God in the Bible Vs God in the Holy Qu'ran

No that ain't it . God gives life so Gracious is pretty good . It is the M.G. thing . It freaks Me out bro . It spawns delusions in my mind. It is the root of my troubles

Explain more please bro I don't understand where the problem is, you are freaked out of how gracious life is? or at possibly how un-gracious death can appear that ends life?.

I guess the asteroids wiped out those humans.

I think humans didn't have a chance to even evolve until the Dinosaurs were gone. I also think we were underground hairless rodents and that is why we survived . Maybe had pink eyes from the darkness , but that is pure speculation
I guess the asteroids wiped out those humans.

I was going to make a joke but I don't really want to make fun of the people who believe the earth is just over 6000 years old, most of them were indoctrinated and cling to the bible as a means for summoning faith, instead of having faith in the one true god regardless of what a book says about god.

I think humans didn't have a chance to even evolve until the Dinosaurs were gone. I also think we were underground hairless rodents and that is why we survived . Maybe had pink eyes from the darkness , but that is pure speculation

Lol that might be a valid argument for white people, but People with high melanin count such as africans I think that theory wouldn't hold up against.

I think humans didn't have a chance to even evolve until the Dinosaurs were gone. I also think we were underground hairless rodents and that is why we survived . Maybe had pink eyes from the darkness , but that is pure speculation

Shortly after the asteroids wiped out the dinosaurs and 95% of all the species, a small, nervous shrew-like creature looked out and then ventured forth, first saying "Holy cripes" and then saying "Well, now there's a big opening for me to evolve into mammals and then on into humans."
Shortly after the asteroids wiped out the dinosaurs and 95% of all the species, a small, nervous shrew-like creature looked out and then ventured forth, first saying "Holy cripes" and then saying "Well, now there's a big opening for me to evolve into mammals and then on into humans."

Sounds like a good fictional movie, maybe the creators of Ice Age can come up with something.

Explain more please bro I don't understand where the problem is, you are freaked out of how gracious life is? or at possibly how un-gracious death can appear that ends life?.


I don't want to talk about right now . I just think who ever wrote that could have used some other words , or the English interpretation could have used some other words that didn't start with M and G.
I don't want to talk about right now . I just think who ever wrote that could have used some other words , or the English interpretation could have used some other words that didn't start with M and G.

Well Al-Raheem is a transliteration and can be translated as "Most gracious to his creations" it doesnt imply God himself being gracious directly as his personal attribute upon himself. It is saying "God the most gracious to his creations"

Sometimes confused with Al-Rahman which means most merciful to his creations.

Lol that might be a valid argument for white people, but People with high melanin count such as africans I think that theory wouldn't hold up against.


Well I think at one point in evolution we were all black people , but that was long after we crawled out of our holes. Like we turned black when we became humanoids. The higher self of the times . I guess we could all have been white and pink animals when before we crawled out of our holes .
Well I think at one point in evolution we were all black people , but that was long after we crawled out of our holes. Like we turned black when we became humanoids. The higher self of the times . I guess we could all have been white and pink animals when before we crawled out of our holes .

I think it is more likely that we were all dark skinned and the longer you lived in a cold climate the lighter you got, but this still does not explain the difference in the 3 types of hair, African people have round hair, asian/middle eatern people have semi round and white people have flat hair when observed under the microscope.

I mean really really?

Yeah I remember watching a discover channel documentary on the different body types years ago (mesamorph etc) and it included different types of hair, Im pretty sure I remember it in the right order, Flat hair is caucasian, round hair is afro and Semi round semi flat is Asianic. (is thats a word).

Yeah I remember watching a discover channel documentary on the different body types years ago (mesamorph etc) and it included different types of hair, Im pretty sure I remember it in the right order, Flat hair is caucasian, round hair is afro and Semi round semi flat is Asianic. (is thats a word).
Ah. So you're going on memory.
Not a good idea...
(Especially when it's Discovery Channel you're "remembering").
Ah. So you're going on memory.
Not a good idea...
(Especially when it's Discovery Channel you're "remembering").

Yeah this is strictly off of long term memory so I might be wrong, do you know which ethnic group has which hair type?. Im pretty sure it was that order though.
