heisenburg" i wont retype it here so you will just have to look it up for yourself if you want. :)

Also i think you're being unfair accusing us of being anti-christian we were just saying that hell sounds alot more fun. All my favorite people will be there, my friends will be there. If i get into heaven i wont know anyone. It'll be just a bunch of boring strangers. :(
what the hell

Also i think you're being unfair accusing us of being anti-christian
What the hell. I'm against myself:eek: :D. I'm ant-christian :rolleyes: :cool: :p LOL

I'm not anti-Christian. Some of my best friends are Christian. ;)

Asguard, I've explained this to you a bizillion times - athiesm has nothing to do with disproof and everything to do with logic.

Just read the first post in my 'Athiesm' thread.

And no, that is not at all the scientific method, in the scientific method, a theory is NOT valid until it is PROVEN.

And the scientific method hardly applies here.
Actually a theory can never be proven.

Here's how it actually works. A theory is proposed and it will make certain predictions about ho the world will behave in a certain situation. Experiments are then done and they will either support or overthrow the theory. If one experiment goes against the theory the theory is revised or discarded. If however the experiment supports the theory the theory is assumed to be true. Then new experiments are done, as long as they support the theory it is assumed to be true. By this system a theory can never be proven only disproven.