God is a liar and I have the proof!

apparently mine isn't either. :rolleyes:
I've never seen a christian twist the bible so much. well, maybe Fred Phelps does.....but..ya know.

I'm not a Christian and I'm not twisting it. You have no concept of ancient esoteric philosophy, hermetic philosophy, and the Mystery schools. All of that philosophy is what the authors of the Bible were initiated in. Can't help that you don't know that.
so what kind of beasts are Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra? What field are Cancer and Pisces in?

so field isn't a real field. Its a zodiac wheel? THAT is a LOT of twisting and turning to get it to mean what you want.
M*W: Let me give you an example. The Constellation Virgo represents a virgin with child with, guess what? A sacred heart! Virgo is holding in her right hand a sheath of wheat which refers to the "house of bread." In her left had, she holds some ears of corn. Bethlehem is also known as the "house of bread." Jesus was allegedly born to or in the "house of bread." This allegory is known by every civilization, and it was most likely taken by the ancient Habiru Egyptians from the Babylonians.

Virgo has many names of which she was known. The Habiru called her Bethulah or Almah, both meaning "a virgin." To the Greeks, she was known as Parthenos, Maid of Pureness.

The ears of corn she carries refer to "seed," with the emphasis of "seed" to which she was carrying. Was it Jesus or was it the corn and the wheat? Interestingly, christianity adopted the Eucharist (bread) of salvation.

My research has also found Virgo to be called "the barren woman" by the Arabians. My opinion is that she also represents Sarah and maybe even Ann, Jesus's alleged granny.

Virgo also represents the Egyptian figures of Isis and Horus. Virgo has always represented motherhood.

There are descriptions of the other Constellations you mentioned, but as you can see, this is just an example of one. This in no way means that the constellations have any power of anykind other than for ancient entertainment as well as is still being talked about today. That, in any event doesn't make anything more that what it has always been--myth, and all religions on earth originated from the ancient study of the stars.
M*W: Let me give you an example. The Constellation Virgo represents a virgin with child with, guess what? A sacred heart! Virgo is holding in her right hand a sheath of wheat which refers to the "house of bread." In her left had, she holds some ears of corn. Bethlehem is also known as the "house of bread." Jesus was allegedly born to or in the "house of bread." This allegory is known by every civilization, and it was most likely taken by the ancient Habiru Egyptians from the Babylonians.

Virgo has many names of which she was known. The Habiru called her Bethulah or Almah, both meaning "a virgin." To the Greeks, she was known as Parthenos, Maid of Pureness.

The ears of corn she carries refer to "seed," with the emphasis of "seed" to which she was carrying. Was it Jesus or was it the corn and the wheat? Interestingly, christianity adopted the Eucharist (bread) of salvation.

My research has also found Virgo to be called "the barren woman" by the Arabians. My opinion is that she also represents Sarah and maybe even Ann, Jesus's alleged granny.

Virgo also represents the Egyptian figures of Isis and Horus. Virgo has always represented motherhood.

There are descriptions of the other Constellations you mentioned, but as you can see, this is just an example of one. This in no way means that the constellations have any power of anykind other than for ancient entertainment as well as is still being talked about today. That, in any event doesn't make anything more that what it has always been--myth, and all religions on earth originated from the ancient study of the stars.

minister = min + ster = moon + star = one who studies the moon and stars.

pastor = pa + stor = father + star

...and so on, but you are wasting your time here M*W. There is another forum where people who share similar knowledge study and collaborate. Here this information is "pearls before a swine".
All the idiots scrabbling around for some kind of foothold, that isn't there, end up looking bloody silly.

An argument from presumption is silly (or stupid-looking). The conclusion-jumpers, straw-grabbers, and so on look like a bunch who need some time off to think about what thinking is.

Someone who claims absolutely anything that appears to come up against your well-worn prosaity, is ridiculed and called an idiot (by a bunch of wilfully blind idiots).
What fun.

I'm pretty much at home with the idea of a book like the Bible being allegorical. or metaphorical (i.e. largely invented as a religious reference, the Jewish tradition kept the Hebrew people together for centuries).

Any so-called "rational" thinker who thinks dismissing "apparently" stupid ideas is how it's done, is being kind of stupid--especially if they don't even look at the ideas, but argue from their "assumed" but rather prosaic POV about what "science" or "logic" is supposed to be.
They look just like the fools they think they're deriding.
Such a laugh (har har).
minister = min + ster = moon + star = one who studies the moon and stars.

pastor = pa + stor = father + star

I remember once while hitchhiking I got a lift with a guy who was thoroughly convinced there was deep esoteric significance in words when they are spoken backwards

for instance "AUSTRALIA" (phonetically backwards) ail art sewer

Needless to say, I made some pretext for him to drop me off earlier than my intended destination ....
All the idiots scrabbling around for some kind of foothold, that isn't there, end up looking bloody silly.

An argument from presumption is silly (or stupid-looking). The conclusion-jumpers, straw-grabbers, and so on look like a bunch who need some time off to think about what thinking is.

Someone who claims absolutely anything that appears to come up against your well-worn prosaity, is ridiculed and called an idiot (by a bunch of wilfully blind idiots).
What fun.

I'm pretty much at home with the idea of a book like the Bible being allegorical. or metaphorical (i.e. largely invented as a religious reference, the Jewish tradition kept the Hebrew people together for centuries).

Any so-called "rational" thinker who thinks dismissing "apparently" stupid ideas is how it's done, is being kind of stupid--especially if they don't even look at the ideas, but argue from their "assumed" but rather prosaic POV about what "science" or "logic" is supposed to be.
They look just like the fools they think they're deriding.
Such a laugh (har har).

You are the one dismissing the Bible, I am the one who has spent the time to research and understand it. Ironically that means I have shown the ancient document called "The Holy Bible" more respect than you have.
You are the one dismissing the Bible, I am the one who has spent the time to research and understand it. Ironically that means I have shown the ancient document called "The Holy Bible" more respect than you have.
The only thing you respect and hold in awe and reverence is your fertile imagination